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Your Niche

Summar y
In this Plug & Play we explore the significance of why having a specific niche in
business leads to success. We also cover how specialization in a specific market area
enhances expertise and differentiation, facilitating targeted marketing efforts and
higher value propositions. Principles that guide niche selection, while understanding
customer behavior that ensures effective engagement. We include a list of niches
categorized by sophistication level and business type, emphasizing the importance
of niche focus and becoming obsessed with your customer and their customer for
sustainable growth

What is a niche?
A niche is a specific area or sub-area in the market. An example of a niche can be
found in the Niche List on the last page of this plug & play.

How do niches and services work together?

By understanding the unique needs of businesses within your chosen niche and
offering tailored services to meet those needs, you can position your agency for
success and establish yourself as a trusted partner within that industry.

Why do you need a niche?

Within the first 2 - 5 years of your business, focus is the number one superpower
that youhave. Becomeaspecialist,specialistshaveauthority.Specialistsgetpaidmore.
Think about the example I made about the Japanese Restaurant and the Pub.
Let’s look at the 5 reasons why it’s important to have a niche:

Page 1
1. Specialization:Byfocusingonaspecificniche,youcandevelopspecialized
expertise in that industry or market segment. This allows you to better
understand the unique needs, challenges, and trends within the niche, and
tailor your services to meet those needs more effectively.
2. Differentiation:Inacrowdedmarketplace,havinganichehelpsyoustand
out from competitors who offer more generalized services. It gives you a
unique selling proposition and positions you as an expert in serving
businesses within that niche, making it easier to attract clients who are
specifically looking for solutions tailored to their industry.
3. TargetedMarketing:Whenyouhaveaniche,yourmarketingeffortscanbe
more targeted and focused. You can tailor your messaging, content, and
advertising campaigns to resonate with the specific audience within your
niche, resulting in higher engagement and conversion rates.
4. HigherValueProposition:Clientswithinyournicheareoftenwillingtopaya
premium for specialized expertise and tailored solutions that address their
unique needs. This can lead to higher profit margins and revenue for your
agency compared to serving a broader, more competitive market.
5. StreamlinedOperations:Servingaspecificnicheallowsyoutostreamline
your operations, service delivery and optimize your processes for maximum
efficiency. You can develop standardized workflows, tools, and resources that
are tailored to the needs of clients within your niche, making it easier to
deliver consistent, high-quality results.

Overall, having a niche can help you focus your efforts, differentiate your agency,
attract the right clients, and ultimately, grow your business more effectively in the
long run.

Page 2
Relationship between Niche & Service!

You only need one niche and one service to get to $10 - $25k per month.

Niche + Service + Pricing Model = Offer

How do you productise our service? You want to streamline your service delivery as
much as possible, and to do this you need to make sure you have minimal variables
that change from client to client.

What this allows us to do is productise our service and enjoy running our agency
more, while keeping our clients happy and signing more clients because you now
have a proven system that brings results for them.

So, why do we prefer this instead of The Golden Handcuffs? The Golden Handcuffs
is when we find it easy to sign clients, but because of how different and complex our
service delivery is, we lose the clients after a 2 or so months. The aim of the game is
to sign and keep the client and then scale with the client.

Mistakes when picking a niche

The “S” word saturation or over-saturation is the number one excuse people make
as to why they cannot choose a niche. Imagine if Cristiano Ronaldo decided at 7 that
he didn't want to play football because Marco van Basten was the best player in the
world (this was 1992) and that there were 1 million players worldwide already.

The “C” word competition is the other excuse people make. The market is so big!
We’re not trying to reinvent the wheel and create the new netflix or amazon, we're
just trying to sign a few clients and deliver a really good service.

Page 3
Today, there are multiple different markets. The market moves and changes, like a
pendulum. As time goes on the market will constantly evolve. Watch it and stay
aware. What will work for someone else, may not work for you.

To stay away from saturation;

Do Don’t

Stay Focused Have the same market message

Stay in your lane Have the same offer

Follow the right principles Have the same pricing


Content or Outreach methods.

Page 4
Principles for Niche Picking
When picking a niche you want to make sure you are following the two main
principles. The first is what do you have a competitive advantage in? The second is
what are you fascinated by? You want to pick your niche from these two questions.

Use this table to write a few examples of each:

Competitive Advantage Fascinated by /Interested in

Your mom’s a real estate agent You like landscaping

Your dad’s a plumber Gaming

You’re studying accounting/law Making Youtube Videos

Your Friends and Family who owns


Page 5
Questions of Niche Picking
Remember, when picking a niche it’s better to pick a niche that you have a
competitive advantage in rather than a niche you are interested in or passionate
about because passion and interest and intrigue can fade, but mastery and skill set
never does. The more you understand and know about your niche, the more you will
enjoy working with it long term, and you’ll become more of an expert as time goes

1. Isthenichegrowingorstable?
2. Isthenicheexpandingoratleaststable?
3. DoesthenicheneedwhatI’mselling?
4. Isthenichemakingatleast$10kpm?
5. Aretheremorethan10,000businessesinthenicheandmarket?

Isit Do they need Are they Are there at least

Is it Growing
Niche expanding or what I’m making at 10,000 business in
or Stable?
at least stable selling ? least $10k pm the market

Remember, you are not married to a niche, so after 6 months of serious work, you
should look at moving to a different niche.

Page 6
Understand your Niche & Customer
What do you need to understand? Everything. How they talk, behave, their habits
and what motivates them. So, grab a pen and paper or you can use this

AA | Understanding your Customer

1. Howoldisyourclientonaverage?
a. Isitanoldindustryorayoungindustry?
2. Wheredoesyourclienthangout,outsideofworkintheirfreetime?
3. Doesyourclientliketowearflashyclothesoraretheymorereserved?
4. Howdoesyourclientfeelabouttheirwork?
5. Whatistheirannoyancewiththeirwork?
6. Whataretheirfavoritecarbrands?
7. Whatistheirrelationshipstatus?
8. Iftheymademoremoney,whatwouldtheyspenditon?
9. Whatisyourclient’smaindriver?Money,Status,FameorFreedom?
10. What core driver will your service tap into most?
11. Whatisonepersononthemarketorindustryyourclientwantstobelike
12. Who is your client’s customer or client?

Now, go ahead and become your client. Walk a mile in their shoes. You need to
know what they are thinking about, what they are looking at online. What their
needs and wants are.

Use your social media; find what they are looking for on IG, FB, YT, watch a day in the
life video of your ideal client if you can find it online. Learn to speak the language of
the people in your niche, buy the books, join the facebook groups, reddit forums and
become a member of that community to get closer to the people in your niche.

Page 7
Picking a Niche
Pay close attention to the niche you are wanting to get involved in. Use this list as a
guideline and inspiration to make your own choice, do your own research and
ultimately choose your own niche. Key: (s) Sophisticated and (u) Unsophisticated

1. (S)Financial Technology (FinTech) Startups: These companies often require

highly specialized marketing strategies due to the complexity of their
products/services and the competitive nature of the industry. Marketing efforts may
focus on highlighting innovative features, building trust with potential investors or
customers, and navigating regulatory compliance issues.

2. (S)Enterprise Software Solutions: Marketing to large corporations or businesses

with complex IT infrastructures requires a sophisticated approach. Agencies serving
this niche may need to demonstrate deep technical expertise, understand
procurement processes, and tailor marketing messages to address specific pain
points and priorities of corporate decision-makers.

3. (S)Luxury Brands: Marketing for luxury brands demands a nuanced

understanding of affluent consumers' lifestyles, values, and preferences. Agencies
in this niche will need to specialize in crafting aspirational brand narratives,
orchestrating high-end events and experiences, and leveraging exclusive
partnerships to enhance brand perception and drive sales.

4. (S)Healthcare Technology (HealthTech) Companies: Marketing for

companies developing healthcare technology solutions involves navigating strict
regulations, addressing concerns around data privacy and security, and building
trust with healthcare professionals and patients. Agencies serving this niche will
need to demonstrate expertise in healthcare compliance, patient engagement
strategies, and navigating the complexities of the healthcare industry.

Page 8
Unsophisticated Niches:

1. (U)Local Service Businesses: While there are exceptions, many small local
businesses may not have sophisticated marketing strategies in place. These
businesses, such as local plumbers, electricians, or landscaping companies, may
benefit from basic digital marketing services like local SEO, social media
management, and online advertising to increase visibility and attract customers.

2. (U)Mom-and-Pop Shops: Small, independently-owned retail stores or

restaurants may lack sophisticated marketing strategies due to limited resources
and expertise. Digital marketing agencies serving this niche can offer services such
as website development, email marketing, and online review management to help
these businesses establish an online presence and compete with larger
3. (U)Personal Services: Businesses offering personal services such as fitness
trainers, life coaches, or massage therapists may not have advanced digital
marketing knowledge. Agencies catering to this niche can provide services like
social media marketing, content creation, and email campaigns to help these
professionals attract clients and grow their businesses.

Page 9
Pricing Advantage

Charge less + more clients = Less risk because if one client leaves the dent it creates
in your revenue is way smaller than if you;

Charge more + Less clients = More risk because if one client leaves it creates a dent in
your revenue

Niche List
Niche Sophistication Level Type

Financial Technology (FinTech) Sophisticated Onlin

Enterprise Software Solutions Sophisticated e

Luxury Brands Sophisticated Onlin

Healthcare Technology (HealthTech) Sophisticated e

Renewable Energy Technology Sophisticated Onlin

Artificial Intelligence (AI) Solutions Sophisticated e
Cybersecurity Services Sophisticated Onlin
Biotechnology Companies
Sophisticated e
Aerospace and Defense Industry
Sophisticated Onlin
Investment Banking and Private Equity
Sophisticated e
Interior Design
Sophisticated Onlin
Kitchen Remodeling Services
Unsophisticate e
Car Dealerships
d Onlin
Tree Fellers
Unsophisticate e
Landscaping Services
d Onlin

Unsophisticate e

d Onlin

Unsophisticate e

d Onlin
Page 10 e

Construction Companies Unsophisticate Local

Roofing Services d Local

Painting Services Unsophisticate Local

Dentists d Local

Dermatologists Unsophisticate Local

Chiropractors d Local
Optometrists Unsophisticate Local
d Local
Financial Advisors
Unsophisticate Local
Real Estate Agents
d Local
Insurance Agencies
Unsophisticate Local
Legal Services
d Local
Marketing Agencies
Unsophisticate Local
E-commerce Clothing Brands
d Onlin
Social Media Influencers
Unsophisticate e
Travel Agencies
d Onlin
Fitness Equipment Manufacturers
Unsophisticate e
Music Bands
d Onlin
Graphic Design Studios
Unsophisticate e
Language Learning Apps
d Onlin
Online Course Creators
Unsophisticate e
Pet Food Brands
d Local
Home Décor Stores
Unsophisticate Local
Online Coaching Platforms
d Onlin

Unsophisticate e

d Sophisticated Onlin

Sophisticated e

Sophisticated Onlin

Unsophisticate e
Page 11
d Local

Unsophisticate Onlin
Wellness Retreat Centers Unsophisticate Local

Personal Finance Blogs d Onlin

Food Trucks Unsophisticate e

Coffee Roasteries d Local

Boutique Hotels Unsophisticate Local

Fashion Designers d Local
Art Galleries Unsophisticate Local
Craft Breweries
d Local
Event Venues
Unsophisticate Local
Yoga Studios
d Sophisticated Local
CrossFit Gyms
Unsophisticate Local
Mobile App Developers
d Local
Video Production Companies
Unsophisticate Onlin
Podcasting Studios
d e
Wedding Planners
Unsophisticate Local
Photography Studios
d Local
Virtual Assistant Services
Unsophisticate Local
Content Writing Agencies
d Local
Software as a Service (SaaS) Platforms
Unsophisticate Onlin
Data Analytics Consultancies
d Sophisticated e
Health and Fitness Apps
Unsophisticate Onlin
Online Gaming Communities
d e
Subscription Box Services
Unsophisticate Onlin
Home Automation Systems
d e

Unsophisticate Onlin

d e

Unsophisticate Onlin

d e

Unsophisticate Onlin
Page 12
d e

Unsophisticate Onlin
Organic Farming Businesses Unsophisticate Local

Sustainable Fashion Brands Eco- d Onlin

friendly Cleaning Products Meditation Unsophisticate e

Apps Personal Development Coaches d Onlin

Career Counseling Services Solar Unsophisticate e

Panel Installation Companies Electric d Onlin

Vehicle Dealerships Renewable Unsophisticate e

Energy Consultancies Urban Farming d Onlin

Initiatives Aquaponics Farms Smart Unsophisticate e

Home Device Manufacturers Online d Onlin

Tutoring Platforms Language Unsophisticate e

Translation Services Virtual Reality d Local

(VR) Content Creators Augmented Unsophisticate Local

Reality (AR) Developers Online Dating d Local

Apps Travel Booking Platforms Airbnb Unsophisticate Local

Property Management Services d Local

Freelance Writing Marketplaces Unsophisticate Onlin

Remote Work Tools and Software d e

Financial Education Courses Remote Unsophisticate Onlin

Healthcare Services d e

Telecommunication Companies Unsophisticate Onlin

d e

Unsophisticate Onlin

d e

Unsophisticate Onlin

d e

Unsophisticate Onlin

d Sophisticated e

Sophisticated Onlin
Page 13
Unsophisticate e

d Onlin
Online Therapy Platforms Unsophisticate Onlin

Mental Health Apps d e

Holistic Health Practitioners Unsophisticate Onlin

Natural Skincare Brands d e

Organic Food Delivery Services Unsophisticate Local

Sustainable Packaging Companies d Onlin
Ethical Fashion Marketplaces Unsophisticate e
Solar Installers
d Local
Social Impact Investing Platforms
Unsophisticate Onlin
Eco-friendly Transportation Solutions
d e
Fair Trade Coffee Brands
Unsophisticate Onlin
Community Supported Agriculture (CSA)
d e
Unsophisticated Local
Unsophisticate Local

d Onlin

Unsophisticate e

d Onlin

Unsophisticate e

d Onlin

Unsophisticate e


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