Casting T6 Report

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T6 heat treatment Process Report

Treatment inspection report Date:2017.09.26

客户 数量 形状 盘料 块料 棒料 材质
5pcs A356
Customer QTY Shape Tray Block Material Material

技术要求 538°C - (4-12)h +

处理类别 铸件T6热处理 water cooling(66°C-
Drawing# 522154_B Tehnical
Treatment sort cast T6 heat treatment 100°C) +
request 154°C - (2-5)h



Quality inspection report(Supplier filled)
Drawing# Qty of testing Type of Quench Result Deflection(mm) AppearanceOthers Tester
522154_B 3pcs T6 OK No OK OK Zhouyong

Defective record :No Result:Approved

Technical Supervisor :Jin Xinxin

Notes:(Depicts identified)

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