Hope and Plan

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Definisi Expression of Hope

Verb “hope” digunakan untuk membicarakan bahwa suatu kondisi atau
situasi memiliki kemungkinan terjadi di masa depan.

Maknanya “to want something to happen or be true and and think that it
is possible” (menginginkan sesuatu terjadi atau benar adanya dan
berpikir bahwa itu mungkin).

Dilansir dari My English Club, penggunaan expression of hope bisa

digunakan di segala jenis kalimat baik formal maupun informal.

Jika kamu perhatikan, expresssion of hope seringkali kita temukan

dalam surat lamaran kerja atau surat resmi lainnya yang berhubungan
dengan dunia profesional.

Penggunaan Expression of Hope

Untuk mengungkapkan harapan dalam bahasa Inggris ini, ada formula
atau rumus yang perlu kamu perhatikan. Apa saja itu?
Hope + Object / No Object
Hope dapat bersifat transitive (diikuti direct object) atau intransive (tidak
diikuti direct object).

Sebagai transitive verb, hope dapat diikuti infinitive (to+verb) atau that-
clause (noun clause) sebagai direct object-nya.

Kata kerja ini digunakan bersama infinitive untuk menyatakan harapan

dan niat untuk melakukan sesuatu di masa depan jika memungkinkan
dapat dilakukan, sedangkan bersama that-clause ketika
ada subject baru yang ingin disebutkan (subject baru tersebut berada di
dalam that-clause).

Subordinator “that” pada that-clause tersebut dapat dihilangkan,

sehingga hanya menyisakan subject dan predikatnya.
That-clause tersebut sering menggunakan present verb form (simple
present tense) meskipun ada time reference (keterangan waktu) di masa
depan (next week, tomorrow, next month, dll).
Contoh kalimat (hope + object)
 She hopes to be a successful business owner. (Dia berharap
menjadi seorang pemilik usaha yang sukses.)
 I hope to see you again sometime. (Saya berharap bertemu lagi
denganmu suatu hari nanti.)
 Dina hopes (that) she can achieve her long-term financial
goals. (Dina berharap dia dapat meraih target keuangan jangka
 I hope (that) you will consider my application. (Saya harap kamu
akan mempertimbangkan surat lamaran saya.)

Contoh kalimat (hope + no object)

 We all hope for the best. (Kami berharap yang terbaik.)
 I hope so. (Saya harap demikian.)
 I hope not. (Saya harap tidak)

Contoh Kalimat Penggunaan Expression of Hope

Masih ingin melihat contoh lainnya dalam pengungkapan harapan dalam
kalimat bahasa Inggris? Mari simak contohnya di bawah ini!

 I’m sending you this card and hope to see you on your birthday if
you can get away. (Aku mengirimkanmu kartu ini dan berharap
bisa bertemu denganmu di hari ulang tahumu jika kamu bisa
 I hope you guys enjoyed supper because this is going to be my
last trip. (Aku berharap kalian menikmati makan-makan karena ini
merupakan perjalanan terakhirku.)
 I hope this will be a lesson for you. (Aku harap ini akan menjadi
pelajaran untukmu.)
 There was no hope of recovery. (Tidak ada harapan untuk
 I hope you find this trip a little more comfortable than the last. (Aku
harap kamu bisa lebih menikmati perjalanan dibandingkan yang
 I hope Adrienne marries a man who will give her the help she
deserves. (Aku berharap Adrienne menikah dengan laki-laki yang
memberikan bantuan yang pantas ia dapatkan.)
 His aunt laughed and said, “Well, I hope that you will
succeed.” (Bibinya tertawa dan mengatakan, “Baik, aku harap
kamu akan sukses.”)

Wishes & Regrets

1. Wishes & Regrets
2. What if you found a magic lamp and a genie came out to grant you 3 wishes.
Rule: You can’t wish for for more wishes. What would you wish for?
3. Would you rather have a lifetime full of wealth & money… or a lifetime of
great health?
4. What’s something in your life that you hope never changes
5. What wishes do you have for your country?
6. Did you do anything recently that you wish you hadn’t done? (I wish I hadn’t
stayed awake so late last night… now, I’m sleepy!)
7. 1. We use wish + past simple to express that we want a situation in the
present (or future) to be different. – I wish I spoke English better. (I don't
speak English well.) – I wish I had a more money. (I don't have much money.)
– I wish I was on a beach. (I'm stuck at school.) – Future: I wish it was
Friday. – (It's only Tuesday.) Present wish
8. 2. We use wish + past continuous to express that we want to be doing a
different action in the present (or future). – I wish I was lying on a beach
now. (I'm sitting on my sofa.) – I wish it wasn't raining. (It is raining.) – I
wish you weren't leaving tomorrow. (You are leaving tomorrow.) Present
Continuous wish
9. 3. We use wish + past perfect to express a regret, or that we want a
situation in the past to be different. – I wish I hadn't eaten so much. (I ate
a lot.) – I wish they had stayed longer. (They didn't stay long enough.) – I
wish I had studied harder at school. (I was lazy at school.) Past wish
10. 4. Wish + would • We use wish + would + bare infinitive to express
impatience, annoyance or dissatisfaction with a present action. – I wish you
would stop smoking. (You are smoking at the moment and it is annoying me.) –
I wish my neighbors would move. (because they’re annoying.) – I wish that
baby would be quiet. (I am annoyed because the baby keeps crying.) Future
11. • To simply express that you want something to happen in the future (not
talking about wanting an action or situation to be different, and not talking
about impatience or annoyance) we use hope, not wish. – I hope it's sunny
tomorrow. NOT I wish it was sunny tomorrow. – I hope she passes her exam
next week. NOT I wish she were passing her exam next week. – I hope the
plane doesn't crash tomorrow. NOT I wish the plane wouldn't crash
tomorrow. Wish and Hope
12. Wish = If only • I wish I hadn’t said that. • If only I hadn’t said that.
13. Here are some “wishes” people make

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