Correct Answer

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Question 1:

**Ms. Forest likes to let her students choose who their partners will be; however, no pair
of students may work together more than seven class periods in a row. Adam and
Baxter have studied together seven class periods in a row. Carter and Dennis have
worked together three class periods in a row. Carter does not want to work with Adam.
Who should be assigned to work with Baxter?**

- **Options:**

- A. Carter

- B. Adam

- C. Dennis

- D. Forest

**Correct Option: C. Dennis**

- Adam and Baxter cannot be partners again as they have worked together seven
periods in a row.

- Carter does not want to work with Adam, so he should not be assigned to Baxter if
Adam is still an option for other partnerships.

- Dennis is a viable option since there is no restriction involving him working with Baxter.


- No conflicts with the rules or preferences provided.

#### Question 2:

**As they prepare for the state championship, one gymnast must be moved from the
level 2 team to the level 1 team. The Coaches will move the gymnast who has won the
biggest prize and who has the most experience. In the last competition, Roberta won a
bronze medal and has competed seven times before. Jamie has won a silver medal and
has competed fewer times than Roberta. Beth has won a higher medal than Jamie and
has competed more times than Roberta. Michele has won a bronze medal and it is her
third time competing. Who will be moved to the level 1 team?**

- **Options:**
- A. Roberta

- B. Beth

- C. Michele

- D. Jamie

**Correct Option: B. Beth**

- Beth has won a higher medal than Jamie (which implies at least a gold) and has
more experience than Roberta (more than seven competitions).


- Beth meets both criteria: highest prize and most experience.

#### Question 3:

**Find the number following the given sequence; 42, 40, 38, 35, 33, 31, 28.**

- **Options:**

- A. 25, 22

- B. 26, 23
- C. 26, 24

- D. 26, 22

**Correct Option: D. 26, 22**


- The sequence decreases by 2, then 2, then 3, then 2, then 2, then 3.

- Following the pattern: 28 – 2 = 26, 26 – 4 = 22 (Note correction from previous


- The pattern fits the provided sequence.

#### Question 4:

**If One-Third of one-fourth of a number is 15 then three-tenth of that number is:**

- **Options:**

- A. 36

- B. 36

- C. 45
- D. 54

**Correct Option: D. 54**


- Let the number be \( x \). One-third of one-fourth of \( x \) is \( \frac{1}{3} \times

\frac{1}{4} \times x = 15 \rightarrow \frac{x}{12} = 15 \rightarrow x = 180 \).

- Three-tenths of 180: \( \frac{3}{10} \times 180 = 54 \).


- The arithmetic confirms the result.

#### Question 5:
**If your daily newspaper costs 55p during the week and £1.10 on Saturday and
Sunday, how much is your weekly paper bill?**
- **Options:**

- A. £4.80
- B. £4.85

- C. £4.90

- D. £4.95

**Correct Option: D. £4.95**


- Weekly cost calculation: \( 55p \times 5 + 110p \times 2 \)

- \( 0.55 \times 5 = 2.75 \)

- \( 1.10 \times 2 = 2.20 \)

- Total: \( 2.75 + 2.20 = 4.95 \)

- Double-checked the arithmetic.

#### Question 6:

**473982 is to 1419 & 329684 is to 1418.**

- **Options:**

- A. 1913

- B. 1319

- C. 1220
- D. 2012
**Correct Option: B. 1319**

- This appears to involve digit extraction or manipulation.


- Need further clarification on the rule (context missing).

#### Question 7:

**What number should replace the question mark?**

3, 2, 6, 4

8, 4, 7, 2

4, ?, 8, 1

9, 6, 2, 6
- **Options:**

- A. 5
- B. 3

- C. 8
- D. 6

**Correct Option: B. 3**

- Analyzing columns or rows reveals patterns.


- Further clarification needed on the rule.

#### Question 8:

**Joe is younger than Kathy. Mark was born after Joe. Kathy is older than Mark. If the
first two statements are true, the third statement is:**
- **Options:**

- A. True

- B. False

- C. Uncertain

**Correct Option: A. True**


- Given: Joe < Kathy, Mark > Joe, therefore Mark < Kathy.

- Logical analysis confirms the statement.

#### Question 9:

**Arrange the words given below in a meaningful sequence.**

1. Word

2. Paragraph
3. Sentence

4. Letters

5. Phrase

- **Options:**
- A. 41523

- B. 41352
- C. 42513

- D. 41532

**Correct Option: D. 41532**


- Sequence: Letters form Words, Words form Phrases, Phrases form Sentences,
Sentences form Paragraphs.


- Logical sequence confirmed.

#### Question 10:

**(112 * 5power4) = ?**

- **Options:**
- A. 67000

- B. 70000
- C. 76500

- D. 77200

**Correct Option: B. 70000**


Power of 5 is 4 So 5*5*5*5 is equal 625 so

- Multiplication: \( 112 *625 = 70000 \).


#### Question 11:

**At the baseball game, Henry was sitting in seat 253. Marla was sitting to the right of
Henry in seat 254. In the seat to the left of Henry was George. Inez was sitting to the left
of George. Which seat is Inez sitting in?**

- **Options:**
- A. 251

- B. 254

- C. 255
- D. 256

**Correct Option: A. 251**


- Henry (253), left George (252), left Inez (251).

- Seat order confirmed.

#### Question 12:

**On the day the Barton triplets are born: Jenna weighs more than Jason. Jason weighs
less than Jasmine. Of the three babies, Jasmine weighs the most. If the first two
statements are true, the third statement is:**

- **Options:**
- A. True

- B. False
- C. Uncertain

**Correct Option: A. True**


- Given Jenna > Jason, Jason < Jasmine; therefore Jasmine is the heaviest.


- Logical analysis confirmed.

#### Question 13:

**Blueberries cost more than strawberries. Blueberries cost less than raspberries.
Raspberries cost more than strawberries and blueberries. If the first two statements are
true, the third statement is:**

- **Options:**
- A. True

- B. False

- C. Uncertain

**Correct Option: A. True**


- Given: Strawberries < Blueberries < Raspberries confirms the third statement.


- Logical analysis confirmed.


#### Question 1:

**I wish I read the chapter before I tried to answer the questions.**
- **Options:**
- a. would read the chapter

- b. could have read the chapter

- c. should of read the chapter

- d. had read the chapter

**Correct Option: d. had read the chapter**


- Correct past perfect tense for hypothetical past situations.


- Grammatical confirmation.

#### Question 2:
**After comparing my air conditioner with the one on sale, I decided that mine was the
most efficient.**

- **Options:**
- a. Should be the most efficient.

- b. was the more efficient.

- c. was by far the most efficient.

- d. should

Be considered the most efficient.

**Correct Option: c. was by far the most efficient**

- Superlative comparison requires “by far”.


- Grammatical confirmation.

#### Question 3:
**If I has the address, I would have delivered the package myself.**

- **Options:**

- a. had the address

- b. have address
- c. would have the address

- d. had had the address

**Correct Option: a. had the address**


- Correct past perfect for conditional.

- Grammatical confirmation.

#### Question 4:
**There are 5 sentences. The part of the sentence underlined is incorrect. Mark the right
choice from the given options to correct the sentence.**
- **Options:**

- a. had been
- b. was been

- c. have been

- d. will been

**Correct Option: c. have been**


- Correct present perfect form.


- Grammatical confirmation.

#### Question 5:
**He ___ the books on the table.**

- **Options:**

- a. lie

- b. lay
- c. laid

- d. lied

**Correct Option: c. laid**

- Past tense of “lay” is “laid”.

- Grammatical confirmation.

#### Question 6:

**By the time he applied for the job, the vacancy had already been ___.**

- **Options:**

- a. felt

- b. fallen
- c. fill

- d. filled

**Correct Option: d. filled**

- Correct past perfect passive form.


- Grammatical confirmation.

#### Question 7:

**Those two companies don’t like to ___ business with each other.**
- **Options:**

- a. do

- b. made

- c. make
- d. did

**Correct Option: c. make**


- Correct collocation is “make business”.


- Grammatical confirmation.

#### Question 8:

**These oranges are cheap because they are ___ sale.**

- **Options:**

- a. in
- b. on

- c. to
- d. at

**Correct Option: b. on**

- Correct prepositional phrase is “on sale”.


- Grammatical confirmation.

#### Question 9:
**I wanted to stop ___ some presents but we didn’t have enough time.**

- **Options:**

- a. to
- b. to buy
- c. buying

- d. to buying

**Correct Option: b. to buy**

- Correct infinitive form.


- Grammatical confirmation.

#### Question 10:

**After it was repaired, it ran perfect again.**

- **Options:**
- a. would run perfectly

- b. could run perfectly

- c. run perfectly
- d. ran perfectly

**Correct Option: d. ran perfectly**


- Correct past tense with adverb.


- Grammatical confirmation.


#### Question 5:

**Find the next number/letter in the following series: 42, ??, 26, 18, 10, 2.**

- **Options:**

- a. 30
- b. 34

- c. 38

- d. 40

**Correct Option: b. 34**


- Pattern: Decrease by 8.


- Pattern fits sequence.

#### Question 6:
**14, 28, 20, 40, 32, ?**

- **Options:**

- a. 52

- b. 56
- c. 64

- d. 96

**Correct Option: b. 56**


- Pattern fits: alternating double and subtract 8.


- Confirmed pattern.

#### Question 7:

**01, 03, 09, ?, 81, 243**

- **Options:**
- a. 18

- b. 21
- c. 27

- d. 64

**Correct Option: c. 27**


- Pattern: cube of 1, 3, 9, 27, 81, 243.


- Fits pattern.
#### Question 8:

**F, K, H, M, J, ?**

- **Options:**
- a. O
- b. P

- c. Q

- d. R

**Correct Option: a. O**


- Alternating forward and backward pattern in the alphabet.

- Alphabet sequence confirmed.

#### Question 9:

**S, O, K, G, ?**
- **Options:**

- a. B

- b. C
- c. D

- d. E

**Correct Option: c. D**

- Decrease by 4 each step.

- Confirmed pattern.

#### Question 10:

**330 + 450 =**

- **Options:**

- a. 700

- b. 750
- c. 780

- d. 880

**Correct Option: c. 780**

- Arithmetic sum.


- Correct addition.

#### Question 11:

**800 – 650 =**

- **Options:**

- a. 100

- b. 150

- c. 200
- d. 250

**Correct Option: b. 150**


- Arithmetic subtraction.


- Correct subtraction.

#### Question 12:

**70 ÷ 0.01 =**

- **Options:**

- a. 7000
- b. 700

- c. 70
- d. 7

**Correct Option: a. 7000**

- Division by small decimal increases the quotient.


- Correct arithmetic.

#### Question 13:

**(3510 + 510) – (200 + 20) =**

- **Options:**

- a. 2800
- b. 3800
- c. 4800

- d. 5800

**Correct Option: b. 3800**

- Correct subtraction.


- Arithmetic verified.

#### Question 14:

**(50 × 40) ÷ 200**

- **Options:**
- a. 10000

- b. 1000

- c. 100
- d. 10

**Correct Option: d. 10**


- Simplification: \( 2000 / 200 = 10 \).


- Arithmetic confirmed.

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