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Sample test 2 - ngữ pháp tiếng anh nâng cao

Ngữ pháp nâng cao (Trường Đại học Ngoại ngữ, Đại học Đà Nẵng)

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I/ Identify the structures of the following sentences by means of sentence elements (S, V, Oi,
Od, Co, CS, A).

Example: Computers/ are/ fairly commonplace /today.

S V Cs A

1. He/ is/ the first to arrive at the destination.

S V Cs

2. She /enjoys/ listening to classical music.

S V Od

3. Inspired by her success story, /we /studied/ harder /to obtain good results.


4. The chef /showed /us/ how he had made the delicious dish.

S V Oi Od

5. What matters/ is /how the food tastes, /not/ how it looks.

S V Cs Cs

II. The following sentence is structurally ambiguous; analyze the two different
sentence structures (SVOCA) to show both possible meanings.

1. She found him a treasure

She /found/ him /a treasure. SVOiOd

She/ found /him/ a treasure. SVOdCo

2. The old man chased the boy with a long stick.

The old man/ chased /the boy with a long stick. SVOd

The old man /chased/ the boy /with a long stick. SVOdA

III. Analyse the following sentences by Descriptive Linguistic

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E.g. I’m glad that my mother made me take piano lessons when I was a child.
M 1 : I’m glad
S 1 : that my mother made me take piano lessons: noun clause, complement of “glad”
S.1.1 : when I was a child: adverbial clause, Adjunct.

1. It is probably easier for teachers than for students to explain the reasons why learning English
seems to become increasingly difficult once the basic structures and patterns which underlie
the mechanism of the language have been understood.

M1: It is probably easier for teachers than for students to explain the reasons

S1: why learning English seems to become increasingly difficult: Adjective clause;
postmodifying of “reasons”

S1.1: once the basic structures and patterns have been understood: Adverb clause;
Adverbial in the whole

S1.1.1: which underlie the mechanism of the language: Adjective clause; modifying
“structure and patterns”

2. We do not have direct evidence that climate change which we are already experiencing
influences the spread of COVID-19, but we do know that climate change alters how we relate
to other species on Earth and that it matters to our health and our risks for infection.

M1: We do not have direct evidence

S1: that climate change influences the spread of COVID-19: Apposition to “evidence”

S1.1: which we are already experiencing: Adjective clause, modifying of “change”

M2: but we do know

S2: that climate change alters: Noun clause, Od of “know”

S2.1: how we relate to other species on Earth: Noun clause, Od of “alters”

S3: that it matters to our health and our risks for infection: Noun clause, Od of “know”

IV. Combine the set of simple sentences into complex/compound complex sentence

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1. The book fell to the floor. A letter came out from the pages. I had never read the letter before.
My close friend had given me the book as a special gift.

When the book fell to the floor, a letter came out from the pages, which I had never read
before, as my close friend had given me the book as a special gift.

2. Many married adults have to balance between multiple work and family demands. This
causes stress for them. Priority decision-making can be very difficult.

Many married adults have to balance between multiple work and family demands, which
causes stress for them because /(for) priority decision-making can be very difficult.

V. Write sentences as guided.

1. S (finite clause) made his friends disappointed.

When he had done made his friends dissappointed.

2. Everybody hopes Od (finite clause)

Everybody hopes that the weather will get better.

3. S (non-finite clause) is my pastime.

Listening to music is my pastime.

4. S (preparatory subject) is a great honour (real S)

It is a great honour to make friends with her.

5. I watched them Co( non-finite clause)

I watched them playing football.

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