Design and Analysis of Algorithm Unit 3

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Sridhar: Design and Analysis of Algorithms

Chapter 3
3.1 An algorithm of order Ο(n2) takes 5 seconds to compute answers for an input instance
size n = 10. If the algorithm size is increased to 50, how much time will it take?
C(102) = 5

C 

If the algorithm size is increased to 50, then, C(502) = x

5 5
x  2
 502   2500  125 Seconds
10 100

3.2 Write algorithm for the following problems. Use step count and operation count for
finding run time.
a) Matrix addition
The base code is given as follows: step frequency step X frequency
for i = 1 to n do 1 n+1 n+1
for j = 1 to n do 1 n+1 n(n+1)
c[i,j] = a[i,j] + b[i,j] 1 n(n+1) nn
end for - - ---
end for -- --- ----
 Step Count = (n+1)+n(n+1)+ n 2
= n+1+ n 2 +n+ n 2 = 2 n 2 +2n+1
= O(n).
One can analyze this segment using operation count also. The
n n
n(n  1)
Operation Count= 1  .
i 1 i 1 2

Therefore, the asymptotic complexity analysis is O(n2 ).

b) Matrix multiplication
The base code is given as follows: step frequency step X frequency
for i = 1 to n do 1 n+1 n+1

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for j = 1 to n do 1 n+1 n(n+1)
for k = 1 to n do 1 n+1 n(n+1)(n+1)
c[i,j] = c[i,j]+ a[i,k] * b[k,j] 1 n(n+1) nXnXn
end for - - ---
end for -- --- ----
∴Step count = (n+1)+ n(n+1) + n(n+1)(n+1)+ n × n × n= 2n3  3n2  3n  1 = O(n3 )
One can analyze this segment using operation count also. The
n n n
Operation Count= 1  O(n3 ) .
i 1 i 1 i 1

Therefore, the asymptotic complexity analysis is O(n3 ).

c) Matrix norm
Hint: It can be observed that matrix norm is O( n 2 )
d) Summation of an array
Algorithm sum(n) –
Sum = 0 1
for i = 1 to n do n+1
Sum = sum + n(i) n
end for –
End –
∴ Step count = 2n+2 = O(n).

One can analyze this segment using operation count also. The
Operation Count=  i  n . Therefore, the asymptotic complexity analysis is O(n2 ).
i 1

3.3 Let us say that an algorithm takes 6 seconds for an input size n =10. How much time will
it take when n = 100, if the algorithm run-time is as follows:
a) n3

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C (103) = 6

 
C 1003  x
x  1003
 600 Seconds

b) log n
C  log 2 10   6
log 2 10

C  log 2 100   x
x   log 2 100 
log 2 10
 12 Seconds

3.4 Let two algorithms take the following values :

 A n   n3
 B  n   2n 2

What is the cut-off or break point where algorithms deviate?

n n3 2n2

1 1 2

2 8 8

3 27 18

4 64 32

∴ Cut-off point is after 2.

3.5 Use the limit rule to check that n2n is in Ο(4n).

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t  n n 2n
lim  lim 2 n  0
g  n 2

∴n2n is in Ο(4n).

3.6 Prove that  n     n 

t  n n
∴ lim  1 0
g n n


3.7 Prove that all logarithmic functions grow at slow rate.

The slowest growing function is logarithmic function. Therefore, all logarithmic
functions grow at equal rates.

3.8 Differentiate between the following notations.

a) θ and Ο
θ: average case

Ο: worst case (asymptotically bounded by a function from above)

b) Ο and Ω
Ω is asymptotically bounded by a function from below.

3.9 What is the asymptotic notation for the following polynomial?

t(n) = 6n2 + 100



3.10 Prove the following;

a) n3 log n is in  n3  
n3 log n
lim 3
 lim n  0
n n

∴ n3 log n is in  n3  
b) 2n-4 is in 2n

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2n  4 1
lim n
 lim 4
2 2
1 1
 lim 
16 16

∴ 2n-4 is in 2n

3.11 Prove the following

a) n4  log n  17 is  n 4  
By adding rule

 max(n4 , log n,17) 
  n4  

b) T  n   n3  1

By adding rule

 max(n3 ,1) 
 
  n3   n 2  
c) T  n   5n2  15n

t  n  5n 2  15n
lim 
g  n n2

5n 2
 5

∴ Ω(n2).

3.12 Find suitable notations for the following sequence.

a) i
i 1


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n  n  1
 
i 2
  n2
i 1 =
b)  i2
i 1

n  n  1 2n  1
 i2 2
i 1 =

≈ Ο(n3)
c)  n3
i 1


n 2  n  1
n 2

n  4 3

i 1

n 2 n 2  2n  1 

n 4  2n 3  n 2


≈  n4  
d) i
i 1


Ο(log n)
n 1
e) i



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f)  7i


7 n1  1


 7 n1  7 
  
 7 

  7n1   7n   
g)  i i  7
i 1


= Ο(n2).
n n n
h)  ijk
i 1 j 1 k 1


n3  n  1


n3 n3  1  3n 2  3n 

n6  3n5  3n4  n3


 Ο(n6).

i) n
 i  i2
i 1

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   log n 

3.13 What is the time complexity of the following algorithm segments using step count and
operation count?
Frequency C Cx Frequency
k=1 1 1 1
while k≤n n 1 n
k=k+1 n 1 n
End while 0 0 0
∴ Step count = 2n+ 1= Ο(n).

One can analyze this segment using operation count also. The
Operation Count=  i = O(n).
i 1

Therefore, the asymptotic complexity analysis is O(n).

Frequency C Cx frequency
for i=1 to n-1 do N 1 N

 for j=i+1 to n do n(n+1) 1 n(n+1)

swap n(n+1) 1 n(n+1)
End for – – –
End for – – –
n(n+1)+ n(n+1)+n

∴Step count= 2n2  3n = Ο(n2).

One can analyze this segment using operation count also. The

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1    n2 
n n
Operation Count=
1 1

Therefore, the asymptotic complexity analysis is  n 2 .  

3.14 Show that the running time of an quadratic algorithm nearly doubles as input size
becomes larger.

Let ‘n’ be the input and doubles it to 2n.

∴ =2

This is true for doubling of the input size.

3.15 Let two algorithms be A and B. The complexity functions of algorithms A and B are as
TA  100n
TB  n 4

Which function grows faster as n→∞? What is the relationship between these functions?


100n grows faster

TA is exponential and

TB is polynomial algorithm.

3.16 
Show that  n3  n2  n log n 

Using additive low

 
  max n3 , n 2 , n log n 
  n3 

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3.17 Show that n log n   log  n! 


 log n n 
¦   log n 

3.18 Given that

T1(n) = Ο(f(n))

T2(n) = Ο(g(n))

Solution :


= Ο(f(n),g(n))

= Ο(max(f(n),g(n)))

3.19 Find the θ rotation for each of the following functions.

a) 2n1  4n1

     
 4 4n   2n   4n

  4 

b) (n2+6)8

   
Solution: n2 ¦  n16

c) 7logn + 10n3
Solution: θ(n3)

3.20 Order the following rotations:

logn, n2n, n!, n

Solution: logn, n , n2n, n!

3.21 Consider the following segment. Apply step count method and analyze the algorithm

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Step frequency Stepfrequency

Algorithm sum()
Begin –
sum=0.0 1 1 1
For i=1 to n do 1 n+1 n+1
val=2i 1 n n
sum=sum+i 1 n n
End for
return sum 1 1 1
∴ step count = 3n + 3 = O(n).

One can analyze this segment using operation count also. The
Operation Count= 1    n 

Therefore, the asymptotic complexity analysis is O(n).

3.22 Perform the complexity analysis of the following algorithm segment that simply returns a
value using step count.


Step frequency Stepfrequency

Algorithm sample() –
Begin –

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for i=1 to n 1 n+1 n+1

return i 1 n n
endfor – –
end – –
∴ step count = 2n+1 = O(n).

One can analyze this segment using operation count also. The
Operation Count= 1    n  . Therefore, the asymptotic complexity analysis is


3.23 Perform the complexity analysis of the following segment that initialized a matrix to
unity. Use step count.

Step frequency Stepfrequency

Algorithm sample()
for i=1 to n do 1 n+1 n+1
for j=1 to n do 1 (n+1)n n2+n
A(i,j)=0 1 (n+1)n n2+n
End for – – –
End for – – –

∴ Step count = 2n2  3n  1  O(n2 ) .

One can analyze this segment using operation count also. The

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1    n2  . Therefore, the asymptotic complexity analysis is

n n
Operation Count=
i 1 i 1


3.24 Consider the following algorithm segment and perform complexity analysis using
operation count. Consider all the operations of the algorithm segment.
Algorithm sample()


for k = 1 to n-1

for m = k+1 to n

return m+1





This problem is about applying operation count. The operation count for this segment
would be equal to
n 1 1 n 1
1    n   k  1  1
k 1 k 1 k 1

 n  n   k  1  1

 
  n2

3.25 Consider the following segment, how many multiplication operations need to be done?
for i= 1 to 50 do

for j = 51 to 100 do

A = BC

end for

end for

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The number of multiplication required is equal to 1  100 .

3.26 Let us assume that the algorithm analysis of an algorithm yields the summation as
n 1 n 1 n
T  n    3   6
i 1 i 1 i 1

What is the resultant sum?


It can be observed that

33  3  6n  6n   6n (  6  6 n)
n 1times n 1times i 1




3.27 Suppose an algorithm takes 8 seconds to run an algorithm on an input size n=12.
Estimate the largest size that could be compute in 56 seconds. Assume the algorithm
complexity is
a) θ(n)
cn = 8

12c = 8

8 2
c  
12 3

x  56 Seconds

 x  56   28  3  84

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n = 84 is the largest we can run.

b) θ(n2)

cn2 = 8 Seconds

224c = 8

c 

x  56 Seconds

x  56 

= 1568 Seconds.

3.28 Let us assume that the given two algorithms are A and B. The complexity functions are
given as follows:
TA = n2

TA = n + 2

What is the breaking point?

Solution: n n2 n+2
n –n–2 =0 0 0 0
(n–2)(n+1) =0 1 1 3

n = 2, –1 2 4 6

 The cutoff value is 2

3.29 Let t(n) = 3n3+2n2+3. Prove that this is Ο(n3)


The highest degree of the polynomial is 3.

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 Ο(n3)

3.30 Let t(n) = 9n2. Prove that the order is Ο(n2)

 9n 2 ≤cn2

When c≥ 9, this conditions holds good.

 9n2∈ Ο(n2)

3.31 Find the smallest threshold number for the polynomial

3n2 + 255 ≤ 4n2


4n3-3n2-255 = 0

n2 = 255

n  255  15.96 ¦ 15

 Approximately the cut-off threshold is 16.


255 ≤ n2

n  255  15.96 ¦ 16

3.32 Prove that

n∈ Ο(n2)



This condition holds good for all c≥ 1.

 This is in Ο(n2).

3.33 Let t(n) = 6n 2 + 7n + 8. Prove that this is of the order of Ω(n2).


6n 2 + 7n + 8 ≥cn2

This holds good for c≥ 7

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 This is in Ω(n2) .

3.34 Prove that 2n-1 + n2n∈ Ο(4n)

2n 1  n  2n  2n1
2n 1
2n 1  n  22 n
  0.
2n 1

4n This holds good for all c This is Ο(4n).

3.35 Consider the following segment. Apply step count method and analyze the algorithm

Step 1: Algorithm evencount()

Step 2: Begin
Step 3: sum = 0.0
Step 4: for i = 1 to n do
Step 5: if (i mod 2 == 0) then
Step 6: sum = sum + i
Step 7: End if
Step 8: End for
Step 9: return(sum)
Step 10: End.
Step 1: Algorithm evencount() Step Freq Total
Step 2: Begin - - -
Step 3: sum = 0.0 1 1 1
Step 4: for i = 1 to n do 1 n+1 n+1
Step 5: if (i mod 2 == 0) then 1 n n
Step 6: sum = sum + i
Step 7: End if - - -
Step 8: End for - - -

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Step 9: return(sum) 1 1 1
Step 10: End. - - -

Therefore, the step count = 2n+3 = O(n)

3.36 Perform the complexity analysis of the following algorithm segment that simply
returns a value using step count.
Step 1: Algorithm countodd()
Step 2: Begin
Step 3: count = 0
Step 4: for i = 1 to n do
Step 5: if (i mod 2 != 0) then
Step 6: count = count + 1
Step 7 : End if
Step 8 : End for
Step 9: return(count)
Step 10: End.

Hint: Same as before O(n).

3.37 Perform the complexity analysis of the following segment that initialize the diagonal
of a matrix to unity. Use step count.
Step 1: Algorithm sample()
Step 2: Begin
Step 3: for i = 1 to n do
Step 4: for j = 1 to n do
Step 5: if (i==j) then
Step 6: A(i,j) = 1
Step 7: End if
Step 8: End for

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Step 9: End for
Step 10: End.


Step 1: Algorithm sample() Step Count Total

Step 2: Begin - - -
Step 3: for i = 1 to n do 1 n+1 n+1
Step 4: for j = 1 to n do 1 (n+1)n (n+1)n
Step 5: if (i==j) then 1 nxn nxn
Step 6: A(i,j) = 1
Step 7: End if - - -
Step 8: End for - - -
Step 9: End for - - -
Step 10: End. - - -

Therefore, the step count = (n  1)  n2  n  n2  2n2  2n  1  O(n2 )

Therefore, the asymptotic complexity is O( n 2 ).

3.38 Consider the following segment and perform complexity analysis using operation
count. Consider the dominant operations of the algorithm segment.

Step 1: Algorithm sample() step count Total

Step 2: Begin - - -
Step 3: for k = 1 to n do 1 n+1 n+1
Step 4: for m = 1 to n do 1 n(n+1) n(n+1)
Step 5: return (k*m) 1 nxn nxn
Step 6: End for -- --- ---
Step 7: End for -- --- ---
Step 8: End. -- ---- ---
Therefore, step count = n+1+ n2  n + n 2 = O(n2 ) .

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Therefore, the asymptotic complexity is O( n 2 ).

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