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Chapter 13.

Vector Analysis

Le Cong Nhan

Faculty of Applied Sciences

HCMC University of Technology and Education

January 8, 2021

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1 Properties of a Vector Field: Divergence and Curl
2 Line Integrals
Line Integrals in R2 and R3
Line Integrals of Vector Fields
Applications of Line Integrals
3 The Fundamental Theorem and and Path Independence
4 Green’s Theorem
5 Surface Integrals
Applications of Surface Integrals
Flux Integral
6 Stokes’ Theorem and Applications
7 Divergence Theorem and Applications

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13.1 Properties of a Vector Field: Divergence and Curl

Definition 1 (Vector field)

Let D be a set in R2 (a plane region). A vector field on D is a function
that assigns to each point (x, y ) in D a two-dimensional vector F(x, y ).

F(x, y ) can be written in terms of its

component functions P and Q as follows:

F(x, y ) =P(x, y )i + Q(x, y )j

= hP(x, y ), Q(x, y )i ,

where P(x, y ) and Q(x, y ) are scalar

Figure: Vector filed on R2 functions of two variables.

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Figure: Velocity vector fields showing San Francisco Bay wind patterns. Source:
James Stewart’s book

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Figure: Map of global surface currents. Source: NOC

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Definition 2 (Vector field on R3 )
Let E be a set in R3 . A vector field on E is a function that assigns to each
point (x, y , z) in E a three-dimensional vector F(x, y , z)

F(x, y , z) = P(x, y , z)i + Q(x, y , z)j + R(x, y , z)k,

where P, Q and R are component functions of F.

Figure: Vector filed on R3

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Example 3
Sketch the graph of the vector field F(x, y ) = y i − xj

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Definition 4 (Divergence)
The divergence of a differentiable vector field

F(x, y , z) = P(x, y , z)i + Q(x, y , z)j + R(x, y , z)k

is denoted by div F and is given by

∂P ∂Q ∂R
div F = + + (1)
∂x ∂y ∂z

Denote the del operator ∇ by

∂ ∂ ∂
∇= i+ j+ k
∂x ∂y ∂z

div F = ∇ · F (2)
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Example 5
Find the divergence for each of the following vector field

a. F(x, y ) = x 2 y i + xy 3 j b. F(x, y , z) = xi + y 3 z 2 j + xz 3 k

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Definition 6 (Curl)
The curl of a differentiable vector field

F(x, y , z) = P(x, y , z)i + Q(x, y , z)j + R(x, y , z)k

is denoted by curl F and is given by

∂R ∂Q ∂R ∂P ∂Q ∂P
curl F = − i− − j+ − k (3)
∂y ∂z ∂x ∂z ∂x ∂y

i j k

∂ ∂ ∂
curl F = ∇ × F = (4)
∂x ∂y ∂z

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Example 7
Find the curl of each of the following vector fields

F = x 2 yzi + xy 2 zj + xyz 2 k and G = (x cos y )i + xy 2 j

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Divergence and Curl in the Context of Fluid Flow
Let V be the velocity field of a fluid with constant density ρ. Then the flux
F = ρV
is the rate of flow per unit area and used to measure the tendency of the
fluid to diverge from the point P.

If div F(P) > 0, the net flow is outward

near P and P is called a source.
If div F(P) < 0, the net flow is inward
near P and P is called a sink.
If div F(P) = 0, then fluid is said to be

Figure: The vector field

F = x 2i + y 2j
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Assume that F represents the velocity field
of a fluid flow.
If curl F = 0 at a point P, then the fluid
is free from rotations at P and F is called
irrotational at P
If curl F(P) 6= 0, then particles near
P(x, y , z) in the fluid tend to rotate
Figure: Curl vector is associated
with rotations about the axis that points in the direc-
tion of curl F, and the length of this curl
vector is a measure of how quickly the
particles move around the axis.

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Definition 8 (Laplacian operator)
Let f (x, y , z) define a function with continuous first and second partial
derivatives. Then the Laplacian of f is

∂2f ∂2f ∂2f

∇2 f = ∇ · ∇f = + +
∂x 2 ∂y 2 ∂z 2

Example 9
Show that f (x, y ) = e x cos y is harmonic, that is,

∇2 f (x, y ) = 0.

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13.2 Line Integrals

A plane curve C given by the parametric


x = x(t) y = y (t), a≤t≤b

or by the vector function

R(t) = x(t)i + y (t)j.

Then the line integral of f along C is given by

dx 2
Z Z b  2
f (x, y )ds = f (x(t), y (t)) + dt
C a dt dt
| {z }
Z b
= f (R(t)) R0 (t) dt (5)

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In particular case where C is the line segment that joins (a, 0) to (b, 0)
using x as the parameter x = x, y = 0 for a ≤ x ≤ b, then
Z Z b
f (x, y )ds = f (x, 0)dx (6)
C a

Example 10
Evaluate C (2 + x 2 y )ds, where C is the upper half of the unit circle

x 2 + y 2 = 1.

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Properties of line integrals

Let f , f1 , and f2 be a scalar functions defined on a smooth curve, orientable

curve. Then for any constant k
kfds = k fds
(f1 + f2 )ds = f1 ds + f2 ds

fds = fds
−C C
where −C denotes the curve C traversed in the opposite site

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Properties of line integrals
Suppose now that C is a piecewise-smooth curve; that is, C is a
union of a finite number of smooth curves C1 , C2 , ..., Cn . Then the
line integral of f along C is
f (x, y )ds = f (x, y )ds + f (x, y )ds + · · · + f (x, y )ds
C C1 C2 Cn

Figure: A piecewise-smooth curve

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Example 11
Evaluate C 2xds, where C consists of the arc C1 of the parabola y = x 2

from (0, 0) to (1, 1) followed by the vertical line segment from (1, 1) to
(1, 2).

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Line Integrals of f along C with respect to x and y
A plane curve C given by the parametric equations

x = x(t) y = y (t), a≤t≤b

or by the vector function R(t) = x(t)i + y (t)j. The line integrals of f along
C with respect to x and y are given by
Z Z b
f (x, y )dx = f (x(t), y (t))x 0 (t)dt (8)
C a
Z Z b
f (x, y )dy = f (x(t), y (t))y 0 (t)dt (9)
C a

It frequently happens that line integrals with respect to x and y occur

together, we obtain
P(x, y )dx + Q(x, y )dy = [P(x, y )dx + Q(x, y )dy ] (10)

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Example 12
y 2 dx + xdy , where
Evaluate C
(a) C = C1 is the line segment from (−5, −3) to (0, 2);
(b) C = C2 is the arc of the parabola x = 4 − y 2 from (−5, −3) to (0, 2).

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Given parametrization

x = x(t) y = y (t) a ≤ t ≤ b

determines an orientation of a curve C , with the positive direction corre-

sponding to increasing values of the parameter t and denote −C the curve
C traversed in the opposite site direction. Then
f (x, y )dx = − f (x, y )dx, f (x, y )dy = − f (x, y )dy
−C C −C C

But if we integrate with respect to arc length

f (x, y )ds = f (x, y )ds
−C C

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Line Integrals in Space
Suppose that C is a smooth space curve given by the parametric equations

x = x(t) y = y (t) z = z(t), a≤t≤b

or by the vector function R(t) = x(t)i + y (t)j + z(t)k.

Line integral with respect to arc length

Then the line integral of f along C
s 2 2 2
Z Z b  
dx dy dz
f (x, y , z)ds = f (x(t), y (t), z(t)) + + dt
C a dt dt dt

which can be written in the more compact vector notation

Z Z b
f (x, y , z)ds = f (R(t)) R0 (t) dt (11)
C a

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Line integrals along C with respect to x, y , and z
Line integrals along C with respect to x is defined by
Z Z b
f (x, y , z)dx = f (x(t), y (t), z(t)) x 0 (t)dt (12)
C a

Similarly, line integrals with respect to x, y , and z occur together

[P(x, y , z)dx + Q(x, y , z)dy + R(x, y , z)dz] (13)

can be evaluated by expressing everything (x, y , z, dx, dy , dz) in terms of

the parameter t.

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Example 13
Evaluate C y sin zds, where C is the circular helix given by the equations

x = sin t y = cos t z = t, 0 ≤ t ≤ 2π.

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Example 14
Evaluate C ydx + zdy + xdz, where C is the straight line segment from
(2, 0, 0) to (3, 4, 5)

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Line Integrals of Vector Fields

Let F(x, y , z) = P(x, y , z)i + Q(x, y , z)j + R(x, y , z)k be a vector field, and
let C be a piecewise smooth orientable curve with parametric representation

R(t) = x(t)i + y (t)j + z(t)k a ≤ t ≤ b

Denote dR = dxi + dy j + dzk, we can define the line integral of F along

C by
Z Z b
F · dR = F (R(t)) · R0 (t)dt (14)
C a

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Example 15
Let F(x, y ) = xy 2 i + x 2 y j and evaluate
C F · dR between the point (0, 0)
and (2, 4) along the following paths:
a. the line segment connecting the points
b. the parabolic arc y = x 2 connecting the points.

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Example 16
Evaluate C F · dR, where F(x, y , z) = xy i + yzj + zxk and C is the
twisted cubic given by

x =t y = t2 z = t 3, 0 ≤ t ≤ 1.

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Applications of Line Integrals: Mass

Consider a thin wire with the shape of a curve C and let ρ (x, y , z) be the
density at each point P(x, y , z) on the wire. Suppose the curve is
described by the parametric equation

x = x(t), y = y (t), z = z(t), a ≤ t ≤ b.

The mass of the wire is given by

m= ρ (x, y , z) ds (15)

The center of mass of the wire is then the point (x̄, ȳ , z̄), where
1 1
x̄ = xρ (x, y , z) ds, ȳ = y ρ (x, y , z) ds,
m C m C
z̄ = zρ (x, y , z) ds
m C
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Example 17
A wire has a shape of the curve

x = 2 sin t, y = cos t, z = cos t, 0 ≤ t ≤ π.

If the wire has density ρ(x, y , z) = xyz at each point (x, y , z), what is its

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Applications of Line Integrals: Work
Suppose that F = Pi + Qj + Rk is a continuous force field on R3 . Then
the work done by this force in moving a particle along a smooth curve C is
W = F (x, y , z) · T (x, y , z) ds = F · Tds (16)

where T (x, y , z) is the unit tangent vector at the point (x, y , z) on C .

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 If the curve C is represented by arc length parameter R(s), then
T= and W = F · dR. (17)
ds C

 If the curve C is parameterized by vector function R(t) for a ≤ t ≤ b,

R0 (t)
T(t) = and ds = R0 (t) dt
R0 (t)

and the work W

Z Z b
W = F · dR = F (R(t)) · R0 (t)dt (18)
C a

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Example 18
Find the work done by the force field F(x, y ) = x 2 i − xy j in moving a
particle along the quarter-circle
R(t) = cos ti + sin tj, 0≤t≤ .

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Example 19
An object moving in the force field F(x, y ) = y 2 i + 2xy j. How much work
is performed as the object moves from the point (2, 0) counterclockwise
along the elliptical path x 2 + 4y 2 = 1 to (0, 1), then back to (2, 0) along
the line segment joining the two points, as shown in the figure.

Figure: The curve C

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13.3 The Fundamental Theorem and Path Independence

Theorem 20 (Fundamental Theorem for line integrals)

Let C be a smooth curve given by the vector function R(t), a ≤ t ≤ b.
Let f be a differentiable function of two or three variables whose gradient
vector is continuous on C . Then
∇f · dR = f (R(b)) − f (R(a)) (19)

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Example 21
Evaluate the line integral C F · dR, where

F = ∇ 3x − x 2 y − y 3

and C is the path described by R(t) = (sin t) i + (cos t) j, 0 ≤ t ≤ π.

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Conservative Vector Fields

Definition 22 (Conservative Vector Fields)

A vector field F is said to be conservative in a region D if F = ∇f for
some scalar function f in D. The function f is called a scalar potential of
F in D.

Test for Consevative vector fields:

Cross-partials test for a conservative vector field in R2
The curl criterion for a conservative vector field in R3

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Conservative Vector Fields
Test for Conservative Vector Fields

Theorem 23 (Cross-partials test for a conservative vector field in R2 )

Let F(x, y ) = P(x, y )i + Q(x, y )j be a vector field on an open simply con-
nected region D. Then F is conservative in D if and only if
∂P ∂Q
= throughout D. (20)
∂y ∂x

Example 24
a. If F(x, y ) = (3 + 2xy ) i + x 2 − 3y 2 j, find a function f such that

F = ∇f .
b. Evaluate the line integral C F · dR, where C is the curve given by

R(t) = e t sin ti + e t cos tj, 0 ≤ t ≤ π.

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Theorem 25 (The curl criterion for a conservative vector field in R3 )
Suppose the vector field F and curl F are continuous in the simply
connected region D of R3 . Then F is conservative in D if and only if
curl F = 0.

Example 26
Show that the vector field

F = 20x 3 z + 2y 2 , 4xy , 5x 4 + 3z 2

is conservative in R3 and find a scalar potential function of F.

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Independence of Path

Definition 27
If F is a continuous vector field with domain D. The line integral C F · dR
is independent of path if
F · dR = F · dR
C1 C2

for any two paths C1 and C2 in D that have

the same initial and terminal points.

Figure: Independence of Path

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Theorem 28 (Equivalent conditions for path independence)
If F is a continuous vector field on the open connected set D, then the
following three conditions are either all true or false:
a. F is conservative on D.
b. C F · dR = 0 for every piecewise smooth closed curve C in D.
c. C F · dR is independent of path within D.

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Example 29
Evaluate the line integral C F · dR, where

F(x, y ) = (3 + 2xy ) i + x 2 − 3y 2 j

for each of following curves:

x2 y2
a. the ellipse + = 1.
4 9
b. the curve with parametric equations

x = t 2 cos πt y = e −t sin πt, 0 ≤ t ≤ 1.

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13.4 Green’s Theorem
Theorem 30 (Green’s Theorem)
Let D be a simply connected region that is bounded by a positively oriented,
piecewise-smooth, simple closed curve C . Then if the vector field F(x, y ) =
P(x, y )i + Q(x, y )j is continuous differentiable on D, we have
Z I ZZ  
∂Q ∂P
F · dR = (Pdx + Qdy ) = − dA (21)
C C D ∂x ∂y

Figure: A simply connected region D

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Example 31
A closed path C in the plane is defined by figure below. Find the work
done on an object moving along C in the force field

F(x, y ) = x + xy 2 i + 2 x 2 y − y 2 sin y j

Figure: Closed path C

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Applications of Green’s Theorem
In the Green’s Theorem, choose P and Q such that
∂Q ∂P
− =1
∂x ∂y
we can use the line integral to compute the area A of the region D.
ZZ   I
∂Q ∂P
A= − dA = (Pdx + Qdy ) . (22)
D ∂x ∂y C

Theorem 32 (Area as line integral)

Let D be a simply connected region in the plane with piecewise smooth,
positively oriented closed boundary C . Then the area A of the region D is
given by
A= xdy = − ydx = (xdy − ydx) (23)
C C 2 C
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Example 33
Find the area enclosed by the ellipse

x2 y2
+ 2 = 1.
a2 b

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Theorem 34 (Green’s Theorem for Multiply-Connected Regions)
Assume that the boundary C of the region D (as in figure) consists of two
simple closed curves C1 and C2 . We assume that these boundary curves
are oriented so that the region D is always on the left as the curve C is
traversed. Then if the vector field F(x, y ) = P(x, y )i+Q(x, y )j is continuous
differentiable on D, we have
I I ZZ  
Green’s theorem ∂Q ∂P
F · dR = (Pdx + Qdy ) = − dA (24)
C C D ∂x ∂y

Figure: A doubly-connected region with Figure: D = D 0 ∪ D 00

oriented boundary curve
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Example 35
Show that C F · dR = 2π, where

−y i + xj
F(x, y ) =
x2 + y2
and C is any positively oriented simple closed path that encloses the origin.

Figure: The region D for doubly connected regions

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Alternative Form of Green’s Theorem
Let D be a simply connected region with a positive oriented boundary C .
Then if vector field F(x, y ) = P(x, y )i+Q(x, y )j is continuous differentiable
on D, we have
F · dR = (Pdx + Qdy )
Green’s theorem ∂Q ∂P
= − dA = (curl F · k) dA (25)
D ∂x ∂y D
F · dR = F· ds = F · Tds (26)
C C ds C
And therefore, we obtain
F · Tds = (curl F · k) dA (27)

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Theorem 36 (Divergence theorem)
Suppose that F(x, y ) = P(x, y )i + Q(x, y )j is continuous differentiable on
D with a piecewise smooth boundary C . Then
F · Nds = div FdA (28)

Figure: The outward unit normal and tangential vector to a point on C

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Normal Derivative

Definition 37 (Normal Derivative)

The normal derivative of f , denoted by ∂f /∂n, is the directional
derivative of f in the direction of the normal vector pointing to the
exterior of the domain of f . In other words
= ∇f · N (29)
where N is the outward unit normal vector.

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Example 38 (Green’s formula for the integral of the Laplacian)
Suppose f is a scalar function with continuous first and second partial
derivatives in the simply connected region D. If the piece-wise smooth
positively oriented closed curve C bounds D, then we have
2 ∂f
∇ fdA = ds
D C ∂n

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13.5 Surface Integrals
Definition 39 (Surface integral)
The surface integral of g over the surface S is defined by
ZZ m X
X n
g Pij∗ ∆Sij

g (x, y , z)dS = lim
S m,n→∞
i=1 j=1

Figure: Projection D of the surface S Figure: Surface S

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Compute Surface Integral

If a surface S is defined by z = f (x, y ), then the surface integral of g

over S is given by
g (x, y , z)dS = g (x, y , f (x, y )) fx2 + fy2 + 1dA (30)

where D is the projection of the surface S onto the xy -plane.

If a surface S is defined parametrically by vector field
R(u, v ) = x(u, v )i + y (u, v )j + z(u, v )k

over a region D in the uv -plane, then the surface integral of g over S

is given by
g (x, y , z)dS = g (R(u, v )) kRu × Rv k dudv (31)

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Example 40
Evaluate S ydS, where S is the surface

z = x + y 2, 0 ≤ x ≤ 1, 0 ≤ y ≤ 2.

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Example 41
x 2 dS, where S is the unit sphere
Compute the surface integral S

x 2 + y 2 + z 2 = 1.

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Example 42
Evaluate the surface integral
g (x, y , z)dS

where g (x, y , z) = xz + 2x 2 − 3xy and the surface S is the portion of the

plane 2x − 3y + z = 6 that lies over the unit square R: 2 ≤ x ≤ 3,
2 ≤ y ≤ 3.

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Applications of Surface Integrals: Surface Area Formula

If S is a piecewise smooth surface, its area is given by

A= dS (32)

If a surface S is given by the function z = f (x, y ) then we have

ZZ q
A= fx2 + fy2 + 1dA (33)

where D is the projection of S onto the xy -plane.

If S is given by a vector function R(u, v ), then we have
A= kRu × Rv k dA (34)

where D is the parameter domain.

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Applications of Surface Integrals: Mass

Consider a thin curved lamina whose shape is part of a surface S and let
ρ (x, y , z) be the density at each point P(x, y , z) on the lamina.

The total mass of the lamina is given by

m= ρ (x, y , z) dS (35)

The center of mass of the lamina is then the point (x̄, ȳ , z̄), where
1 1
x̄ = xρ (x, y , z) dS, ȳ = y ρ (x, y , z) dS,
m S m S
z̄ = zρ (x, y , z) dS
m S

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Example 43
Find the mass of a lamina
p of density ρ(x, y , z) = z in the shape of the
upper hemisphere z = a2 − x 2 − y 2 .

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Flux Integral
Oriented Surfaces

Suppose a surface S has a tangent plane at every point (x, y , z) on S (except

at any boundary point).

Figure: Two unit normal vector N1 and N2 = −N1

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Definition 44 (Oriented Surfaces)
If it is possible to choose a unit normal vector n at every such point
(x, y , z) so that n varies continuously over S, then is called an oriented
surface and the given choice of n provides S with an orientation.

Figure: The two orientations of an orientable surface

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For a surface z = f (x, y ) given as the graph
of f , by setting F (x, y , z) = z − f (x, y ) the
unit normal vector is
∇F −fx i − fy j + k
N1 = =q (36)
k∇F k fx2 + fy2 + 1

where ∇F = h−fx , −fy , 1i. Since the

k-component is positive, this gives the
Figure: Upward and downward upward orientation of the surface.
unit normal vectors

If S is a smooth orientable surface given in parametric form by a vector

function R(u, v ), then it is automatically supplied with the orientation of
the unit normal vector
Ru × Rv
N1 = (37)
kRu × Rv k

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For a closed surface, that is, a surface that is the boundary of a solid
region E , the convention is that the positive orientation is the one for
which the normal vectors point outward from E , and inward-pointing
normals give the negative orientation.

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Flux Integral

Definition 45 (Flux Integral)

If F is a continuous vector field defined on an oriented surface S with unit
normal vector N, then the flux of F across S is given by the surface
Flux = F · NdS (38)

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Flux Integral
Compute the flux of F across S

If a surface S is given by the function z = f (x, y ) then we have

F · NdS = F (x, y , f (x, y )) · h−fx , −fy , 1i dA (39)

where D is the projection of S onto the xy -plane.

If S is given by a vector function R(u, v ), then we have
F · NdS = F · (Ru × Rv ) dA (40)

where D is the parameter domain.

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Example 46
Compute the flux integral S F · NdS, where F = y i + xj + zk and S is
the triangular surface cut off from the plane x + y + z = 1 by the
coordinate planes.

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Example 47
Find the flux of the vector field F = y i + xj + zk through the surface S
parameterized by

R(u, v ) = (uv )i + (u − v )j + (u + v )k

over the triangular region D in the uv -plane that is bounded by u = 0,

v = 0, and u + v = 1.

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Example 48
Let R be the region that is bounded above by paraboloid z = 9 − x 2 − y 2
and below by the xy -plane. Experiments indicate that the velocity of heat
flow is given by the vector field H = −K ∇T , where

T (x, y , z) = 2x + 3y − 3z 2

is the temperature at each point P(x, y , z) in the region R and K is a

constant (the heat conductivity, which is obtained
RR experimentally for each
different substance). Find the total heat flow R H · NdS out of the
region (that is, N is the outward unit normal).

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13.6 Stokes’ Theorem and Applications

Definition 49 (Compatible orientation)

The orientation of the closed path C on the surface S is compatible with
the orientation on S if you walk in the positive direction around C with
your head pointing in the direction of N, then the surface will be on your

Figure: Compatible orientation

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Theorem 50 (Stokes’ Theorem)
Let S be an oriented surface with unit normal vector field N, and assume
that S is bounded by a a simple, closed, piecewise smooth boundary curve
C whose orientation is compatible with that of S. If F is a vector field that
is continuously differentiable on S, then
F · dR = (curl F · N) dS (41)

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Example 51
Evaluate C F · R, where F(x, y , z) = −y 2 i + xj + z 2 k and C is the curve

of intersection of the plane y + z = 2 and the cylinder x 2 + y 2 = 1.

(Orient C to be counterclockwise when viewed from above.)

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Example 52
Use Stokes’ Theorem to compute the integral S curl F · NdS, where
F(x, y , z) = xzi + yzj + zxk and S is the part of the sphere
x 2 + y 2 + z 2 = 1 that lies inside the cylinder x 2 + y 2 = 1 and above the
xy -plane.

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Physical Interpretation of Stokes’ Theorem

Assume that the fluid flows across the

surface S with velocity field V. Then the
cumulative rotational tendency over the
surface S is
(curl V · N) dS (42)

Figure: The tendency of a fluid

to swirl across the surface S is
measured by curl V · N

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Notice that the line integral
V · dR = V · Tds (43)

where V·T is the component of V in the direction of the unit tangent vector
T. Thus C V · dR is a measure of the tendency of the fluid to move around
C and is called the circulation of V around C .

Figure: C V · dR > 0: positive
Figure: C V · dR < 0: negative
circulation circulation

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The Stokes’ Theorem
(curl V · N) dS = V · Tds
| {z } | {z }
The cumulative tendency The circulation of
of a fluid to swirl across fluid around the
the surface S boundary curve C

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13.7 Divergence Theorem and Applications

Theorem 53 (The Divergence Theorem)

Let S be a smooth, orientable surface that encloses a solid region E in R3 .
If F is a continuous vector field whose components have continuous partial
derivatives in an open set containing E , then
F · NdS = div FdV (45)

where N is the outward unit normal filed for the surface.

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Example 54
Find the flux of the vector field F(x, y , z) = zi + y j + xk over the unit
sphere x 2 + y 2 + z 2 = 1.

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Example 55
Evaluate S F · NdS, where F(x, y , z) = x 2 i + xy j + x 3 y 3 k and S is the

surface of the tetrahedron bounded by the plane x + y + z = 1 and the

coordinate planes, with outward unit normal vector N.

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Example 56
Find S F · NdS, where F(x, y , z) = 2xi − 3y j + 5xk and S is the
hemisphere z = 9 − x 2 − y 2 together with the disk x 2 + y 2 ≤ 9 in the
xy -plane.

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Example 57
Find S F · NdS, where F(x, y , z) = xy i − z 2 k and S is the surface of the

upper five faces of the unit cube 0 ≤ x ≤ 1, 0 ≤ y ≤ 1 and 0 ≤ z ≤ 1.

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Physical Interpretation of Divergence

Let F = ρV be the flux density associated with a fluid of density ρ flowing

with velocity V and let P0 be a point inside a solid region where the condi-
tions of the divergence theorem are satisfied. Then we have
div F(P0 ) = lim F · NdS (46)
r →0 V (Br ) Sr

where Sr is a sphere of the ball Br with center at P0 and radius r .

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