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Religion ‘The spiritual powers of the Roman Catholic ‘Charch permeated every aspect of life and made lominant ins 1 fostered the desire to spread Christinity in foreign lands ‘The Pope became the arbitrator of political ispate, particularly those involving the discovery of new lands. Yet new political religous Ideas begin to undermine BUnUEE UN Lr 12, CENTURY Polite The areal endl system had pracilly disappeared ‘ith the establishment of em city-state ‘ats namely England, France, Spin Portugal, and ‘he aia ity tate, Though they eetaaed ‘monarchies systems of goverament ain feudal ‘Period atonlsm replaced theo eas ofan ‘overang Christian Empire, emt tednayot | he eyed Ite maul barr ee | | etnies setae | pevoutiegeyecdpevenl cares | | ‘became the hallmarks of society. A new middle ‘las of merchants and tradesmen came int predominance of Christendom. ‘existence, and above them was the nobility, \ 2s nee / a ory) ‘Trade: A lucrative commerce had developed between Europe and the Far Fast wth Venice Genoa and Florence at fhe most important trading cites. European articles suchas wine, salted ish, furs, woolen goods, ad ine lth ‘were exchanged for sik, muslin, velvet, cotton, dyestafe, spices, jewel, ivory, and god inthe Orient. Thee Juxuries and exotic items were then transported overland to Europe where they were in great demand by wealthy andthe atfuent TECHNOLOGY Scientific advancement during the Renassance resulted in wide range of invention and improvements in ship design which aided maritime exploration: invention ofthe compass astrolabe, quadrant, hour ess, sundial, and indlasy; the design of ocean going carracks and caavels; the development of printing which spread new information tall levels of society. Learned men believed thatthe word was a sphere, nota rectangle, and it was iherefore possible o reach the EAST by sailing WEST acrot the Atlant Unrate he | Navigator and others Porto tothe | ead i satel exploration for new rade route To comoldate the ecnamic bass ‘ie power and oral each other's progres monarchies of he maton-stats Sought wen sare of wealth through overes trade and clnization, why the European didnot travel long distances rhe Fopeans thoght tat the word was at. They bieved that afer you reached the eof he world, you would dropoff ‘Thc Eucopeans belived that there were omible sea creatures in the sea so they didnot ave! log distances, ‘The ships the Europeans owned needed much improvements so they were not suitable for rveling or distances ‘The Europeans seas were dangerous as there were various conflicts between them and the Muslims so they did not travel long distances. {casons for European Exploration in the 1Sth eentury= "Gold, God, Gor Europe was divided ino a number of kingdoms whose rules were absolute monarchs. This meant that they ad the authority to make whatever decisions they liked. Their subjects (pcople under their rule) ad to accept he king's decision a final “The Kings of Europe frequently waged war against each other, so as to capture more territories. Each King ‘anied to be more powerful thin eachother and they believed that power depended on the amount of land ‘der their contol, These Kings were even wiling to nance voyages of exploration inorder to get more land “hey also hoped to find gold which could be used to finance wa for their own personal purposes, “The discovery of new land therefore meant more space for citizens, land forthe landless und jo portunities forthe unemployed “The Europeans wanted o find anew sea route othe east, European merchants travelled fequently to places ‘ke Ching, india and North Affica in order to trade “Travel that time was very dangerous bt ese merchants stil went o distant lands to sel the things they {ate and get things they cou 0% grow for themselves From Idi, the merchants obtained gold, es and pes. From Affe gold, ivory and slaves From Chins: sl, spits ard tea The European merchants were Bie to sel ero, knives, culases, hoc, and las beads ‘The mechan om Vice began © moopliz the ad tothe East. They woul ot et the other European ‘rcs pas ooh tipo. Te mercansf Veie branes ch ha it used the lous of he ‘her Buropean merchants. The Spaniards and Poruguese became more determined to find another route tothe te Renaissance (Period of rebirth of revival of Greek and Roman knowledge) wove ste et cnet nes repel Sia Ui mo et Se San Re a ener tharborser. ¢ + Discuss ths mpanace ‘to Europeans ot 956 ard re | Berson teed therboraas. ad Ve Goid, God ana aiorv! The age of exploration ; Islam's spread into Europe between the 14th and 18th century lod i CCheatlan crusadors to repel the Invaders trom the Holy Land. As Europeane ventured into the Middle East they camo across wonders ‘hated them to explore futher, nto Asia ‘Te Crusades and expanding rade resuted ina food of intz-aton lonteing Europe. Ths led to the Renaissance whicn began In tho ‘mice ofthe 1th centizy. Okt Grook and Roman works, ancient ‘maps and iamic mathematics proveled Europeans to invent ‘wide range of useful tools which included ship and navigation Imorovements suchies the compass, quadtart, hour cass and, Sundial Ships wore made stuclor and new sys of sal added, i ‘As European trade expanded in the 15th century the demand for i "unary goods ineressec. Asia was the ecure o these goods £0 ‘erchants rom Verice, Genoa and Floance vented tras to cota> ‘is, spioas, Wary and gold As demand and prot grew, merchants wanted to increase the vlure of vado and thd a safer and faster route to Asia. Geograohers,topographers and insleciule diseuseed ‘ways doe. SBewmnd formalde gl ropoan cate dence on gl to france wars, 95 ros Sd py of deo igo narod tor easy Hho wit gs Ores those whofat were power ang inuntal Ac ereesee ene . Brought moe gol ator waned more, Got torn ee ans as pourrait sep anc to pore of god Wen Aaa ey noe. oka ha ooo a madi of exchange an natens were Cipundent en Ths es he ecorrhe ste heer sacs oo nae Soe te SB forlon aa arc osteo had poner ue a ee ate lgroad ot rictanty Secram dae ester wen nese te iSosn Scare sie ere oun Roane “Moors rom Grenache Turks rom Easter 1 exe the Smee coin eaters fogs, Ther ann speeser NY vor te beds Sechco marae earn eran ee, Soot at eer Men ee Unto al the lands they found and vanquish pagans ahd heathens ‘Tho Pope drected Gatnoke rulers Yo conquor foreign lands in tho Thame ofthe Church. Nations ved to be the leading Cstian state to ang sous Yo Christ The Church too gained trom expansion as t ‘balned weal From conquered lands, thus increasing its power Glory for self and Spain Nations wanted t prove themselves power and nationalism 3 Na ns panfowem pushed them to oxpand and gain ny, Ovmership ‘Sthew fad and wealth meant vetory and power over others, Tose {hat pursued a coloelal agenda svad for lrg, power an intvence in Europe in 1460 Isabela of Caste and Ferdinand of Aragon uted thie ‘Gngoume threugh marrage: 1492 they actieved unity e the eee by expating the Moors ors Granada Seuthor Spi T= SBenates on ther tone they endsionad an Emp to gain gery cae aower, Span iso needed 16 rebuld ts econemy, pay F Me are asacores acts cectors after the crusades, Expansion aso core Sccumalaton of gold and west, Spat and Portugal ver Peete get to hs East and doriato the ich ace market, anc ‘Couuro the god Hat as contra tothe Ezopeanronotary system eye ty deol ac te model Chote coy wich would spread Span sand cheatin, National and paroim was spreading PSpun snd milan campaign, M uocess, woud prove Spain's omer AY oesdbatin reigns tlayaveovan Oe Rae | & 2: Ena why 9 ond (yt wre cra | ‘serene a ena ra "Belin ng the Romar thane Chur pe ius Eoooen | > Tie Guna ean vse ee ho the spe srewporeton. % + Aeron of oa wd Me eat: egies Ceiba thy MAY 25,2002, ay the EET of the Tad “Tope: Christer Colum Corus crane kn OR NEES ns pci ping ih Columbus shows To ge ship and ne bk 8 OPE erent rd ina mona Wi wiling Fisk money and me sch nee Ces Cae Pro Ps wn Colburn poi wa ate sad ses ol vente ste WET sre hat apa wa or hs 10 00 mes ay. THY cep aeration ‘and re plan soul ot work an ait WH 10h, King Ferdinand and Queen falls of Spa ‘couenbir erossea the border and presented bs plans co aia ech cap eed 1 get the Spanish Monarchs 1 support him, He even decided tht he was, gong 2 £6 tens siete en cel os sai a nT iste spe wee called Pia ‘Voyages to the New Woe (The Amerie) “ne Fepeation On ANMSRERND, Claas sd RENN SBM ih hse vl tp, he Sata Mais commanded Coambus hse ‘After ating rhenbecaunged his coureto the he Mon Ovo 10 al mutiny 2" ele a materi onde ora smal land Sn mL vith prides sear, ‘Sucoverd ter bldein tenon. Dasma Sprinonthe ae tis ecu" ‘Se and Ft out wi argo leet 17 ship wth'1800 eos boar, Cosmin sie tor = OS sal tne was aden ned his nom encoveies ince the yale fn th ft enon deste he leeward island and Puerto Rio. The ical enved at Hi Tpoioenus mnie, He fonded reve colony eay, then sil offs te to explore the en ee te ci. fo enfoe set dzipline Tt sore toi SU tect gte coeety doe et im charge at ‘oc and rerun a Spain complain of his admiration Hispano, “Third Expedition ni wk on sect ft a eet ntions in Hips nd bcaac the noel ofthe New Wed as weiing of He tld {Eric south ad iG HlaDatAN HOTA, He med across the mouth of he QRINBEDIRSY in Present xy Veoeuely ed ean at be contin, witout xr he aed ak “ear nl od Fein Mbp to sinister his olny Ia ts teresa of epors on he ier gst coding ATSi20 ‘Thesis oar a ‘erp ad been ne Now Word. exh ch of ost of NE Sou ARETE Fourth Expedton was 102 bfe Calas aly gate together rips at TEs Rarenntion Inherent saree em agetion by which e hoped to ta his winags were ret importance Cols ded nate is hp and eta oSpin Ath Fernand ne tego eres promises ested wea, eves bv has peta Kg ‘Problems Columbo acd while at sex ‘Coumbus Set stopp tthe Canary ldo do orp er 3 wes io ih of a te ey Sean o murmur aong this: wondering ere ws ely an bj he orion. nthe i lant, they noticed he amps in thi stips were ge pong te ae th, Cae hd lain that it was anormal csrece, There wet vary nic compest Because hips Were ing fr west tat the atu pl ofthe get rth was eA ays ea Wout Spo ad ae sue came vel and reli. They waa rtm Erop wd Colubus coved em land was eran prise ht fn was not macs od tbc ] the greaybst oArfe that ed vit be pplife, tcf whe ve ware fuishropt ko f pact fag amily Jerse pi vs fe fit | Sc EERE” mI eae ieee ; f le of kind st 1s Jai fot Tahofhihe fofid lac ef sfyfrore. the | cadet ted te Fe somn treatm} id ce. i iupriP|off on | cechefeaite ot bttafeadl fee hes. Moecksheatt spit bed tee ei iapy ae | hen darter te Pat oRettesh shed feel Tino ng en lebbs lah teats fo ef ch etd oor ne Aplinloag ACTS dents shold eae {Explain what is meant bythe soggeston that the Cuban wa the ORD OF erope’, ‘KEY TERMS. “one, icy, we, privateeing buccnecing setlement ang olnization ‘THE ‘COCKPIT OF EUROPE? inorsl ue of the tern ec conures up images of hing and Ay Mis, us, aperpete tthe "sm wasted to deneribe th rvalry and ig between varogsEuOPEE Cousin the Ameria. To ery understand the terminology, = have to understand whats BPA in the Americas spec fely ‘be relationsip between he various Furopean coun inthe Rt cetay. Spin, by the eof he 1th ‘cy, ws the dasinant power inthe Americas, howe, er power Was Being challenged by he Fes ute ni English, Te counties wanted ogni and neal wealth the ae, ‘Te en ofthe Caribbean bring the ‘cock of Earp’ ener he gery of puter od prt ‘evolving the use of mae fighting Beds calle nmecocs Thee bins re plac ogee, sl two a ‘eft as enclosed arena whee pon Seay eh ther, hey since bein iting il one ies. ‘The analogy is quite appoplate Because the gue iste Farops tions soph oi othe cath na laren with th ope ht the ead fhe fight, cly one ombstan wuld ein in chare of ‘he ‘cockpit’ the Caen. The bate othe are set highligh in Fg which shows bow as ere ‘isi eteen te vrour Europe pone Wi Spin cing sch rowing howl in reo orb! sever mie, Tes inde 2) The we of coe sete. ') The etahshneat ofthe Howse of Tad ©) The tation ofthe ud costs. 4) Te arian of important towns ©) Monpely pot sem ‘Mearares ed hy Spain te protect her empire inthe Ameict Spain employed sever sites to proche emp. These inlaed 1. The ase of eonvey tenn ‘This was a ealection of mest ships wih an esc of Wuship. Tis ws inode reduce the enon! of privateer and betes ching Spanish eset 2.The establishment ofthe Hous of Trade ‘The House of Tine, of Cus de Comtacin, was TES Agcy onthe ho 1 em wc ‘was mandated tenn Spanish explraton and cloition. The body ad sever fons + Coleg werd its, 4 Lesng apa. “+ Maing sere information on ade ots 204 7 dincoveris, + singe eoce (esc a te son. Approving vy2ge of xlention nd nde encore mame 2 cl, Ss nad web el sl feo ev ‘he wet ptt el te gy note aun Cnet pret par ‘sw er Maio ott de yy Bap Reap ccna Set Dein nen gil td Sn a Coe ee ee of Cartagena — the guardian of northern South Araerica and sppragghes tothe Isthaws of Panama. ~ 5. Manopay port ystem ‘Sin ensure ately legal hase port could ca ae wid he erin the Amerie ce ‘Busing of Spa's Americ pire Albogh Spin ried immensely to neu er conto of eis inthe Ameria, the acc employed by several Buropean counties roved ices in destroying ber cus, These meanest 2) Mega wating Prvtering 2) Setlerment of ever iland inthe regi 1. Meal rading Sein ought to proven Spanish eles hom purchasing gods om oer Ewopean ste. Oteatines, Spanish ster had to wat un the let fom Sele returned lo them o acne tems. Thi esha ‘nthe colonies, Traders such a the English legally sold goods sch as wine, i, tools and textiles to the Spanish ster. By the end ofthe 170 cer, it was he Dc were te busi lp raers in the ‘epion and undemining Spa's economic reonghold ove thereon. 2. Privatcriog Privateers were ued wit eters of Marque ~ pci popes iy by tsihome goverment geting ‘ecmission to atack, take by force and retin the gods fn ene merchant ships. lee note tht ‘puennees were not under the directive of any Rome goverment. In essece they wee pres without licences. However fos wee just a five shy lune Sess tps. 2. Setement ‘The Freach abd gl entabiaedsetlemens asa meas of conning Sensh dominance in he Carb ‘They sted on isnt were consi ‘niga bye Spuih By dings, ra Boyes naire crete» presece i he region and had bases inthe aren om which task nd undemine Spa economic sronghold inthe Americas. The end rept wa tht b 1763 Spins hegemony in the Ameist was reduced significantly.

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