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Awakening to No Identity

The End of the World as You Know it

By Nicholas Powiull

Copyright 2011 by Nicholas Powiull All rights reserved. Written permission must be secured from the publisher to use or reproduce any part of this ebook, except for brief quotations in reviews, articles, or other online media.

CC License

Awakening to No Identity: The End of the World as You Know it by Nicholas Powiull is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License.

Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available by contacting the owner (NICHOLAS POWIULL) of this license.

Why in the World would anybody not want to have an identity? As soon as we read the word "identity", we assume we know what we are referring to and through that assumption we ask "why not have an identity?". However, what are we really referring to when we use the word "identity"? We all assume that when we speak, we are talking about the same thing and communicating in a manner which is understood. The information we are conveying when we communicate with others goes without question and herein is where all conflict and difficulty arises from. Misinformation is the only source in which all appearances of division arise from. We all have different information when it comes to words. This information is based on our experiences of life. We come to form vast differences to meanings of words through our experiences of those words. And our experiences are determined by our upbringing, culture, social influences, and education. Simply stated, we learned what we know through the conditioning of our surrounding environment. Hence the tone used when speaking, the facial expressions, the hand gestures, the ascents in the voices, the phrases used, and the meaning applied to words are similar to people who are raised in the same environmental culture. You will also see the same phenomenon in people who have

the same belief system. They will say similar statements and their meanings applied to words will reflect that belief system since it is coming from the same environmental influence. I refer to this environmental influence as conditioning. Everything we think, say, and do is a conditioning programed by environmental influence. As a result, since we are responding from conditioning, the way we relate to the world and people is conditional. It is a relating that is conditional to favor the learnt information hence there are communication limits that cause problems in relating and outgrowth of violent behavior and actions. When engineers are communicating on building a bridge there is no problem in the communication when it comes to the structure and process to carry out the completion of the bridge. The reason being is that all bridge engineers have the same exact information. When building a bridge everything is done by measurements and mathematics, there is no misinformation in the communication. Hence there is no gap in the translation since it is not based on interpretation, perspective, opinion, or any misinformation. Consequentially, identity is that which relates to the world, others, and itself based on the stimulus response of learned information. Or simply said. identifying is the act of responding with misinformation. It is only misinformation which seemingly divides us, awakening to no identity is about noticing the misinformation patterns for what they are and responding from that noticing.

Chapter One
The World as We Know it How we relate with every appearance in life is based on the information we have. This relating is vastly different depending on a variety of experiences, beliefs, perspectives, and expectation in ones unfolding environment. However, there is one common assumed condition in everybody's experience and it is the foundation of all misinformation and how all human beings are conditioned see the world. It looks something similar to this: I am the body/mind As the body/mind, I am an individual As an individual, I have choice Through choice, I have responsibility Through responsibility, life is serious and fearful Since responsibility makes life serious and fearful, most everything I do is done to lower that responsibility. In this book, we will be looking at this common unfolding in great detail and discovering the misinformation that conditioned these beliefs. We will also be arriving at that which notices the discovery of misinformation and how this applies to our everyday lives. Therefore, this book is not only about the discovery of misinformation which unfolds clarity from this noticing, but also the application of "present-day knowledge" untapped by "identity" (stimulus response based on learned knowledge). Who Are You? If I asked you: Who are you? How would you answer that? The answer doesnt define who you are, unless the answer

is believed to define who you are. The ways that people answer this question are infinite and these are the most common six: 1) I am my name. 2) I am what I do (job title, degrees, responsibilities, etc). 3) I am what other think of me (my reputation). 4) I am my past (my suffering, pain, failures, successes, etc). 5) I am the possessions I own (property, animals, children, etc). 6) I am the qualities of my personality (compassionate, honest, spiritual, etc). Yet all these six things are just labels. You would still be alive without these labels; therefore these labels cannot define who you are. Who is still alive without labels? Who are you? At this point, most people would suggest that they are this body (pointing to the body). I am this body. However, who is it that just said I am this body? Who is in that body, saying, I am this body? Sometimes the conditioning will loop around again and people will name more labels, but eventually if their interest is kept long enough, the ending answer is always the same: I dont know Next people will want an answer. I dont know is not a good enough answer, even though its the answer they found. The body/mind is conditioned to collect beliefs, knowledge, and

information. It wants an answer. Yet, the answers can only be understood by noticing the conditioning patterns of misinformation and therefore one can only arrive at it who they are through noticing the misinformation of who they are not. Therefore the answers will be arrived at the same way "I don't know" is arrived at and will be revealed as the book unfolds. The answers don't fit into the environmental conditioning of how we see the world. In the same way the answer of I dont know is arrived at and yet doesn't fit as an answer to how we see the world. I dont know is the response from the body/mind based on what is happening now. The condition moved from I am this body into a new response of I dont know. "I don't know" is the beginning of the discovery to how the environment influences thought, words, and action. One who can say "I don't know" from a pure place of truly not knowing is beginning to notice the misinformation patterns and this is the start of true knowledge that has nothing to do with learned responses but discovery. It is something that is arrived at through factors of the environment unfolding that discovery. In fact, if you were not reading this book right now, this line of questioning and phrasing that brings one to the discovery of "I don't know" would not have been in your environment and you would not have arrived at the thoughts that you are discovering right now in response to these words. Everything is a conditional response from the body/mind to the surrounding environment at any given moment. The body/mind is constantly and continuously influenced by its environment in every moment and responses from previous

environment factors. Noticing this doesn't end it or stop it from happening, it is only noticed and in that noticing what is actually happening is revealed. When this is revealed many factors of old conditioning are noticed differently since in this noticing the old model no longer makes sense. It just simply doesn't have the same relating qualities. For example, as you grow-up, you may no longer go to parties, you have new information and you outgrown the party scene. You can't relate to it in the same way. This is what the noticing of misinformation does, quite naturally. Therefore, naturally old conditioning is related to differently, namely blame. How can you blame anybody for "what they are" when they are influenced by their environment in which nobody has control over? The old conditioning patterns of anger and throwing words of blame may likely still happen but it's seen that nobody can really be blamed. When you meet a person, you are not meeting a person as they are. You are meeting all the environment conditioning that they were ever exposed to in their life. In other words, you are meeting everything they have been exposed to and learned. Everything from their value system, beliefs, perspectives, expectations have everything to do with their environment. The books they read, what they watch on television, the music they listen to, their hobbies, their role models, their interests, their passions; all of it is picked up somewhere from some influential exposing factor in their environment. It's all conditioning. Therefore people are not bad, wrong, or evil; everything they think, say, and do is conditioned. All behavioral patterns, personalities, talents, abilities, and skills are stimulated

through and are a direct cause of the environment. In the same way that the environment produced the result of this phenomenon called life. Humans are not separate from the environment, they are the environment which shapes them. We are all 'victims' of our environmental conditions, so who is to blame? Blaming people for what they are shaped into by their environment, is no more accurate than blaming the earth for producing earthquakes. The earth has no choice in this, it's a response to the conditions of the earth, The conditions in which cause an earthquake is by a sudden slip on a fault. The tectonic plates are always slowly moving, but they get stuck at their edges due to friction. When the stress on the edge overcomes the friction, there is an earthquake that releases energy in waves that travel through the earth's crust and cause the shaking that we feel. You may react to the earthquake in anger or throw blaming words at it but you naturally notice that you can't really blame the earthquake for what it is. When you see how interconnected and interrelating the environment is with humans beings, there is no concept of separation. It is evident that humans are a result of the environment and adjusted into it, shaped by it and are a product of the environment itself. Humans are the environment that shapes them. Produced out of the natural environment. In the same way an apple is produced from an apple tree. You cannot say that the apple is not a result of the environment itself. The environment unfolded it and therefore it is the environment itself. People assume humans are different than the environment and somehow not a natural result of it, since the idea of choice seems to be an accurate experience based on that

assumption. You can choose to open and close you hand, right? Of course you can, right? Let's see if you have that choice. Please open and close you hand right now. Just humor me. As you open and close your hand, I want you to notice something. Are you are doing it? Okay, so you had the choice to do that right? Since you choose it, can you please tell me how you choose that? Can you explain the process of how you open and close your hand? What is the mechanism behind that choice? No? But if you can choose it, shouldnt you know how that choice is made? If you cant understand how choices are made, how can you say you are choosing it? So you can choose to open and close your hand, but you're not sure how that choice works? Did you also notice that you are focused on opening and closing your hand or the idea of it because this is now in your environment? Would you be focusing on this idea if it were not in your environment? Can you choose to not focus on this? If you choose not to focus on this, why are you doing that? Is it to prove to yourself that you have choice? If you chose to focus on something else, was it something that was also in your environment right now or something that appears in thought quite often? If you are now thinking about something that doesn't appear in thoughts quite often, is that not again to prove that you

have choice since this is now in your environment? You seemingly chose it and it happened automatically and naturally without effort, understanding, knowledge, or even knowing who you are. How can someone who arrives at "I don't know" to questions about who they are, also seemingly choose something separate from the environment and not know the process of that choice? Someone who doesn't know who they are makes a conscious choice about something they can't explain? It's an erroneous belief to assume that people are somehow separate individual's from the environment, making selfaware choices that are somehow independent from their environment. Everything is a direct cause of the environment, everything is the environment, everything you think, say, and do is all a direct result of the unfolding environment. The simple examples show how the environment has immediate effects that are constantly and continuously determining choices. These seeming choices are arrived at by stimulation of the environment unfolding now. Yet, the many factors that produce those results also depend on perspectives, beliefs, expectations, and experiences of each body/mind based on previous environment unfoldings. Nothing is left out and therefore there are no self-aware or conscious choices outside of the environment itself. Every genuine scientist, inventor, and physicist has come to the same conclusions. They are made aware that everything is discovered, arrived at, and made aware of new ideas through the stimulation of the environment and depends on the ability to start from scratch (an ability arrived at through

the environment), from a base point of "I don't know". Only through this "I don't know" model is the opportunity to see something new is discovered. Nothing that has ever come into existence is result of creating it. Nothing is created, no material or idea, it is always arrived at through a process of discovery in direct portion to the unfolding environment. In other words, if you look into the history of discoveries and inventions you will see a list of different experiments with different materials, trail & error, and a list of people who discovered an element or device that later came useful in producing the result of the inventions we use today. Inventions are the results of long drawn-out factors in the environment and what people are exposed to in their research and experiments. These inventions are also arrived at through a problem that needs to be solved due to loss of life or other environmental pressures. When you arrive at the discovery that the misinformation of self as internal and the environment as external, what is noticed is that we live our lives entirely on misinformation patterns. This exciting discovery naturally causes one to want to investigate what is true. Which is the opposite direction of what the noticing revealed. What actually is, is arrived at through noticing the patterns of misinformation, which is not done or chosen, but arrived at. It is only through this noticing of misinformation, that what actually is, is discovered. The environment never reveals truth through noticing, it only notices misinformation and herein it notices itself. The environment is only noticing itself through noticing misinformation, not through the search for what is true or knowing truth. The noticing, is not knowing truth. There is no truth is noticing. The noticer is not the basis of truth, since it requires the stimulation of the

unfolding environment, in which is interrelating the same movement. The truth cannot be revealed or known to any aspect of itself since itself is every aspect.This would be like asking the environment to reveal which aspect of itself is the truth. It's irrelevant to ask, since it's all the environment. To claim an aspect of truth as the whole of truth itself is misinformation. The search for truth will always lead you to misinformation. Therefore, truth is never arrived at or discovered, only the noticing of misinformation is discovered and as a byproduct of this noticing in direct portion to the environment, what actually is, is noticed but this is very different than noticing the truth. What actually is, has no foundation in truth. What actually is always depends on the noticing of misinformation and since the noticing of misinformation is arrived at through the environment unfolding itself, the unfolding environment is what actually is and since the environment is constantly changing, what actually is, is an ever-changing noticing. To help clarify this, let's look at some examples: If you drop a ball out a window of a moving train, it appears as if the ball moves straight down to the ground. Yet someone watching you drop the ball out the window from the moving train, it will appear like the ball is falling to the ground at a diagonal. Therefore, what is actually happening with the ball? What is the truth about the direction it falls? These questions are based on misinformation of how the environment notices itself. What actually is, depends on the perspective it is noticed from. In other words, it doesn't depends on the noticing itself. The noticer and what it is noticing is not the

truth. As a result, only the noticing of misinformation can resolve the apparent conflict. The noticer, or witness, is always discovering itself a new and noticing itself, newly, through the influence of the environment that is subject to constant change. That which notices every change is changed by noticing AND that which notices all changing phenomenon must be unchanging, as a result every perspective is the unchanging, but that which notices the changing phenomenon and it is changed by it, it is ALSO the changing phenomenon. Consequentially, nobody is independent of the changing environment, even the witness that is unchanged by it, is also changed through witnessing it. It is infinitely discovering itself a new. It does this through the body/mind which is a condition of the environment and conditioned to respond to the unfolding environment. The unchanging witness is only made self-aware of itself through the changing condition of the body/mind noticing (witnessing) misinformation. The witness is only as self-aware as the body/mind and its capabilities to notice many perspectives of misinformation. You are only made aware of what you are through noticing misinformation. Yet this misinformation is only arrived at through the unfolding environment. It takes the environment to unfold in a manner that misinformation is discovered. There is no separation from the body/mind, the noticing (the witness), and the environment. It is all one product of the same movement. And from a certain perspective, not ultimate truth, but a 'part'icular aspect of perspective; it's all the same non-movement, moving nowhere. Therefore, upon noticing that the environment is only noticing itself through noticing misinformation, which is discovered through the environment unfolding, not through

the witness or search for what is true; one gets keenly interested in the unfolding environment. Like that of a child or scientist. A child is not interested in the concepts of truth, they are interested in exploring, investigating, they are extremely curious, taking things apart to see how it works; they want to learn everything about the environment. Much like an authentic scientist, the scientist is not interested in what is true, they are interested in testing, discovering, experimenting, and arriving at the answers that the environment gives; no matter what that might look like. Children and sincere scientists have no beliefs. They both discover knowledge through experimenting. It is something that is arrived at through factors of the environment. Through arriving at what the environment has to say about it; through experimenting with the environment. In a way, it is like the environment discovering itself through itself. Constantly discovering itself in new ways. Not ridge in the findings of knowledge (through the discovery of misinformation) and not having a belief about it. A belief is a condition that is conditioned to pay attention to just that condition and ignore everything that doesnt fit into that condition. A belief limits the way life is seen, since only the registered belief is seen. All beliefs invite ignorance. By this definition, knowledge can and does produce the same exact result, if that is knowledge is found instead of arrived at through discovery. The difference can be noticed through the fact that the discovery of knowledge is evident and therefore needs no belief or even to call it knowledge. For example, it is quite evident that the world is round. We have seen the evidence

of pictures that the state of earth is a round planet. We don't go around having debates about if the earth is round or flat, anymore. We all have the same information. There is nothing to say about it. We don't even call it truth, knowledge, belief, or any term in reference to anything. The only thing we say about "a round earth" is that people used to believe it was flat. While being on this earth, it looks flat, so it is understandable from that perspective. There are still people today, in uneducated areas of the world, that belief the earth is flat. Since they belief this, they do have conversations about it. "Did you hear that if you travel to the edge of the earth, you fall off?" All beliefs, also known as misinformation, invite conversations that are; mysterious, supernatural, superstitious, mythical, metaphysical, magical, irrational, inadequate reasoning, erroneous thinking, and ignorant. There is a condition of thinking that "everyone is entitled to their own opinion", however, an opinion is a belief, and is the result of interpretation, not information that is discovered; it's misinformation. An opinion is the result of a person's perspective, expectations, particular feelings, beliefs, and desires. No educated person of evidential knowledge has an opinion about the earth being round. It's a constant consistency in our daily lives. We have nothing to say about what is evidently, simple, and obviously so, since we all have the same information, meaning there is no misinformation in communication. The state of the earth being round is not open to interpretation. Up to now, based on the information we have about the earth and how we perceive the earth currently. This may change, everything is subject to change. It changes based on arriving at misinformation. We may discover that thinking

in terms of the earth being round is misinformation. The point is not finding the truth about the state of the earth, but arriving together in alignment to present day knowledge about what is, in this time and place now. Now is all we have, since it is the only orientation that the noticer and the noticed is seen to be what it is. For now, that is subject to change but it's relevant now and since now is all we have, to speak of anything else, is irrelevant and misinformation. Even if you spoke of only the unchanging noticer (which is changed by noticing) also known as "that which doesn't change". Over time, it would be irrelevant, since the way we communicate, the words we use, the phrases we use, meanings of words, etc,, evolve and change over time as new ways of communicating are discovered. Therefore, if we were all coming from the same present-day knowledge, right now as you read these words, and understood exactly what I was saying without it being open to interpretation; as new information is discovered and noticed, what I am saying now becomes irrelevant. It is only relevant now based on what has been unchanging and consist up-to-now. In the same way, perceiving the earth as round is relevant today, perceiving it as flat was relevant in the past; based on that present-day knowledge. New information is being discovered all the time and changing everything else. A teacher, healthcare worker, sales person, accountant, engineer, etc (any person in any particular line of work)..that were very intelligent and effective 25 years ago, couldn't get a job today since they are not up-to-date on the current time & place and all the changes. Intelligence and effectiveness can only be

referenced to how informed you are to present-day knowledge which is based on what is unchanging and consist now. You can't speak about what is unchanging since that unchanging has no consist pattern(s). You could say, the only pattern it has; is the pattern of always being here. There has always been something here noticing your body/mind. Thoughts arise and fall with a constant change, emotions come and go, a variety of changing body sensations are felt, sounds ring and fade, the sight of appearances change, the body/mind has had at least four changing bodies and minds: infant, child, teenager, and adult. How can you be something that is continuously changing and yet still be aware of all the continuous changes? The conclusion is that to notice such change, that noticer has to be unchanging. However, the consistency of that pattern, is only noticed from the changing phenomenon. In other words, without the changing phenomenon to look back on the unchanging, you would have no reference-point to recognize the consistency of that pattern. While the changing body/mind looks back, it notices the unchanging. It discovers itself as the unchanging TOO. Both play equal roles of the same movement. It is only consistent in comparison to what is not consistent. Both aspects are noticed by the noticer which are only noticed by means interrelationship to the same movement of change and unchanging. Yet it can only notice this through the unfolding environment which moves in itself (unmoving/unchanging) to notice itself by the changing environment. This is why I put an extreme emphasis on the unfolding environment, it is only through the unfolding environment (through the body/mind) that the noticer notices itself as the

unchanging/change AND arrives at the ability to experience itself as what it is. For example, let's consider the make-up of the human body and how it operates. How is your body assembled? Cells are specialized and arranged to work together to make a fullyfunctioning human. Every cell works together in an interrelationship for the survival of the body. This is a natural phenomenon in all living organisms. Your body is made up of more than 1,000 billion cells. These all came from a single cell, known as the fertilized egg cell. This cell started to grow, copied itself and divided into two new ones. Each of these cells did the same to make four cells. This repeats time and time again to make up the billions of cells that now make your body. It is still happening to grow new cells and repair any damaged body cells. Humans, in this example, are comparable to that of a cell. In your body, there are billions of cells. On earth, there are billions of humans. Your body is the environment which houses every cell. The earth is the environment which houses every human. If every cell didn't carry the information that its survival is based on the survival of the body and therefore the body's survival depends on every cell working together, you as a body wouldn't be here fully-functioning as a body. Likewise, the expression of the unchanging being what it is, couldn't notice itself as what it is. It is only through the human (body/mind) that the unchanging notices itself and experiences itself as what it is.

Therefore, when the discovery of the interconnection to self and environment (which includes all others) being the same one movement is arrived at, you are responsible through clarity (clear knowing of discovery), to respond. Jiddu Krishnamurti said it this way: "First to realise not verbally but in your heart, in your blood, in your whole thinking, that human beings right through the world go through the same agonies that one goes through: the loneliness, the despair, the depressions, the extraordinary uncertainty, insecurity, whether they live ten thousand miles away or two thousand miles, or here, they are all psychologically bound together. If one realises that profoundly in your guts, in your blood, in your heart, in your mind, then you are responsible." Responsibility coming from misinformation is divided and therefore the responses create more division. The responses of action are produced by fear divided into "us versus them" scenarios. Examples of this are: "War versus peace", "government versus the people", "saving the whales versus the hunters", etc...These scenarios may be what is based on perspective but when you arrive at this misinformation; you are not against anything. You understand it, you realize it is a direct influence of environment. There is no blame or holding people responsible for that which they have no choice but to respond based on the misinformation they have. You're not against anybody, you notice the system that produced that result. Clear responsibility is not about obligation. When responsibility is clearly arrived at, it is not produced or obligated by fear. It's not coming from misinformation of

learned stimulus responses of handed-down knowledge. When you are clear of your interrelationship and direct connection (as one movement of the same one unfoldment) to everyone else as the environment itself, you are undivided and therefore you are responsible to act upon that noticing. Without division in you about it, it is a consistent and unchanging clarity based on this present-day knowledge and what can be noticed through discovery in this time and place. Responding not based on fear, but based on simple, obvious, evident noticing. With authentic responsibility which is discovered and seen in clear noticing, there is no choice but to respond. Therefore there is no responsibility associated with it. It is not used in those terms, it is not seen as a responsibility of obligation but an evident clarity that there is no choice to you since it is noticed. It's not that now you have a new choice to respond from, it's that you have no choice but to respond. It's still the same mechanism operating, you still have no choice or free will in how to respond, you are responding based on what is noticed, based on noticing misinformation and arriving at a new discovery. One who is conditioned to respond to self as internal and environment as external has no choice but to respond that way. When you arrive at the discovery of the misinformed identity as "self as internal and environment as external", your relating and focus of this being the reality you live in is noticed differently. This is not something saintly, divine, or feelings of something completely different. It is something completely ordinary, the

only difference is the way you notice. You are the same in every way. You just notice why you respond the way that you do and you notice why everyone else responds the way they do. We are conditioned to respond that way and have been responding the way we do all our lives based on environment conditions. Noticing this fact doesn't change the conditioning. You can't change or rise above conditioning. If a conditioning changes, it is done through a gradual process of noticing misinformation and arriving at how the noticing responses. It is done by life which is constantly gradually evolving. Nobody can change their thinking, change their conditioning or responses, change their behavior. Their thinking, conditioning, responses, and behavior are changed by the environment gradually unfolding and slowly noticing misinformation and arriving at new information through the noticing of misinformation. Life's unfolding process to itself is an educational process that is painful slow. The environment unfolds itself in a long over-exaggerated evolving process. Evolving is a process of nature trying to adapt or resonate with what the environment has unfolded. Although it seems this process has been speeding up through inventions like the internet where people's responding patterns change through the stimulation of access to new information. However, it's not new information that really changes people, it just changes the responses into something else. They are conditioned differently and responding with new ways of communicating; which FEELS different. Yet, nothing is noticed, since their not arriving at misinformation. All that has happened is they traded one belief system for another and

this feels like growth; for a while, then the same process has to repeat in order to keep feeling good. Therefore, arriving at the misinformation of "self as internal and environment as external" will not change you, your conditioning patterns, or behavior responses. Simply what you notice changes, you now notice why you respond the way you do. You're not now unconditionally loving, happy, and blissfully accepting of everyone, somehow treating everyone with love. These notions are born out of interpretation and misinformation. Treating people with 'unconditional love' can happen, but only through a repeat noticing of the same misinformation over and over again. It's a push and pull from habit to noticing and back to habit again, etc.. Eventually the noticing renders the habit (conditioning) obsolete and a new response based on this discovery of continuously noticing automatically responds. It's a process. People who do respond as this automatically noticing without a process, have discovered the ability to do this through extreme harsh pressures in their environment that force the discovery of noticing. It's always linked to this tremendous agony of their surrounding environment, it can happen no other way; since it's one movement. Everything is always in direct portion to the unfolding environment. Children on the other hand have a much larger potential. They don't have preset conditioning patterns that have been there for years and decades, no habitual reinforcement. The potential of children is unbelievable especially if they are educated to notice why adults responses and behavior patterns are irrational. If they notice the conditioning of the environment, they would than be able to notice the factors at

play in environment conditioning. Only through noticing the patterns of environment conditioning, do these patterns fail to process. Children can be given the tools to be free of stimulus response from misinformation and able to develop skills that rapidly evolve without direction from parents and independence on them (once educated in these skills through noticing) or going through a process of gradually evolving. They would become the influence of the direction in which the environment unfolds next. Through simple encouragements in skills like problemsolving, creative thinking, and approaching life through the understanding of how everything and everybody is in a interrelationship of interconnection so unfathomable that there is no separation between the choices they make and the influential effects this has on everybody as a whole. Teaching children to notice these three things alone have the potential to shape a child into being a major contributor to society as whole. If you are interested in this, I would recommend: As for us adults since we have these habitual patterns, the noticing is slow. It will start like baby steps. You will start to take notice of how all your thoughts are repeated cycles of previous influences and anytime 'new thoughts' are activated it's always the stimulation of the current unfolding influences of environment. For example, a co-worker starts a conversation and once they walk off; you are now thinking about the conversation. Thinking about things in the conversation that moments before you were not and you notice how you wouldn't have thought about these things if that conversation didn't unfold. All the details on how your

life has been unfolding and is unfolding now, is slowly noticed to be a direct cause of the environment conditioning. This is what changes, the noticing. You will always be in confusion unless you notice the conditioning behind everything. The noticing is not confused about that. The noticing dissolves confusion, simply it's noticed why one is confused. Confusion happens when misinformation is not noticed. The noticing dissolves misinformation, simply it's notice what misinformation is. Misinformation is conditioned in by your surrounding environment. The noticing dissolves conditioning, simply it's noticed what conditioning is. Conditioning is born out of not knowing who you are and therefore automatically responding as the conditioning. The noticing dissolves this stimulus response, simply it is noticed that you're not the conditioning. By a process of noticing what you are not, you come to notice what you are. This cannot be spoken since the noticing can't see itself; it can only notice itself by first noticing what it is not. Noticing the conditioning, you notice why the conditioning responds the way it does; when this is noticed eventually you stop responding as that conditioning and a new response happens. This new response that happens, is what you are. This new response that happens, has no identity. Welcome to that which has no identity. This is the beginning to the end of the world as you know it. More will be spoken about this in Chapter Two. However, the

economy is not doing well where I am at, I am struggling with unemployment. I don't know why life is causing this struggle but this book is the start of what come through thanks to my job's production failing. It depends on you (life moving through you), but if you can donate whatever value this first chapter holds for you, it will help in writing the next chapter. We will see what life unfolds and if it continues to unfold this book :)
To send a donation via check, money order, bank wire, or cash transfer please contact me. :) Thank you!

Whatever happens, thank you for reading, I hope you got something valuable out of it. :)

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