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Module 3: 011

"Crushing Organic"

Crushing Content
You want to get the hang of organic marketing before spending money on paid advertisements. The
best place we are going to be doing this is TikTok. Managing several social media accounts can take up
a lot of time so I partnered with a company called that seamlessly takes all your TikTok
videos and reposts them on all your other social media accounts in seconds. And the beauty of this is
that it can all be automated for you!

"The person that tests the most, wins the most"

You want to post as frequently as possible, ideally 3-5x a day but if you can do more, I would
recommend that. Throw as many darts at the board until something sticks and then double down on
that video or strategy.

Posting Times & Hashtags

For TikTok, there isn't really a best time to post, as long as your video is good, it will do good. However,
if a video you really thought would do just flops, I would change the hook and repost it at a different

For hashtags, I found that no hashtags work best. Let TikTok's algorithm decide where to put it.

People Commenting on Your Video is ESSENTIAL

Whatever approach you use, try your best to make people comment on your video, this will help boost
your video in TikTok's algorithm and give you a higher chance of success. This can either be done
through controversial moments, shock factors in the video, or intentional mess-ups in your video so
people will comment and try to correct you

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