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Chapter IV


This chapter presents the findings, analysis and interpretation of data gathered whose

main objective is to found out the experiences of students in using chatgpt and how it

improves their academic performance.

1. How students improve their academic performances using chatgpt?

1.1 ChatGPT helps and improves students’ skills and knowledge

According to the respondents, ChatGPT helps the students with their homework and

for improving their skills and knowledge. According to Akhmad Habibi et al. (2023),

“Recently, open AI has been using ChatGPT to generate opportunities to

support personalized learning, facilitate learners with rapid feedback for effective learning,

and limitless access to information.” There are other researchers that support this claim such

as presented by Marek Urban et al. (2024), “Dellermann et al. (2019) argued that human-AI

hybrid intelligence is characterized as the capacity to accomplish complex objectives by

blending human and artificial intelligence, resulting in outcomes superior to those that can be

achieved independently and allowing continuous improvement as they learn from one

another.” It is stated that ChatGPT really helps the students with their work and it improves


“It improves my skills and knowledge in a way of giving me information.”

- Respondent 8

“Chatgpt and other ai helps me through my vocabulary as it serves an

online thesaurus.”

- Respondent 1
1.2 ChatGPT helps and improves students’ skills and knowledge

Some respondents also stated that ChatGPT gives them ideas and references for their

homework and research. However, it did not really helps their academic performance by

ChatGPT only. Some respondents also stated that they cannot rely on it that much so they did

the work by themselves but with the help of ChatGPT. Some respondents just use ChatGPT

as a basis for their work. However, according to other researchers, they are strongly

recommending not to depend on ChatGPT for references due to accuracy issues and must

undertake manual, scholarly searches.

“In academic performance not much really since I use it as my basis and
not rely on it that much in studies.”

- Respondent 14

“It does not really improve my academic performance but rather, it gives me
ideas that I can use as a material in different activities such as making
interviews, various exercises to do for a project and etc.”

- Respondent 15

2. What are students’ experiences in using Chatgpt?

2.1 Knowledge

The respondents use chatgpt to enhance their knowledge on their studies and base it as

their reference for their homework and essays, using it to get more information. According to

Lehrman, (2023), he states that ChatGPT helps students with successfully completing their

work to their highest ability, while also learning. Students can also use ChatGPT to expand

their knowledge on specific topics, as well as their vocabulary. This chatbot tool allows

students to think more creatively while also relying on their own knowledge and

understanding. ChatGPT can broaden students' perspectives on specific educational and

professional topics, which can extend their ability to generate successful work. This means

that chatgpt helps with the students’ overall knowledge and expands their vocabulary, it is a

second source of education for the students to learn from.

“I use chatgpt for having advance reviews, using it as a thesaurus, and gaining
knowledge about a specific concept that i dont have knowledge about."
- Respondent 1

“I usually use it sometimes for basis and give me some form of idea on a particular
- Respondent 6

“During times when I couldn’t think of a topic, I use chatgpt to generate ideas and
then proceed to write them myself (not relying to the AI)."
- Respondent 8

2.2 Inaccurate

The respondents that use chatgpt are concerned about the accuracy of the given

information from chatgpt, the answers mostly don’t relate with the given question. According

to Comrie, (2022), First and foremost, ChatGPT lacks the ability to truly understand the

complexity of human language and conversation. It is simply trained to generate words based

on a given input, but it does not have the ability to truly comprehend the meaning behind

those words. This means that any responses it generates are likely to be shallow and lacking

in depth and insight. To avoid getting inaccurate information, it is better for the students to

research on their own for accurate information and look into articles and studies from reliable


“It is true that sometimes, it gives answers that are accurate and inaccurate at times.”
- Respondent 10

“Chatgpt generates ideas that I could use for essays, but it sometimes provide answers
that are unrelated to the question. It also gives broken links for references or lacks
proper citation for the information provided."
- Respondent 12

2.3 Difficult
The respondents that use chatgpt are having difficulty to navigate the program and

don’t know how to use it properly, the students can’t understand the deep words that chatgpt

use in its’ vocabulary. According to Garcia, (2019), Vocabulary knowledge is a quintessential

aspect of language learning. Vocabulary learning can be perceived as one of the first tasks

that students embark upon once they start acquiring a language. When learners begin the

process of second language acquisition, they develop their own repertoire of words in the

target language. As knowledge of the target language deepens, so does the vocabulary

knowledge of learners and vice versa. For the student to understand the deep words, the

student must expand on their vocabulary and such.

“Sometimes okay sometimes bad because the words are too deep for me to
- Respondent 4

2.4 Unusable

The respondents that use chatgpt don’t enjoy using it because it is not trustworthy.

According to Farhat et al, (2023), The findings show that there are large discrepancies and

ChatGPT's trustworthiness is low in this particular area. Therefore, researchers should

exercise caution when using ChatGPT as a tool in bibliometric studies. The students enjoy

self-produced works rather than artificially made works.

“Not suitable to make essay from it.”

- Respondent 2

“I used it sometimes before but not anymore.”

- Respondent 15

2.5 Easy

The respondents that use chatgpt find that using chatgpt is easy and can easily navigate

through the ui, they find it very accessible and helps them get ideas. According to Blagic,

(2022), One of the key strengths of ChatGPT is its simple user interface that follows the no-
UI approach, in which the best interface is no interface. This means that the app’s UI is

designed to be as minimalistic and unobtrusive as possible. The no-UI approach is based on

the idea that the best user experience is one in which the user is not even aware of the

interface, as they can seamlessly and effortlessly accomplish their goals without being

hindered by the UI. The students can easily use the program with ease and utilizes the


“It is very easy to use and very accessible. There are no delays or whatsoever to
interrupt my search.”
- Respondent 11

“It is helpful asking for various ideas and it's not hard to use at all (if you specify what
you want ai to do)”
- Respondent 13

3. The factors that influences students’ usage of chatgpt

3.1 Laziness

The respondents interpret the influence of using chatgpt to be fueled by laziness.

According to Lähteenmäki (2023), You should be aware of the content you look at, seek

out different perspectives, and engage information that may contradict with your opinions,

and especially take in mind the sources that are far from AI. Of course one the only ways I

think to deal with such laziness is to seek out friends that will happily force you to do

work, or perhaps a teacher or a parent to give you advice.

“Laziness, and difficulty to write essays. some students are not into writing
essays in which they would require them to use chat gpt instead..”
- Respondent1
“Some students are too lazy to do their homework and some of them procrastinate.”
- Respondent 3
“I think being lazy.”
- Respondent 7
“Laziness, lack of information/ideas.”
- Respondent 8
“As for me, students are more lacking in terms of ideas and knowledge, maybe
that's what influences others to use chatgpt (?) but also as a student, i use it due to
laziness of finding different ideas for my activity. (i don't use it for essays or such.
- Respondent 13

3.2 Difficulty

The respondents think that the use of chatgpt is heavily influenced by the fact that the

activities one could face could be too overwhelmingly difficult. According to Morris

(2023), struggle you must not, but you must convince yourself to want to learn more about

said topic, give yourself the illusion that you can get value off of learning such information.

To overcome such difficulties, you must seek advice from a guardian, or a teacher, and you

must give yourself limitations to prevent going over the line such as using AI.

“Laziness, and difficulty to write essays. some students are not into writing essays
in which they would require them to use chat gpt instead.”
- Respondent 1

“(Nakakatulong itong lumawak ang pagkakaintindi at mas madaling

masaugatan ang mga assignment o kung ano man. Pero hindi dapat kuhanin lahat
ng sinasabi neto) It helps expand your understanding and makes it easier to answer
your answers and anything. But you shouldn’t take everything from it.”
- Respondent 5

“It is used as a study aid such as to help in complex topics or subjects.”

- Respondent6

3.3 Makes things easier

The respondents are under the impression of AI being used is that of how easy it is to

get everything you need with the use of a few word prompts. According to Spencer (2023),

Though ChatGPT surely has its benefits, it has the potential to change how the systems work,

how it might soon do more harm than good. To think AI does have the potential to reach such

heights, it is important to not become too over reliant on it, it first starts with a few, then a

bigger group right after.

“Chatgpt makes things easier for students, so they use it to shorten their
duration and effort in doing their homework and the like.”
- Respondent9

“It influences the students to use chatgpt because it is very accessible

and it is an easy job to do an assignment.”
- Respondent 11

“Students perceive chatgpt as easy, accessible because it’s free, and

useful for schoolworks.”
- Respondent 12

3.4 Lack of creativity

Respondents claim that the use of AI is also because of the lack of creativity, how

there isn’t enough original or rare thoughts in ones mind. According to Kendra (2023), One

of the many solutions to a lack of creativity would be to build confidence, for a lack of

confidence is a great restriction for freedom in creativity. You also have to make time for

each day to develop your skills, and if there’s something you enjoy doing the most, be sure

that everyday you try to master it. To build confidence, you build curiosity, keep asking about

everything, why haven’t you inquired it yet? Why haven’t you done it yet? It’ll lead you to

bigger and newer discoveries and ideas.

“As for me, students are more lacking in terms of ideas and knowledge.”
- Respondent 13

3.5 Peer pressure

Respondents claim that the use of AI is also due to its users living in fear of

disappointing their families, friends, then not being able to secure a good future for

themselves if they don’t succeed academically, being at a constant pressure and always

living in fear. According to rtor (2021), It’s not necessarily important to prioritize one’s

standards over your own, but that doesn’t necessarily mean you shouldn’t care about

theirs. You can’t let such preoccupation suck you dry, you are your own person. One

mustn't live in fear, constantly looking for one’s approval, as the constant pressure will be a

bad aspect to your health, and might/will cause you to make bad decisions.
“Academic performance, pressure from society, friends, and family, and laziness.”
- Respondent 14

“They are scared of their family members specifically parents, and for their future.”
- Respondent15:

4. The effect of the students using AI instead of using human brain power.

4.1 Laziness

The respondents are concerned about the laziness of the students and their overuse of

the Chatgpt According to Muhammad Abbas. The use of generative artificial intelligence

(AI) has significantly influenced various aspects of higher education. Among these AI

technologies, ChatGPT (OpenAI, 2022) has gained widespread popularity in academic

settings for a variety of uses such as generation of codes or text, assistance in research, and

the completion of assignments, essays and academic projects (Bahroun et al., 2023; Stojanov,

2023; Strzelecki, 2023). ChatGPT enables students to generate coherent and contextually

appropriate responses to their queries, providing them with an effective resource for their

academic work. However, the extensive use of ChatGPT brings a number of challenges for

higher education (Bahroun et al., 2023; Chan, 2023; Chaudhry et al., 2023; Dalalah &

Dalalah, 2023).

“Because of AI, students are not able to hone their essay skills, which is detrimental
for their abilities to express their own answers. This also makes students lazier.”

- Respondent 1

“It doesn’t rely have that much of an impact towards anyone (students) as long as they
don’t use it excessively, relying on AI couldn’t help you that much, because that only
means you’re being dependent to what it could do. if students use AI too much,
considering if they’ve relied on it for way too long, it could affect them personally. if
met with a situation where they couldn’t use an AI anymore, it would cause them
problems and struggle constructing ideas themselves, which is why I think
minimizing the use of AI should be done.”

- Respondent 8

4.2 Lack of Knowledge

Some respondents have pointed out the Overuse of ChatGPT. Using it more than

human brain power. According to the other Researchers, they have examined the effects of

ChatGPT on learning and found that teachers were worried about using it in the classroom.

They voiced concerns that since ChatGPT can quickly produce appropriate content, learners

may utilize it for outsourcing their assignments. Further, a number of issues have been

identified, including copied content, wrong replies and improper referencing (or no

referencing at all). Hence, it is crucial to carefully examine the impact of ChatGPT-assisted

education to fully leverage its benefits while mitigating any drawbacks. This is not a new

phenomenon, as the launch of search engines led to similar types of concerns.

“Students rely too much on AI, which causes them the inability to think critically or
independently as it reduces the need for spending time and effort on a schoolwork/s.”

- Respondent 12:

“It slowly leaves them dumbed down. No longer using human brain power will show
no improvement in their studies.”

- Respondent 10:

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