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Leadership Communication

Diversity & Intercultural


Dipresentasikan oleh:
Josephine Anggita Damanik
Lia Amilia
Oktofiansyah Mursiyanto
Yudhi Elvando Limbong
Tujuan Pembelajaran Chapter 9
Diversity and Intercultural Communication

1 Mendefinisikan budaya
2 Menghargai keberagaman dan meningkatkan kompetensi lintas budaya
3 Terhubung dan berkomunikasi lintas budaya
Royal Dutch Companies

✓ Keberagaman dan inklusi

"berhubungan dengan kesuksesan
bisnis jangka Panjang.
✓ Shell menggunakan "Iceberg of
Differences" untuk mengilustrasikan
berapa banyak perbedaan budaya
yang terletak di bawah permukaan.
Iceberg of Differences

Gender, Ethnicity, Race, Physical

Ability, Age
Merupakan permukaan dari Iceberg,
yang sebagian besar terlihat pada
pertemuan pertama.

Banyak nilai-nilai inti dan keyakinan

yang memengaruhi perilaku yang
tersembunyi di bawah Iceberg.
Pemahaman ini akan meningkatkan
kecerdasan emosional seorang
pemimpin dan secara signifikan
meningkatkan keterampilan
interpersonal dan kemampuan untuk
berkomunikasi secara efektif dengan
keberagaman tenaga kerja yang
umumnya ada saat ini.
Defining Culture
Budaya adalah seperangkat sikap, keyakinan, konvensi perilaku, dan
asumsi dasar dan nilai-nilai yang dibagikan oleh sekelompok orang, dan
mempengaruhi perilaku setiap anggota dan interpretasi mereka
tentang makna perilaku orang lain
Layers of Culture
Sesuai dengan negara seseorang (atau negara-negara
National level
bagi orang-orang yang berimigrasi selama hidup mereka)

A regional/and or ethnic and/or Sebagian besar negara terdiri dari wilayah-wilayah yang
religious and/or linguistic berbeda budaya dan/atau kelompok etnis, agama,
affiliation level dan/atau bahasa

Sesuai dengan apakah seseorang lahir sebagai

Gender level
perempuan atau laki-laki

Pemisahan antar Generasi (kakek-Nenek, Ibu-Ayah, anak-

Generation level

Berkaitan dengan peluang pendidikan dan dengan

Social class level
pekerjaan atau profesi seseorang

Bagi mereka yang bekerja, sesuai dengan cara karyawan

Organizational or corporate level
disosialisasikan oleh organisasi kerja mereka

The Layers of
Culture Source: Hofstede, G. (1997). Cultures and Organizations: Software of the Mind. New York: McGraw-Hill. Used with permission of the author
A Brief Look at
Generational Differences
Dengan Memahami
budaya lain maka kita
akan menyingkirkan
kecenderungan untuk
menghakimi orang lain.
Kita terbuka dan
fleksibel, serta
mengandalkan yang
terbaik dari kecerdasan
emosional kita.
Establishing an Approach for Understanding Cultural

These seven variables are important to and applicable across all cultures:

1. Context
High, meaning more in the context and relationships, what is not said, or low,
where meaning is primarily in the words, what is said verbally.

2. Information Flow
Emphasis on how information isPresentations
shared, whether open, across, down,
are communication tools or upcan
that in the
organization; is it open or controlled.
used as demonstrations, lectures, speeches, reports,
and other purposes. It is commonly presented before
3. Time an audience. It serves a variety of purposes, making
Focused on the past, the present, or the future;
presentations time istools
powerful planned, measured, and
for convincing and
valued or fluid and unimportant.teaching people.
Establishing an Approach for Understanding Cultural

These seven variables are important to and applicable across all cultures:
4. Language
First language learned and any secondary languages in which individual is fluent.

5. Power and Equality

Respectful of authority and rituals, belief in hierarchies and titles or little respect for authority,
view that everyone is equal. Presentations are communication tools that can be
used as demonstrations, lectures, speeches, reports,
6. Collectivism and individualism and other purposes. It is commonly presented before
Emphasis on “I” or “we,” on the individualan
or audience.
on the group or the community.
It serves a variety of purposes, making
presentations powerful tools for convincing and
7. Spirituality teaching people.
Control and value in individual or outside self; nature serves humans or in symbiotic relationship
Communicating When Encountering Cultural Differences

- context emphasizes what is going on outside and what is
going on inside individuals that influences the way they
interact with others and understand the words and behavior
of others.
- context is anything Presentations
that surrounds and accompanies
are communication tools that can be
communication and gives meaning
used to it. lectures, speeches, reports,
as demonstrations,
and other purposes. It is commonly presented before
an audience. It serves a variety of purposes, making
presentations powerful tools for convincing and
teaching people.
Communicating When Encountering Cultural Differences

- High-context cultures rely more extensively on interpersonal
relationships to understand meaning and place less importance on
verbal messages and more on nonverbal, such as tone, gestures, and
facial expressions. They emphasize trust, intuition, and the importance
of getting to know people. These cultures tend to be community-
oriented, valuing group harmony and consensus over individual
accomplishments. Saving face is important to them. Their
communication style tendsPresentations
to be indirect.
are communication tools that can be
- In contrast, low-context cultures
used as depend on explicit
demonstrations, verbal
lectures, messages
speeches, reports,
and rely less on interpersonal relationships
and other purposes. for presented
It is commonly meaning in
communication. They tendantoaudience.
value facts anda variety
It serves figures, are very making
of purposes, direct
and to the point when communicating, and tools
presentations powerful expect for contracts
convincing and
legal agreements in business dealings.
teaching people.
Communicating When Encountering Cultural Differences

Presentations are communication tools that can be

used as demonstrations, lectures, speeches, reports,
and other purposes. It is commonly presented before
an audience. It serves a variety of purposes, making
presentations powerful tools for convincing and
teaching people.
Communicating When Encountering Cultural Differences


- Low-context cultures tend to use a more direct form of

communication, whereas high-context cultures will be more indirect.
- Cultures using a more direct style will usually emphasize
independence and individuality. They will be forthright, appearing
confident and authoritative. Their directness may be interpreted by
some as being too aggressive when they state their opinions without
qualification. In fact, those used to a more indirect style, may see the
direct communicator as rude. Presentations are communication tools that can be
- Indirect communication, on theasother
used hand, will
demonstrations, be used
lectures, in cultures
speeches, reports,
valuing harmony and community togetherness.
and other purposes. It is commonlyThey will before
presented avoid
confrontations and often state their opinion
an audience. It serves aso indirectly
variety thatmaking
of purposes, those
from direct cultures will notpresentations
them. tools for convincing and
teaching people.
Communicating When Encountering Cultural Differences

Presentations are communication tools that can be

used as demonstrations, lectures, speeches, reports,
and other purposes. It is commonly presented before
an audience. It serves a variety of purposes, making
presentations powerful tools for convincing and
teaching people.
Information Flow

Arus informasi mengacu pada “bagaimana” High Context Low Context

dan “seberapa cepat” informasi dipertukarkan
baik secara langsung (direct) maupun Culture Culture
menggunakan media/channel khusus Komunikasi implisit Komunikasi eksplisit
(gambar, presentasi dan sebagainya). dan isyarat nonverbal dan kata-kata yang
Presentations are communication tools diucapkan ataube
that can ditulis
Mencari makna dan disampaikan dengan
Information flow erat hubungannyaused as demonstrations,
dengan pemahamanlectures,
melalui speeches,
tepat danreports,
context. Cultural context mempengaruhiand other
cara purposes. It istidak
apa yang commonly presented before
individu bertukar informasi an audience. Itdikatakan Cth : Negara
serves a variety of purposes, di Eropa
presentations (misal : bodytools for convincing and
teaching people.
Cth : Negara di Asia
Chronemics adalah studi tentang cara orang
menggunakan dan mempersepsikan waktu
dalam komunikasi.

Time Monochronic
o Suka melakukan satu hal pada satu waktu
“Tidak semua orang atau
o Menghargai ketertiban dan komitmen akan waktu
budaya mempunyai cara yang o Tidak suka gangguan
sama dalam memandang atau
Presentations are communication tools that can be
menilai waktu” Polychronic
used as demonstrations, lectures, speeches, reports,
and other purposes. It is commonly presented before
o Suka
an melakukan
audience. banyak
It serves hal sekaligus
a variety dalam satu
of purposes, making
presentations powerful tools for convincing and
o Menghargai ketertiban dan komitmen akan waktu
teaching people.
o Walaupun mudah terganggu, cenderung dapat
mengelola gangguan dengan baik serta fleksibel

Bahasa memiliki hubungan yang erat dengan budaya, sehingga ada

istilah :
“Culture is Language, Language is Culture”

“ Perilaku, kepercayaan dan sikap yang dimiliki oleh suatu kelompok

membentuk budaya.”

Atribut budaya mempengaruhi perilaku seserorang yang diekspresikan

dengan Bahasa. Oleh karena itu bahasa sangat penting dipahami agar
tidak ada kesalahpahaman dalam komunikasi pada konteks
Setiap budaya memiliki cara berbeda dalam memandang
kekuasaan dan kesetaraan -> Power Distance

High Power Distance

o Menghargai tradisi dan hirarki
o Setiap individu mengetahui posisi mereka masing-masing, dan tidak
Presentations are communication tools that can be
used asPower Distance
demonstrations, lectures, speeches, reports,
and other purposes. It is commonly presented before
an audience. Itkesetaraan
o Menghargai serves a dan
variety of purposes, making
o Dalam konteks
presentations organisasi,
powerful semua
tools foropini dan dan pendapat
convincing and anggota dihargai.
teaching people.
Diversity & Intercultural
Communication ▪ Ikatan antar individu loose
▪ Menjaga diri sendiri dan keluarga dekatnya
▪ memahami dan merasakan kepedulian terhadap
kebutuhan, harapan, dan kesejahteraan individu
▪ mencari pesan-pesan yang relevan bagi mereka
secara spesifik
▪ Blog umum dan media sosial kurang populer

Collectivism versus
Individualism • Integrasi dalam kelompok yang kuat dan kohesif
• Saling melindungi dengan kesetiaan yang tidak perlu
dipertanyakan lagi
• Mencari tahu dampak bagi kelompok
• ingin mengetahui apa yang akan terjadi pada kelompok atau
• lebih banyak orang terlibat dalam collaborative online
culture, seperti Facebook, Google, atau LinkedIn
Diversity &

Spirituality and Tradition

Inglehart research

nilai-nilai tradisional versus nilai-nilai

sekuler/rasional dan nilai-nilai
kelangsungan hidup/ekspresi diri
mendominasi semua variabel
budaya lainnya, yang menjelaskan
“lebih dari 70 persen perbedaan
antar negara.”

Inglehart Values Map

Spirituality and Tradition

Adat istiadat dan cara interaksi yang terpengaruh dari

belief system dan keyakinan. Misalnya di timur Tengah
hari jum’at menjadi hari libur, namun di negara
Kristen tradisional hari minggu menjadi hari libur.

Stereotype menjadi salah satu kesalahan dalam

menilai hal ini. Sering kita menganggap orang
tersebut sama dengan “kelompoknya” padahal belun Streotype
tentu demikian. Sehingga perlu ditekankan bahwa
penting untuk memahami kepercayaan dan tradisi
yang berlaku di suatu kelompok, namun belum tentu
dimiliki oleh setiap anggota kelompok
Spirituality and Tradition

1. Does this cultural group believe in a higher being or

some other source of guidance or power outside
2. Are they more traditional in their beliefs and values
or more secular?
3. What are the predominant religious influences?
4. What are the daily religious practices, expectations,
and holidays and how will these influence how they Question guidance
interact on a daily basis?
A Final Word on Connecting and
Communicating across Cultures
• Be open and respectful • Know the social customs

Menganggap semua orang itu tidak ada Ketahui panduan umum banyak adat istiadat. Misalnya
yang benar dan tidak ada yang salah. cara berjabat tangan, cara bertukar kartu nama dalam
Semua budaya memiliki nilai dan harus berkomunikasi dengan orang dari adat yang berbeda

• Learn as much about the culture, history, • Obtain pointers and feedback from
people, and even languages as reasonable. members of the culture

Belajar budaya sebanyak mungkin karena go Teman dan kolega dari berbagai budaya dapat
internasional akan mengharuskan kita untuk dijadikan “coach” agar kita dapat memahami
dapat berinteraksi dengan banyak orang dari budaya mereka
berbagai negara
A Final Word on Connecting and
Communicating across Cultures

• Be patient, be flexible, and value the • Keep a sense of humor

time needed to develop relationships

Mempelajari dan mendalami suatu We have to be able to laugh at ourselves and know
budaya harus dilakukan penuh others will appreciate our ability to do so as well
kesabaran dan tidak terburu-buru

• Keep language simple and avoid jargon

menjaga bahasa kita sebisa mungkin bebas

dari jargon dan bahasa sehari-hari

Let's Start Discuss


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