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1. Which is more difficult to learn, English or your language?

2. What things are you better at than your best friend?

3. Are people today luckier than they were 50 years ago?
4. Is it better to study English in class or online?
5. Are you happier now or were you happier when you were younger?
6. Are video games better for you than watching TV?
7. What is worse than failing exams?
8. Is it better to go on a date with someone who is older or younger than you?
9. Do you think buying a more expensive brand means it is much better than a cheaper
10. How much would you pay to have an Internet connection that is 100 times faster
than the one you have now?
11. Does life get more complicated the older you become?
12. Is the world safer now than it was before 9-11?
13. Is studying comparatives easier or more difficult than studying superlatives?
14. Will tomorrow be more interesting than yesterday?
15. Is there anything more delicious than your mother’s cooking?
16. What is healthier: eating good food or getting lots of exercise?
17. Would you like to be more beautiful / more handsome than you are now or more
intelligent than now?
18. Which is worse: a virus attacking your computer or a virus attacking your body?
19. Are you smarter than your parents? In what way(s)?
20. What’s the most delicious food that you have tried?
21. Who’s the tallest person in this room?
22. What time is the latest time that you have gone to bed?
23. When were you happiest?
24. What is the smallest thing that you own?
25. Where are the most beautiful beaches?
26. What’s the most refreshing drink to have on a hot day?
27. Who is the oldest person that you know?
28. Which animal is the fastest?
29. Which type of cheese is the tastiest?
30. Which kind of alcohol is the strongest?
31. Which brand is the hottest these days?
32. What is the most painful thing that has happened to you?
33. Who is the best actor that you’ve seen in a movie?
34. What is the longest movie that you have seen?
35. What is the spiciest food you have eaten?
36. What is the saltiest snack that you’ve tried?
37. Which country is the farthest from this one?
38. Who is the most organized person that you know?
39. Who is the cleanest member of your family?
40. What is the kindest thing someone has done for you?
41. What was the easiest subject at school for you?
42. Who is the most interesting writer or artist that you know of?
43. What would you like to be the best in the world at?
44. What are you most excited about these days?

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