Learn All About Marma Point Therapy

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Learn All About Marma Point Therapy

Marma point therapy is an energy healing practice that emerged within the 5000-year-old
Ayurvedic system of healing. It is based upon an elaborate energetic matrix that is commonly
believed to have been the foundation for later point therapies such as acupuncture,
acupressure, and reflexology. The knowledge of Ayurvedic vital energy points was originally
used in a dichotomous manner: Kalaripayattu warriors struck specific marma points to kill
opponents while Ayurvedic physicians used other marma points to invoke healing. A marma
master, sometimes called an “Aasan” or “Marmani,” had the rare knowledge of how to move or
remove prana (life energy) to achieve the desired outcome.

What Is a Marma Point?

What are these points with the power to heal? Marma points are often referred to as the
junction points of consciousness and matter. To understand them, a rudimentary knowledge of
Ayurvedic energy anatomy is helpful. According to Vedic wisdom, there are 72,000 channels of
circulating life force, known as nadis, which flow into the physical body. These rivers of life
current quite literally animate and enliven the human body. The points at which prana exits
the nadis and enters the physical body are known as marma points. Thus, marma points
connect the intangible energetic body to the tangible physical body.

Where Are Marma Points?

There are 108 marma points—107 on the physical body and one in the mind. Physically, the
marma points are found where tendons, bones, muscles, joints, veins, nerves, and other
tissues meet. Ancient healing physicians mapped out the specific locations of marma points as
well as their effects upon various parts of the body. Each marma point corresponds to a
specific vayu (function of prana), dosha (constitutional type), dhatu (bodily tissue),
and srota (physical channel).

How Marma Points Work

When prana flows freely from the nadis into the marma points, there is health. If, however, the
energy becomes stagnant or its flow is disrupted, health is impaired. There are a plethora of
common practices that can disturb the natural flow of prana through the marma points:

Consumption of devitalized food

 Poor sleep habits

 Emotional stress
 Overexposure to sun
 Lack of exercise
 Pollution
 Unnatural lighting
 Insufficient connection to nature

Even if your lifestyle is relatively healthy, simply living in the modern world may be enough to
impact the flow of life force entering your body. Many processes that are often associated with
aging (fatigue, stiffness, memory loss, fragile bones, sensitive digestion, etc.) are, according to
Ayurveda, the result of the progressive devitalization of the body due to impaired pranic flow.

Marma therapy works to clear stagnation in the vital energy points and thus increase vitality
within the corresponding body parts. Because marma techniques work at the level of
raw prana (prana that has not yet been differentiated into its various functions within the
human body), its ability to facilitate physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual healing is
immense. Ayurvedic physician and author Dr. Vasant Lad suggests that flushing energy within
the marma points can activate the body’s inner pharmacy, shifting one’s biochemistry and
causing the unfoldment of radical, alchemical changes.

Principles of Marma Point Therapy

The Subtlest Layers Hold the Greatest Potential for Healing

In order to work on the musculature, firm pressure is necessary. When moving toxins through
the lymphatic system, less pressure is required. In fact, if too much pressure is used, the
lymphatic system will be bypassed and the muscles activated. To access the layer of energy, a
gentle touch is essential. Energy is akin to a sensitive plant that folds inward in response to a
heavy touch. Gentle, light touch is the only way to work on marma points.

The Intention of the Therapist and Client Must Be Aligned

Energy responds to energy. Like attracts like. A powerful thought can evoke corresponding
energy in the body. When working on marma points, the powerfully held intentions of therapist
and client unite to activate the marma point and direct the inflow of pranic energy. In his
book Perfect Health, Dr. Deepak Chopra states that “since mamas are not superficial but
penetrate deep into the system, they can be stimulated mentally.”

Marma Therapy Should Be Administered by a Trained Professional

Treatment of the marma points directly influences prana, and thereby, the entire body. It takes
years of training and experience to learn not only the marma points and their specific
functions, but also how to synthesize that information with specific client needs. As such,
marma point therapy should be performed by a licensed Ayurvedic therapist.

Benefits of Marma Point Therapy

Because marma points are essentially “gates” through which the healing, sustaining, and
vitalizing life force enters one’s body, their potential for harmonizing all aspects of the physical
and mental systems is tremendous. Based on my 20 years of experience as a healing arts
practitioner, client reports suggest that marma point therapy may offer the following benefits:

Enhances immunity

 Clears emotional blockages

 Increases energy level
 Provides pain relief
 Improves digestion, assimilation, and elimination
 Encourages deep, revitalizing sleep
 Increases circulation to the skin
 Amplifies creativity
 Releases trauma
 Expands intuition
 Facilitates the experience of deep peace
 Strengthens internal organs
 Balances doshas
 Slows the aging process

What Can You Expect During a Marma Point Treatment?

There are several methods by which marma points can be stimulated. A trained Ayurvedic
therapist will be able to recommend which method will meet your specific needs. Typically, a
practice begins with a srota or ahyangha massage to relax the body, apply herb-infused oils to
draw out ama (toxicity), and work on specific marma points with circular movements. The
direction of the circles—as well as the order the marma points are stimulated—will depend
upon one’s dosha and/or intention for treatment. Clockwise circles are used to stimulate
energy flow while counter-clockwise movements are used to calm and pacify energy. For
general relaxation, counter-clockwise circles are generally suggested. Depending upon
individual needs the following components may also be incorporated into a marma massage.

Essential Oils

Essential oils contain energy and information from nature. This intelligence communicates with
the energy and informational content of each marma point to invoke a specific response. For
example, sandalwood oil may be used on the Sthapani marma (the point between the
eyebrows) to calm the mind and awaken intuition. Eucalyptus oil may be used on
the Kshipra marma (point on the palm between thumb and pointer finger) to help clear
respiratory disorders.

Crystals and Gemstones

Crystals are energy conductors which amplify prana as it enters the marma point. Placing
energy specific crystals on select marma points can help to increase prana for healing
purposes and healing modalities. This is especially beneficial when guiding life current into
the Adhipathi (crown) marma or directing it, via intention, to a specific part of the body that
needs healing.

Light Therapy

Colored lights may be used over marma points to direct incoming prana into a particular
function. This can be useful when working to heal localized pain and disease.

Energy is a powerful healer. In fact, Ayurveda suggests that it is the only healer. By accessing
and working with prana directly, rather than simply modifying its effects in the body, you can
experience new levels of health, vitality, and peace of mind. Once your intentions have been
clarified, a marma point treatment can open the floodgates of life force and healing energy to
support your whole being in the transformation process!

*Editor’s Note: The information in this article is intended for your educational use only; it does
not necessarily reflect the opinions of the Chopra Center's Mind-Body Medical Group; and is
not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the
advice of your physician or other qualified health providers with any questions you may have
regarding a medical condition and before undertaking any diet, supplement, fitness, or other
health programs.

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