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R C Sherriff

Journey’s End: Multiple Choice Quizzes to complete

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Simple Plot Summary
‘C’ Company of the 9th Battalion are moving into a dugout close to the front lines Monday 18 th
March 1918. An outgoing officer is drying his socks over the candle and singing happily to himself
as he awaits the incoming officers. Osborne arrives in the dugout and they great each other.
The two officers joke together but at the mention of Stanhope’s drinking, tensions begin to
grow between the two men. After some discussion of Stanhope, a quick handover and advice,
Hardy leaves Osborne to await the arrival of the rest of the men. Raleigh, an officer newly
arrived from England, arrives in the dugout. Mason, the officer’s cook, enters the dugout
discussing dinner and panicked that he has apricots for pudding rather than pineapple and so is
fearful of Stanhope’s response. Raleigh explains how he is excited to have been attached to C
Company as he knows Stanhope from home and Osborne tries to prepare Raleigh for the changes
he will see in the Captain Stanhope.
Stanhope arrives in the dugout and immediately calls to Mason to bring whiskey. He initially
doesn’t notice Raleigh but when he does, he is cold and distant. Trotter welcomes him warmly
and after dinner, the two officers go out on patrol together. Hibbert enters the dugout
complaining about his neuralgia (Stanhope believes this is an excuse to be sent home but
Osborne is more sympathetic) and goes to bed without eating. Osborne and Stanhope discuss
Raleigh and his sister. Stanhope reveals his love for Raleigh’s sister and his fear that Raleigh will
betray him in letters home and decides to censor them. Osborne tries to comfort and calm
Stanhope explaining that hero worship lasts even longer than the illusion of heroes and suggests
he goes to bed. Both men go to bed.
Tuesday morning Stanhope is on duty in the trench and the other officers are having breakfast.
They discuss Stanhope who looks ill and discuss his strange behaviour toward Raleigh the
previous night. Their conversation turns to topics from home. Trotter reminisces about nature
and gardening at home when he returned on leave and then leaves to take over from Stanhope.
Raleigh and Osborne talk and Osborne explains he was a schoolmaster and played rugby for
Harlequins and England. Raleigh’s youthful and naïve views of war are revealed before he leaves
to finish a letter home. Stanhope enters as he leaves and Osborne and he discuss the impending
German attack. Stanhope is drinking whiskey again and is concerned about Raleigh will write in
his letter. When Raleigh returns, Stanhope tells him to leave his letter open. After a discussion
and a struggle, Raleigh is forced to give up the letter and leaves. Stanhope is too ashamed of his
behaviour to look and eventually Osborne reads it. Unexpectedly, it is full of praise for
In the afternoon, Stanhope issues work details to a sergeant major which he wants carried out
before the attack. The colonel arrives and instructs Stanhope to organise a raiding party to
attack the German trench the following day. The colonel suggests Osborne and (despite
Stanhope’s objections) Raleigh lead the party. Stanhope is to have supper with the colonel, who
will return to speak to both Osborne and Raleigh in the morning.
Hibbert enters the dugout after having been asleep. He complains about his neuralgia and asks
Stanhope to go down the line to seek medical help. Stanhope not only refuses but informs him
that he has spoken to the doctor and the doctor will not send him home. Hibbert presses
Stanhope further and Stanhope threatens to shoot him by accident if he tries to leave. Hibbert
breaks down and cries. Stanhope confided in Hibbert that he understands how he feels as he
feels it too. He explains that his drinking is the only way he can cope with the fear that he feels
too. Hibbert agrees to stay and try to help the other men.
Osborne returns to the dugout and is told of the raid by Stanhope. Trotter follows soon after and
is told which he feels is badly timed. The men settle down for the evening and Trotter questions
Osborne on what he is reading. He is reading Alice in Wonderland. Trotter cannot understand
why Osborne is reading ‘a kid’s book’ and suggests that it is nonsense and pointless, Osborne
explains that this is the point. Stanhope and Hibbert leave to relieve Raleigh, and Osborne
writers a letter. Raleigh returns to the dugout and is excited by the raid.
On Wednesday afternoon the colonel arrives with last minute instructions and words of
encouragement for the raiding party. Osborne asks Stanhope to send his wedding ring and letter
home to his wife is he dies during the raid and Stanhope jokes about not being able to carry on
without Osborne. The truth of his words lies heavily on the two men. Osborne and Raleigh sit
together before the raid. The difference between their emotional states is clear and
pronounced. With encouragement from Osborne, they talk about home and trivial things.
Osborne puts his wedding ring on the table and the two men leave for the raid.
Gunfire and explosions are heard offstage and the colonel and Stanhope arrive on stage with a
captured German soldier who Stanhope leaves the colonel to question. When he returns, he
bitterly tells the colonel that Osborne and six other men have been killed. Raleigh enters the
dugout and is congratulated by the colonel but is unable to speak. The colonel guides Raleigh to
sit down on Osborne’s bed and leaves. Stanhope and Raleigh stand in silence for a few minutes
and Stanhope comments that he is sitting on Osborne’s bed.
That evening, Trotter, Hibbert and Stanhope are eating a celebratory dinner after the ‘success’
of the raid. They share stories and jokes about women. Raleigh has not eaten with them and has
remained on duty in the trench. Hibbert and Stanhope argue and Hibbert is sent to bed. Trotter
is unceremoniously made second in command after Osborne’s death and goes to relieve Raleigh.
Stanhope is angry that Raleigh has not eaten dinner with the officers. The two men argue and
Raleigh doesn’t understand Stanhope’s reaction to Osborne’s death – or seeming lack of
response. Stanhope makes is clear that his drinking helps him cope with everything. Raleigh
tries to apologise but is told to leave and they part on bad terms.
On Thursday morning the officers wake. The sound of German shells is heard signalling the
attack. Trotter and Raleigh go out to the front line. Hibbert holds back but eventually he and
Mason leave.
Stanhope remains alone in the trench and is then told that Raleigh has been hurt. Stanhope has
him brought to the dugout when it becomes clear, even though Raleigh himself doesn’t know it,
his wounds are serious. Stanhope comforts Raleigh and gives him water but he dies of his
wounds. Stanhope leaves the dugout as the sound of shells increases. The play ends with the
dull rattle of machine guns and we assume that the whole of C Company have met with their
Multiple Choice – Act 1
L/o: To recall and use knowledge of the events of Act 1
1. What is Hardy doing at the beginning of 7. What reason does Osborne give for
the scene? Stanhope’s drinking?
a. Drinking whiskey a. There is nothing else to do
b. Sweeping up the trench b. He dislikes the taste of the water
c. Drying his socks c. His nerves are shot
d. Packing his things to leave d. He enjoys drinking

2. Why does Hardy suggest Osborne not drink 8. How does Osborne feel about Stanhope?
too much water? a. He thinks he is an excellent Captain
a. It is polluted with microbes b. He thinks his drinking makes him
b. The disinfectant is very strong ineffective
c. The latrine is unhygienic c. He thinks he is immature
d. There is no easy way to get more d. He is worried about him

3. How does Hardy describe the line? 9. What nickname do the officers have for
a. Quiet and nothing happens Osborne?
b. Busy and constantly under attack a. Papa
c. Nothing happens and then an attack b. Brother
occurs from nowhere c. Auntie
d. Harmonious and they are friendly with d. Uncle
the Germans
10.How does Raleigh know Stanhope?
4. How does Hardy describe the men as a. They knew each other at school
being when the bombs exploded in their b. Raleigh dated Stanhope’s sister
tea? c. Stanhope played rugby against Raleigh
a. Angry and ready to fight d. They used to live next door
b. Frightfully annoyed
c. Peeved 11.How did Raleigh come to be in Stanhope’s
d. Irked company?
a. Stanhope requested he be sent there
5. What animal does Hardy compare b. Raleigh asked his uncle
Stanhope to? c. Coincidence
a. Fish d. The General doesn’t like Raleigh
b. Lion
c. Chicken 12.Osborne tries to warn Raleigh that:
d. Peacock a. Stanhope is a hard task master
b. Stanhope insists that the trench is
6. Why does Hardy think this is funny? kept clean
a. It gives him and the others a way to c. Stanhope has changed
entertain them d. Stanhope has an awful temper
b. Stanhope tells lewd jokes
c. Stanhope’s father is a vicar 13.What shocks Raleigh most about the
d. Stanhope drinks cocktails trenches?
a. The rats
b. The noise
c. The silence
d. The mud
14.Why is Mason concerned about dinner? 20.Why is Stanhope angry that Raleigh is in
a. The meat is unidentifiable his company?
b. The pineapple is actually apricots a. He couldn’t stand him at school
c. The apricots are actually pineapple b. He thinks he is just a kid
d. It is full of dirt c. He is worried about what he will tell
his sister
15.Why is Stanhope angry with Hardy? d. He is worried about what he will tell
a. The dugout and trenches were poorly the men
b. He insulted him 21.How does Osborne try to comfort
c. He is was inefficient and disinterested Stanhope?
d. The men didn’t respect him a. He says that hero worship outlasts
16.What is missing from the mess box? b. He says that hero worship makes
a. Pepper people blind
b. Salt c. He says that no one listens to little
c. Tea brothers
d. Chocolate d. He gives him whiskey

17.What is in the middle of No Man’s Land? 22.How does Stanhope plan to stop Raleigh
a. A ruin telling anyone?
b. A church a. Won’t let him write letters
c. A tank b. Will read and censor his letters
d. A hospital c. Will threaten him
d. Will have him shot
18.How does Trotter decide to pass their 6
days in the trench? 23.What is Stanhope doing at the end of Act
a. He drinks 1?
b. He plays cards a. Drinking
c. He draws hourly circles b. Sleeping
d. He writes letters c. Smoking
d. Reading Raleigh’s letter
19.Why does Hibbert say he can’t eat any
dinner? 24.What is Osborne doing at the end of Act 1?
a. He doesn’t trust the meat a. Winding his watch
b. He hates apricots b. Writing a letter
c. His neuralgia is too painful c. Sleeping
d. His teeth are too painful d. Drinking
Act 2 Multiple Choice Questions
L/o: To recall and use knowledge of the events of Act 2
1. What are the men having for breakfast? 7. Why does Trotter remember seeing a
a. Bacon and porridge May-tree?
b. Bread and jam a. Reminds him of home
c. Bacon sandwiches b. He thought it was a phosgene gas
d. Nothing attack
c. It was there when he first arrived
2. What reason does Trotter give for there d. He was by a May tree when war was
being no bacon only fat in his bacon? declared
a. The food is poor quality
b. Bad cooking 8. What does Trotter say he would prefer?
c. He likes it that way a. Silence
d. The pig was fat b. Whizz-bangs
c. Bacon
3. How has Osborne told Mason to wash the d. Porridge
dishcloth? 9. How does Raleigh describe the Front line?
a. He shouted at him a. Quiet and Uncanny
b. He threw it away b. Loud and Scary
c. He asked his wife to send some c. Muddy and Claustrophobic
washing powder d. Friendly and Happy
d. He told Stanhope to tell him
10. What do Osborne and Raleigh bond over?
4. How does Trotter confirm that he is not a a. Rugby
commissioned officer? b. Football
a. He talks about the promotion c. Cricket
ceremony d. Boxing
b. He mentions ‘being in the ranks’
c. The others call him a commoner 11. Who did Osborne play for?
d. He talks about his youth a. Harlequins and England
b. Wasps and Wales
5. Why are Trotter and Osborne worried c. Harlequins and England
about Stanhope d. London Irish and England
a. He is talking to himself
b. He is shouting at everyone 12. Raleigh thinks Trotter makes it feel:
c. He looks unwell a. Fun and friendly
d. He is drinking heavily b. Happy and jokey
c. Natural and genuine
6. How does the sound of the birds make d. Normal and homely
Trotter feel?
a. Angry that he’s not at home 13. How did the German’s react to the
b. Missing his family and garden wounded man?
c. Determined to win the war a. They jeered and shot at the rescuers
d. Buoyed and confident b. They captured him and took him for
c. They told the rescuers to carry him
d. They helped the rescuers to carry him
14. What does Stanhope think about the 20. Why does Osborne tell Stanhope he’s
smell of the smell of bacon? not going ‘potty’?
a. Foul a. He isn’t crying all the time
b. Pleasant b. He is too good a leader
c. Delicious c. He is talking about it
d. Disgusting d. He has been there too long

15. Why does Stanhope plan to run wire 21. Why does Stanhope call for whisky?
down the sides of the trench a. He is about to break down from panic
a. The other company left it in poor b. He is bored
condition c. He is celebrating
b. The attack is coming tonight d. He is overwhelmed by Raleigh’s letter
c. He doesn’t trust the other companies
d. He wants to give the men something 22. What did Osborne do on leave?
to do a. Played with his kids
b. Watched films
16. What orders were the company given c. Drank in the pub with his friends
for the attack? d. Went to Paris
a. Send word and wait for help
b. Retreat at the first opportunity 23. Who reads Raleigh’s letter?
c. Fight and wait for support a. Stanhope
d. Expect no support and don’t retreat b. Raleigh keeps it
c. Osborne
17. What does Stanhope draw on Trotter’s d. The Colonel
a. A penis 24. What does Raleigh say about Stanhope?
b. A bomb a. He is shocked by him
c. Trotter being blown up b. He is nice
d. Trotter running away c. He is angry
d. He is proud to be his friend
18. Why does Stanhope think Trotter is
different? 25. When is the attack expected?
a. He has no imagination a. Monday
b. He is of a different social class b. Tuesday
c. He likes bacon c. Wednesday
d. He speaks differently d. Thursday

19. What does Stanhope would be ‘rotten’ 26. What sarcastic comments do Stanhope
for worms? and the Sergeant-Major share?
a. Not having any blood a. The food is gourmet
b. Thinking you were going up but b. They will past the Germans and win
actually going down the war
c. Having your head throb c. They will poison the attacking army
d. Being blown up by a bomb with Mason’s dish cloth
d. The support they will get from the
other companies will be excellent
27. What does Stanhope say to the Colonel
about bacon smell?
a. It stinks like the dead 34. What is wrong with the tea?
b. It makes him think of home a. It tastes of soil
c. It clings to the walls b. It tastes of petrol
d. Keeps reappearing c. It tastes of bacon
d. It tastes of onions
28. When did the Colonel suggest would be
a better time for the raid? 35. How does Osborne react to the news of
a. Tonight at dusk the attack?
b. Tomorrow morning at dawn a. Excitement
c. Tomorrow afternoon b. Panic
d. Tomorrow night c. Laughter
d. He doesn’t
29. Which two officers are chosen for the
raid? 36. What did the German soldiers do to the
a. Osborne and Trotter previous hole in the wire?
b. Osborne and Hibbert a. Put lights on it
c. Raleigh and Trotter b. Covered it up again
d. Raleigh and Osborne c. Tied red ribbon to it
d. Lined up a sniper with it
30. Where does Hibbert say he is going?
a. To visit the mess tent 37. What book is Osborne reading?
b. To complete a rifle check a. Oliver Twist
c. To visit the doctor b. Alice in Wonderland
d. To catch the train home c. Poetry
d. Just So Stories
31. What does Stanhope threaten Hibbert
with? 38. Why does Osborne say he’s reading it?
a. Taking his rations away a. It takes him away from the horror
b. ‘Accidently’ shooting him b. There is no point in it
c. Court marshal c. He read it to his children
d. The firing squad d. He has nothing else to do

32. What does Stanhope confess to Hibbert? 39. Where do Stanhope and Hibbert go?
a. That he read Raleigh’s letter a. To dinner
b. That he hates him b. To the hospital
c. That he understands his fear c. To the Front line
d. That he wants to run away d. To the Colonel

33. How does Stanhope convince Hibbert to 40. How does Raleigh react to the new of
stay? the attack
a. To stand with the other men a. Excitement
b. He will send him home after the b. Panic
attack c. Laughter
c. He will let him stay in the dugout d. He doesn’t
d. He promises a promotion
Act 3 Multiple Choice Questions
L/o: To recall and use knowledge of the events of Act 3

1. Why do Stanhope and the Colonel 7. What does Osborne want to talk about?
disagree? a. The raid
a. Stanhope thinks the Colonel is lazy b. The future
b. Stanhope thinks that he is only c. The past
interested in drinking d. Anything else
c. Stanhope disagrees with the raid plan
d. Stanhope thinks the raid plans should 8. How does Sherriff highlight the violence
be changed of the raid while it is happening?
a. He uses men’s shouting
2. Where does the Colonel plan to watch b. He uses a narrator
the raid from? c. He uses bombs and gunfire
a. The dug out d. He uses silence
b. The front line
c. The trench behind 9. How does the Colonel feel about the raid?
d. HQ a. He thinks it was a success
b. He thinks it was a disaster
3. What reason does Stanhope give for 7 c. He doesn’t think about it; only the
being the deadline for reports? men
a. They need time to strategize and send d. He wishes it hadn’t happened
out orders
b. They can’t have their dinner 10. How does Raleigh act when he returns
interrupted to the dugout?
c. They want to inform the Prime a. He is excited and volunteers for
Minister of the attack future raids
d. The Colonel needs to be back in the b. He leaves to write a letter home
trenches for inspection about it
c. He can’t speak
4. What does the Colonel say he will d. He is crying and shaking
recommend Osborne and Raleigh for if
they succeed? 11. What does Stanhope say to Raleigh?
a. Leave a. He congratulates him
b. Military Cross b. He tells him he can speak to him if he
c. Command of their own Company needs to
d. Future missions c. He doesn’t say anything
d. He asks if he has to sit on Osborne’s
5. What does Osborne ask Stanhope to take bed
care of for him
a. His copy of Alice in Wonderland 12. How does Sherriff highlight the
b. His washing powder celebration of the evening?
c. His pipe a. The men are in ‘dress’ uniforms
d. His wedding ring, watch and letter b. The lighting is brighter
c. They are playing music
6. How does Osborne describe his emotions d. They are singing
about the raid?
a. Excited and pent up
b. Anxious to get going
c. Empty
d. Worried
13. What body part are the men discussing 20. What does Raleigh say that Sergeant
being happy with? Baker suggested?
a. Legs a. He go back to the dugout
b. Arms b. He eat with the men
c. Penis c. He try and get sent home
d. Eyes d. He went out on another raid

14. How do the men ‘bond’ after dinner? 21. Why is Stanhope angry with Raleigh?
a. They look at pictures of women a. He insulted him
b. They talk about their lives b. He took the men’s food
c. They talk about Osborne c. He was insulting the men
d. They ridicule Raleigh d. He showed weakness

15. What does Raleigh tell Hibbert about 22. What reason does Raleigh give for not
the men? eating his dinner?
a. They’re lazy a. He is too full after eating with the
b. They’re beneath him men
c. He likes being with them more than b. He doesn’t like chicken
the officers c. He can’t forget Osborne’s death
d. He wishes that he was more like them d. He is too broken by the raid

16. Why does the atmosphere change after 23. What reason does Stanhope give for
this? drinking and smoking?
a. Stanhope is angry and shouts at the a. Osborne would have wanted them to
others b. He doesn’t want to waste it
b. Stanhope begins to insult Raleigh c. To forget that Osborne is dead
c. Stanhope is too drunk and breaks d. He doesn’t care that Osborne is dead
d. Stanhope talks about Osborne 24. Why does Stanhope say he was half
17. How does Sherriff suggest that the men a. Too worried about the attack
don’t know each other? b. Too upset about Osborne
a. Stanhope doesn’t know Trotter’s c. Too cold in the dugout
name d. Too loud with the guns
b. Stanhope doesn’t know how Trotter
really feels 25. What reason does Hibbert give for
c. Trotter doesn’t know Stanhope’s wanting water?
name a. Nervous about the attack
d. Trotter doesn’t know what Hibbert is b. Dried out mouth from champagne
thinking c. Feels sick after the tea
d. He has a headache
18. What does Trotter become before he
leaves? 26. What reason does Stanhope give for
a. Second in command Hibbert’s water?
b. Captain a. Wasting as much time as possible
c. Lieutenant b. He drank too much last night
d. Colonel c. The tea was bad
d. He is dehydrated
19. What technique does Sherriff use when
he describes the ‘mist rising’?
a. Pathetic Fallacy
b. Rhetorical parallelism
c. Synecdoche
d. Tricolon
27. How does Stanhope react to the news of
Corporal Ross’ injury? 32. What does Raleigh compare his wound to?
a. He is panicked and wants to make sure a. Being hit by a car
he is OK b. A previous rugby injury
b. He doesn’t initially react and remains c. Being bitten by a bug
calm d. Being hit by his sister
c. He suggests they bring him into the
dugout to shelter 33. What reason does Stanhope give for
d. He doesn’t care Raleigh going home?
a. He is too young
28. What injury has Raleigh suffered? b. He doesn’t want him there
a. Shrapnel in the face c. He has got a Blighty one
b. Shrapnel in the back d. He will never walk again
c. Shrapnel in the leg
d. Shrapnel in the arm 34. Why does Raleigh tell Stanhope he
doesn’t have to stay?
29. What does Stanhope tell the Sergeant- a. If he wants to be getting on
Major to do with Raleigh? b. He was horrible to him
a. Put him with the injured Ross c. He clearly doesn’t want him there
b. Take him down the Fosse Way d. He wants to join the others
c. Leave him where he is
d. Bring him into the dugout 35. How does Stanhope show his sorrow at
Raleigh’s death?
30. Where does Stanhope have Raleigh put? a. He cries
a. In his bed b. He kisses his forehead
b. On the table c. He touches his head
c. On the floor d. He screams
d. On Osborne’s bed
36. How does Sherriff end the play?
31. What does Stanhope do to Raleigh? a. With a voice over
a. Shakes him b. With the sound of birds tweeting
b. Ignored him c. With the sound of gunfire
c. Covers him with a blanket d. With the sound of men screaming
d. Uses his jacket as a pillow

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