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GEED 10033

UNIT 5: Gawain 2
1. What is heritage? Why do you think heritage is important?
Heritage is consisting of inherited traditions, monuments, objects, culture, stories – in
intangible and tangible forms that plays a vital role in helping shape our identity and
help us know and understand our past. Heritage may be a tradition that was still uses
until today like healing practices including manghihilot and albularyo. It can be a place
like San Agustin Church or objects like Manunggul Burial Jar. It is any historic thing that
will remind us of the past historical events that shape our society for what it is today.
That’s why heritage is very important part of any country because in the world that the
only constant is change, heritage informs, influences, and inspires public to dig deep
within our history and the legacy of the past. It can impact the way we view our history,
our ancestors and the generations before us. It allows us to understand why we have
different beliefs than others and it can give us a sense of belongingness.

2. Identify a heritage icon (preferably one that is near your area) and discuss briefly its
history. Why do you think heritage icon is important to the community where it is
The Aguinaldo Shrine and Museum is probably one of the most famous heritage
icons not just in Cavite but in the Philippines. It was the ancestral home of the only
president of the First Philippine Republic, Emilio Aguinaldo, located at Kawit, Cavite. Built
in 1845, it became a very important site in the history of Cavite because this is where
Gen. Emilio Aguinaldo proclaimed Philippine Independence from Spanish Colonization
on June 12, 1988. It was also the location where the Philippine flag made by Marcella
Agoncillo was officially hoisted for the first time, and where the Philippine Nationale
Anthem was first played. On June 12, 1963, the Aguinaldo Shrine became a government
property when Gen. Emilio Aguinaldo himself donated it to perpetuate the spirit of the
Philippine Revolution of 1896. It was declared as national shrine under the virtue of
Republic Act No. 4039 on June 18, 1964. Aside from the fact heritage icons help
conserve the history and legacy and give identity to the community that it belongs to, it
also boosts tourism and economy of the community. It attracts people due to its history
and significance.

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