IX Geog

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SUB: Geography
CH-2-Physical Features of India
Time: 45 Mins
Date:- 6.7.2022
Total Marks: 15
1 The Peninsular Plateau of India is a part of which of the following landmass? 1
(i) Angara land
(ii) Tethys
(iii) Gondwanaland
(iv) Central Highland
2 Arrange the following hill ranges from north to south in the correct sequence : 1
(i) Mahadeo range (ii) Vindhya range
(iii) Aravali hills (iv) Satpura Range

(a) i—iv—iii—ii (b) iii—iv—i—ii
(c) iv—i—ii—iii (d) iii—ii—iv—i
3 Complete the following table with correct information with regard to the Eastern 1
Ghats :
The Eastern Ghats Average height Highest peak
A-? B-?

Ans: A- 600 metres. B- Mahendragiri

4 Compare the relief of Himalayas with that of Peninsular Plateau. 2
i) Himalayas exhibit youthful topography/ Peninsular Plateau is the old land mass.
ii) It has high mountains with steep slopes and deep valleys/ It is a flat tableland
with low and rounded hills
iii) It has perennial rivers/ Peninsular Plateau has seasonal rivers
5 Describe the characteristic features of the Indian Desert. / Write the short notes 2
on ‘the Indian Desert’.
i) This tropical desert is the southward extension of the Ganga plain. It is an
undulated sandy plain.
ii) It has extreme and dry climate.
iii) Two types of sand dunes dominate the landscape.
iv) It has seasonal rivers and lakes.
v) It has low vegetation cover.
6 How does relief vary from west to east in the northern plains? 2
i) The western part of the plain is the Punjab Plain drained by the river Indus and its
tributaries. This plain is dominated by the Doabs
ii) The middle part extends between Ghaggar and Tista river is the Ganga Plain that
forms a very gentle slope.
iii) The eastern part of the plain is the Brahmaputra plain lies in Assam. This has very
thick alluvium and very extensive.
7 Distinguish between Bhanger and Khader. Give any three points of differences. 3
i) zone of older alluvium/Newer alluvium
ii) exhibits terraced structure / Flat and level
iii) lies above the flood plain / It is the flood plain lying adjacent to the river.
iv) coarse and has Kankar nodules/ has a very fine texture without kankar nodules
v) less fertile and not so suitable for agriculture/ vey fertile and most suitable for
8 Write the four points of difference between the Eastern Ghats and the Western 3
Ghats. Mention the name of the highest peak of both the ranges.
Western Ghats/ Eastern Ghats
i) Average height 1600mts./ Average height varies from 600 mt. to 1100 mt
ii) continuous/ dissected
iii) gives rise to rivers/ cut by rivers
iv) higher and steep/ low and rounded
v) experience orographic rain/ does not experience orographic rain.

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