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We use the first condicional to talk about a posible future situation and the resulto f that

 Possible future situation: If the weather is good this weekend, (result) we’ll go to the
 Possible future situation: If I pass this exam, (result) I’ll be very happy.

To talk about a possible future situation, use the present simple in the IF clause.

If I pass my exams, I’ll get into university. (if clause) – (main clause)

I’ll get into university, if I pass my exams. (main clause) – (if clause)

Tip: Never use will/ might in a if clause.

If I go to New York … NOT If I will go to New York.

To talk about the result of the situation, use a suitable future form, e.g., will, might, be going to
or present continuous.


I’ll get a good degree if I work hard this year.

If he works hard, I won’t fail.

If they don’t work hard this year, they won’t get a good degree.

Her teacher might ask her to repeat the year if she doesn’t work hard.

Questions and short answers:

What will you do if you pass?

If she doesn’t work hard, what will happen?

If you don’t get into university, will you look for a job? Yes, I will. No, I won’t

Are his parents going to buy him car if he works hard? Yes, they are. No, they aren’t.

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