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Phytochemistry 71 (2010) 1445–1449

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Molecules of Interest

Plant defense elicitors: Analogues of jasmonoyl–isoleucine conjugate

Jiří Svoboda, Wilhelm Boland *
Max Planck Institute for Chemical Ecology, Hans-Knöll-Straße 8, 07745 Jena, Germany

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Our understanding of plant defensive mechanisms against herbivore and pathogen attack has signifi-
Received 6 January 2010 cantly increased over the past decade. The complex cascade of defensive events is initiated and controlled
Received in revised form 28 April 2010 by a network of interacting plant hormones. Especially, the conjugate of jasmonate and isoleucine is a
major regulator which controls gene expression and production of secondary metabolites after (a)biotic
challenges. This review offers a survey of both natural and synthetic mimetics of the natural hormone
Keywords: which can be used for a selective manipulation and the study of the plant’s secondary metabolism.
Plant defense
Ó 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Secondary metabolism
Jasmonic acid

1. Introduction JAZ protein family in the achievement of specific palette of re-

sponses could be.
Plants have developed highly sophisticated strategies to cope
with the challenges of microbial and herbivore attack (Chessin
and Zipf, 1990; Harborne, 1993; Hutcheson, 1998; Kessler and 2. The signalling cascade
Baldwin, 2001; Gatehouse, 2002; Schulze-Lefert and Panstruga,
2003; Innes, 2004; Howe and Jander, 2008; Koo and Howe, Octadecanoids are central actors in the defensive responses
2009). Their direct defence is based, e.g., on the use of thorns, when the plant faces insect, mite or fungal attackers (Weber,
waxes or secondary metabolites (Wittstock and Gershenzon, 2002; Santner et al., 2009). The ability to induce the defenses only
2002), and their indirect defences use, among others, the release when necessary conserves the plant energy in the absence of po-
of volatile organic compounds to attract predators of their herbi- tential aggressors (Baldwin et al., 2000). The cascade, initiated by
vores (De Moraes et al., 1998; Paré and Tumlinson, 1999; Arimura the mechanical wounding of cellular membranes (Hamann et al.,
et al., 2000; Dicke and van Loon, 2000). The broad spectrum of 2009), e.g., by the caterpillar mandibles, begins by the conversion
defensive responses (e.g., qualitative and quantitative composition of linolenic acid (1) released from the membrane (Fig. 1; Weiler,
of volatile blends and other metabolite families) is finely tuned to 1997; Walling, 2000; Dicke et al., 2003; Arimura et al., 2005) into
fight the particular invader. They are orchestrated by a suite of a cyclopentenone structure, such as 12-oxophytodienoic acid
phytohormones among which jasmonic acid (3) and its conjugate (12-OPDA, 2; Schaller and Stintzi, 2009). This intermediate is ex-
with isoleucine (6) play a major role. ported from the plastid into the cytosol, reduced and its chain is
Apart from the jasmonate-based hormone, the defensive re- shortened by b-oxidation to yield jasmonic acid 3. Alternatively,
sponse can be triggered by natural (Weiler et al., 1994), and syn- reactive oxygen species resulting from an oxidative burst can con-
thetic (Lauchli and Boland, 2003, and references therein) vert linolenic acid into, e.g., phytoprostanes (such as phytopros-
structural and functional analogues. The aim of this review is to of- tane B1 type II, 5) which are considered stable final products of
fer a survey of both natural and synthetic analogues of the natural the free-radical-catalysed cascade (Imbusch and Mueller,
hormone, along with a discussion of their biological activity which 2000a,b; Thoma et al., 2003; Mueller, 2004; Schulze et al., 2006;
is often overlapping but not quite identical to that of the natural Schmidt and Boland, 2007; Schaller and Stintzi, 2009). Both 12-
jasmonate. This indicates how important the difference in the rec- OPDA and the oxylipins may interact with their molecular target
ognition of the hormone analogue structure by the members of the and cross-talk to other signalling pathways (Pieterse et al., 2001,
2009; Kunkel and Brooks, 2002; Rojo et al., 2003).
After conjugation of jasmonic acid 3 to L-isoleucine, the now-ac-
* Corresponding author.
tive hormone 6 binds to the SCFCOI1 protein (COI1 is an F-box com-
E-mail addresses: (J. Svoboda), (W. ponent of SKIP-CULLIN-F-box complex) and so assists in its binding
Boland). to a jasmonate ZIM domain (JAZ) protein (Thines et al., 2007; Yan

0031-9422/$ - see front matter Ó 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
1446 J. Svoboda, W. Boland / Phytochemistry 71 (2010) 1445–1449

The biological effect of jasmonic acid is also mimicked by coron-
atine (7, Fig. 1), a bacterial phytotoxin originally described in Pseu-
COOH domonas coronafaciens by Ichihara et al. (1977, 1979) which
facilitates proliferation of the bacterium by weakening the plant
12-oxophytodienoic acid 2
linolenic acid 1 host (Bender et al., 1987, and references therein; Uppalapati
et al., 2005). Coronatine 7 is composed of coronafacic acid pro-
reactive oxygen species duced by the polyketide pathway, and coronamic acid, a rare ami-
no acid containing a cyclopropane ring and produced from
O O O isoleucine (Ichihara et al., 1979; Mitchell et al., 1994). Its structure
closely resembles that of the natural hormone 6; however, the ste-
reochemistry at the cyclopentanone ring is fixed and no epimerisa-
OH (3R,7S)-jasmonic acid (3R,7R)-jasmonic acid tion is possible. Additionally, the a-branching makes coronamic
phytoprostane B1 type II (+)-epi-jasmonic acid (–)-jasmonic acid acid resistant to amide bond cleavage. This makes the compound
5 3 4
phytotoxic as the plant cannot attenuate the signal of the mimic
by a transformation to the less active form, and overreacts (Lauchli
and Boland, 2003).
The biological activities triggered by coronatine include tendril
structural analogues
coiling (Weiler et al., 1994), biosynthesis of terpenoids and other
volatiles (Boland et al., 1995a,b; Baldwin et al., 2002; Schüler
HN O HN O et al., 2004), expression of specific genes (Wasternack et al.,
HOOC 1998), accumulation of alkaloids (Haider et al., 2000) and isoflava-
O noid–phytoalexins (Fliegmann et al., 2003). The phytotoxin
jasmonoyl–isoleucine conjugate coronatine 7 matches the activity profile of both jasmonic acid and 12-OPDA
6 (Mithöfer et al., 2005), and to some extent shares common struc-
degradation tural features with phytoprostans (Mueller, 2004). Despite of sub-
stantial research efforts, no current synthetic route offers a rapid
JAZ SCFCOI1 approach to larger quantities of the phytotoxin or to structural
analogues (Nara et al., 1997; Ichihara and Toshima, 1999). Syn-
thetic analogues of this important elicitor have therefore been pre-
early response genes early response genes pared by simplification and modification of the parent structure
(vide infra).
Fig. 1. Natural elicitors of plant defensive responses, the structure of coronatine,
the natural mimic, and their mode of action. 3.2. Synthetic elicitors

Systematic structural modification of jasmonic acid provided

information about the fundamental structural features required
et al., 2009). The complex is then degraded by the ubiquitin ligase-
for the biological activity (Kiyota et al., 1996, 1997; Miersch
dependent 26S proteasome pathway (Fonseca et al., 2009, and ref-
et al., 1999). Generally, structural changes in the pentenyl side
erences therein; Chung et al., 2009). This interrupts the repression
chain (compounds 8–9, Fig. 2) led to loss of activity (Miersch
of jasmonate-responsive genes (by the release of MYC2 and possi-
et al., 1999; Kiyota et al., 2001), with the notable exception of a tri-
bly other transcription factors) and eventually leads to the local
fluorinated analogue 8a (Kiyota et al., 1996). Flattening of the
and systemic defensive response, such as the emission of preda-
three-dimensional architecture of jasmonate by the introduction
tor-attractive volatiles (Boland et al., 1995a,b; Dicke et al., 1999;
of a double bond (compound 10) had the same effect (Koch et al.,
Kessler and Baldwin, 2001; Weiler, 2003a,b).
1997). On the other hand, certain modifications on the cyclopenta-
The defenses triggered by the elicitor depend on the elicitor
none ring were tolerated (compounds 12–13), as well as substitu-
type even within the octadecanoid family, and there are significant
tion the a-position to the carboxylic acid group (11). Conjugation
differences between the responses induced by the action of 12-
of jasmonic acid to an (R)-amino acid or an aromatic amino acid
OPDA and jasmonic acid (Blechert et al., 1999; Koch et al., 1999;
compromised its activity. Derivatives with modified ester group
Stintzi et al., 2001; Fliegmann et al., 2003) and between the biolog-
(14), prepared as coronatine analogues to induce the production
ical models used (Lauchli and Boland, 2003, and references therein;
of taxanes in cell cultures (Yukimune and Hara, 1996; Qian et al.,
Pauwels et al., 2009).
2004, 2005), were slightly (8–67%) more active than parent methyl
jasmonate. Different biological models were less structurally strict
3. Elicitors (Haider et al., 2000).
Considering the synthetically poorly accessible structure of the
3.1. Natural elicitors phytotoxin coronatin, efforts have led to the development of par-
tially simplified, yet biologically active structures containing, for
Although often generically called ‘jasmonate’, the active form of example, L-isoleucine instead of the rare coronamic acid and an
the plant hormone is in fact the conjugate of the (3R, 7S)-stereoiso- analogue without the ethyl substituent on the bicyclic skeleton
mer of jasmonic acid with L-isoleucine (6; Wang et al., 2008; Stas- (Haider et al., 2000), along with dihydrocoronatine (Suzuki et al.,
wick, 2008; Fonseca et al., 2009). To a minor extent, it also occurs 2004) and analogues based on the reduction of the ring-located
as conjugate with L-leucine and L-valine. Nevertheless, the required carbonyl group and conversion to esters (Uppalapati et al., 2005).
stereoisomer 3, produced by the b-oxidation of 12-OPDA 2 (Fig. 1),
rapidly epimerises to the less active (3R, 7R)-stereoisomer 4 which 3.3. Indanone–amino acid conjugates
may serve as a mechanism for signal attenuation to avoid an exag-
gerated response (Acree et al., 1985; Beale and Ward, 1998; Lauchli Further structural simplification of coronatine led to the devel-
and Boland, 2003). opment of highly active indanone–isoleucine conjugates (e.g.,
J. Svoboda, W. Boland / Phytochemistry 71 (2010) 1445–1449 1447

R = CH2CF3 a R R
CHFCH3 b R = =O a R= H a
CH=CH2 c H b Cl b
C(CH3)=CH2 d F c
CH3 f HN O SAc e HN O
CHBr2 g =N–OH f
8 O O
(E,Z)-I h
CH(CH3)2 i O O
15 16
R1 R

(CH2)nCOOMe 17 18
9 10 11
n = 0, 2, 3 R1 = C(O)CH3, R2 = H a R = –OH a
HN O HN O =O b
R1 = R2 = OCH3 b
X = CF2 a
CH2 b
12 13 S n

R= D-glucose a F F O O O O
OH d
OH b
F F 19 20 21 22
c n = 1, 2
R = –OH a
COOR O F e =O b
14 F F
Fig. 3. Aromatic elicitor conjugates.

Fig. 2. Examples of modified jasmonates. For complete list of tested structures, see
Kiyota et al. (1996, 1997), Miersch et al. (1999), Haider et al. (2000).
for which the name ‘coronalon’ was coined (Schüler et al., 2004).
Interestingly, the profile of volatiles induced by coronalon 24 and
15a–f, Fig. 3; Hopke et al., 1994; Boland et al., 1995a,b; Lauchli and the parent unsubstituted indanone–isoleucine conjugate 15a was
Boland, 2003). Short, modular and straightforward approach to the significantly different (Schüler et al., 2001). Alkoxylated derivatives
synthesis of the indanone–amino acid conjugates 15–24 brought (23d–f, h–i) and methyl derivative (23a) were little or not active,
the possibility to systematically modify particular fragments of with the exception of 6-allyloxy derivative (23g) which combined
the structure and obtain information on the structure–activity high activity and improved water solubility. The vinyl (23b) and al-
relationship. lyl derivatives (23c) were active, but did not exceed the activity of
The amino acid residue is an essential constituent as the biolog- coronalon. Furyl (23n) and thiofuryl derivatives (23o) are presum-
ical activity can only be attributed to the intact conjugates, not to ably too large and do not bind efficiently to the receptors (Yan
the hydrolysed building blocks (i.e., free amino acid and free inda- et al., 2009); additionally, they suffered from poor solubility. The
none-4-carboxylic acid). Only isoleucine, leucine and valine were
tolerated for conjugation (Krumm et al., 1995; Krumm and Boland,
1996; Krumm, 1998). Both allyl and methyl esters of the amino R R =Me, CH=CH2, allyl a,b,c
acid could be used – the ester group is cleaved in vivo by the action OMe, OEt, OPr, O–allyl, O(CH2)4CH3 d,e,f,g,h
of esterases (Fonseca et al., 2009); however, the latter was pre- O(CH2CH2O)2CH3 i
ferred for synthetic reasons. Br, I, N3 k,l,m
There is little structural flexibility in the fused bicyclic system HN O
(Fig. 3; Krumm et al., 1995; Winscheidt, 1997; Krumm, 1998): O S
monocyclic (17) and tricyclic systems (18) are not tolerated at
all, and no heteroatom substitution is allowed (19–20). Expansion O
23 n o
of the five-membered ring to six-membered (21–22) decreased the
biological activity. The presence of the double bond is not advanta- O
geous (16a). Substitution of the cyclopentanone ring (15b–f) does
not compromise the biological activity, but it is lower than that of
the parent structure 15a. An exception are the 1-acetylthio (15e)
and the 1-chloro-1-ene (16b) analogues which exhibit a different
activity and induce the emission of otherwise not observed volatile
Biological activity of the molecule can be increased by a substi- O
tution at the position 6 of the aromatic ring (23–24), thus resem-
coronalon 24
bling the structure of coronatine more closely (Fig. 4; for
syntheses, see Schüler et al. (2001), Lauchli et al. (2002), Lauchli Fig. 4. Aromatic-ring-substituted analogues of the indanone–isoleucine conjugate
and Boland (2003)). The most active was the ethyl analogue 24 and the structure of coronalon.
1448 J. Svoboda, W. Boland / Phytochemistry 71 (2010) 1445–1449

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