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Page Name: Industry Analysis

Page: 7

Environment at Plastic’s Mercy

The world we live in is at the mercy of Plastic Pollution. According to a feature on National Geographic,
when unrecycled plastics reache the ocean, sunshine, wind, and wave action reduce it to tiny particles,
frequently smaller than one-fifth of an inch. These so-called microplastics are dispersed throughout the
water column and have been discovered in every region of the world, from the highest peak, Mount
Everest, to the deepest chasm, the Mariana Trench. Microplastics are disintegrating into ever-tinier

Additionally, research indicates that microplastics may interfere with the ability of marine species to emit
and absorb oxygen and carbon dioxide. At least 50% of the oxygen on Earth is created in the ocean,
primarily by plankton. Our ocean serves as a crucial carbon sink because to these small organisms' ability
to collect carbon through photosynthesis. The ability of these organisms to develop, reproduce, and
sequester carbon is hampered by microplastics. These plankton may also hasten the depletion of ocean
oxygen by feeding on microplastics.

Every year, plastic kills millions of animals, including fish, birds, and other marine life. There are around
700 species known to have been impacted by plastics, including some that are endangered. Almost all
types of seabirds consume plastic.
Plastic products in different region
For Side Bar

Dhaka Chottogram Rajshahi

Plastic rubber, shoe

sole, transparent Automobile parts,
plastic sheet, lights, switches,
Household items,
electrical switch dropper, bottle lead
jug, mug, container,
board, switch, plastic granule,
dropper, oil jar,
dropper, cork, jug, electrical switch,
electrical wearing,
jar, plastic container, switch board, egg
switch board
toys, small and large case, and electrical
size containers, wiring pipes
cosmetic containers,
electric LED lights,
shampoo bottle, egg
case, RMG
accessories, tags,
buttons, hangers,
sitting stool, recycled
Plastic recycling sub-sector came across a long way past few decades with the help of micro-enterprises,
which is about 98% of total 5,500 plastic industrial units in the country, and a total 1.5 million skilled,
semi-skilled labor forces are working in this sub-sector.

The Recycling of plastic will-

 Helps reduce the emission of greenhouse gas

 Reduce the possibility of water/soil contamination
 Reduce the pressure of waste disposal system.
Sub-sector: Plastic-recycling system

Plastic product manufacturing enterprises are

facing multi-dimensional constraints to achieve
environmental and social sustainability. Among
those constraints most importantly poor quality of
raw materials, sub-standard product quality, un-
hygienic working environment, lack of capacity to
produce attractive designed product by using
modern technology, limited access to service offer
opportunities for positive intervenes of products.
Obviously, this sub-sector came across a long way
Name : Professor Mohammed Jamal Uddin past few decades with the help of micro-
enterprises, which is about 98% of total 5,500
Designation : Professor
plastic industrial units in the country, and a total
Department : Department of Environmental Sciences 1.5 million skilled, semi-skilled labor forces are
working in this sub-sector.
Faculty : Mathematical and Physical Sciences

Jahangirnagar University.

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