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Chapter 6



Soil survey and classification play a crucial role in understanding the characteristics and
distribution of soils within a specific region (United States Department of Agriculture,
2014). It involves the systematic collection, analysis, and interpretation of soil data to
provide valuable information for land use planning, agricultural management,
environmental assessment, and engineering projects. By examining soil properties such
as texture, fertility, moisture content, and composition, soil scientists can gain insights
into its suitability for various purposes and make informed decisions regarding land
management strategies.

One of the key objectives of soil survey is to create soil maps that depict the spatial
distribution of different soil types and their properties within a given area (Soil Survey
Staff, 1999). These maps serve as essential tools for land use planning and management,
enabling decision-makers to identify areas suitable for agriculture, forestry, urban
development, or conservation. The process involves gathering soil samples from
representative locations, analyzing their physical and chemical properties in the
laboratory, and integrating the data into a comprehensive database. This information is
then used to create detailed soil maps that provide valuable insights into the soil resources
available and their potential limitations.

Soil classification is an integral part of soil survey, as it provides a systematic framework

for organizing and categorizing soils based on their inherent properties and behavior (Soil
Survey Staff, 1999). Various classification systems exist worldwide, with the most
widely used being the Soil Taxonomy developed by the United States Department of
Agriculture (USDA). The Soil Taxonomy system classifies soils into hierarchical
categories based on diagnostic features such as soil horizons, texture, mineralogy, and
chemical properties. This classification system facilitates effective communication
among soil scientists, land managers, and policymakers, enabling them to discuss and
compare soils across different regions and make informed decisions regarding land use
and soil management strategies.

This chapter delves into the comprehensive field of soil survey classification and explores
its wide-ranging applications. Soil survey classification encompasses the systematic
collection, analysis, and interpretation of soil data, aiming to provide valuable
information for diverse fields such as land use planning, agricultural management,
environmental assessment, and engineering projects. By examining a multitude of soil

properties including texture, fertility, moisture content, and composition, soil scientists
gain profound insights into soil suitability for various purposes, enabling informed
decision-making regarding land management strategies.


Soil taxonomy is the USDA-developed system that classifies soils based on their unique
properties and characteristics, allowing for effective comparison and communication
across regions (Soil Survey Staff, 1999).

Soil survey involves the systematic examination, description, classification, and mapping
of soils within a specific area, providing a comprehensive understanding of soil
properties and their distribution (Soil Survey Staff, 1999). Soil surveys have various
applications, including identifying natural soil bodies and mapping specific properties
relevant to projects or legal definitions, such as irrigation suitability or wetland

Soil classification categorizes soils based on their distinguishing characteristics and

criteria for use, facilitating organized and standardized communication of soil
information (Soil Survey Staff, 1999). Factors like soil horizons, texture, mineralogy, and
chemical properties are considered in assigning soils to specific classes or categories.

Pedon refers to a hexagonal column of soil, typically with a top surface area ranging
from 1 to 10 square meters, serving as the basic sampling unit in soil surveys (Soil
Survey Staff, 1999). Pedons are carefully examined and described to capture the specific
properties and characteristics of soils at distinct locations.

Polypedon represents an important soil entity consisting of multiple pedons within a

defined area, exhibiting distinct characteristics that differentiate it from neighboring
polypedons (Soil Survey Staff, 1999). Polypedons play a crucial role in soil classification
and the understanding of soil variability within a region.

Basic Steps of Soil Classification

The basic steps of soil classification are as follows:

 Mapping of the Soil: Soil mapping involves the spatial representation and
delineation of different soil types within an area, utilizing various techniques such
as field observations, soil sampling, and remote sensing (Bouma, Hartemink, &
Droogers, 2016). It provides accurate soil maps that depict the distribution of soils
and their properties.

 Characterization of Mapping Units: Each mapping unit in a soil map is
characterized by unique soil properties like texture, depth, fertility, drainage, and
organic matter content. These characteristics help in understanding soil variations
and behavior, aiding land use planning and management decisions.

 Classification of Mapping Units: Soil classification categorizes mapping units

into specific soil classes or taxa based on their properties, behavior, and formation
(USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service, 2014). Classification systems,
such as the Soil Taxonomy, provide a standardized framework for organizing and
communicating information about the mapped soils.

 Correlation with Other Survey Reports: Soil mapping involves integrating soil
information with other survey reports and datasets, such as geology, hydrology,
and vegetation mapping. Correlation enhances the understanding of soil-
landscape relationships, contributing to a comprehensive assessment of the study

 Interpretation of Soil Suitability for Various Land Uses: Soil maps and associated
data are crucial for interpreting soil suitability for different land uses. Considering
factors like fertility, drainage, erosion risk, and other soil properties, land
managers and planners can make informed decisions regarding agriculture, urban
development, conservation, and land use activities.

The principles of Soil Taxonomy are:

 Classify soils on the basis of properties: Soil classification involves categorizing

soils into different classes based on their properties and characteristics. This
process helps in organizing and understanding the diversity of soils within a given
area (Soil Survey Staff, 1999). By examining various soil properties, such as
texture, color, structure, and fertility, soil scientists can establish systematic
classifications that facilitate communication and comparison across different

 Soil property must be readily observable and/or measurable: In order to be used as

a basis for soil classification, a soil property should be easily observable or
measurable (Soil Survey Staff, 1999). This ensures that the property can be
consistently assessed and compared among different soils. Observable properties,
such as soil color or texture, can be visually determined in the field, while
measurable properties, such as pH or nutrient levels, can be quantified through
laboratory analysis.

 Soil properties should either affect soil genesis or result from soil genesis: Soil
genesis refers to the processes involved in the formation and development of
soils. In the context of soil classification, properties considered for classification
should either influence the soil formation processes or be a consequence of those
processes (Soil Survey Staff, 1999). For example, properties like the presence of
specific soil horizons, mineral composition, or drainage characteristics directly
relate to soil genesis and can be used as criteria for classification.

Soil Taxonomy Purpose

 Organize knowledge about soils: Soil classification helps organize and

systematize knowledge about soils by categorizing them based on their properties
and characteristics (Soil Survey Staff, 1999). This classification provides a
structured framework for studying and understanding the diversity of soils within
a region, facilitating effective communication and knowledge sharing among soil
scientists and researchers.

 Understand relationships among soils: Soil classification facilitates the

understanding of relationships and patterns among different soils. By categorizing
soils into groups or classes, it becomes easier to identify similarities and
differences in their properties, formation processes, and behavior. This
understanding of soil relationships contributes to improved soil management
strategies, land use planning, and environmental assessments.

 Establish practical groups or classes: Soil classification aims to establish practical

groups or classes of soils for various purposes, including predicting soil behavior,
identifying best uses, estimating productivity, and extending research findings
(Soil Survey Staff, 1999). By classifying soils, one can predict how they will
behave under different conditions, determine their most suitable applications,
estimate their productivity potential, and extend research findings to larger areas.

Orders of Soil Survey

The order of soil survey refers to the level of detail and intensity at which soil properties
and characteristics are assessed and mapped within a specific area.

Table: Order of Soil Survey (Soil Survey Staff, 1999).

Order Description Minimum Size Example

First order Very intensive (detailed) ≤ 1 hectare Conducting a survey on a
soil survey university research campus
Second Intensive (detailed) soil 0.6 to 4 hectares Assessing soil suitability in
order survey a rural agricultural region
Third order Extensive soil survey 1.6 to 16 hectares Conducting a survey in a
national park
Fourth Extensive 16 to 252 hectares Evaluating land suitability
order (reconnaissance) soil in a large agricultural
survey region
Fifth order Exploratory soil survey 252 to 4000 Assessing soil conditions
hectares across a state or province

Soil Classification Categories

The six taxa of soil taxonomy, in hierarchical order from the broadest to the most
specific, are:

 Order: The highest level of soil classification, representing the most general
category. Soil orders are defined based on dominant soil-forming processes and
broad soil properties. Examples of soil orders include Spodosols, Histosols, and
Aridisols (Soil Survey Staff, 1999).

 Suborder: The second level of classification, providing further subdivision

within an order. Suborders distinguish soils based on additional characteristics
such as soil moisture regime, temperature regime, or soil mineralogy. Examples
include Albolls (a suborder of Mollisols) and Usterts (a suborder of Vertisols)
(Soil Survey Staff, 1999).

 Great Group: A more specific classification level than suborder, great groups
group soils based on a combination of soil properties, including diagnostic
horizons, soil moisture regime, temperature regime, and soil mineralogy.
Examples include Hapludalfs (a great group of Alfisols) and Argids (a great group
of Aridisols) (Soil Survey Staff, 1999).

 Subgroup: The subgroup level further refines the classification within a great
group. It distinguishes soils based on additional properties or characteristics.
Subgroups can be defined based on factors such as soil texture, depth, or parent

material. For instance, Aquic Argids is a subgroup within the Argids great group
of Aridisols (Soil Survey Staff, 1999).

 Family: A more specific classification level than subgroup, families differentiate

soils based on specific soil properties, features, and characteristics. They may
include additional information about soil horizons, textures, mineralogy, or other
distinguishing factors. Examples include Typic Haplustalfs (a family of Mollisols)
and Glossic Haploxerolls (a family of Udolls) (Soil Survey Staff, 1999).

 Soil series represents a class of soils and serves as the fundamental unit for soil
classification, grouping soils with similar properties and characteristics (Soil
Survey Staff, 1999). In the Philippines, approximately 400 soil series have been
identified and classified.


An epipedon refers to the uppermost soil horizon or layer in the soil profile that has
undergone significant soil-forming processes. It is characterized by distinct properties
and features that differentiate it from the underlying horizons. The epipedon is often rich
in organic matter, exhibiting a darker color and a crumbly texture (Soil Survey Staff,
1999). It plays a crucial role in soil fertility, nutrient cycling, and supporting plant
growth. Epipedons can vary in thickness and composition depending on factors such as
climate, vegetation, and parent material.

Table 1. Characteristics of Different Soil Horizons

Soil Epipedon Characteristics References

Mollic Epipedon Thickness: Considerable, USDA-NRCS, 2014
typically >10 inches (25
High Base Saturation Soil Science Society of
(>50%) America, 2008
Mineral Soil Composition Brady and Weil, 2008
Developed under prairie Tilman et al., 2006
Umbric Epipedon Similar to Mollic Epipedon, Soil Science Society of
but low base saturation America, 2008
Histic Epipedon Saturated with water Soil Science Society of
America, 2008
>20% organic matter Soil Science Society of
America, 2008

Ochric Epipedon Thin, light-colored surface Soil Science Society of
layers that do not fit other America, 2008
Anthropic Epipedon Resembles Mollic Epipedon Soil Science Society of
in physical characteristics America, 2008
Contains >250 ppm acid Soil Science Society of
soluble P2O5 with or America, 2008
without 50% base saturation
Plaggen Manmade surface horizon, Soil Science Society of
<50 cm thick America, 2008
Created by years of manure Soil Science Society of
application America, 2008
Folistic Epipedon Organic surface horizon Soil Science Society of
America, 2008
Freely drained Soil Science Society of
America, 2008
Melanic Epipedon Thick (>30 cm), very dark- Soil Science Society of
colored, humus-rich horizon America, 2008
Typically at the soil surface, Soil Science Society of
but may begin as much as America, 2008
30 cm below the soil
surface in certain areas

Diagnostic Subsurface horizon

A diagnostic subsurface horizon, also known as an endopedon, refers to a distinct layer

within the soil profile that is located below the surface horizon (epipedon). Subsurface
horizons can exhibit unique characteristics and properties that differ from those of the
surface horizons. These horizons are denoted by lowercase letters following the capital
letter representing the surface horizon (Soil Survey Staff, 2014).

It's important to note that the specific characteristics and designation of subsurface
horizons can vary depending on the soil classification system being used. The
classification systems, such as the USDA Soil Taxonomy or the World Reference Base
for Soil Resources, provide guidelines and criteria for identifying and classifying
subsurface horizons based on properties such as color, texture, structure, and composition
(Soil Survey Staff, 2014; IUSS Working Group WRB, 2015).

Table: Characteristics of Different Soil Subsurface Horizon (Soil Science Society of

America, 2008).

Soil Subsurface Horizon Characteristics

Argillic (Bt) Illuvial horizon of clay accumulation

Natric (Btn) Same as Argillic but with >15% exchangeable sodium
Spodic Illuvial accumulation of Al and Fe oxides (sesquioxides)
and OM
Red or dark red color
Found in acid sandy soils with high rainfall

Bhs or Bs horizon present

Cambic Slightly altered layer with color and/or structure
Sulfuric Illuvial layer with 85% or more spodic materials

Agric Illuvial horizon formed under cultivation

Albic Illuvial horizon with albic materials

Calcic Horizon with accumulated calcium carbonate or

calcium/magnesium carbonate
Duripan Silica-cemented subsurface horizon

Fragipan Loamy or sandy subsurface horizon with low organic

matter and higher bulk density
Glossic Eluvial part of albic materials (15-85%)

Gypsic Enrichment with secondary sulfates (5% gypsum or more)

Kandic Vertically continuous subsurface horizon underlying

coarser-textured surface horizon
Oxic Mineral horizon with low cation exchange capacity and
low weatherable mineral content
Petrocalcic Strongly cemented with gypsum or iron-organic matter
Placic Thin, strongly cemented pan by iron/manganese or iron-
organic matter complex
Salic Contains secondary enrichment of salts

Sombric Contains illuvial humus without association with

aluminum or sodium

Fig. 1. Identification of Subsurface Horizon (Brady and Weil, 2015).

Soil Order

Soil orders are the highest level of classification in the USDA soil taxonomy system.
There are 12 recognized soil orders, each characterized by certain dominant soil-forming
processes and properties. The 12 soil orders are as follows:

Table . The 12 soil orders (Soil Survey Staff, 2014).

Soil Order Characteristics

Andisol (-and) Soil developed from volcanic ejecta
Colloidal fraction dominated by allophane and/or Al-humus
Alfisol (-alf) Gray to brown surface
Medium to high supply of basis
B-horizon of illuvial clay accumulation
Mostly under forest vegetation in climates with slight to
pronounced seasonal moisture deficit

Aridisol (-id) Soil in a dry climate
Pedogenic horizon low in organic matter and never moist for as
long as three consecutive months
Diagnostic horizons: ochric, histic, mollic, or others, as well as
argillic, nitric, calcic, petrocalcic, gypsic, petrogypsic, salic, or
Entisol (-ent) Soils with permafrost in the upper 1 cm, or upper 2 m if
cryoturbation is also present
May have ochric, histic, mollic, or other epipedon
Histosols (-ist) Soils formed from materials high in organic matter
Minimum organic matter content varies with clay content
Inceptisols (-ept) Usually moist soils with pedogenic horizons of alteration of parent
Weaker marks left by various soil-forming processes or not
classifiable in another order
Mollisols (-oll) Nearly black, organic-rich surface horizon
High supply of bases
Mollic epipedon and base saturation greater than 50% in any
cambic or argillic horizon
Oxisols (-ox) Soils with residual accumulation of low activity clay, free oxides,
kaolin, and quartz
Mostly found in tropical climates
Spodosol (-od) Subsurface illuvial accumulations of organic matter and
compounds of Al and usually Fe
Formed in acid, mainly coarse-textured materials in humid and
cool or temperature climates
Ultisols (-ult) Soils low in bases with subsurface horizons of illuvial clay
Usually moist, but may be dry during the warm season of the year
Vertisols (-vert) Clayey soils with shrink and swell potential
Wide, deep cracks when dry
Distinct wet and dry periods throughout the year
Gelisols Soils formed in cool climate (pergelic temperature regime)
New Order as of 1998 - soils with permafrost (formerly
Cryochrepts - or frozen Inceptisols)
Any parent material
Often found in glacial drift

Fig. Identification of 12 soil orders.


A suborder is a subdivision of a soil order. It represents a more specific level of

classification within the soil hierarchy. Suborders are identified based on the presence or
absence of certain diagnostic soil properties, which are characteristics that can be
observed and measured in the field or laboratory. These properties help differentiate one
suborder from another.

The identification of a soil suborder involves the examination of various soil

characteristics, including soil horizons, color, texture, structure, pH, and other relevant
properties. Here are some key factors that are considered in identifying soil suborders:
Soil Horizons: Soil horizons are distinct layers of soil that form as a result of various soil-
forming processes. The presence, arrangement, and characteristics of different horizons
play a significant role in identifying suborders. For example, the presence of a diagnostic
subsurface horizon known as an argillic horizon indicates the presence of an Argillic

 Soil Color: Soil color provides valuable information about the soil's composition
and processes. Different suborders can be distinguished based on the dominant
soil colors observed. Color can vary due to factors such as organic matter content,
mineral composition, and water saturation.

 Soil Texture: Soil texture refers to the relative proportions of sand, silt, and clay
particles in a soil. Suborders can be identified based on specific combinations of
these particles. For example, a suborder may be characterized by a predominance
of sandy soils (e.g., Arenic suborder) or clay-rich soils (e.g., Argillic suborder).

o 10-30 cm in clayey soils

o 20-60 cm in loamy soils; and
o 30-90 cm in sandy soils

 Soil Structure: Soil structure refers to the arrangement of soil particles into
aggregates or clumps. The type and stability of soil structure can be indicative of
different suborders. Some suborders may exhibit well-developed granular or
blocky structures, while others may have weak or no structure.

 Soil pH: Soil pH is a measure of soil acidity or alkalinity. Different suborders

may have distinct pH ranges associated with them. For example, suborders with
high pH values are classified as Calcareous suborders, indicating the presence of
calcium carbonate.

 Soil Moisture Regimes: Soil moisture regimes are a classification system used in
soil taxonomy to categorize soils based on their water content and availability.
They play a crucial role in determining soil properties and their suitability for
various land uses and agricultural practices (NRCS, 2006).

Table .Soil Moisture Regimes (Soil Survey Staff. (2014).

Soil Moisture Regime Description

Aquic Soil is saturated and lacks dissolved oxygen (reducing
Aridic Soil moisture control section is dry more than half the time
when soil temperature at 50 cm is >5°C, moist for <3 months
Torric Similar to Aridic, but specific to dry desert climates
Ustic Dry for more than 3 months and continuously moist for at
least 3 months
Udic Dry for more than 3 months only
Xeric Soil is continuously dry for 45 days after winter (dry
summer, wet winter)

 Other Diagnostic Properties: Various other properties, such as organic matter

content, drainage characteristics, presence of mineral deposits, or specific
chemical compositions, may also be used to identify suborders depending on the
specific classification system and region.

Great Group

In soil taxonomy, the "Great Group" is a hierarchical classification level that represents a
category within the soil classification system. It is the second level of classification, just
below the highest level known as "Order." Great Groups provide a more detailed
description of soil characteristics and properties than the broader soil Orders (Soil Survey
Staff, 2014).

Each Great Group is identified by a unique name that reflects dominant soil properties
and features. Examples of Great Groups include "Alfisols," which are characterized by
the presence of clay-rich subsoil horizons, and "Spodosols," which have a distinctive
accumulation of organic matter and aluminum- and iron-rich horizons (Soil Survey Staff,

The Great Group level of soil taxonomy helps to differentiate and classify soils based on
their specific characteristics, providing valuable information for land use planning, soil
management, and agricultural practices (Soil Survey Staff, 2014).

Soils are classified into various hierarchical categories based on their properties. The
terms "typic," "extragrade," and "intragrade" are used to describe different characteristics
of soil groups within this classification system. Here's a brief explanation of each

 Typic: The typic soil group represents the central segment or typical
representative of a particular soil group. It possesses the key characteristics and
properties that define that soil group. Typic soils exhibit the most common and
representative features associated with a specific soil category. Example is the
Typic Hapludox: This represents the central segment of the Hapludox soil group,
which is typically found in temperate regions and characterized by a well-
developed mineral horizon (topsoil) with good fertility.

 Intragrade: Intragrade soils have properties that "integrate" or transition towards

other orders, suborders, or great groups within the soil classification system.
These soils display intermediate characteristics between two or more soil groups,
making their classification more challenging. They do not fit into a specific soil
category but show a blend of properties from different groups. This soil exhibits
properties that integrate towards two or more soil orders. For example, an
intragrade Entisol may have characteristics of both Inceptisols and Histosols,
displaying transitional features between these two soil orders.

 Extragrade: Extragrade soils are those that do not fit the typical characteristics of
a specific soil group or show integration towards other groups. They possess
unique properties or exhibit extreme variations that prevent their classification
into a specific category. Extragrade soils are considered outliers or exceptions that
deviate significantly from the defining features of typical soil groups. This soil
has properties that prevent its classification as a typical representative of the
Aridisol soil group. It may have unique features such as unusually high salt
content or specific mineralogy that deviates from the defining characteristics of


In the subgroup level, soils are further divided based on additional properties and
characteristics. The subgroup designation provides more specific information about the
soil within a particular series. It helps to differentiate soils with similar series names that
may have distinct variations in properties or formation processes.

Each subgroup is identified by a two-letter code following the series name. The code
represents specific properties of the soil, such as soil moisture regime, temperature
regime, organic matter content, mineralogy, or other relevant features.

For example, in the USDA soil taxonomy system, the soil series "Hapludalfs" belongs to
the suborder "Udalfs," which indicates that it is a soil with a humid temperature regime.
The subgroup code "Typic" may be added to specify that it is a typical representative of
the subgroup with no specific distinguishing features.

Here's an example of a soil series with a subgroup designation:

 Soil Series: Hapludalfs

 Suborder: Udalfs

 Subgroup: Typic


A soil family represents a group of soils that share common features, such as the
arrangement of horizons, texture, mineralogy, or other properties. Soils within the same
family exhibit more similarities than those within different families. The family level
classification helps organize and group soils based on broader characteristics and
provides a way to compare and classify soils across different regions.

The naming of soil families typically follows a specific convention. It often includes a
descriptor based on prominent features or characteristics of the soils within the family.
For example, a soil family may be

Soil temperature Regimes (Soil Survey Staff. (2014).

Table. Soil temperature regimes.

Soil Temperature Regime Mean Annual Temperature (MAT) Range

Pergelic MAT < 0°C
Cryic 0°C - 8°C
Frigid MAT < 8°C
Mesic MAT = 8°C
Thermic 15°C - 22°C
Hyperthermic MAT > 22°C

Prefix “also” is used if means summer and winter temperature daily by<5°C
Soil Family Mineralogy Classes (Soil Survey Staff. (2014).

Soil Family Mineralogy Classes Description

Any Textural Carbonic >40% carbonate throughout the soil,
<20% whole soil
Any Textural Ferritic >40% reducible Fe203 throughout the
soil, <2% whole soil
Any Textural Gibbsitic >40% gibbsite plus boehmite throughout
the soil, >2% whole soil
Any Textural Oxidic %ext. Fe203 + % gibbsite / % clay ≥
0.2, <40% whole soil, <2% whole soil
Any Textural Serpentinitic >40% serpentine minerals throughout
the soil, <2% whole soil
Any Textural Gypsic Carbonic >35% gypsum throughout the soil,
<20% whole soil
Any Textural Glauconitic >40% glauconite throughout the soil,
<2% whole soil
Sandy or Loamy Micaceous >40% mica, 0.02-20% whole soil
Sandy or Loamy Siliceous >90% silica minerals, 0.02-2% whole
Sandy or Loamy Mixed None of the above groups, 1 or 2
families, 0.02-2% whole soil
Any Clayey Halloysitic >50% halloysite, <0.002
Any Clayey Kaolinitic >50% 1:1 clays and <10% expanding
2:1 clays, <0.002
Any Clayey Montmorillonitic >50% montmorillonite, <0.002
Any Clayey Illitic >50% mica (illite), <0.002
Any Clayey Vermiculitic >50% vermiculite, <0.002
Any Clayey Chloritic >50% chlorite, <0.002
Any Clayey Mixed None of the above mineralogical

Soil Series

A soil series represents a collection of soils that share similar soil horizons, texture, color,
structure, mineralogy, and other key properties. These soils are formed from similar
parent materials, under similar environmental conditions, and exhibit consistent patterns
of soil development.

Each soil series is assigned a unique name, allowing for easy identification and
classification. For example, "Binidayan" is a well-known soil series found in certain
regions, named after the location where it was first described.

Soil series provide a way to classify and describe soils based on their unique
characteristics, which can be helpful for land use planning, agriculture, and
environmental management. It allows for consistent naming and comparison of soils
across different locations.

Requirements in Naming the Soil

Several requirements and criteria are considered to accurately classify and differentiate
soil types. Some of the important requirements for naming soils include:

 Temperature Regimes: The temperature regime of a soil is determined by

measuring the Mean Annual Temperature (MAT) of the soil at a depth of 50 cm
from the soil surface. This information helps in identifying the appropriate
temperature classification for the soil.

 Moisture Regimes: The moisture regime of a soil is determined by assessing the

number of days the soil contains available water. The availability of water in the
soil is an essential factor for plant growth and influences soil formation processes.

 Diagnostic Horizons: Diagnostic horizons are distinct layers or horizons within

the soil profile that reflect specific characteristics of soil formation. These
horizons help in identifying and differentiating soil types. Examples of diagnostic
horizons include an O horizon (organic layer) and an A horizon (mineral topsoil).

 Epipedon: An epipedon is a surface diagnostic horizon that indicates specific soil

properties and processes. It is typically the uppermost horizon in the soil profile
and can be characterized by its organic content, color, texture, or other
distinguishing features.

 Subsurface Diagnostic Horizons: Subsurface diagnostic horizons are horizons

below the surface that exhibit unique characteristics contributing to soil
classification. These horizons provide additional information about the soil's
properties and formation processes.

 Mineralogy: The dominant type of clay mineral present in the soil is an important
factor for soil classification. Different clay minerals have distinct characteristics
and influence soil behavior and properties.

 Particle Size Distribution: Particle size distribution refers to the proportions of

different-sized particles in the soil. It includes both coarse fragments (particles

ranging from 2 mm to 74 mm in size) and fine fragments (particles smaller than 2
mm). The relative proportions of these fragments are considered when naming

Soil Suborder Identification and derivation of formative names

Table 1. Formative names for soil suborder.

Formative Etymology Meaning Associated Characteristics

alb L. albus white Presence of albic horizon
ando Modified from Andolike (Andes Modified from Ando
Ando Mountains, JSK) Andolike (Andes Mtns, JSK)
aqu L. aqua water Characteristics associated
with water
ar L. arare to plow Arable mixed horizons
arg Mod. from argillic argilla, white clay An argillic horizon
bor Gr. boreas northern Boreal, cool
cry Permafrost or cryoturbation
Gr. kryos cold (JSK)
ferr L. ferrum iron Presence of iron
fibr Fibrous, least decomposed
L. fibra fiber stage
fluv L. fluvus river Fluvial, floodplains
fol L. folia leaf Foliage, mass of leaves
hem Hemispherical, intermediate
Gr. hemi half decomposition
hist Gr. histos tissue Histology, organic soil
hum L. humus earth Presence of humus
lept Gr. leptos thin Leptometer, thin horizon
ochr Gr. ochros pale ocher Presence of Ochric epipedon
orth Orthophonic, the common
Gr. orthos true ones
plagg Mod. from Ger.
Plaggen sod Presence of plaggen horizon
psamm Gr. psammos sand Psammite, sand texture
rend Mod. from
Rendzina rendzina Rendzina-like
sapr Saprophyte, most
Gr. sapros rotten decomposed stage
torr L. torridus hot and dry Torrid, usually dry
trop Mod. from Gr.
tropikos of the solstice Tropical, continually warm
turb Disturbed Cryoturbation by Disturbed, cryoturbation by

permafrost permafrost
ud L. udus humid Udometer, of humid climates
umbr L. umbra shade Presence of umbric epipedon
ust Ustic, dry climate, usually
L. ustus burnt combustion hot in summer
vitr L. vitrum glass Vitrify, hard layer? (JSK)
xer Gr. xerox dry Xerophyte, annual dry season

Soil Great Group Identification and derivation of formative names

Table. Identification of soil great group.

Formative Etymology Meaning Associated Characteristics

acr Modified from Gr. at the end Acrolith, extreme
Akros weathering
agr L. ager field Agriculture, an agric horizon
alb L. albus white Albino, an albic horizon
Modified from Modified from Ando Ando
and AndoAndoAndolike - Andolike
Mod. from argillic
arg L. argilla white clay Argillite, an argillic horizon
bor Gr. boreas northern Boreal, cool
calc L. calcis lime Calcium, a calcic horizon
camb L. cambiare to exchange Change, a cambic horizon
chrom Gr. chroma color High chroma
cry Gr. kryos cold Cold
dur L. durus hard Durable, a duripan
ill; dystrophic, Dystrophic, low base
dystr, dy Mod. from Gr. dys infertile saturation
good; eutrophile, Eutrophic, high base
eutr, eu Mod. from Gr. eu fertile saturation
ferr L. ferrum iron Presence of iron
fluv L. fluvus river Fluvial, floodplain
Mod. from L. Fragile, presence of a
frag fragillus brittle fragipan
Compound of fra(g) See the formative elements
fragloss and gloss - of frag and gloss
gibbs Mod. from gibbsite - Presence of gibbsite
gloss Gr. glossa tongue Glossary, tongued
gyps L. gypsum gypsum Gypsic horizon
hal Gr. hals salt Halophyte, salty
hapl Gr. haplous simple Haploid, minimum horizon
hum L. humus earth Presence of humus
hydr Gr. hydro water Hydrophobia, presence of

Hypnum, presence of
hyp Gr. hypnon moss hypnum moss
luv, lu Gr. louo to wash Ablution, illuvial
med L. meda middle Medium, temperate climates
Compound of na(tr) See the formative elements
nadur and dur - of natr and dur
natr Mod. from natrium sodium Presence of natric horizon
ochr Gr. ochros pale ocher Presence of Ochric epipedon
pale Gr. paleos old Paleosol, old development
pell Gr. pellos dusky Low chroma
plac Gr. plax flat stone Presence of a thin pan
Mod. from Ger.
plagg Plaggen sod Presence of plaggen horizon
plinth Gr. plinthos brick Presence of plinthite
psamm Gr. psammos sand Psammite, sand texture
quartz Ger. quarz quartz High quartz content
Mod. from
rend Rendzina rendzina Rendzina-like
Rhododendron, dark red
rhod Gr. rhodon rose colors
Saline, presence of salic
sal L. sal salt horizon
Siderite, presence of free
sider Gr. sideros iron iron oxides
sombr Fr. sombre dark Somber, a dark horizon
Sphagnum moss, presence of
sphagno Gr. sphagnos bog sphagnum moss
sulf L. sulfur sulfur Presence of sulfites
torr L. torridus hot and dry Torrid, usually dry
Mod. from Gr.
trop tropikos of the solstice Tropical, continually warm
Udometer, of humid
ud L. udus humid climates
Umbrella, presence of
umbr L. umbra shade umbric epipedon
Ustic, dry climate, usually
ust L. ustus burnt combustion hot in summer
Vermiform, wormy or mixed
verm L. vermes worm by animals
vitr L. vitrum glass Vitreous, presence of glass
Xerophyte, annual dry
xer Gr. xerox dry season


Table. Extragrade formative names.

Formative Etymology Meaning Associated Characteristics

Abruptic L. abruptum torn off Abrupt textural change
Aeric Gr. aerios air Aeration
Anthropic Gr. anthropos man Anthropic epipedon
Arenic L. arena sand Arenic surface horizon
Cumulic L. cumulus heap Thickened epipedon
Epiaquic Gr. epi over, and aquic Surface wetness
Glossic Gr. glossa tongue Tongued horizon boundaries
Grossarenic L. grossus, and arena thick and sand Grossarenic surface horizon
Hydric Gr. hydor water Presence of water
Leptic Gr. leptos thin Thin soil
Limnic Gr. limn stone Limnic materials present
Lithic Gr. lithos stone Shallow lithic contact present
Pachic Gr. pachys thick A thick epipedon
Shallow paralithic contact
Paralithic Gr. para, and lithic beside and lithic present
Pergelic L. per, and gelare freeze Permanently frozen
Petrocalcic Gr. petra, and calcic rock and calcic Petrocalcic horizon present
Gr. petra, and
Petroferric liferrum rock and iron Petroferric contact present
Plinthic Gr. plinthos brick Plinthite present
Ruptic L. ruptum broken Intermittent horizon
Superic L. superare to overtop Plinthite at surface
Terric L. terra earth Mineral substratum
Thapto Gr. thapto buried A buried soil

Soil Subgroup Identification and derivation of formative names

Table. Identification of soil subgroup.

Formative Etymology Meaning Associated Characteristics

Abruptic L. abruptum torn off Abrupt textural change
Acric Gr. akros at the end Low apparent CEC
Acr- Gr. arkos at the end Extreme weathering
Al- Modified from - High Al, low Fe

Alb- L. albus white Presence of an albic horizon
Anhy- Gr. anydros waterless Very dry
50 to 100 cm sandy-textured
Arenic L. arena sand surface
Ch- Gr. chroma color High chroma colors
Cumulic L. cumulus heap Thickened epipedon
ill; dystrophic,
Dystr, dys- Gr. dys infertile Low base saturation
Endo- Gr. endon within Implying a groundwater table
Implying a perched water
Epi- Gr. epi above table
Eutr- Gr. eu good Eutrophic, fertile
dull brownish Dark brown color, presence
Fulv- L. fulvus yellow of organic carbon
Hal- Gr. hals salt Salty
Minimum horizon
Hapl- Gr. haplous simple development
Modified from
Kand, kan- kandite - 1:1 layer silicate clays
Leptic Gr. leptos thin Thinner than typic subgroup
Pale- Gr. paleos old Excessive development
Petr- Gr. petra rock A cemented horizon
Plac- Gr. base of plax flat stone Presence of a thin pan
Plinth- Gr. Plinthos - Presence of plinthite
Rhod- Gr. base of rhodon rose Dark red color
Ruptic- L. ruptum broken Intermittent horizon
Sal- L. base of sal salt Presence of a salic horizon
Sapr- Gr. saprose rotten Most decomposed stage
Presence of a sombric
Somb- F. sombre dark horizon
Thaptic- Gr. thapto buried A buried soil horizon present
Verm- L. base of vermes worms Wormy or mixed by animals
Vitric- L. vitrum glass Presence of glassy material


1. Sandy, mixed, isothermic, Typic Hapludands


 Order-Andisol

 Suborder-Udands

 Great Group-Hapludands

 Subgroup-TypicHapludands

 Family- Sandy, mixed, isothermic, TypicHapludands

The first example describes a soil classification within the Andisol order, Udands
suborder, Hapludands great group, and Typic Hapludands subgroup. The family
classification is "Sandy, mixed, isothermic, Typic Hapludands."

 "Sandy" indicates that the soil has a high proportion of sand particles in its

 "Mixed" suggests that the soil contains a mixture of different particle sizes,
including sand, silt, and clay.

 "Isothermic" refers to the soil having a relatively consistent temperature

throughout the year, without significant temperature fluctuations.

 "Typic Hapludands" specifies the dominant soil properties and characteristics of

the family, which are typical for Hapludands soils.

2. “Coarse, silty, illitic, superactive, non-acid, isohyperthermic, Typic


 Order-Alfisol

 Suborder-Udalfs

 Great Group-Hapludalfs

 Subgroup-TypicHapludalfs

 Family- Coarse, silty, illitic, superactive, non-acid, isohyperthermic,


The second example represents a soil classification within the Alfisol order, Udalfs
suborder, Hapludalfs great group, and Typic Hapludalfs subgroup. The family

classification is "Coarse, silty, illitic, superactive, non-acid, isohyperthermic, Typic

 "Coarse" implies that the soil has a high proportion of coarse particles, such as
sand and gravel.

 "Silty" indicates the presence of a significant amount of fine particles, specifically


 "Illitic" refers to the dominant clay mineral present in the soil, known as illite.
"Superactive" suggests that the soil has a high reactivity, typically related to
nutrient availability and chemical properties.

 "Non-acid" signifies that the soil has a neutral or slightly alkaline pH, indicating a
favorable condition for most crops.

 "Isohyperthermic" describes the soil's temperature regime, indicating that it

experiences very high temperatures throughout the year.

 "Typic Hapludalfs" specifies the dominant soil properties and characteristics of

the family, which are typical for Hapludalfs soils.

Land Suitability Classification and Capability Classification

Land Suitability Classification and Capability Classification are two systems used to
assess and categorize land based on its suitability for different uses. Here is an enhanced
description of these classifications, along with references to literature:

Land Suitability Classification: Land Suitability Classification categorizes land based

on its expected benefits and its suitability for specific uses. It helps determine whether the
land is suitable or not suitable for a particular purpose. The classification system
considers factors such as soil characteristics, topography, drainage, and erosion potential.

 S (suitable): This category indicates that the land is expected to provide good
benefits for the intended use, such as agricultural production or other desired

 N (not suitable): This category indicates that the land does not allow for the
intended use due to limitations or unsuitability.

Capability Classification: Capability Classification groups soils into special units,
subclasses, and classes based on their capability for intensive use and the treatment
required for sustainable use. This system, developed by the USDA Natural Resources
Conservation Service, assesses the capability of soils to produce common cultivated
crops and pasture plants without deteriorating over time.

The classification system has been widely used and provides valuable information for
land management and planning. It considers various factors such as soil properties,
topography, drainage, erosion potential, and the required treatment for sustainable use.
Capability classes and subclasses are assigned to different map unit components,
including miscellaneous areas.

Classes of land suitability for cultivation of crops:

 Class A (Cropland): This class refers to land with level or nearly level (0-5%)
topography. It can be cultivated using ordinary farming methods such as crop
rotation, fertilizer application, and incorporation of organic matter.

 Class B (Cropland): This class includes land on moderately sloped (6-8%) terrain.
It may have poor drainage and slight erosion potential. Special conservation
practices are required in addition to regular farming methods to cultivate this land.

 Class C (Cropland): This class encompasses land with a slope of 9-15%.

Although it is suited for cultivation, special conservation practices like cover
cropping, terracing, and longer crop rotations are necessary to achieve high yields.

 Class D (Cropland or pastureland): This class refers to land with a slope of 16-
25%. While it is best suited for pasture, it can be cultivated by implementing good
crop rotation practices.

Classes of land suitability for permanent vegetation:

 Class L (Pastureland or woodland): This class represents level or nearly level land
that is too wet or stony for cultivation. It is suitable for profitable production of
forage plants or woodland products without significant restrictions.

 Class M (Pastureland or woodland): This class refers to land with steep slopes
(26-35%), high erosion potential, or shallow soils. It is best suited for grazing or
forestry purposes.

 Class N (Preferably as woodland): This class includes land with slopes of 36-
60%. If used for pasture, it requires more extensive range management practices.

Classes of land not suited for cultivation, pasture, or woodland:

 Class X (For wildlife only): This class includes topographically low areas that are
always wet and cannot be drained. They are useful for wildlife habitat and can
also be utilized as fishing grounds.

 Class Y (For wildlife only): This class refers to land with very steep slopes
(>50%), rocky terrain, and rugged conditions. It is not suitable for animal grazing
or forest production and is reserved for wildlife

Study Questions:

1. What is the purpose of conducting soil surveys in the Philippines?

2. How are soil surveys carried out in the classification process in the Philippines?

3. What are the main soil classification systems used in soil surveys in the

4. What factors are considered in the classification of soils during a soil survey in
the Philippines?

5. How does soil classification assist in land use planning and agricultural
management in the Philippines?

6. What are the challenges and limitations in conducting soil surveys for
classification in the Philippines?

7. How does the soil classification system used in the Philippines align with
international standards?

8. How are the soil survey results and classification information utilized by farmers,
land managers, and policymakers in the Philippines?

9. What role does soil fertility play in the classification of soils during a soil survey
in the Philippines?

10. How do soil surveys and classification contribute to sustainable land management
and environmental conservation in the Philippines?


Bouma, J., Hartemink, A., & Droogers, P. (Eds.). (2016). Soil Mapping and Process
Modeling for Sustainable Land Use Management. CRC Press.

Brady, N.C., & Weil, R.R. (2008). The Nature and Properties of Soils (14th ed.). Prentice

IUSS Working Group WRB. (2015). World Reference Base for Soil Resources 2014,
Update 2015. International Soil Classification System for Naming Soils and Creating
Legends for Soil Maps. World Soil Resources Reports No. 106. FAO.

Soil Science Society of America. (2008). Glossary of Soil Science Terms. Soil Science
Society of America. Retrieved from

Soil Survey Staff. (1999). Soil Taxonomy: A Basic System of Soil Classification for
Making and Interpreting Soil Surveys (2nd ed.). USDA Natural Resources Conservation

Soil Survey Staff. (2014). Keys to Soil Taxonomy (12th ed.). USDA Natural Resources
Conservation Service.

Tilman, D., Isbell, F., & Cowles, J.M. (2006). Biodiversity and Ecosystem Functioning.
Annual Review of Ecology, Evolution, and Systematics, 45, 471-493.

USDA-NRCS. (2014). Keys to Soil Taxonomy (12th ed.).

USDA-NRCS. (2014). Soil Survey Manual. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Natural

Resources Conservation Service. Retrieved from


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