6 Review Reports

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Project Demo Report:

1) Team Tesla – Smart Car Rental System

Problem Statement:
Building the smart car rental system. Using IoT devices to predict price dynamically based on
car’s condition and usage.

Quality of demo: Team Tesla has explained their problem in detail. The way they have
analyzed the problem is very good. The product that was developed will be very useful for
the users in real time.

The Smart Rental Car System is a revolutionary solution in the car rental industry, offering a
unique approach to pricing and usage tracking. Unlike traditional rental services that charge
customers based on daily rates or kilometres driven, this system employs a more dynamic
and fair pricing model.
The rental car system in cities would cost more price if you have used it more or less
irrespective of our usage of the car. They came with a solution for this problem stating that
they have some threshold values for RPM, Engine Temperature, Speed. Based on these
parameters, they have fixed the price for the user for renting the car. It is also has an IOT
connectivity which will be helpful for the user to know the price for their rent through the
mobile. If the threshold parameters are exceeded then the user has to pay the according to
the user's usage
Overall, the Smart Rental Car System represents a step forward in the rental car industry,
offering a fairer and more transparent pricing model that aligns with modern consumers'
needs for flexibility and cost-effectiveness. Its innovative approach to calculating rent and
usage sets a new standard for convenience and value in car rentals.

Positives of the product:

 Fair pricing
 Convenience
 Cost saving
 Real time usage

Issues in the product:

 The cost of the product is a bit high.
 The ultrasonic sensor which is used to detect obstructions in the way is taking too
much time to detect.
 The base price that have set by them is high even if the car is not used.
 Ensuring accurate tracking of usage can be challenging, especially in scenarios where
GPS signals are weak or unavailable, potentially leading to inaccuracies in billing.
 The income of the retail transportation owners will totally destroyed and it will
clueless because of EMI issues and maintenance issues.
 It cannot be affordable for everyone as the base price is bit high.

Improvements needed:
 Sudden obstruction should be detected within no time.
 The base pricing should be considered according to the users affordability.
 It should be more accurate while tracking the car.

Alternative solutions:
 The users could be charged only for the kilometres that they have travelled. We find
this solution will be more useful as a user because if the user travel only five
kilometres and charging the base price of 1000 rupees would not be appropriate.

2) Team – Glacier
Problem Statement:
The main cities facing many roadside parking problem. Give an Iot based solution for the
Smart parking system.

Quality of demo:
The team as explained the problem statement very well. The team members demonstrated
excellent coordination during the presentation of the solution. However, the explanation of
the solution took longer than anticipated due to technical difficulties encountered while
displaying the output.

Ultimately, a smart city parking system contributes to creating more sustainable, efficient,
and liveable urban environments. This system aims to optimize parking utilization, reduce
traffic congestion, enhance convenience for drivers, and improve overall urban mobility.
They said that this can be monitored by magnetic field sensors. The particular person can
hold 15 to 20mins for holding an parking slot.
The approximate pricing for the each parking station contains 22$.
Through a user-friendly mobile application or a web-based interface, drivers can access real-
time information about available parking spaces in their vicinity. This allows them to
efficiently locate parking spots without the need to circle around congested areas, ultimately
reducing traffic congestion and carbon emissions. Moreover, drivers can reserve parking
spaces in advance, pay for parking digitally, and receive navigation guidance to their chosen
parking location.
In summary, the implementation of a Smart City Parking System represents a forward-
thinking approach to urban parking management, leveraging technology to enhance
efficiency, convenience, and sustainability in urban transportation. By embracing innovation
and data-driven decision-making, cities can address the challenges of urbanization while
improving the quality of life for their residents.

Positives of the product:

 Enhanced Convenience for Drivers.
 Optimized Parking Utilization.
 Reduce the work load of parking staffs.
 Dynamic Pricing and Revenue Optimization.

Issues with the product:

 There is some technical issues while they showing their output.
 This can pose barriers to adoption, particularly for elderly or technologically
inexperienced individuals who drives.
 Normally nowadays in malls and other parking places they charge only 10Rs for
bike,50Rs for car and 70 for other vehicles but here the costing be gone high in our
 The automation and digitization of parking management processes through smart
parking systems may result in job displacement for parking attendant.
 Smart parking systems collect and store data on parking behaviour and user
activities, raising concerns about privacy and data security so it needed advanced
cybersecurity installation.

Improvements needed:
 Here the system collects the information of the persons there we need an advanced
security measures so that no hacker can take the information’s of the user.
 This problem cannot given an solution for the normal places like markets were there
is no parking but the cars and other vehicle are parked in the road side.

Alternative solution:
There should be solution for unorganized parking system which gives an advanced solution
for this particular problem.
3) Team – Tech Greeks
Problem statement:
The problem statement is Detection of human fatigue and exertion.

Quality of demo:
The team as explained the problem statement very well. The team members demonstrated
excellent coordination during the presentation of the solution. However, the explanation of
the solution took longer than anticipated due to technical difficulties encountered while
displaying the output.

The problem addressed by the developers was the challenge of accurately detecting human
fatigue and exertion, particularly in the context of construction sites where workers often
face physically demanding tasks for extended periods.
They designed the product in very innovative. One of its most notable features is its
portability, making it convenient for workers to carry and use throughout their shifts. The
product's ability to provide accurate and instant recognition and reporting of fatigue is a
game-changer. By leveraging heart rate monitoring, it offers real-time insights into exertion
levels. Increased heart rate, indicative of the body working harder to meet demands, serves
as a reliable indicator of fatigue, allowing for timely intervention and mitigation of potential
In summary, the developers have created a truly remarkable product that addresses the
pressing need for effective fatigue detection in construction site environments. Its
portability, ease of administration, and multifunctional capabilities make it a valuable asset
for ensuring the well-being and safety of workers in demanding work settings.

Positives of Product:
 Improved Health Monitoring
 Improved Health Safety
 Support for Mental Health

Issues of the product:

 The has issue with Limited Scope of Monitoring.
 The cost of acquiring and maintaining the fatigue detection system may be
prohibitive for some organizations, particularly smaller construction companies or
those operating on tight budgets.
 Monitoring physiological data, such as heart rate and body temperature, raises
privacy concerns among workers.
 Encouraging workers to consistently use the fatigue detection system may pose
challenges related to user acceptance and compliance.
 Cultural attitudes towards fatigue, safety practices, and technology adoption vary
across different organizations and regions.

Develop an advanced mobile application companion for the fatigue detection system that
enables remote monitoring, data visualization, and management of fatigue-related alerts.

Alternative Solution:
The proposed fatigue detection product seems to align perfectly with the identified problem
statement. It integrates advanced technology with practical usability, offering a
comprehensive solution tailored to the specific needs of construction site workers. With its
innovative features and potential for enhancing safety and productivity, it stands out as an
ideal solution for addressing the challenges associated with detecting human fatigue and
exertion in the workplace.

4) Team – Pheonix
Problem Statement:
The problem statement they had given is Smart Street Light.

Quality of Demo:
It sounds like they did an excellent job presenting their solution, demonstrating a strong
understanding of the problem and user needs. Overall, it seems like they effectively
addressed the user requirements with their product.

Light Grid offers cities a promising solution through a network of smart streetlights. By
upgrading existing electrical panels with sensors and Wi-Fi capabilities, Light Grid
streamlines light monitoring, saving time and resources. Additionally, it provides valuable
real-time data for enhancing lighting efficiency, potentially cutting energy expenses. This
innovation benefits residents, commuters, and municipal authorities alike. However,
concerns persist regarding the features of its accompanying app, ensuring data security, and
mitigating potential disruptions during the installation process.

Positives of the product:

 By utilizing real-time data, Light Grid ensures well-lit streets, improving visibility for
residents, commuters, and workers during nighttime hours, thus enhancing safety.
 Users have the flexibility to customize and control lighting settings according to their
preferences, such as brightness, color temperature, and scheduling.
 LED technology, commonly used in smart light systems, offers long-lasting
performance and durability compared to traditional incandescent or fluorescent
bulbs. This results in reduced maintenance requirements and lower replacement
costs over time

Issues of this product:

 Some smart light bulbs may not be compatible with existing dimmer switches,
leading to compatibility issues or reduced functionality.
 Smart light systems that rely on Wi-Fi connectivity may contribute to network
congestion and interference, especially in densely populated areas or environments
with multiple IoT devices.
 The manufacturing and disposal of smart light products, including electronic
components and batteries, can have environmental implications, such as resource
depletion, pollution, and electronic waste.
 Power outages or failures can disrupt the functionality of smart light systems,
particularly if they rely on cloud-based services or require continuous power for
 Smart light systems, like other Internet of Things (IoT) devices, are susceptible to
cybersecurity threats, including unauthorized access, data breaches.
 It has high maintenance cost.

Make sure to install the smart lighting system in places where there's a lot of activity or
movement, ensuring maximum benefit where it's most needed.
5) Team Lavender : Load Alert
Problem statement: The overloading and underloading the rail wagon will be notified by
sending alerts to the respective authorities.

Quality of demo: The team has explained their problem statement very well. All the team
members have coordinated well while presenting the solution. The solution explanation has
taken much time as it was not worked properly while showing the output.

This project revolutionizes railway load monitoring , including piezoelectric sensors and an
advanced alert system. By combining these elements, the project aims to enhance safety
and efficiency in railway operations while addressing the critical issues of overloading and
The integration of piezoelectric sensors into railway tracks marks a significant advancement
in load monitoring technology. These sensors accurately measure the weight distribution of
passing trains, providing real-time data to railway operators. Their seamless integration into
existing infrastructure minimizes disruption while maximizing efficiency.
While the project offers substantial benefits, considerations regarding cost-effectiveness and
scalability remain relevant. Initial implementation costs may be significant, particularly for
widespread deployment across extensive railway networks. However, the long-term benefits
in terms of improved safety, efficiency, and reduced maintenance costs
justifying the investment.

Positives of the product:

 Enhanced safety
 More advanced than the existing product
 Proactive maintenance
 Alert notifications

Issues with the product:

 The accuracy of calculating the overloading and underloading is not up to the mark.
 Delay in sending the alerts.
 It sometimes gave the false alarms even if the weight is overloaded it is not showing.
 Continuous monitoring of sensors. Even if there is small defect in the sensor at any
point of time, it gives false notifications.
 Environmental conditions affects the piezoelectric sensors because of extreme
temperatures, moistureness and vibrations regarding the passing trains.

Improvements needed:
 The alerting system can be more advanced.
 The sensors that are used can be protected from damaging due to the extreme
weather conditions.

Alternative solution: The solution that the team made is very good but some of the
limitations like false alerts and not giving immediate alerts can be enhanced to get the
advanced solution.

6) Team – Marvel:
Problem Statement:

Quality of Demo:
The clarity of the problem statement underscores its utility, particularly in large-scale
industries and organizations. Its applicability becomes especially advantageous during
periods of heightened threats or emergencies, offering invaluable benefits in managing and
mitigating risks effectively within expansive organizational structures.

Product review:
Precisely tracking the number of individuals present during emergencies is paramount.
Leveraging IoT technology, each staff member is provided with an RFID tag. Upon entry, the
system records their presence. In case of a fire, cameras detect and alert staff. As they exit,
departures are logged. This aids administrators in discerning safely evacuated individuals
from those still inside. Armed with this data, the organization's rescue team can swiftly
locate and aid those requiring assistance.

Positives of the product:

 Swift identification of staff endangered during gas leaks or fires in both organizations
and large-scale industries is facilitated.
 Rapid and precise headcount retrieval from the database streamlines emergency
response efforts.
 Implementation of these systems in organizations effectively minimizes life risks,
ensuring heightened safety measures.
 Enhanced situational awareness enables proactive decision-making, mitigating
potential hazards promptly.
 Seamless integration with existing safety protocols and infrastructure bolsters overall
emergency preparedness and response capabilities.

Issues of the product:

 Training requirements for staff on the proper use and response to the system may be
extensive, leading to potential resistance or confusion during emergency situations.
 Implementation costs, including the installation of RFID infrastructure and
surveillance systems, may pose financial challenges for organizations, particularly
smaller ones with limited budgets.

 It cannot be used in small buildings, hospitals, universities, etc.

 The device won't instruct where the people got stuck, like particular places.
 Reliance on RFID tags may lead to issues such as tag malfunction, loss, or damage,
potentially compromising accurate headcount tracking during emergencies.

Explore cost-effective alternatives for RFID technology and surveillance systems to make the
solution more accessible to organizations with limited financial resources. Develop more
robust RFID tags resistant to damage or loss, ensuring reliable tracking of staff members
even in challenging environments or situations.

Alternative Solution:
The proposed solution for accurate head counting during emergencies would be highly
effective if implemented across various sectors, including buildings, hospitals, universities,
and small-scale industries. This comprehensive approach ensures that all types of
organizations can benefit from improved safety measures and emergency response

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