Abigael Adia Maina - 2022-23 Y2 Term 2 Progress Report

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Academic Year 2022/2023

Term Two
Name: Abigael Adia Maina Class: Year 2 Home Room Tutor: Ms. Julie

Academic Assessment

Subject Marks Teacher’s Comment

Alden enjoyed and understood most of the concepts learnt this term. He
understood basic facts on Addition, Subtraction, Division and
Multiplication. However, he needs a lot of practice in order to master the
Numeracy 47
concepts fully especially in Addition, Subtraction sums without
regrouping and further understanding of Division and Multiplication
Alden’s reading skills has greatly improved and enjoys reading a variety
of books. He is able to answer simple comprehensions with
Literacy 40 understanding, and has shown great improvement in his writing skills.
His Spelling skills has also improved. However, he still finds creative
writing a challenge and needs constant practice in order to improve on it.
Alden hajafanya vyema katika mtihani wake wa muhula wa pili.
Swahili 30 Anahimizwa kuzungumza kwa lugha ya Kiswahili mara kwa mara ili
kuwasiliana vizuri.
Alden enjoyed participating and experimenting in Science lessons.
However, Alden struggles to engage and participate in discussions and
Science 22 activities and has not worked hard enough to satisfy the required level
objectives. It would be great to have regular work habits and active
engagement both at home and school.
Alden enjoyed learning Geography this term and has made
recommendable progress during Assessment. We covered Seaside,
Geography 62 Features of a Seaside and Differences between the seasides in the past
and now. However, he still depends solely on adult supervision in order
to do his work effectively.
Alden enjoyed History Topics done this term. We covered Migration,
Ethnic groups in Kenya, Linguistic groups, Foods eaten by different
History 11 Ethnic groups and the Three British English Queens. However, he needs a
lot of practice to recall things that happened in the past in order to
improve his grades in Assessments.

Alden seems not to enjoy Drama lessons and hardly

Drama partparticipates.However,his social skills are good and he interacts well
with the rest of the children.

Alden loves Art and enjoys drawing and coloring. He is creative and is
Art & Design able to mix and blend colors very well. His work is always impressive.
Keep it up!

Colors & Crayons ELC, Ridgesprings Road, off Kiambu Road, Ridgeways Email: admin@colorsandcrayons.com
KEY Grade descriptor
85% and The student has exceptional command of required skills and
Level Score
Above knowledge
Needs Attention 1 70 - 84 Excellent grasp and demonstration of required skills and knowledge.

Emerging 2 50 - 69 Good grasp and demonstration of required skills and knowledge

Sound grasp and good demonstration of required skills and
Expected 3 35 - 49
34% and Limited grasp of the basic skills and knowledge required and
Exceptional 4
Below difficulty in applying them.

Collaboration 3 Imagination & 2

Organization 3 Excellence 2 Effort 1
Independent work 2 Passion 1 Skill Acquisition 2
Problem solving 2 Sense of 3
Critical thinking 2 Integrity 3 Discipline 3
Time management 1 Trust 3
Self-regulation 3
Communication 3
Courtesy 3

Teacher Alden’s attitude towards his schoolwork has improved
tremendously, it has not been consistent though. Throughout
Name: Ms. Julie Akinyi.
the rest of the term, he required consistent adult guidance in
order to complete his class assignment. I am confident that his
work will improve as his attention improves. As my previous
report has shown, Alden rarely relates more on Cartoon and
Signature: Date: 31st March 2023 must applaud you for that. Keep engaging him more on
educational videos and with time he will be able to work on
grade Level materials.
Curriculum Co-coordinator
Alden has continued to make progress in his school work
and social interaction. He can now work with other
Name: Ms. Grace Otiende children in groups though more intervention is needed. He
should be taken for thorough assessment so as to enable
the teachers prepare an IEP for future planning.

Signature: Date: 31st March 2023

Colors & Crayons ELC, Ridgesprings Road, off Kiambu Road, Ridgeways Email: admin@colorsandcrayons.com

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