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Host (JERICHO): Good evening, ladies and gentlemen, may we have your attention please. We
are about to begin the 18th birthday party celebration. So please find your seats or table and
make yourselves comfortable and enjoy the rest of the evening. By the way I am Jericho Ryan
Chiong and together with me tonight is the sister of the dearest debutant Shelby Bagcat. And
we will be your hosts for this very wonderful and blessed 18 years of existence of the life of our
dear Lara Bagcat!

Tonight is a celebration of adulthood and a thanksgiving of the life God has given to our lovely
celebrant. All of you who are here tonight have watched her grow over the years into the
wonderful person she is now. As a jumpstart, let us all acknowledge the ever supportive and
loving family of our debutant:

Mother- Gina Espinosa Bagcat

Father- Rogelio Balili Bagcat Jr.
Brother- Roh Benhur Espinosa Bagcat
Sister- Shelby Elaine Bagcat

Without them, her life would be empty and unhappy. Let us all give a big round of applause to
honor all the people whom she truly loved. Ingon sila, daghan tang makit-ang kapuso dinhi sa
kalibutan, pero nag-inusara ang matawag natong kapamilya. Right?
Some says, in life we can have several friends, classmates, and social circles, but there is only
one family who is always willing and ready to welcome us no matter what.

Ug dili na nato padugayon pa. Tonight calls for a grand celebration and it is our distinct pleasure
to introduce to you for the very first time, the reason why we are all gathered here tonight.
Because tonight will be the most magical night in her 18 years of existence.
Now ladies and gentlemen without further ado, let us all rise and put our hands together, as we
welcome the main highlight of this celebration, and as she stepped into a higher level of life,
ladies and gentlemen, our lady of the evening, our lovely debutant, LARA CHARLIEZE BACGAT!


HOST (JERICHO): At this moment, before we formally start with the celebration I'd like to
request everybody to please stand for the Lord's moment for His guidance and blessings to be
led by Mr. Jerry Joseph Abordo

-------DINNER PROPER------


HOST (JERICHO): Thank you and everyone you may take your seats. At this point, to tell us kung
asa jud naliwat si lara, sa iya bang mother? Or sa iya bang father? Or both? Char. Ladies &
Gentlemen Here's the mother of our lovely debutant Mrs. Gina Bagcat to welcome all of us to
their lovely daughter's 18th birthday party. Please let us give her a round of applause!

HOST (JERICHO) : Thank you so much mother Gina! For that insipiring message for us and the
debutant! Now let us all relax and let us start the fun tonight!

Now at this juncture, we will move on to start the very first dance of our debutant together
with her father, and just a little trivia, the 18 roses symbolize in her 18 years and the gentlemen
symbolizes as her protector, knight in shining armor, guardian angel or what other terms you
may call. This gentlemen will protect her from any harm or sadness. Let us all welcome the 18
roses dance of lara and her dearest father Rogelio Bagcat Jr.

18 T R E A S U R E S

HOST SHELBY: Now at this juncture, to represent the Circles of of Important People of her Life,
let us welcome the following persons who will share their wishes, messages, and offer an
Enlightenment which symbolizes friendship.
Of course, these people will be the ones who will give her advices and kind words along the way
on how to become a perfect woman


1. Chelsea 11. Arl

2. Angela 12. Geof
3. Creamy 13. Ate mikey
4. Kyle 14. Hannah
5. Gene 15. Yeyel
6. Cherielle 16. Izza
7. Allysa 17. Roshey
8. Shine 18. Jeth
9. Lianne 19. Shayann
10. Marah 20. Lorraine

S E R E N A D E:
HOST (JERICHO): At this juncture , the debutant will be serenaded by her one and only brother
Roh Benhur Espinosa Bagcat. Let’s us all welcome and give him a big round of applause!

1 8 S H O T S

HOST (JERICHO): Thank you so much everyone for your moving, uplifting and heartwarming
messages for our dear debutante. And now moving on, we have now come to the part of our
program that the guys have been waiting for. A chance to take shot and toast to the debutant!
This is the 18 shots!!

HOST (SHELBY): Now to start the 18 shots , we will ask you a random and interesting question
that will surely test how well do you know our debutant!! This is now a test of a strong
friendship and bond with lara!

--------- READ THE TRIVIA AS FOLLOWS --------

Biography/ favorite
1. What’s her middle name? Espinosa
2. What size shoe is she? 7 or 71/2
3. What is her hidden favorite colour - Baby blue
4. Favourite movie ( clue: buttons) - Coraline
(Clue: hole rabbit) Alice in the wonderland
5. What day of the week was the birthday celebrant born. – Monday
6. What is her most hated insect - cockroach
7. What is her nickname here sa CDO nga ang ga tawag sa iyaha ani kay iyang mga aunts and
uncles – Laryang
8. What is her favorite fruit- Banana
9. What is her favorite genre sa Movie – Horror
10. What is her birth flower - Irises or Violets
11. What is her favorite starbucks drink? - mango dragon lemonade
12. How many birthdays did the guest of honor celebrate before moving here in CDO - 17 years
13. What is her family’s dogs name. Except family mo answer – Lady
14. Lara really hates to touch what? – snake
15. Lara once wanted to be a (career)when she grow up - Physical Therapist
16. In what city Lara was born- Surigao City
17. How many stuff toy does lara have – 3
18. What is her lucky number in combination-


HOST (SHELBY): Now at this juncture I want you to hold your goblet or wine glass, and let’s
greet her a happy birthday as we TOAST!


HOST (SHELBY): Thank you everyone. You make take your seats.
So from the 18 treasures and 18 shots, of course, wishes and greetings from the debutante's
family and friends will be very important because as what Willa Cather said, "Where there is
great love, there are always wishes."
Because birthdays are always new beginnings, new endeavors with new set of goals, sending
birthday messages and wishes is a tradition especially in our country, where we give high value
to family ties and relationship.
So tonight, ladies and gentlemen please put all your attention to the projector as we will be
hearing some messages from important people of lara’s life as they celebrate her 18th birthday


HOST (JERICHO): What a wonderful and sweet message from those people whom lara truly
loved. Now at this juncture, I want to call the debutante to give us her message and
appreciation as she welcomes her legality. Ladies and gentlemen let us all welcome LARA
BAGCAT! Let’s give her around of applause!
Bring me – Shelby
Trip to Jerusalem- Shelby
----------------------------------------- E N D O F S C R I P T ---------------------------------------------------------

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