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Catholicism in Vietnam
2.1. The process of evangelization and development
The process of spreading Catholicism into Vietnam began in the first decades of the 16th
century (1533), but in fact, it was not until the beginning of the 17th century that
propaganda activities were organized in a large-scale and effective manner. The process
of missionary and religious development in Vietnam can be divided into four main
stages: the period of formation from the early 16th century to 1884; The period from
1885 to 1945 (The period of French colonial rule until the establishment of the
Democratic Republic of Vietnam); The third period from 1945-1975 (The period of
resistance against the French colonialists and the American imperialists); The fourth
phase from 1975 to present (The period after the unification of the country, the whole
country carried out the construction and development of the country in the direction of

Figure 1. Basilica of Our Lady of La Vang (Diocese of Hue), Quang Tri Province

Catholicism was introduced into Vietnam, making many positive contributions to the
country's culture and society. However, during the resistance war against the French
colonialists and the American imperialists, a small number of Catholic believers and
dignitaries were taken advantage of by imperial forces, affecting the State-Church
After 1975, when the two countries, the North and the South, collected one term, the
Churches of the two regions had many favorable conditions for reunification. In 1980, the
Bishops' Conference of Vietnam held its first congress and issued a historic Joint Letter
with the direction of "Living the Gospel in the heart of the nation to serve the happiness
of the compatriots". The 1980 Joint Letter of the Bishops' Conference of Vietnam
expresses the feelings and responsibilities of Catholics towards the country: Loving the
Fatherland and compatriots towards Catholics is not only a must-have natural feeling but
also a requirement. question of the Gospel. The 1980 Joint Letter also defined the task of
building a new religious life and an expression of faith by the national cultural tradition.
Vietnamese Catholic has more than 3,000 parishes; as of early 2021, there are 46 bishops,
nearly 6000 priests; about 200 religious orders, congregations, and associations with
more than 31,000 men and women religious, over 7 million followers.
2.2. Organizational structure
- The Vietnam Bishops' Conference is an organization of all bishops who are performing
pastoral duties in dioceses in Vietnam. The organizational structure of the Vietnam
Bishops' Conference includes a Standing Committee (no number specified), with the
following titles: President, one or more Vice Presidents, General Secretary, one or more
Deputy Secretary Generals ( The Deputy Secretary-General may be a priest). There are
17 committees led by bishops such as Episcopal Commission on Doctrine, on Divine
Worship, on Sacred Music and Arts, on Clergy and Seminarians, on Religious, on Laity,
on Sacred Scripture. , on Culture, on Evangelization… The term of office of the
Episcopal Conference is 3 years. Since its establishment, the Vietnam Bishops'
Conference has passed 14 terms. Currently, it is the 14th term (2019-2022), with 17
Commissions, 46 bishops, and 2 Cardinals.
- Vietnamese Catholics currently have 03 provinces with 27 dioceses: Hà Nội Catholic
Church has 11 dioceses: Hà Nội, Hải Phòng, Lạng Sơn, Bắc Ninh, Hưng Hoá, Bùi Chu,
Phát Diệm, Thái Bình, Thanh Hoá, Vinh and Hà Tĩnh. The Church of Huế Province has 6
dioceses: Huế, Đà Nẵng, Qui Nhơn, Nha Trang, Kon Tum, and Buôn Mê Thuột. The
Church of Sài Gòn has 10 dioceses: Archdiocese of Hồ Chí Minh City, Diocese of Vĩnh
Long, Cần Thơ, Mỹ Tho, Đà Lạt, Long Xuyên, Phú Cường, Xuân Lộc, Phan Thiết, and
Bà Rịa.
Besides the administrative organization that governs the activities of the Church such as
diocese and parish, Catholicism also has a system of religious orders. In Vietnam, there
are many Catholic religious orders, according to 2018 statistics of the Religious
Committee, the Vietnam Bishops' Conference has 285 religious orders, of which 76 are
currently licensed by competent state agencies. the right to grant operation registration
and approval for establishment.
- Vietnamese Catholic currently has 11 training institutions, including Vietnam Catholic
Academy; St. Joseph's Seminary in Hà Nội; Major Seminary of Our Lady of the
Immaculate Conception Bùi Chu (Nam Định); Thái Bình Sacred Heart Seminary (Thái
Bình); Vinh Thanh Major Seminary (Nghệ An); Huế Grand Seminary (Thừa Thiên Huế);
Sao Biển Major Seminary - Nha Trang (Khánh Hòa); Saint Joseph's Seminary in Hồ Chí
Minh City; Saint Joseph Xuân Lộc Seminary (Đồng Nai); Campus II Saint Joseph Xuân
Lộc Seminary in Đà Lạt (Lâm Đồng); Saint Quý Major Seminary (Cần Thơ).
=> Vietnamese Catholicism is a religion that actively participates in the fields of health,
education, charity, and humanitarianism. In the past time, along with religious activities,
the Catholic Church has promoted activities such as establishing kindergartens;
organizing love and cultural enrichment classes for disadvantaged, homeless children,
poor and uneducated children, and children with disabilities; setting up a study promotion
fund to support and encourage poor students and students to give scholarships to
students; opening humanitarian clinics, facilities for raising poor children, taking care of
the elderly alone, disabled, leprosy, Agent Orange victims, HIV-AIDS; building inter-
village roads, bridges and water plants for poor people in remote areas... these are
important contributions of Catholics to the construction and development of the

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