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Name of Candidate: Amos Lee Chiun Shian (I.C/Passport No: 000601-04-0359)

Matric No: 17207305/1
Name of Degree: Bachelor of Electrical Engineering
Title of Thesis : An Ultra-Low-Power Voltage-Controlled Oscillator (VCO) for
Bluetooth-Low-Energy (BLE) Internet-of-Things (IoT) Application

Field of Study:

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Candidate’s Signature Date: 15/6/2023

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This work presents an innovative Ultra-Low-Power Voltage-Controlled Oscillator

(VCO) designed for Bluetooth-Low-Energy (BLE) Internet-of-Things (IoT) applications.

The VCO utilizes a Complementary Class-C oscillator topology with dual second

harmonic LC filtering tanks to improve performance. It employs a head and tail LC filter

that operates at twice the VCO frequency, mitigating flicker noise conversion. A 4-bits

SCA (Switched-Capacitor Array) is used for both the main LC tanks and head/tail filters

to ensure consistent phase noise performance across the tunable frequency range.

Simulations in 65nm CMOS technology show a tuning range of 25.54% (2.4-to-3.1 GHz)

with excellent phase noise performance of 128.1 dBc/Hz (@1MHz) and a power

consumption of 1.273mW at 2.4 GHz. The VCO's ultra-low-power design makes it

suitable for battery-operated IoT devices, enhancing the reliability of IoT communication

systems. In summary, this paper introduces a highly efficient VCO solution tailored for

BLE IoT applications. The Complementary Class-C topology and dual second harmonic

LC filtering tanks contribute to improved signal quality and reduced interference. The

incorporation of the 4-bits SCA ensures consistent performance across different

frequency settings, making it suitable for a wide range of applications. The simulations

validate the feasibility and effectiveness of the proposed VCO design, highlighting its

potential for practical implementation in BLE IoT systems. Overall, this work addresses

critical challenges in low-power wireless communication systems, presenting a novel

approach to achieve optimal performance in BLE IoT devices.

Keywords: Voltage-Controlled Oscillator (VCO), Bluetooth-Low Energy, Internet-of-

Things (IoT), Complementary Class-C Oscillator, LC Filter



Kerja ini mempersembahkan satu inovasi Osilator Voltan Terkawal oleh Voltan

(VCO) Ultra-Rendah-Kuasa yang direka khusus untuk aplikasi Bluetooth-Low-Energy

(BLE) Internet-of-Things (IoT). VCO ini menggunakan topologi osilator Kelas-C

Komplementer dengan tangki penapisan LC harmonik kedua untuk meningkatkan

prestasi. Ia mengaplikasikan penapis LC kepala dan hujung yang beroperasi pada dua kali

ganda frekuensi VCO, meredakan pengkalan kebisingan berkelipan. SCA 4-bit (Susunan

Kapasitor Bertukar) digunakan pada tangki LC utama dan penapis kepala/hujung untuk

menjamin prestasi kebisingan fasa yang konsisten dalam julat frekuensi yang boleh ditala.

Simulasi dalam teknologi CMOS 65nm menunjukkan julat penalaan sebanyak 25.54%

(2.4-3.1 GHz) dengan prestasi kebisingan fasa yang cemerlang iaitu 128.1 dBc/Hz

(@1MHz) dan penggunaan kuasa serendah 1.273mW pada 2.4 GHz. Reka bentuk VCO

ini sesuai untuk peranti IoT bateri. Kesimpulannya, kertas ini memperkenalkan satu

penyelesaian VCO yang sangat cekap khusus untuk aplikasi BLE IoT. Topologi Kelas-C

Komplementer dan tangki penapisan LC harmonik kedua ganda menyumbang kepada

peningkatan kualiti isyarat dan pengurangan gangguan. Penggunaan SCA 4-bit menjamin

prestasi yang konsisten dalam pelbagai tetapan frekuensi, menjadikannya sesuai untuk

pelbagai aplikasi. Simulasi menyahkan keberkesanan reka bentuk VCO yang

dicadangkan, menunjukkan potensinya untuk pelaksanaan praktikal dalam sistem BLE

IoT. Keseluruhannya, penyelidikan mempersembahkan pendekatan baru untuk mencapai

prestasi optimal dalam peranti BLE IoT.

Kata Kunci: Oskilator Dikawal Tegangan (VCO), Bluetooth Rendah Tenaga, Internet

Perkara (IoT), Oskilator Kelas-C Komplementari, Penapis LC


I would like to extend my sincere appreciation to Professor Ir. Dr. Harikrishnan

A/L Ramiah, the supervisor of my final year project, for his uninterrupted guidance,

outstanding assistance, and motivation throughout the entire research process. Moreover,

he has consistently served as an excellent lecturer, providing me with a comprehensive

understanding of the field of analog design. His scholarly recommendations, precise

directions, and scientific approach have greatly propelled me in achieving this task.

I also owe a debt of gratitude to Professor Hari's Postgraduate student, Mikki Loo

How-Wen, who has been assisting me since the initiation of this project. From conducting

the literature review to formulating circuit designs, Mikki has consistently been prepared

to offer valuable advice and guidance.

Furthermore, I would like to express my special thanks to my fellow

undergraduates, Alvin Kean Jun Xiang, Tan Hong Jian, and Ng Zhe Yau, for their

invaluable support throughout this endeavour. From the very beginning of this project,

we have exchanged feedback and recommendations, despite working on different topics.

Lastly, I feel immensely grateful to my family members, particularly my parents,

for their love, prayers, and care during the duration of this research. Without their

continual encouragement and support, none of this would have been achievable.


Abstract ........................................................................................................................... iii

Abstrak ............................................................................................................................. iv

Acknowledgement ............................................................................................................. v

Table of Contents ............................................................................................................. vi

List of Figures ................................................................................................................... x

List of Tables ................................................................................................................. xiii

List of Symbols and Abbreviations ................................................................................ xiv

CHAPTER 1 : INTRODUCTION ................................................................................. 1

1.1 Background.............................................................................................................. 1

1.1.1 Voltage-Controlled Oscillator (VCO)............................................................... 5

1.1.2 Internet-of-Things (IoT).................................................................................... 7

1.1.3 Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) ..................................................................... 8

1.1.4 Ultra Low Power (ULP) Design ....................................................................... 9

1.1.5 Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) ......................................................................... 10

1.1.6 CMOS Technology ......................................................................................... 13

1.2 Problem Statement................................................................................................. 14

1.3 Motivation ............................................................................................................. 16

1.4 Objectives .............................................................................................................. 18

CHAPTER 2 : LITERATURE REVIEW ................................................................... 19

2.1 Performance Indicator of Voltage Controlled Oscillator (VCO) .......................... 19

2.1.1 Phase Noise ..................................................................................................... 19

2.1.2 Power Consumption ........................................................................................ 19

2.1.3 Figure-of-Merit (FoM) .................................................................................... 20

2.1.4 Oscillation Frequency of LC VCO ................................................................. 20

2.2 Classes of Voltage-Controlled Oscillator (VCO) .................................................. 21

2.2.1 Class-B VCO .................................................................................................. 21

2.2.2 Class-C VCO .................................................................................................. 23

2.3 LC VCO Design Optimization Approach ............................................................. 25

2.3.1 Inductance Optimization Strategy................................................................... 26

2.3.2 Varactor Optimization Strategy ...................................................................... 27

2.3.3 Active Circuit Optimization Strategy ............................................................. 27

2.4 Techniques on Improving Performance of VCO................................................... 28

2.4.1 LC VCO Topologies ....................................................................................... 28

2.4.2 Filtering Technique ......................................................................................... 33

2.4.3 Switched Capacitor Array (SCA) ................................................................... 45

2.5 State-of-the-Arts VCO........................................................................................... 47

CHAPTER 3 : METHODOLOGY .............................................................................. 48

3.1 Flow Chart of Design Flow ................................................................................... 48

3.2 Phase 1: Literature Review .................................................................................... 49

3.3 Phase 2: CMOS Technology Selection ................................................................. 49

3.4 Phase 3: Schematic Level Design .......................................................................... 49

3.4.1 Design of VCO Circuit ................................................................................... 50

3.4.2 Implementation of Filter Technique ............................................................... 54

3.5 Phase 4: Physical Layout Design........................................................................... 55

3.6 Phase 5: Parasitic Extraction & Post-Layout Design ............................................ 55

CHAPTER 4 : RESULTS AND DISCUSSION......................................................... 56

4.1 VCO Architecture Simulation ............................................................................... 56

4.1.1 Class-B VCO Architecture Simulation ........................................................... 56

4.1.2 Class-C VCO Architecture Simulation ........................................................... 59

4.1.3 Comparison of Class-B and Class-C VCO ..................................................... 61

4.2 LC Filter Technique .............................................................................................. 63

4.2.1 Class-B NMOS Cross-Coupling VCO ........................................................... 63

4.2.2 Class-B CMOS Cross-Coupling VCO ............................................................ 64

4.2.3 Class-C NMOS Cross-Coupling VCO ........................................................... 65

4.2.4 Class-C CMOS Cross-Coupling VCO ............................................................ 66

4.2.5 Comparison of VCO with and without LC Filter ........................................... 67

4.3 Proposed Complementary Class-C VCO with Dual Second Harmonic LC Filtering

Tanks ........................................................................................................................... 69

4.4 Simulated Phase Noise and Figure-of-Merit (FoM) .............................................. 71

4.5 Physical Layout ..................................................................................................... 74

4.6 Comparison with Current State-of-The-Arts VCO ............................................... 75

CHAPTER 5 : CONCLUSION AND FUTURE WORK........................................... 77

5.1 Conclusion ............................................................................................................. 77

5.2 Future Work........................................................................................................... 78

5.3 Impact of Work to Environment and Study .......................................................... 80

CHAPTER 6 : REFERENCES .................................................................................... 82


Figure 1.1 Cellular IoT connections by Segment and Technology ................................... 1

Figure 1.2 Mobile subscriptions by technology (billion) .................................................. 2

Figure 1.3 Trends for worst case electricity usage until 2030 .......................................... 3

Figure 1.4 Building block of Phase-Locked Loop (PLL) ................................................. 6

Figure 1.5 IoT Applications sectors .................................................................................. 7

Figure 1.6 Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) System ....................................................... 8

Figure 1.7 Trade-off between power consumption and battery's lifespan ...................... 12

Figure 1.8 Cross-section of CMOS ................................................................................. 13

Figure 1.9 RF Design Trade-off Parameter ..................................................................... 14

Figure 2.1 Class-B VCO ................................................................................................. 21

Figure 2.2 Comparison of Ideal and Simulated Phase Noise and FoM of Class-B ........ 22

Figure 2.3 (a) Class-B VCO; (b) Class-C VCO .............................................................. 23

Figure 2.4 Performance Deviation of Phase Noise due to PVT variation....................... 24

Figure 2.5 Design Methodology for ULP LC VCO ........................................................ 25

Figure 2.6 VCO with NMOS Cross-Coupling ................................................................ 29

Figure 2.7 VCO with PMOS Cross-Coupling................................................................. 30

Figure 2.8 VCO with NMOS PMOS Cross-Coupling .................................................... 31

Figure 2.9 VCO with Inductive Degeneration Technique .............................................. 33

Figure 2.10 Phase Noise with and without Inductive Degeneration Source ................... 34

Figure 2.11 VCO with and without Dual Inductive Degeneration Source ..................... 35

Figure 2.12 Phase Noise with and without Dual Inductive Degeneration Source .......... 35

Figure 2.13 VCO with LC Tail Filter.............................................................................. 36

Figure 2.14 Instantaneous Frequency of LC VCO with and without LC filter respectively

......................................................................................................................................... 37

Figure 2.15 VCO with NMOS tail current and PMOS tail current respectively ............ 38

Figure 2.16 Impulse Sensitivity Function (ISF) Schema of VCO .................................. 38

Figure 2.17 VCO with Dual Current-Shaping Technique............................................... 39

Figure 2.18 Circuit current consumption as compared to output voltage ....................... 40

Figure 2.19 VCO with feedback injection mechanism ................................................... 40

Figure 2.20 Phase Noise comparison between conventional and proposed VCO .......... 41

Figure 2.21 Tailless VCO................................................................................................ 42

Figure 2.22 Transconductance comparison on conventional VCO and proposed VCO. 42

Figure 2.23 Top-biased VCO .......................................................................................... 43

Figure 2.24 VCO using top-biased current source .......................................................... 44

Figure 2.25 Switched Capacitor Array ............................................................................ 45

Figure 3.1 Flow chart on the design of VCO .................................................................. 48

Figure 3.2 Complementary Class-C VCO....................................................................... 51

Figure 3.3 Graph of Q factor as a factor of Frequency due to Number of Turns............ 53

Figure 3.4 Graph of Q factor as a factor of Frequency due to Inner Radius ................... 53

Figure 3.5 Graph of Q factor as a factor of Frequency due to Inductor Width ............... 54

Figure 3.6 LC Filter......................................................................................................... 55

Figure 4.1 Schematic of Class-B NMOS Cross-Coupled VCO ...................................... 57

Figure 4.2 Schematic of Class-B CMOS Cross-Coupled VCO ...................................... 58

Figure 4.3 Schematic of Class-C NMOS Cross-Coupled VCO ...................................... 59

Figure 4.4 Schematic of Class-C CMOS Cross-Coupled VCO ...................................... 60

Figure 4.5 Comparison of VCO topology in terms of Power Consumption plotted against

Frequency ........................................................................................................................ 62

Figure 4.6 Comparison of VCO topology in terms of Phase Noise plotted against

Frequency ........................................................................................................................ 62

Figure 4.7 Class-B NMOS Cross-Coupled VCO with LC Filter .................................... 63

Figure 4.8 Class-B CMOS Cross-Coupled VCO with LC Filter .................................... 64

Figure 4.9 Class-C NMOS Cross-Coupled VCO with LC Filter .................................... 65

Figure 4.10 Class-C CMOS Cross-Coupled VCO with LC Filter .................................. 66

Figure 4.11 Comparison of VCO topology in terms of Phase Noise plotted against

Frequency with presence of LC Filter ............................................................................. 67

Figure 4.12 Comparison of VCO topology in terms of Power Consumption plotted against

Frequency with presence of LC Filter ............................................................................. 68

Figure 4.13 Proposed Complementary Class-C VCO with Dual Second Harmonic LC

Filtering Tanks ................................................................................................................ 69

Figure 4.14 Implemented 4-Bits Switched Capacitor Array ........................................... 71

Figure 4.15 Simulated Phase Noise vs Offset Frequency ............................................... 71

Figure 4.16 Simulated Figure-of-Merit vs Offset Frequency ......................................... 72

Figure 4.17 Simulated Phase Noise vs Oscillating Frequency........................................ 72

Figure 4.18 Simulated Figure-of-Merit vs Oscillating Frequency .................................. 73

Figure 4.19 Physical Layout of Proposed VCO .............................................................. 74


Table 1.1 Various Wireless Technology Characteristics ............................................... 11

Table 2.1 Phase Noise Performance Result ................................................................... 31

Table 2.2 State-of-the-art VCO ....................................................................................... 47

Table 4.1 Results of Class-B NMOS Cross-Coupled VCO ............................................ 57

Table 4.2 Results of Class-B CMOS Cross-Coupled VCO ............................................ 58

Table 4.3 Results of Class-C NMOS Cross-Coupled VCO ............................................ 60

Table 4.4 Results of Class-C CMOS Cross-Coupled VCO ............................................ 61

Table 4.5 Results of Class-B NMOS Cross-Coupled VCO with LC Filter .................... 64

Table 4.6 Results of Class-B CMOS Cross-Coupled VCO with LC Filter .................... 65

Table 4.7 Results of Class-C NMOS Cross-Coupled VCO with LC Filter .................... 65

Table 4.8 Results of Class-C CMOS Cross-Coupled VCO with LC Filter .................... 66

Table 4.9 Comparisons of Proposed Design’s Phase Noise Performance, Power

Consumption and Figure-of-Merit (FoM) with Current State-of-The-Arts VCOs ......... 76


VCO : Voltage-Controlled Oscillator

IoT : Internet-of-Things

GACR : Compound Annual Growth Rate

WCDMA : Wideband Code Division Multiple Access

HSPA : High Speed Packet Access

GSM : Global System for Mobiles

PED : Portable Electronic Devices

BLE : Bluetooth Low Energy

RF : Radio Frequency

ULP : Ultra-Low Power

LNA : Low Noise Amplifiers

PA : Power Amplifiers

PLL : Phase-Locked Loops

PD : Phase Frequency Detector

LP : Loop Filter

CP : Charge Pump

LC : Inductance Capacitance

IP : Internet Protocol

AI : Artificial Intelligence

ML : Machine Learning

WSN : Wireless Sensor Network

FHSS : Frequency-Hopping Spread Spectrum

CMOS : Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor

FoM : Figure-of-Merits

1.1 Background

Throughout the past two decades, the field of science and technology have been

progressing rapidly, in conjunction with the initialization of 5G wireless communication.

These rapid developments lead to the generalization of devices and innovations associated

to 5G concept, or Internet-of-Things applications. (Pang et al., 2022) In fact, more devices

would be integrated to a part of the global network, implying for a better standard of

living and assurance of connectivity across the globe from anywhere at any time.

Figure 1.1 Cellular IoT connections by Segment and Technology (Ericsson, 2022)

As depicted in Figure 1.1, which projects the expected growth of cellular IoT

connections up to year 2028, it encompasses the network availability across a myriad of

technology segments. The figure further illustrates the hitherto booming of technology

sector where the demand and usage for cellular has drastically increased. Moreover, the

IoT market has observed an annual growth rate of 20% GACR (Compound Annual

Growth Rate). (Al-Sarawi et al., 2020) The rise or spike in growth rate is attributed to

enablement of cellular IoT connectivity that opened the way for ubiquitous intelligence,

which sees the Internet-of-Things (IOT) as the basis of building block in this era.

(Shafique et al., 2020)

Figure 1.2 Mobile subscriptions by technology (billion) (Ericsson, 2022)

Figure 1.2 forecasts the annual growth rate of mobile subscriptions up to year

2028 which further portrays on the declination of WCDMA/HSPA (3G) and

GSM/EDGE-only (2G) subscriptions throughout the years. Subscriptions for LTE (4G)

continue to rise, increasing by 41 million to nearly 5 billion in Q3 2022. Subscriptions for

4G are expected to peak at 5.2 billion by the end of 2022, then fall to roughly 3.6 billion

by the end of 2028 as consumers shift to the use of 5G. In a simpler context, 5G is

expected to be the dominant market player across the globe by the end of 2028. (Ericsson,


In response to those concepts of multiple integration and back-to-back

communication between IoT devices, power consumption becomes a crucial aspect that

must be emphasized. Figure 1.3 which showcases on the dramatic rise in electricity use

case, further highlights the need for a more efficient power consumption.

Figure 1.3 Trends for worst case electricity usage until 2030 (Andrae & Edler,

With the enablement of 5G network and Internet-of-Things (IoT) concept

revolving around, the demand for electronic applications that has better capability, low

latency and high throughout skyrocketed. Hence, power consumption becomes more

extensive as wireless communication technology processes at higher data rate which

depletes the overall lifespan of the devices. (Shafique et al., 2020) Moreover, as Internet-

of-Things application flourishes, Portable Electronic Devices (PED) that is powered by

battery can be seen spiking in the global market. However, ever since the introduction of

Li-Ion batteries to the market, there is no significant alternative for Li-Ion batteries that

has better battery capacity. (Wu et al., 2022) Although there is improvisation, new

innovation that can replace Li-Ion battery has yet to appear. That is to say, the

minimization of power consumption for electronic devices must take place within the


In light of low power consumption being the main goal for every Internet-of-

Things application, Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) technology, which operates in the range

of 2.4G Hz spectrum became a fundamental standard in consumer devices with its ability

to facilitates interaction between users and surrounding devices upon implemented with

BLE. (Darroudi et al., 2020) A Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) in Radio Frequency (RF)

applications will consume an average power of 4-5mW which is not suitable for large

scale implementation in devices requiring extended lifespan or self-power operation.

(Chen et al., 2019)

As a mean to configure a low power consumption topology within a RF circuit,

the demand on Ultra-Low Power (ULP) design became more apparent. As compared to

the other building blocks within a Radio Frequency (RF) application, the development of

ULP RF oscillator becomes more demanding as oscillator is the most power-hungry

circuits in a BLE RF application. (Zhang et al., 2019) Depending on the different

application, RF oscillators is often required to operate across certain frequency range. A

Voltage-Controlled Oscillator (VCO) is essential in RF wireless transceivers because IoT

devices require oscillators to be flexible enough to be cover a broad frequency range.

(Kumar et al., 2019)

1.1.1 Voltage-Controlled Oscillator (VCO)

With the recent progressive advancement, high-speed wireless and

communication technology that enables IoT applications has been the main research focus,

while low cost and low power transceivers with small form factor and excellent

performance is still highly sought in both industrial and academic area. (Macaitis &

Navickas, 2015) The fundamental component of a wireless system is called a "trans-

ceiver," which is a mix of the words "transmitter" and "receiver." Transceiver can be both

the sending and receiving end of a data transfer, acting as both a transmitter and a receiver.

Data converters, Low Noise Amplifiers (LNA), Power Amplifiers (PA), and

Phase-Locked Loops (PLL) are all core components of a transceiver, while PLL that

perform as a frequency synthesiser stands crucial. (Díaz-Rizo et al., 2022) The PLL is

actually a signal control mechanism that ensures the output signal's phase matches the

input signal. The system is made up of a few unit blocks, mainly, Phase Frequency

Detector (PD), Loop Filter (LF), Charge Pump (CP) and Voltage-Controlled Oscillator

(VCO). (Askari & Saneei, 2019) Among them, VCO is the critical unit block that

generates the output signal of PLL by producing oscillating frequency for control voltage.

(Rajalingam et al., 2021)

Figure 1.4 Building block of Phase-Locked Loop (PLL) (Gira et al., 2021)

As the name suggests, a voltage-controlled oscillator (VCO) is an electrical

oscillator in which the oscillator's oscillation frequency is regulated by the voltage input.

(Tsuruoka et al., 2020) Apart for being used in PLL, VCO is generally used in frequency

modulation, phase modulation, and synthesizers. Generally, there are two types of VCO,

namely, ring-VCO and LC VCO. LC VCO is preferred over Ring VCO in the design of

IoT applications as it has lower phase noise, which generally improves the quality of

output signal. (Rajalingam et al., 2021)

1.1.2 Internet-of-Things (IoT)

The Internet-of-Things (IoT), enables the system and devices’ integration and

connectivity via Internet. In short, IoT can be said defined as a network of physical

devices that is capable of interacting with both internal and external surroundings. In fact,

each object belongs to the IoT, has an identifier or IP address associated with them for

internet connectivity and addressing. By enabling such connectivity, system that

compromises of computing devices, digital systems, sensors, etc, permits the inter-

exchange of data over the network without human’s supervision. (Vyas et al., 2015)

Figure 1.5 IoT Applications sectors (Pang et al., 2022)

Nowadays, the global market has been dominated by IoT innovations, whereby it

is forecasted that by 2025, more than 100 billion devices will be connected across the

Internet and contributing to the global market at the value of 11$ trillion per year. (Rad

& Ahmada, 2017) Aligned with the IoT trend, business also experiences evolution and

transformation that transcend beyond the imaginary of humanity where automation and

intelligence – Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML), attempts to mimic

the natural intelligence of human. (Esenogho et al., 2022) Figure 1.5 further depicts the

applications of IoT in various field such as healthcare, industry, automation, agriculture

and etc.
1.1.3 Wireless Sensor Network (WSN)

Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) is a core unit of IoT, which can be branched into

various fields for real-time manner applications. WSN is applicable in a myriad of control

systems under the implementation of IoT concept for monitoring purposes, automation

and etc. In fact, WSN is composed of tiny collections of sensors that is usually powered

by batteries and routing nodes (Majid et al., 2022).

Upon the gradual progression in such technology, where more sensors are

connected towards a centralized system, power consumptions issue tend to arise.

Moreover, as WSN tend to be deployed in region where there is limited access to human

intervention, the efficiency and durability of the sensors became an emphasis. In actual

fact, durability of IoT applications couple towards the power uptake by the sensors.

(Gulati et al., 2022) Hence, focus on developing an Ultra-Low Power devices became

the pivot for IoT breakthrough. Figure 1.6 portrays the WSN system which routes the

pathways towards monitoring and controlling a phenomenon.

Figure 1.6 Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) System (Jeong et al., 2019)
1.1.4 Ultra Low Power (ULP) Design

Recent years, Ultra-Low Power (ULP) concept has been adopted and integrated

as part of the key-enabler towards the development of Internet-of-Things applications.

Upon stumbling across the rapid development of IoT and WSN, energy-efficient sensor

applications became popular with operating power within the sub-mW while being

inexpensive. (Tamura et al., 2020) ULP radios is widely applied in autonomous Wireless

Sensor Network (WSN) and in healthcare devices via Wireless Body Area Network

(WBAN). (Elhayatmy et al., 2018)

To ensure long lifespan for IoT devices, especially on Portable Electronic Devices

(PDE), it is crucial to minimize the power consumption of the power-hungry transceiver

block while maintaining adequate sensitivity level. (Wentzloff et al., 2020) Moreover,

innovations at system architecture level and circuits implementations are deemed

essential for a ULP transceiver. Towards the direction of ULP circuit design, Bluetooth

Low Energy (BLE) or Bluetooth Smart is adapted towards wireless communication

topology thanks to the low power consumption provided by BLE. (Bulić et al., 2019)

1.1.5 Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE)

When Bluetooth is operating in the 2.4 GHz radio frequency (RF) band, it delivers

packets over several 1 MHz channels of bandwidth to link Portable Electronic Devices

(PDE). As opposed to Bluetooth Classic, Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) is an upgraded

version of Bluetooth Classic that focuses on ultra-low power applications, particularly on

battery powered IoT devices. (Darroudi et al., 2020) Frequency-Hopping Spread

Spectrum, or FHSS, is used by BLE to broadcast data over 40 channels at data rates

requiring 1 to 100 mW of power. (Qadir et al., 2018)

Table 1.1 further depicts the comparison in terms of power consumption for BLE

with existing wireless technology. And it is noticeable that BLE consumes little power in

mW while achieving satisfactory overall characteristics.

Table 1.1 Various Wireless Technology Characteristics (Rahman & Chakraborty,

Besides, BLE devices can seamlessly enable internal and external data exchange

without the requirements for extra access points. As aforementioned, batteries typically

power the majority of Internet of Things (IoT) devices, and when implemented in

accordance with the BLE protocol, BLE sensors' battery lives still fall within the range of

one year. (Abdelatty et al., 2021) To prevent the recycling of batteries at a large scale, it

is important to adopt techniques to reduce power consumption jointly with BLE for

notable power consumption, preserving the lifespan of devices and reducing carbon-


Figure 1.7 Trade-off between power consumption and battery's lifespan (Abdelatty et
al., 2021)

1.1.6 CMOS Technology

Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor (CMOS) is a dominant building

block in production of Integrated Circuit (IC). CMOS is made up of Metal Oxide

Semiconductor Field-Effect Transistors (MOSFET) where each MOS transistor

compromises three terminals; Source (S), Drain (D) and Gate (G). The term

“complimentary” in CMOS is regards to the combination of both P-type and N-type

semiconductors. (Chen & Touba, 2009) PMOS is built on N-doped substrate with its

Source and Drain region doped with P-type material while NMOS is built on P-doped

substrate with its Source and Drain region doped with N-type material.

Figure 1.8 Cross-section of CMOS (Devnath et al., 2021)

As CMOS technology employs both N-type and P-type transistors in the

development of logic functions, a signal that turns on one transistor type is utilised to turn

off the other and vice-versa. Hence, replacing the need for pull-up resistors. The key

advantage of CMOS is the reduced power dissipation since they require no electrical

current except when they are changing from one state to another during circuit switching.

This results in a substantial improvement of circuit performance since it permits the

integration of more CMOS gates on an integrated circuit.

1.2 Problem Statement

IoT devices often have limited power sources, such as small batteries or energy

harvesting capabilities, and need to operate for long periods of time without being

recharged or replaced. Ultra-low power consumption allows these devices to conserve

energy and extend their operational life. Additionally, reducing power consumption can

also help to reduce the overall cost of the device, as well as make it more environmentally

friendly. With that said, the wireless transceiver is an important part of IoT systems,

where it converts the digital data from the IoT device into an RF (radio frequency) signal

for transmission and receives RF signals from other devices, converting them back into

digital data for processing.

A Voltage-Controlled Oscillator (VCO) is used in a transceiver, which is a device

that can both transmit and receive signals, to generate the local oscillator (LO) signal. As

VCO is one of the main contributors to the overall power consumption of the transceiver.

An Ultra-Low Power VCO can help to reduce the overall power consumption of the

device. This is particularly important for IoT devices, which often have limited power

sources and need to operate for long periods of time without being recharged or replaced.

Figure 1.9 RF Design Trade-off Parameter (Enz et al., 2017)

Designing a VCO involves a trade-off between power consumption and

performance. Reducing power consumption typically results in lower performance and

vice versa. This trade-off must be carefully considered in order to achieve the desired

balance between power consumption and performance. (Razavi, 2021) This is also one

of the reasons why ULP VCO circuit design is difficult.

In IoT (Internet of Things) applications, VCOs are used in a variety of ways, such

as in wireless communication, sensor networks, and control systems. The ability to tune

the VCO across a frequency range is important in these applications due to spectrum

efficiency, frequency hopping, dynamic channel and low power consumption. A tuneable

VCO allows for the device to adjust its operating frequency to avoid interference with

other signals and to improve spectrum efficiency while optimizing communication using

lowest power consumption in dynamic channel allocation with fast-paced switching.

Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) is a wireless communication technology that is

designed for low power consumption and low cost. It is a variation of the classic Bluetooth

technology and is optimized for use in IoT (Internet of Things) and other low-power

devices. It operates in the 2.4 GHz ISM band, has a data rate of 1 Mbps, a typical range

of 30-50 meters and low power consumption. It also provides security features and

defined profiles for communication and supports advertising and point-to-point and point-

to-multipoint connections.

The problem as described above justify the need to design an Ultra-Low Power

Voltage-Controlled Oscillator that supports the application of IoT Applications.

Furthermore, the trade-off between power consumption and performance of VCO must

be taken into account during the circuit design of a VCO within BLE band that consume

minimal power while still providing a stable, accurate output signal. This is particularly

important for IoT devices, which often have limited power sources and need to operate

for long periods of time without being recharged or replaced.

1.3 Motivation

Presently, transceiver is implemented in almost all the Internet-of-Things

applications or RF applications, minimal power consumption by such devices is necessary

to further promote the innovation in this field. Moreover, as IoT devices begin to envelop

the life of humanity, reducing the power consumption of the devices would

unconditionally reduce the carbon footprint across the globe. From the extensive research

done, Voltage-Controlled Oscillator (VCO) is deemed to be the most power-hungry unit

block in a transceiver.

Voltage-Controlled Oscillator which composes of pure local oscillator is a critical

building blocks in wireless or wireline transceiver, operates at frequency which decides

the out-of-band phase of Phase-Locked-Loop (PLL). As a result, academic and corporate

researchers have spent the last decade focusing on phase noise reduction and decreasing

VCO power consumption. However, there is a trade-off connection between phase noise

and power usage. While phase noise reduction is necessary for high precision signal

production applications, it is not appropriate for IoT devices due to their restricted power

budget. Once these limitations are leveraged, IoT devices can be manufactured at low

cost with low power consumption and high precision signal output.

The motivation behind selecting the Class-C VCO topology for Bluetooth Low

Energy (BLE) applications stems from its exceptional suitability and advantages in

meeting the specific requirements of BLE technology. Class-C VCOs offer a perfect

balance between power efficiency and phase noise performance, making them an ideal

choice for energy-constrained IoT devices. BLE is designed for low-power applications,

necessitating VCOs that can operate within a limited power budget while maintaining

reliable communication.

Class-C VCOs exhibit high efficiency, consuming minimal power during

operation, thus extending the operational life of battery-powered BLE devices.

Additionally, their inherent characteristics enable them to achieve acceptable phase noise

levels, ensuring stable and accurate signal generation for wireless communication. By

incorporating LC head and tail filters, the proposed design further enhances the phase

noise performance of the Class-C VCO, enabling it to meet the stringent requirements of

BLE. Therefore, selecting the Class-C VCO topology is motivated by its ability to provide

the necessary power efficiency, wide frequency range coverage, and excellent phase noise

performance essential for successful BLE applications.

In this project, an Ultra-Low-Power Voltage-Controlled Oscillator (VCO) for

Bluetooth-Low-Energy (BLE) Internet-of-Things (IoT) Application is proposed using

65nm CMOS technology.

1.4 Objectives

With the aim of designing an Ultra-Low Power Voltage-Controlled Oscillator (VCO)

for Bluetooth-Low-Energy (BLE) Internet-of-Things (IoT) Application using 65nm

CMOS Technology, the objectives aligned towards the aim are as follow:

1. To design an oscillator that operates on low voltage supply (within 1V) while

consuming minimal power to extend the operational life of the IoT device.

2. To design a Voltage-Controlled Oscillator (VCO) that generates stable, accurate

output signal with wide range of frequencies within the BLE band (2.4 GHz –

2.48 GHz) to accommodate different BLE communication standards and ensures

flexibility in frequency selection and tuning.

3. To develop a testbench in validating performance of the developed Ultra-Low

Power Voltage-Controlled Oscillator (VCO) through state-of-the-arts technique.


2.1 Performance Indicator of Voltage Controlled Oscillator (VCO)

The performance indicators to measure the performance of VCO includes Phase

Noise, Power Consumption, Figure-of-Merit (FoM) and Oscillation Frequency.

2.1.1 Phase Noise

With regards to the advancement in CMOS technology, especially with transistors

sizing gradually decreasing to cope with the rapid development of IoT devices, flicker

noise (1/f) in oscillator worsen. (Hu et al., 2020) In fact, phase noise in oscillators is

largely impacted by flicker noise up-conversion. More or so with the resulting 1/f3 phase

noise exceeding 1 MHz in IoT devices not being alleviated. (Pepe et al., 2013) Hence, the

implementation of a low phase-noise VCO is pivotal to ensure the quality of the output

signal. (Kim et al., 2006)

The phase noise model of an oscillator is as proposed in Leeson’s proportionality:

𝟏𝟏 𝒌𝒌𝒌𝒌 𝝎𝝎 𝟐𝟐 𝟏𝟏
𝑳𝑳{∆𝝎𝝎} ∝ 𝑽𝑽𝟐𝟐𝒐𝒐
∙ 𝑪𝑪
∙ � 𝑸𝑸𝒐𝒐� ∙ 𝝎𝝎𝟐𝟐 (2.1)

2.1.2 Power Consumption

Since majority of IoT devices are powered by battery, stringent demand to extend

device operation lifetime is associated to maximise the battery lifetime while taking into

consideration a low cost and small-size feature of device. (Thabet et al., 2012) If power

consumption of the device is too high, it depletes the limited usage cycles and will lead

to frequent replacement of battery, causing excessive disposal of battery packs and

eventually contributing to the global carbon footprint. (Cordella et al., 2021)

Power consumption within a circuit could be further calculated by using the

formula below where VDD is the supply voltage while IDS is the total current of the circuit.


2.1.3 Figure-of-Merit (FoM)

Figure-of-Merit or FoM is a normalized standard in evaluating the performance

of an oscillator by taking into considerations the phase noise ( 𝐿𝐿(∆𝑓𝑓) ), oscillation

frequency ( 𝑓𝑓𝑜𝑜𝑜𝑜𝑜𝑜 ), offset frequency ( ∆𝑓𝑓 ) and power consumption ( 𝑃𝑃𝐷𝐷𝐷𝐷 ). (Bhat &

Krishnapura, 2018) FoM is calculated in terms of dB/Hz.

The formula for FoM is as shown below:

𝒇𝒇 (𝑷𝑷𝑫𝑫𝑫𝑫 )
𝑭𝑭𝑭𝑭𝑭𝑭 = 𝑳𝑳(∆𝒇𝒇) − 𝟐𝟐𝟐𝟐 𝐥𝐥𝐥𝐥𝐥𝐥 � ∆𝒇𝒇 � + 𝟏𝟏𝟏𝟏 𝐥𝐥𝐥𝐥𝐥𝐥 (2.3)

In fact, a lower value of FoM indicates a superior design of VCO where the lower

the value the better, as FoM is normally in the negative value. (Kumar et al., 2019)

Equation (2.3) portrays the widely accepted definition for FoM. Though, a great value of

FoM does not fully indicate the suitability of VCO for cellular standards as at times it

may be insufficient due to its phase noise performance. (Fanori et al., 2012) Thus,

considering the desired application while taking into account the phase noise, power

consumption and FoM proves to be a significant key player in designing a low cost and

low power VCO.

2.1.4 Oscillation Frequency of LC VCO

It is of utmost importance to match the oscillation frequency towards the working

range (frequencies) of devices so that when input is supplied with the desired power, the

oscillator can produce an oscillating signal in proportion to the input supply. By knowing

the frequency operating range, it eases the design of LC-VCO by using the formula below:

𝒇𝒇𝒐𝒐𝒐𝒐𝒐𝒐 = 𝟐𝟐𝟐𝟐 √𝑳𝑳𝑳𝑳

From Equation (2.4), L indicates the inductance of inductor whereas C is the total

capacitance of capacitors seen from the inductor. (Sharma et al., 2019)

2.2 Classes of Voltage-Controlled Oscillator (VCO)

The following sections discussed on the classes of LC VCO which differs in terms

of circuit configuration or topology and their performance.

2.2.1 Class-B VCO

Figure 2.1 Class-B VCO (Wang & Yan, 2014)

Class-B VCO is a simple yet robust topology in VCO circuit which is as depicted

in Figure 2.1. However, it is lacking in terms of phase noise performance. As discussed

in (Fanori & Andreani, 2013b), the actual performance differs from the expected outcome

where noise is exhibited at current source which further decline the phase noise by several

dB. Figure 2.2 further depicts the nonideality of Class-B.

Figure 2.2 Comparison of Ideal and Simulated Phase Noise and FoM of Class-B
(Fanori & Andreani, 2013b)

For implementation in ULP mode for BLE IoT applications, the power

consumption performance in Class-B topology is less efficient when compared to Class-

C topology which tends to be more power efficient. (Jang & Lin, 2017) In actuality, Class-

B expresses the trade-off between maximum amplitude of voltage swing and phase noise.

Furthermore, as indicated in (Liu et al., 2021), Class-B’s increasing tail current

which is proportional to the output voltage swing, cancel out the optimization of phase

noise from the increased in oscillation amplitude. In fact, the gradual increase in Drain

Current, ID leveraging the optimization effect of phase noise and leading to increase of

noise coming from ID, worsening the phase noise performance.

2.2.2 Class-C VCO

Figure 2.3 (a) Class-B VCO; (b) Class-C VCO (Fanori & Andreani, 2013b)

Figure 2.3 showcases the architectures for both Class-B VCO and Class-C

respectively. While in operation, the cross-coupled transistors in Class-B and Class-C

VCO each conducts for half an oscillation period. Though the current efficiency differs

whereby Class-C was proven to achieve nearly 57% in terms of efficiency. (Zhang et al.,

2017) Furthermore as current contribute greatly towards the power consumption, the FoM

can be further improved as accordance to the Equation (2.3).

Besides, as discussed in (Narayanan et al., 2014), Class-C LC VCO provides a

lower conduction angle and better current efficiency as compared to Class-B. Apart from

that, (Fanori & Andreani, 2013b) also proves that Class-C LC VCO achieves power

consumption 36% lower than that of Class-B. In a simpler context, assumed both Class-

B and Class-C VCO were showing the same phase noise performance, Class-C VCO

would exhibits a substantially lower power consumption.

However, Class-C VCO do experiences issues such as start-up failure and

amplitude instability. According to Liao & Liu, 2020, Class-C tends to encounter start-

up failure as the usage of low bias voltage for optimal performance of VCO which in turn

leads to small transconductance value of cross-coupled transistor. (Liao & Liu, 2020)

Low transconductance value impair the capability of start-up in VCO. The reasoning

behind the low bias voltage is to ensure the cross-coupled pair to operate between the cut-

off and saturation mode to prevent degradation in current amplitude. (Narayanan et al.,

2014) Thus, bias voltage is set at a value lower than the threshold voltage of the cross-

coupled pair, whereby headroom for tank signal is optimized, introducing undesired start-

up scenario. (Zhang et al., 2017)

On the other hand, Class-C VCO is also vulnerable towards Process, Supply

voltage and Temperature (PVT) variations. From analysis done by (Jung et al., 2022),

performance deviation in phase noise is significant when PVT variations are opted for

simulation. Figure 2.4 portrays the effects of PVT towards the phase noise.

Figure 2.4 Performance Deviation of Phase Noise due to PVT variation (Jung et al.,
2.3 LC VCO Design Optimization Approach

Figure 2.5 below depicts the generic design approach towards the optimization of

a LC-VCO for Ultra-Low Power (ULP) operation. Due to the spike in IoT applications

nowadays, ULP operation became a notable criterion. The focus towards optimized

design approach of an ULP LC VCO lies within the relationship between its component

(inductor and capacitor) and its active circuit.

Each of the said relations exhibit different impact towards the VCO’s performance

in terms of the trade-off network between power consumption, phase noise, tuning range

and space occupied. (Ghorbel et al., 2021) The steps towards LC VCO design

optimization starts from optimizing the inductance, followed by capacitance and then its

active circuit.

Figure 2.5 Design Methodology for ULP LC VCO (Ghorbel et al., 2021)

2.3.1 Inductance Optimization Strategy

According to Haddad et al., 2019, the very first step in optimizing the inductance

is by selecting the type of inductor in respond to the selected constraint, which normally

revolves around quality factor, resistive loss, space occupied and self-resonant frequency.

(Haddad et al., 2019)

Then, determine the inductance value in accordance to the operating frequency.

(Haddad et al., 2019) Ghorbel et al., 2021 emphasized the need to choose value of

inductance greater than oscillation frequency. Furthermore, the inductance must be high

while keeping the series resistance minimum but the quality factor at maximum for a

lower power consumption.

At last, following the inductance optimization strategy in Figure 2.5, the last step

involves alternating the geometrical parameters which directs towards the width of

inductor’s track (W) and number of turns (N). Number of turns is proportional to the

inductance value but inversely proportional to resistive loss.

Though, width of track exhibits a slightly different relationship whereby

increasing width results in reduction of resistive loss but better-quality factor. Despite the

advantages, increasing width will lead to decrement in self-resonant frequency, where in

a LC VCO, the self-resonant frequency should always be higher than the operating

frequency. Hence, the use of minimum width should be practiced. (Ghorbel et al., 2021)

2.3.2 Varactor Optimization Strategy

The steps involved in optimizing a varactor are first selecting the type of varactor

in accordance with the targeted constraints, then minimizing the capacitance value and

lastly alternating the physical parameters. (Ghorbel et al., 2019) In fact, when choosing

the type of varactor, MOS varactor suits constraints in the effect of tuning range while

varactor diode in effect of power consumption and phase noise. Though, in this step, it is

crucial to consider the trade-off between tuning range and quality factor.

2.3.3 Active Circuit Optimization Strategy

Active circuit optimization imparts on the relations regarding laying out negative

resistance to overcome tank loss. Though, with the existence of negative resistance,

parasitic elements relapse, whereby it degrades the performance of VCO in terms of phase

noise. (Haddad et al., 2019) As such, using a low-leakage transistors with minimum

channel length would levitate the issues on high power consumption and low switching

speed. At last, the maximum number of fingers and minimum transconductance will be

determined, for a better phase noise and power consumption of VCO. (Ghorbel et al.,


2.4 Techniques on Improving Performance of VCO

The following section will discuss on the various techniques and topologies

implemented to improve the performance of Voltage-Controlled Oscillator in terms of

Phase Noise, Power Consumption and Figure-of-Merits.

2.4.1 LC VCO Topologies

The core topologies being implemented within LC Oscillators revolved around

cross-coupling concept where it is widely used across RF applications that involves

transceiver. Cross-coupling VCO involves the practical implementation of differential

signal to compensate for LC tank loss by producing differential negative resistance. For

a differential signal to be valid, both sides of the circuit must be in symmetrical especially

the LC Tank. (Sachan et al., 2018)

In fact, MOS transistors have been the main units sustaining the development of

VCO instead of Bipolar Junction Transistor (BJT) as it provides lower phase noise and

reduction in start-up delay. (Azam et al., 2019) This gives rise to different LC VCO

topologies depending on the type of MOSFET used; NMOS, PMOS or Complementary

of PMOS and NMOS.

Recently, there are three architectures which plays the role as the centre of VCO


1. Voltage-Controlled Oscillator with NMOS Cross-Coupling

2. Voltage-Controlled Oscillator with PMOS Cross-Coupling

3. Voltage-Controlled Oscillator with Complementary Cross-Coupling

28 VCO with NMOS Cross-Coupling

Figure 2.6 VCO with NMOS Cross-Coupling (Sachan et al., 2018)

Figure 2.6 showcases an LC VCO constructed through NMOS transistors. In

accordance with the figure shown, an LC Tank is formed from the inductors (L1 & L2)

and capacitors (C1 & C2). The transconductance of the cross linked NMOS transistors

determines the oscillator's negative resistance where it provides compensation towards

the LC Tank losses, sustaining the oscillation operation of VCO. The transconductance

of the NMOS VCO is given in (Sachan et al., 2018)

𝒈𝒈𝒎𝒎(𝒆𝒆𝒆𝒆𝒆𝒆𝒆𝒆𝒆𝒆𝒆𝒆𝒆𝒆𝒆𝒆𝒆𝒆) ≈ (2.5)

This topology tends to be more sensitive towards perturbation of supply as a result

of the direct connection between inductor and supply source. Though, it levitates issues

pertaining to lower harmonic distortion and at the same time offers LC tank an effective

rejection against ground. (Haase et al., 2010) Moreover, this topology offers broad tuning

range despite under low voltage operation mode.

29 VCO with PMOS Cross-Coupling

Figure 2.7 VCO with PMOS Cross-Coupling (Sachan et al., 2018)

To match the transconductance and negative resistance as NMOS VCO, PMOS

transistors used in PMOS VCO is upsized by three factors for a diminished hole mobility.

In comparison between PMOS VCO and NMOS VCO, PMOS VCO offers lower current

density, providing lower phase noise. (Haase et al., 2010)

Park & Yang, 2002 compares the phase noise performance between NMOS VCO

and PMOS VCO at 50 kHz offset frequency. (Park & Yang, 2002) The research manages

to validate the aforementioned phase noise performance between NMOS VCO and PMOS

VCO. The phase noise of NMOS VCO attained is -73.1 dB which is lower than PMOS

VCO, -87.5 dB with a difference of 6 dB.

Then, according to the research done in Jerng & Sodini, 2005, which compares

the phase noise performance of NMOS VCO and PMOS VCO with varying device sizing

in terms of width to length ratio, it is observable that at same sizing, PMOS VCO offers

a better phase noise performance as compared to NMOS VCO. The results are tabulated

in the Table 2.1. (Jerng & Sodini, 2005)

Table 2.1 Phase Noise Performance Result (Jerng & Sodini, 2005) VCO with Complementary Cross-Coupling

Figure 2.8 VCO with NMOS PMOS Cross-Coupling (Sachan et al., 2018)
A Complementary VCO is a combination of both PMOS and NMOS transistors

to achieve a push-pull network configuration. A complementary VCO provides twice the

transconductance value as compared to NMOS or PMOS-only VCO. (Sachan et al., 2018)

The formula for transconductance of complementary VCO is as below.

𝒈𝒈𝒎𝒎(𝒆𝒆𝒆𝒆𝒆𝒆𝒆𝒆𝒆𝒆𝒆𝒆𝒆𝒆𝒆𝒆𝒆𝒆) ≈ 𝟐𝟐 × ≈ −𝒈𝒈𝒎𝒎 (2.6)

For a higher transconductance value, it provides a higher switching time, resulting

in lower phase noise. As such, a complementary VCO provides twice the oscillation

amplitude as indicated by the selected tank and supply current. Doubling the oscillation

amplitude, improves the performance of phase noise by 6 dB. Furthermore, according to

Veni et al., 2020, the VCO start-up operation will be further improved due to the higher

gain achieved in complementary VCO as compared to single-pair VCO. (Veni et al., 2020)

At last, attributed to the circuit voltage never exceeding the supply voltage, the reliability

of transistors is further assured.

The performance of complementary VCO is analyzed by comparing conventional

Class-C NMOS Cross-Coupled VCO by (Mazzanti & Andreani, 2008) with

Complementary Class-C VCO by (Fanori & Andreani, 2013a) . It was discovered that the

later has lower FoM at 191.5 dBc/Hz @ 3.8 GHz with power consumption at 2.2 mW

while the former at 196 dBc/Hz @ 5 GHz with power consumption at 1.4 mW. Also,

NMOS Class-C VCO in (Tohidian et al., 2011) measured a FoM of 192.3 dBc/Hz @ 5.1

GHz with power consumption at 0.86 mW.

2.4.2 Filtering Technique

Following, techniques used to reduce phase noise and power consumption of VCO

are further analyzed and discussed. Inductive Degeneration

Tail noise which offers the largest contribution in terms of phase noise, has been

one of the greatest concerns among VCO designer in order to improve the phase noise

performance. The reasoning lies within the imposition of high-frequency or low-

frequency current noise into phase noise. (Andreani & Sjoland, 2002) As such, inductive

degeneration filtering technique is introduced to sweep out the tail noise of the VCO.

An inductive source degeneration is connected across the source terminal of MOS

transistors and the ground where for a differential operation ground is replaced by virtual

ground node which helps promoting the transconductance and phase noise performance

of VCO. (Siddique et al., 2020)

Figure 2.9 VCO with Inductive Degeneration Technique (Siddique et al., 2020)
The newly introduced degenerative inductor will degenerates the tail transistors

whereby the power is generated by the current noise is degraded by a factor of

|1 + 𝑗𝑗𝑔𝑔𝑚𝑚 𝜔𝜔𝜔𝜔|2 where 𝑔𝑔𝑚𝑚 is the transconductance of tail transistor. (Andreani & Sjoland,

2001) The Figure 2.9 showcases the VCO with inductive degeneration filtering technique.

The technique as proposed in (Siddique et al., 2020) which introduces inductive

degeneration source, achieves a FoM of 194.3 at 24.5 GHz operating frequency with

power consumption at 1.35 mW. The technique has seen an improvement in phase noise

performance and bridle over the transconductance performance. Figure 2.10 further

showcase the improvement in phase noise of approximately 4 dBc/Hz when comparing

between the presence and absence of an inductive degeneration source.

Figure 2.10 Phase Noise with and without Inductive Degeneration Source
(Siddique et al., 2020)

Figure 2.11 VCO with and without Dual Inductive Degeneration Source (Chang &
Liang, 2022)
Subsequent introduction of dual inductive degeneration at the head and tail

transistors as shown in Figure 2.11, highlights an overall improvement in phase noise of

approximately 20 dBc/Hz which is further depicted in Figure 2.12 below. And overall, it

achieves a FoM of 183.94 @ 2.94 GHz with power consumption of 2.38 mW. (Chang &

Liang, 2022)

Figure 2.12 Phase Noise with and without Dual Inductive Degeneration Source
(Chang & Liang, 2022)
35 Inductive and Capacitive Filtering

Connecting a capacitor parallel to the said inductor as in inductive degeneration

technique, LC filtering will be realised. Figure 2.13 portrays the VCO with LC filtering.

Figure 2.13 VCO with LC Tail Filter (Ding et al., 2019)

Prior to the introduction of LC filter at tail or top, cross-coupled transistor in VCO

that is operating in deep triode region will exhibit a resistive path towards the ground due

to low impedance. The resistive path will introduce a resistance that degrades the Q factor

as a result of declination in tank parallel resistance. (Ding et al., 2019) From Figure 2.13,

the tail inductor works in a way by resonating the tail capacitor, preventing low

impedance at common-mode path.

In fact, a high impedance is required at second harmonic to avoid the cross-

coupled pair transistors from loading the resonator, where thermal noise further add to

the phase noise. (Hegazi et al., 2001) The tuning of LC tail filter is done in a way by

keeping the resonance frequency at twice the value of operating frequency. (Plagaki et al.,

2021) As such the phase noise could be improved.

According to research done by Zhang et al., 2020, adding a LC filter to the VCO

helps to levitate issues on single event effects of a Phase-Locked Loop. (Zhang et al.,
2020) It also further depicts the improvement in overall phase noise by approximately 3

dB. Apart from that, Ding et al., 2019 which applies LC filtering in its VCO design,

achieves a FoM of 185.7 @ 28.3 GHz with power consumption at 4.1 mW. (Ding et al.,


Figure 2.14 Instantaneous Frequency of LC VCO with and without LC filter

respectively (Zhang et al., 2020)

37 Tail Biasing

Often, MOSFET introduced at the tail of VCO for tail current balancing, has

substantial effect on the phase noise performance. Figure 2.15 depicts the tail current

source for a conventional LC VCO.

Figure 2.15 VCO with NMOS tail current and PMOS tail current respectively
(Fard et al., 2019)

The problem behind the conventional tail biasing of VCO is that this kind of

topology is prone to up-conversion of flicker noise as a result of maximum current

consumption by the cross-coupled transistors whereby Figure 2.16 additionally depicts

the maximum consumption of current at zero-crossing of output signal. (Fard et al., 2019)

Thus, results in extensive increment of phase noise.

Figure 2.16 Impulse Sensitivity Function (ISF) Schema of VCO (Fard et al., 2019)
As a matter of fact, techniques to overcome the tail biasing has gain popularity

throughout the past few years. The techniques to overcome such limitation are tail

current-shaping, tail-feedback mechanism and tailless class VCO.

Figure 2.17 VCO with Dual Current-Shaping Technique (Nejadhasan et al., 2020)

The dual current-shaping technique which was proposed by Nejadhasan et al.,

2020, as depicted in Figure 2.17 uncovers circuit’s current consumption at its lowest

which is as shown in Figure 2.18 below. The current which fluctuates between 0.18 mA

to 0.67 mA discloses the fact that is has lower current consumption than conventional

topology. The end result of the technique proposed obtained a FoM at 189.6 dBc/Hz @

2.44 GHz while consuming an overall power of 0.37 mW.

Figure 2.18 Circuit current consumption as compared to output voltage
(Nejadhasan et al., 2020)

Del Pino Suárez & Khemchandani, 2021 proposed a technique for current

injection feedback mechanism. (del Pino Suárez & Khemchandani, 2021) The proposed

technique can be viewed through the schematic shown in Figure 2.19 below. The

advantages behind this technique revolves around the centre of keeping the cross-coupled

transistors operating in saturation region through current feedback. (del Pino Suárez &

Khemchandani, 2021)

Figure 2.19 VCO with feedback injection mechanism (del Pino Suárez &
Khemchandani, 2021)
Comparing the conventional LC VCO with the proposed LC VCO implementing

the feedback injection mechanism uncovers a better phase noise performance in the later

topology. Figure 2.20 depicts the phase noise comparison of conventional VCO and

proposed VCO. Overall, it achieves a FoM of 171 dBc/Hz @ 1.77 GHz while consuming

3.96 mW of power.

Figure 2.20 Phase Noise comparison between conventional and proposed VCO (del
Pino Suárez & Khemchandani, 2021)

Shasidharan et al., 2022 discloses a technique to overcome the limitation of tail

source by proposing a tailless class VCO, removing the tail source entirely. (Shasidharan

et al., 2022) This proposed technique aims to reduce the parasitic capacitances that

contributed to the phase noise, while at the same time enhancing the performance of

output swing.

Figure 2.21 Tailless VCO (Shasidharan et al., 2022)

The tailless VCO as depicted in Figure 2.21, encourages the reduction of parasitic

capacitance which at the same time improves the transconductance parameter which

elevates the start-up issues of VCO operating at low power. Figure 2.22 discloses the

transconductance value comparison between conventional VCO and the proposed VCO

whereby the transconductance of proposed topology achieves higher transconductance.

In fact, the overall proposed design achieves a FoM of 190.36@ 2.59 GHz while

consuming as less as 0.98 mW power.

Figure 2.22 Transconductance comparison on conventional VCO and proposed

VCO (Shasidharan et al., 2022)
42 Top Biasing

A top biasing is the opposite of tail biasing whereby the current source is inserted

across the supply voltage and centre tap inductor. As compared with tail biasing, top

biasing topology offers a lower phase noise as it transforms less flicker noise into phase

noise. (Thakore et al., 2022)

Figure 2.23 Top-biased VCO (ZhU et al., 2020)

ZhU et al., 2020 which make use of the top-biasing topology achieves a relatively

low phase noise at -108 dBc/Hz with an overall FoM of 193.4 dBc/Hz and consuming 4.5

mW of power. (ZhU et al., 2020) Then, CHEN et al., 2017 which consists of a top-biased

current source achieves a phase noise of -131.3 dBc/Hz with an extensively high FoM of

216.2 dBc/Hz and power consumption at 3.8 mW. (CHEN et al., 2017)

Figure 2.24 VCO using top-biased current source (CHEN et al., 2017)

2.4.3 Switched Capacitor Array (SCA)

The utilization of a switching capacitor array (SCA) in Figure 2.25 is presented to

incorporate a capacitor into the LC tank. This array comprises three main components:

Switched Capacitor, Fixed Capacitor, and Varactor, each with its own distinct function.

It is important to note that the oscillating frequency exhibits an inverse relationship with

capacitance; larger capacitance values result in lower oscillating frequencies. The fixed

capacitor (Cf) primarily serves to establish the highest oscillating frequency achievable

for the oscillator. Typically, the individual capacitance value of Cf is relatively higher

compared to the other capacitors within the SCA. Additionally, the fixed capacitor plays

a crucial role in compensating for the parasitic elements of other devices by adjusting its

own capacitance value. This adjustment is critical in maintaining the Figure-of-Merit

(FoM) performance.

Figure 2.25 Switched Capacitor Array

Moving on to the second stage, the switched capacitor is responsible for

segmenting the tuning range and determining the overall range. Typically, the switched

capacitor is composed of stacked binary bits. In Figure 2.25, the switched capacitor is

structured with 3 bits, resulting in a total of 7 stages ranging from 000 to 111. The state

of each bit is determined by the biasing voltage (VX1, VX2, VX3), and the capacitance

is loaded into the LC tank only during the ON state (Xian et al., 2010). Unit capacitors

(Cu) determine the capacitance value for each bit and are stacked in order from the least

significant bit (LSB) to the highest bit. The sizing of resistors and transistors follows a

similar pattern. Increasing the value of Cu leads to greater differences in oscillating

frequency (Δf) across each stage. It is possible to generate more stages by stacking

additional switched capacitors; however, this approach introduces a trade-off in terms of

phase noise. This stage serves as coarse tuning.

Finally, the last stage involves the varactor, which provides fine frequency tuning

within each stage. The capacitance of the varactor can be adjusted by applying various

voltage values (VTUNE) ranging from 0 to VDD. The sizing of the varactor determines

the range of fine frequency tuning. It is crucial to ensure that this fine-tuning range is

larger than Δf to avoid any blind zones.

2.5 State-of-the-Arts VCO

The table below provides an overview of different VCOs’ performance with

varying techniques applied while comparing the phase noise, power consumption and

Figure-of-Merits of the said VCOs.

Table 2.2 State-of-the-art VCO

Operating Supply Phase Power
Technology FoM
Source Frequency Voltage Noise Consumption
Node (nm) (dBc/Hz)
(GHz) (V) (dBc/Hz) (mW)
(del Pino
Suárez &
1.77 90 1.2 -112 3.96 -171
(Sachan et al.,
2.4 180 1.8 -124 2.86 -187.25
(Nejadhasan et
2.44 65 0.8 -117.5 0.37 -189.6
al., 2020)
2.59 180 0.7 -122 0.98 -190.36
et al., 2022)
(Chang &
3.0 180 1.1 -138 2.38 -183.94
Liang, 2022)
(Fanori &
Andreani, 3.8 90 1.2 -130 2.2 -191.5
(Tohidian et
5.1 90 0.6 -127 0.86 -192.3
al., 2011)
(Veni et al.,
17.0 130 3.3 -116 45.21 -184.0
(ZhU et al.,
18 40 1.0 -108 4.5 -193.4
(Siddique et
24.5 65 0.7 -117 16.8 -194.3
al., 2020)
(Ding et al.,
26 65 1.0 -102.8 4.1 -185.7


3.1 Flow Chart of Design Flow

The flow chart below indicates the methodology of this project in detailed starting

from the research up to design and verification.

Figure 3.1 Flow chart on the design of VCO

3.2 Phase 1: Literature Review

Research papers published by researchers in the field of VCO are examined at this

stage to look into various VCO designs. To study and analyse the design, the circuit

topologies suggested in those studies are simulated in Cadence Virtuoso Schematic Editor.

Whereas in order to highlight problems, achievements, and research gaps regarding

modern VCO design, discussions and comments are made based on the study.

3.3 Phase 2: CMOS Technology Selection

The 65 nm CMOS technology from TSMC has been selected to be the technology

utilised in the circuit designing at this time. For RF applications, 65nm CMOS technology

will be the most suitable as it balances considerations on performance and cost. As the

technology scales down, the cost will get more expensive. Although the cost for 0.18μm

to 90nm is cheaper compare with 65nm, the power consumption for these technologies

would be too large for ultra-low power applications due to large power supply

requirement, hence degrade performance.

3.4 Phase 3: Schematic Level Design

To understand the fundamentals of the primary simulation tool, namely Cadence

Virtuoso Schematic Editor, a remote training has been performed. In reality, the tool must

be used to design and simulate each and every circuit topology that was proposed.

Cadence The Virtuoso Schematic Editor is a design and constraint composition

environment that sets the design intent of the industry-standard Virtuoso custom design

platform, which serves as a full solution for front-to-back custom-analog, digital, RF, and

mixed-signal design. The first step in designing the VCO at the transistor level is to create

a schematic. At this level, the circuit must achieve low phase noise and low power

consumption in order to achieve a high FoM.

3.4.1 Design of VCO Circuit

The design of VCO starts with the selection of VCO topology, which was

introduced in the previous section, where currently the two widely use topology for low

power devices are Class-B VCO and Class-C VCO. Class-B provides better performance

in terms of tuning range whereas Class-C offers excellent power efficiency which is

critical for ULP VCO design. In this study, Class-C will be opted as the base topology

for design.

Before trying to select and optimize the transistor and LC tank of Class-C VCO,

the type of coupling is decided to further improve the phase noise and power consumption

aspect of the design. As previously discussed, differential design of a Class-C VCO can

be reorganized into three types, by using either NMOS Cross-Coupling, PMOS Cross-

Coupling or Complimentary Cross-Coupling between PMOS and NMOS. With that said,

Complementary Cross-Coupling is chosen for Class-C VCO due to its high

transconductance value which is approximately twice the value of the former two cross-

coupling topology, hence, offering greater phase noise performance.

Figure 3.2 Complementary Class-C VCO (Mazzanti & Andreani, 2012) Selection of Transistor Type

When choosing the appropriate transistor for use in a VCO circuit, consideration

is given to a variety of transistor types, including lvt and hvt transistors, which have low

and high threshold voltages, respectively, and rf transistors, which are typically

appropriate for front-end RF architecture. The VCO circuit has tested and used each of

the aforementioned transistors. It was found that for the design of an ULP VCO, lvt

transistors provide lower current consumption which signifies lower power consumption

and is deemed more suitable for this case. Hence, lvt transistors are employed in the

circuit design of an ULP VCO.

51 Transistor Sizing

While sizing the transistor in terms of width, length and number of fingers, it is

important to consider for a low-leakage transistor which is usually attributed to the

channel length of transistor. In our study, the channel length is kept at minimum so that

the power consumption is at minimum. Whereas the width should provide a minimum

transconductance while maximizing the number of fingers used. The low

transconductance and maximum stack of fingers contribute to a low gate resistance during

operation, leading to low phase noise and power consumption. Selection of Inductor and Capacitor

Then, selecting type of inductor and capacitor for the LC tank of VCO. To ensure

symmetric between both side in a differential topology, a centre tapped inductor is used,

“spiral_sym_ct_mu_z”, whereas the capacitor used is “crtmom”. The components used

are obtainable in the “tsmcN65” library within the Cadence Virtuoso.

When determining the value of both the inductance and capacitance, the Q factor

plays an important role in ensuring the quality of the output signal in terms of phase noise.

The operating frequency of a VCO will be tuned throughout the frequency range based

on the circumstance. However, as we modify the operating frequency, not only will the

Q factor shift, but the inductance value will not remain constant. As a result, a large

change in inductance would damage the VCO voltage swing performance and stability,

which is not what we want. As a result, we must consider not only the Q factor, but also

the change in inductance value. Figure 3.3, Figure 3.4 and Figure 3.5 depicts the varying

inductance in response to the Q factor when plotted as a factor of frequency.





Q Factor


8 1 Turn
2 Turn
5 3 Turn
4 Turn
5 Turn
6 Turn

0.0 2.4G 5.0G 10.0G 15.0G 20.0G 25.0G 30.0G
Frequency (Hz)

Figure 3.3 Graph of Q factor as a factor of Frequency due to Number of Turns

16 20u
15 30u
14 40u
13 45u
12 55u
11 65u
10 75u
9 85u
Q Factor

0.0 2.4G 5.0G 10.0G 15.0G 20.0G 25.0G 30.0G
Frequency (Hz)

Figure 3.4 Graph of Q factor as a factor of Frequency due to Inner Radius

16 3u
15 6u
14 9u
13 12u
12 15u
Q Factor

7 27u
6 30u

-1 2.4G
0.0 2.5G 5.0G 7.5G 10.0G 12.5G
Frequency (Hz)

Figure 3.5 Graph of Q factor as a factor of Frequency due to Inductor Width

Next, the capacitance of the capacitor can be calculated through the Equation 2.4.

The capacitance calculated from the equation contributes to the total capacitance,

whereby to keep the symmetrical balance, the two capacitors along the LC tank can be

obtained by multiplying the total capacitance by a factor of two.

3.4.2 Implementation of Filter Technique

Upon closer inspection on all the filtering techniques available, phase noise is

mainly contributed by the conversion of current noise operating at second harmonic. In

reality, a large impedance at the second harmonic is necessary to prevent the cross-

coupled pair transistors from loading the resonator, where thermal noise adds to the phase

noise. Hence, a LC Filtering technique is introduced for further improvement in phase

noise whereby the LC filter tank removes the noise generated at the second harmonic.

Figure 3.6 LC Filter
3.5 Phase 4: Physical Layout Design

Using Cadence Virtuoso, the proposed VCO’s final schematic level design is

translated into a physical layout at this step. To make sure the design rules are followed,

the Design Rule Check (DRC) process is used to ensures that the design complies with

process technology standards. A clean result is desired as the output to ensure that there

are no faults in the physical design. Additionally, Layout versus Schematic (LVS) is used

to check if the physical layout design coincides with the schematic level design.

3.6 Phase 5: Parasitic Extraction & Post-Layout Design

Once the LVS has been verified, the parasitic effects, such as bulk resistance,

capacitance from conductors to ground, and capacitance between conductors, will be

extracted by performing Parasitic Extraction (PEX) simulation. A post-layout simulation

is done after parasitic extraction to make sure the performance degradation is being kept

minimal after considering all parasitic components. The design is then improved via

layout optimization, and the performance of the VCO is assessed using post-layout


This chapter presents the results of simulations conducted prior to the proposed

design to identify the most suitable VCO topologies. It becomes evident that Class-B and

Class-C VCO topologies exhibit excellent performance characteristics in terms of low

power consumption and acceptable phase noise levels, making them ideal for low-power

applications. Class-C VCO is specifically selected as the primary topology for

investigation in this paper due to its ability to achieve low power consumption, aligning

well with the requirements of Ultra-Low Power (ULP) VCOs for Bluetooth Low Energy

(BLE) Internet-of-Things (IoT) applications. The chapter explores various VCO classes

and transistor cross-coupling techniques, along with the employed strategies to mitigate

phase noise and power consumption. A detailed discussion of these findings and insights

derived from the simulation results is provided. The comprehensive analysis presented in

this chapter serves as the foundation for further exploration and development of the

proposed design. Its aim is to create an efficient ULP VCO solution for BLE IoT

applications, as detailed in this paper.

4.1 VCO Architecture Simulation

Under this section, simulation of conventional VCO is done and analyzed for

comparison and to allow the generation of new VCO’s design.

4.1.1 Class-B VCO Architecture Simulation

The simulation of conventional Class-B VCO by Cross-Coupling between NMOS

transistors pair and Complementary MOSFET transistors pair are simulated and analyzed.

56 NMOS Cross-Coupling

Figure 4.1 Schematic of Class-B NMOS Cross-Coupled VCO

Operating Frequency : 2.398 GHz

Voltage Supply : 1.0 V

Table 4.1 Results of Class-B NMOS Cross-Coupled VCO

Offset Frequency Phase Noise Power Consumption FoM

(Hz) (dBc/Hz) (mW) (dBc/Hz)
100k -101.00 7.5690 -179.8
1M -120.90 7.5690 -179.7
10M -140.60 7.5690 -179.4

57 CMOS Cross-Coupling

Figure 4.2 Schematic of Class-B CMOS Cross-Coupled VCO

Oscillating Frequency : 2.405 GHz

Voltage Supply : 1.0 V

Table 4.2 Results of Class-B CMOS Cross-Coupled VCO

Offset Frequency Phase Noise Power Consumption FoM

(Hz) (dBc/Hz) (mW) (dBc/Hz)
100k -96.78 2.0930 -181.2
1M -119.04 2.0930 -183.4
10M -139.04 2.0930 -183.4

Comparing the results obtained between a NMOS Cross-Coupled Class-B VCO

with CMOS Cross-Coupled Class-B VCO, it was found that the CMOS topology provides
better power consumption performance whereas its trade-off lies in slight degradation of

phase noise. Overall, CMOS topology generally offers a better VCO performance as

indicated by its Figure-of-Merits.

4.1.2 Class-C VCO Architecture Simulation

Under this section, the simulation of conventional Class-C VCO by Cross-

Coupling between NMOS transistors pair and Complementary MOSFET transistors pair

are simulated and analyzed. NMOS Cross-Coupling

Figure 4.3 Schematic of Class-C NMOS Cross-Coupled VCO

Operating Frequency : 2.399 GHz

Voltage Supply : 1.0 V
Voltage Bias : 0.55 V

Table 4.3 Results of Class-C NMOS Cross-Coupled VCO

Offset Frequency Phase Noise Power Consumption FoM

(Hz) (dBc/Hz) (mW) (dBc/Hz)
100k -101.10 6.0910 -180.9
1M -121.10 6.0910 -180.9
10M -140.80 6.0910 -180.6 CMOS Cross-Coupling

Figure 4.4 Schematic of Class-C CMOS Cross-Coupled VCO

Operating Frequency : 2.400 GHz

Voltage Supply :1V
Voltage Bias : 0.55 V

Table 4.4 Results of Class-C CMOS Cross-Coupled VCO

Offset Frequency Phase Noise Power Consumption FoM

(Hz) (dBc/Hz) (mW) (dBc/Hz)
100k -96.01 1.5200 -181.8
1M -118.50 1.5200 -184.3
10M -139.60 1.5200 -185.6

Comparing the results obtained between a NMOS Cross-Coupled Class-C VCO

with CMOS Cross-Coupled Class-C VCO, it was found that the CMOS topology provides

better power efficiency whereas its trade-off lies in a poorer phase noise. Overall, CMOS

topology generally offers more room for VCO performance improvement.

4.1.3 Comparison of Class-B and Class-C VCO

Taking into consideration the operating frequency of the VCO, it is notable that

Class-C CMOS Cross-Coupled VCO shows a notably low power consumption as

illustrated in Figure 4.5. As low power consumption is indeed an important factor in

designing an Ultra-Low Power VCO for Bluetooth-Low Energy Internet-of-Things

Application, such characteristics is preferred. However, it’s phase noise performance is a

huge concern and has a huge margin to improve.

Hence, to overcome this trade-off relation, techniques to enhance phase noise

performance will be implemented on the existing conventional VCO’s topology to further

validate the techniques that were proposed in the research field and their suitability

towards the VCO’s topology; Class-B NMOS Cross-Coupled VCO, Class-B CMOS

Cross-Coupled VCO, Class-C NMOS Cross-Coupled VCO and Class-C CMOS Cross-

Coupled VCO.

Class B NMOS without LC Filter
10 Class B CMOS without LC Filter
Class C NMOS without LC Filter
9 Class C CMOS without LC Filter

Power Consumption (mW) 7

10k 100k 1M 10M 100M
Frequency (Hz)

Figure 4.5 Comparison of VCO topology in terms of Power Consumption plotted

against Frequency

Class B NMOS without LC Filter

-90 Class B CMOS without LC Filter
Class C NMOS without LC Filter
Class C CMOS without LC Filter
Phase Noise (dBc/Hz)

10k 100k 1M 10M 100M
Frequency (Hz)

Figure 4.6 Comparison of VCO topology in terms of Phase Noise plotted against

4.2 LC Filter Technique

Among all the techniques analyzed, LC Filtering stands out to be the most

plausible solution towards promoting phase noise performance in a VCO. By identifying

topology that offers, low power consumption, phase noise needs to be levitated at the

same time in order to enable the application to work under Bluetooth-Low Energy IoT


4.2.1 Class-B NMOS Cross-Coupling VCO

Figure 4.7 Class-B NMOS Cross-Coupled VCO with LC Filter

Operating Frequency : 2.397 GHz

Voltage Supply : 1.0 V
Table 4.5 Results of Class-B NMOS Cross-Coupled VCO with LC Filter

Offset Frequency Phase Noise Power Consumption FoM

(Hz) (dBc/Hz) (mW) (dBc/Hz)
100k -112.80 8.0880 -191.1
1M -132.80 8.0880 -191.1
10M -152.50 8.0880 -191.1

4.2.2 Class-B CMOS Cross-Coupling VCO

Figure 4.8 Class-B CMOS Cross-Coupled VCO with LC Filter

Operating Frequency : 2.407 GHz

Voltage Supply : 1.0 V
Table 4.6 Results of Class-B CMOS Cross-Coupled VCO with LC Filter

Offset Frequency Phase Noise Power Consumption FoM

(Hz) (dBc/Hz) (mW) (dBc/Hz)
100k -110.40 2.5730 -193.9
1M -130.70 2.5730 -194.2
10M -150.70 2.5730 -194.2

4.2.3 Class-C NMOS Cross-Coupling VCO

Figure 4.9 Class-C NMOS Cross-Coupled VCO with LC Filter

Operating Frequency: 2.406 GHz

Voltage Supply: 1.0 V
Voltage Bias: 0.55V

Table 4.7 Results of Class-C NMOS Cross-Coupled VCO with LC Filter

Offset Frequency Phase Noise Power Consumption FoM

(Hz) (dBc/Hz) (mW) (dBc/Hz)
100k -113.00 6.5490 -192.5
1M -133.00 6.5490 -192.5
10M -152.90 6.5490 -192.4

4.2.4 Class-C CMOS Cross-Coupling VCO

Figure 4.10 Class-C CMOS Cross-Coupled VCO with LC Filter

Operating Frequency: 2.405 GHz

Voltage Supply: 1.0 V
Voltage Bias: 0.55V

Table 4.8 Results of Class-C CMOS Cross-Coupled VCO with LC Filter

Offset Frequency Phase Noise Power Consumption FoM

(Hz) (dBc/Hz) (mW) (dBc/Hz)
100k -104.70 1.9840 -189.3
1M -126.70 1.9840 -193.3
10M -148.80 1.9840 -193.4

4.2.5 Comparison of VCO with and without LC Filter

Looking at Figure 4.11 which discloses the phase noise of VCO plotted against

frequency, it is noticeable that all the VCOs with LC Filters implemented results in better

phase noise performance when compared with their original topology, but it comes with

a slight increment on power consumption as shown in Figure 4.12. As such, further

optimization will be done to lower the power consumption while achieving satisfactory

phase noise performance.

Class B NMOS without LC Filter

-90 Class B CMOS without LC Filter
Class C NMOS without LC Filter
Class C CMOS without LC Filter
-100 Class B NMOS with LC Filter
-105 Class B CMOS with LC Filter
Class C NMOS with LC Filter
Class C CMOS with LC Filter
Phase Noise (dBc/Hz)

10k 100k 1M 10M 100M
Frequency (Hz)

Figure 4.11 Comparison of VCO topology in terms of Phase Noise plotted against
Frequency with presence of LC Filter

Class B NMOS without LC Filter
Class B CMOS without LC Filter
Class C NMOS without LC Filter
10 Class C CMOS without LC Filter
Class B NMOS with LC Filter
Class B CMOS with LC Filter
9 Class C NMOS with LC Filter
Class C CMOS with LC Filter

Power Consumption (mW) 7

10k 100k 1M 10M 100M
Frequency (Hz)

Figure 4.12 Comparison of VCO topology in terms of Power Consumption plotted

against Frequency with presence of LC Filter

4.3 Proposed Complementary Class-C VCO with Dual Second Harmonic LC
Filtering Tanks


8W2/L 4W2/L 2W2/L W2/L


8Cu 4Cu 2Cu Cu


LC Head Filter L
Cu Cu
M1 M2
C1 C2
8R VX1 8R

2Cu VX1` 2Cu


V+ LC Tank V- V+ 4R 4R V-
4Cu VX2` 4Cu
C3 C4 4W/L

2R VX3 2R
M3 M4
8Cu VX3` 8Cu
R3 R4 8W/L
LC Tail Filter

Cu 2Cu 4Cu 8Cu

LTAIL CF2 W2/L 2W2/L 4W2/L 8W2/L


Figure 4.13 Proposed Complementary Class-C VCO with Dual Second Harmonic
LC Filtering Tanks

Figure 4.13 showcases the proposed complementary Class-C VCO with dual

second harmonic filtering tanks. Two LC filters are inserted into both the head and tail of

the VCO. The first LC filter at the head is connected in between the AC ground source,
VDD and the source terminal of PMOS differential pair whereas LC tail filter is in

between source terminal of NMOS and ground. The source terminals for NMOS and

PMOS may both swing over VDD and ground, respectively. As a result, voltage

efficiency is improved. While the head and tail filters are resonating at 2fLO, both the tank

impedances are purely real and hence preventing flicker noise conversion from loading

into the tank even when the -gm transistors are driven into triode region.

The motivation behind selecting the Class-C VCO topology for BLE applications

stems from its inherent advantages and suitability for low-power wireless communication.

Class-C VCOs are known for their high efficiency and low power consumption

characteristics, making them an ideal choice for battery-operated IoT devices. BLE

technology, designed for low-power applications and energy-constrained devices,

requires VCOs that can operate efficiently within a limited power budget. Additionally,

Class-C VCOs offer excellent phase noise performance, which is crucial for reliable

communication in wireless systems. By incorporating LC head and tail filters, the

proposed design further enhances the phase noise characteristics, ensuring stable and

accurate signal generation within the desired frequency range of BLE.

The Switched Capacitor Array (SCA) is a key component in the LC tank of the

oscillator. Each stage within the SCA has a specific function. The oscillating frequency

is inversely proportional to the capacitance. The fixed capacitor (CF) determines the

highest oscillating frequency and also helps tolerate the parasitic components of other

devices, maintaining the FoM performance. The switched capacitor stage separates the

tuning range into stages and determines the overall tuning range. Binary bits are used to

stack the switched capacitors, with each bit corresponding to a specific capacitance value.

The capacitance is loaded into the LC tank only during the ON state determined by the

biasing voltage.

Figure 4.14 Implemented 4-Bits Switched Capacitor Array

4.4 Simulated Phase Noise and Figure-of-Merit (FoM)

2.4G Hz
-70 3.1G Hz
Phase Noise (dBc/Hz)



-101.08 -121.82

-130 -143.30


-150 -148.82

10k 100k 1M 10M

Offset Frequency (Hz)

Figure 4.15 Simulated Phase Noise vs Offset Frequency

194.74 195.39

193 191.60
Figure-of-Merit (dBc/Hz)





178 2.4G Hz
3.1G Hz
10k 100k 1M 10M
Offset Frequency (Hz)

Figure 4.16 Simulated Figure-of-Merit vs Offset Frequency

Phase Noise @ 100k

Phase Noise @ 1M
-90 Phase Noise @ 10M
Phase Noise (dBc/Hz)

2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 2.8 2.9 3.0 3.1 3.2
Oscilating Frequency (Hz)

Figure 4.17 Simulated Phase Noise vs Oscillating Frequency

FoM @ 100k
FoM @ 1M
FoM @ 10M

Figure-of-Merits (dBc/Hz)
2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 2.8 2.9 3.0 3.1 3.2
Oscilating Frequency (Hz)

Figure 4.18 Simulated Figure-of-Merit vs Oscillating Frequency

The proposed VCO is designed and simulated using 65nm CMOS technology.

The width and length (W/L) of the NMOS and PMOS -gm differential pair are sized at

8µm/60nm and 16µm/60nm respectively. A total of 3 inductors are implemented, which

are located in the main LC tank (LM = 3.0167nH ; QM =15.386 ), the head and tail LC

filters (LHEAD/TAIL = 2.0822nH ; QHEAD/TAIL = 13.034). The main LC tank consists of 4-bit

MOM switchable capacitors with a LSB of 96.312fF, together with a fixed MOM

capacitor of 195.414fF. Whereas, for the LC head and tail filter, a similar 4-bit MOM

switchable capacitor is utilized, with LSB at 290.022fF and fixed capacitor at 18.406fF.

The proposed VCO is tunable from 2.403-to-3.101 GHz, depicting a tuning range

of 25.45%. It operates at a supply voltage, VDD of 1.0V while drawing a 1.271mA DC

current at a carrier frequency fmin = 2.403 GHz and 1.423mA at fmax = 3.101 GHz. Figure

4.16 portrays the simulated FoM performance of the VCO while the corresponding phase

noise performance is simulated as shown in Figure 4.15. The FoM at thermal noise region

(10 MHz offset) is maintained between 191.60 and 195.39 dBc/Hz across the tuning

range. On the other hand, Figure 4.18 and Figure 4.17 reveals the simulated FoM

performance and phase noise respectively across the tuning frequencies in 100 kHz, 1

MHz and 10 MHz offset frequency. From Figure 4.17, the phase noise at 100 kHz offset

varies from -93.39 to -101.1 dBc/Hz due to flicker noise dominance at high frequency.

Then from Figure 4.18, it is noticeable that the FoM at 1 MHz and 10 MHz is consistently

maintained above 190dBc/Hz throughout the tuning frequency with less than 0.5 dB


4.5 Physical Layout

Figure 4.19 Physical Layout of Proposed VCO

Figure 4.19 which depicts the physical layout of the proposed VCO consumes a

space of 900µm x 460µm. There are a total of three on-chips inductors which took up half

the space which is indicated by the orthogonal shapes where one located at the top and

another two located at the bottom. The top inductor which is the largest inductor is the

main inductor used in the oscillator as its LC tank whereas the bottom two are for LC

filtering which is prominently attached to the top and bottom of the circuit as shown in

Figure 4.13. The squared boxes in the physical layout are the capacitors which are paired

with inductors to serve as LC tank. All the subsection for the VCO has been properly

connected with the same connection as the schematic design. On top of that, this VCO

layout design has fulfil the Design Rule Check (DRC), where the fabrication rule is being

determined by the founder. In this case, as we’re using CMOS 65nm technology from

TSMC, the DRC format followed in this project would be the design rules determined by

TSMC. On a further note, the layout has also successfully passed the Layout Vs

Schematic (LVS) check, where the functionality and connections of the layout is

compared to the schematics as a proof-checking. Also, Parasitic Extraction (PEX) has

been carried out to achieve accurate circuit modelling, timing analysis, signal integrity

optimization, power analysis, and ensuring reliability and yield in integrated circuit


4.6 Comparison with Current State-of-The-Arts VCO

Table 4.9 encapsulates the performance and benchmarks of the proposed VCO

with recently reported state-of-the-art oscillators. With the aid of dual second harmonic

LC filtering for both NMOS and PMOS differential pair, the proposed Class-C CMOS

LC VCO exhibits competitive power consumption and phase noise performance

comparatively, leading to a better overall performance and achieve highest FoM

performance at 194.7 dBc/Hz among all reported works.

Table 4.9 Comparisons of Proposed Design’s Phase Noise Performance, Power
Consumption and Figure-of-Merit (FoM) with Current State-of-The-Arts
Phase Power
Operating Technolog Supply
Noise Consumpti FoM@1M
Source Frequency y Node Voltage
@1M on (dBc/Hz)
(G Hz) (mm) (V)
(dBc/Hz) (mW)

Proposed 2.4 65 1.0 -128.1 1.28 -194.7

(del Pino
Suárez &
1.77 90 1.2 -112 3.96 -171
dani, 2021)
(Sachan et
2.4 180 1.8 -124 2.86 -187.25
al., 2018)
n et al., 2.59 180 0.7 -122 0.98 -190.36
(Chang &
Liang, 3.0 180 1.1 -138 2.38 -183.94
(Fanori &
Andreani, 3.8 90 1.2 -130 2.2 -191.5
5.1 90 0.6 -127 0.86 -192.3
et al., 2011)


5.1 Conclusion

In conclusion, this paper successfully achieved its objectives in designing an

Ultra-Low Power Voltage-Controlled Oscillator (VCO) for Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE)

Internet of Things (IoT) applications. The first objective was to design an oscillator that

operates on a low voltage supply (within 1V) while consuming minimal power to extend

the operational life of the IoT device. This was accomplished by implementing a Class-C

complementary cross-coupled topology with LC head and tail filters, effectively

addressing flicker noise conversion and reducing power consumption.

The second objective was to design a VCO that generates stable and accurate

output signals with a wide range of frequencies within the BLE band (2.4 GHz - 2.48

GHz), allowing for flexibility in frequency selection and tuning. The proposed VCO

demonstrated a remarkable tuning range of 25.45%, covering the desired frequency range

which stems from the application of Switched Capacitor Array (SCA), enabling tuning of

oscillating frequency.

The third objective involved the development of a comprehensive testbench to

validate the performance of the Ultra-Low Power VCO. Through state-of-the-art

techniques, the VCO's performance was thoroughly evaluated, and it showcased

exceptional phase noise characteristics of 128.1 dBc/Hz at 2.4 GHz and 1 MHz offset

frequency. Moreover, the power consumption was minimized to 1.273mW, leading to an

impressive Figure-of-Merit (FOM) of 194.7 dBc/Hz, surpassing existing works in this


Overall, this paper successfully designed and evaluated an Ultra-Low Power VCO

for BLE IoT applications, meeting the objectives of low power operation, wide frequency

range, and accurate signal generation. The proposed design offers a promising solution
for energy-efficient wireless communication in IoT devices, contributing to the

advancement of BLE technology.

5.2 Future Work

In future work, it is essential to consider the fabrication and measurement of the

proposed Ultra-Low Power Voltage-Controlled Oscillators (VCOs) for Internet-of-

Things (IoT) applications. Sending the designed VCO circuits for fabrication and

conducting physical measurements will validate their performance, allowing for

adjustments and optimizations if needed. Measurements on fabricated VCOs provide

insights into real-world behaviour, process variations, and environmental effects, leading

to the refinement of design methodologies and the development of robust techniques.

Combining simulation, analysis, and physical measurements will advance the

development of efficient VCOs for IoT, contributing to the growth and innovation of low-

power wireless communication systems.

In order to propel the development of Ultra-Low Power Voltage-Controlled

Oscillators (VCOs) for Internet-of-Things (IoT) applications, there are several promising

avenues for future research that can further optimize their performance. One area of

investigation involves minimizing the area consumption by incorporating transformers in

the tail and head filters of the VCO design. Currently, the presence of two separate

inductors contributes to larger chip area requirements. By integrating a single transformer

that connects one end to the head filter and the other to the tail filter, significant reduction

in chip area can be achieved. This approach holds great potential for optimizing space

utilization, allowing for more compact and efficient IoT devices.

Furthermore, exploring higher-level classes of oscillators, such as class D and

above, which already utilize transformers, presents an intriguing opportunity for

improving the Figure-of-Merit (FoM) of VCOs. These advanced oscillator topologies

have demonstrated superior power efficiency and performance in other applications. By

venturing into these higher classes, researchers can investigate the feasibility of

implementing such designs in ultra-low-power VCOs for IoT applications. This

exploration may involve addressing challenges such as maintaining stability, reducing

power consumption, and mitigating potential noise interference.

Another important aspect for future research is the investigation of innovative

techniques to further minimize power consumption in VCOs. One potential approach is

the utilization of body biasing, a method that dynamically adjusts the bias voltage of

transistors to optimize power efficiency. By carefully optimizing the bias voltages,

researchers can achieve a balance between power consumption and performance, leading

to even more power efficient VCO designs. Additionally, exploring advanced low-power

design methodologies, such as subthreshold operation or voltage scaling techniques,

could also contribute to reducing power consumption in VCOs.

Moreover, the integration of advanced fabrication technologies, such as FinFET

or nanowire transistors, into the VCO design process holds promise for achieving even

lower power consumption and improved performance. These technologies offer

advantages such as reduced leakage currents and improved device characteristics, which

can directly impact the power efficiency of VCOs.

In conclusion, future research in the field of Ultra-Low Power Voltage-Controlled

Oscillators for IoT applications should focus on minimizing area consumption by

implementing transformers, exploring higher-level oscillator classes, investigating

techniques to further reduce power consumption, and integrating advanced fabrication

technologies. By addressing these areas, researchers can push the boundaries of ultra-

low-power VCO design, leading to more efficient and optimized solutions for IoT devices.

5.3 Impact of Work to Environment and Study

The concept of sustainable development entails meeting the present needs without

compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. This definition,

which holds great political significance, was initially introduced in the Brundtland Report

by the Brundtland Commission in 1983 (Paul, 2008). It encompasses two key ideas:

addressing the essential needs of the world's poor (referred to as needs) and

acknowledging the limitations imposed by technology and social organization on the

environment's capacity to meet present and future needs. In contemporary times, it is

crucial to consider sustainable development in the development of any products or

systems. Such considerations encompass three aspects: social, economic, and

environmental. In the development of the VCO, the objective was to offer a

comprehensive solution in the field of LC-VCO that incorporates all aspects of

sustainable development.

From a social perspective, the proposed VCO benefits the Integrated Circuits (IC)

design community by fostering a healthier community. While the prevailing trend in VCO

development focuses on achieving the lowest possible power consumption, the proposed

VCO delivers commendable power consumption performance without compromising

other performance parameters. A comparison with the most recent work in Table 4.9

reveals that the proposed VCO reduces power consumption at a similar oscillating

frequency. Furthermore, with enhancement in phase noise performance, the proposed

VCO exhibits improved Figure of Merit (FoM) performance at 194.7 dBc/Hz. Therefore,

socially, the VCO contributes to a better overall performance with reduced power


In the context of Industry 4.0, where industries emphasize machine-to-machine

connectivity through IoT (Internet of Things) via wireless communication, the VCO plays

a critical role and consumes significant power. By implementing the proposed VCO in

IoT devices, industries stand to benefit in the foreseeable future as it leads the trend of

ultra-low-power VCO development. Additionally, the proposed VCO is designed based

on the common BLE (Bluetooth Low Energy) application, making it applicable to a broad

community in IoT applications, further promoting social sustainability.

In terms of economic sustainability, the proposed VCO generates job

opportunities in the semiconductor industry. With the leading trend of the proposed ultra-

low-power VCO development, industries will require more experts and IC designers to

implement the VCO in various systems such as transceivers and PLLs. Moreover, the

fabrication process of the VCO and subsequent device testing will require additional

workforce, creating job opportunities. Furthermore, by developing a low-power VCO,

IoT devices can operate with less power, resulting in a longer battery life and increased

economic sustainability.

Lastly, in terms of environmental sustainability, the proposed VCO demonstrates

its contribution towards a better environment. As the VCO is a crucial and power-

consuming component in IoT device transceivers, the proposed VCO achieves

environmental sustainability by reducing power consumption. By decreasing power

consumption, the number of device charging cycles is significantly reduced, leading to

lower greenhouse gas emissions. Additionally, the achievement of ultra-low-power

applications allows for reduced battery capacity in portable IoT devices, resulting in less

resource requirements during product manufacturing and disposal. This not only reduces

the environmental impact of IoT devices but also promotes a more sustainable use of



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Department of Electrical Engineering



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