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pe eequne nnch ae Dorian Gray. Vet the id not “alg bm angoyed or glays Fl ake Uy it. mate the boy wore inteeseng to sua opeoed it aid reed that Dioran' Gray ws Van home from dinner the door, He 0 marry Sibyl a! Chapter 4 The Worship of Sibyl Vane | sappose you have apd the news, Bas” gid Lord Henry the ng. Fhey ere in the dining 0m of the Beal No, Harry quai the ars, giving his he and coat she oe mein een ee Doran Gray is yoing co be married aid Lord Henry, watching Halse. Dc: ging oe: mario ei Inporsb te, Tes sone tks acres Sut it would be absant tor by to marry someane like aE = i you wane to make him mney this tell bin that, Basil Hes agi ena dag comps ei hig sahvays fora ugg this yi s yood, Harry ‘Oy the ie better than ypod — she ie besutifal! aid Lord Henry. ‘Dorian says that she is beaupfil and he i oot often 9 ings ine Yoga Nele hin end anys others We art eo sce her tonight; if that boy doesn’t Roepe "Bue how can Dacian matey an actress; Harry? te i abeordy cried the painter, yall up and down the rom, Jagaggbis lip “Dorin Gray gis love wit a beoutfa sewess who plays Juliet. He asks her to marry him. Why not? smareies this gi and y pscnated by another woman? a word of at Dorian Gray her for 8 mons, Then he ean want Dri Gas bed Yo wet han oa pecan Tel ery Lag Te nw al the oh ewe a Sah cn tal or coca es bes Dr “ty de Harm de Ba ou mug gas mt sith bo egiggoHs nd RA a a Clie a oan Of mune renal be Des hinge. Ang ae ime wo be te one thing! have been locking foralfimy Ie 1 hope you will always be very hapoy, Dorian; said Hallwand, ait why “There really is noc mach 6 el’ cried Dorian Last nage | went tm see het agin. Aer, when we were sitting to joka her eyes a wonderful look Leas something I had never sce there helore. We kissed cach other, I can't deserve to you what L fale a dhe moment “Have you seen her today? wsked Lard Henry. iovian Geay giggly bi bead. "1 have lat her 1 Shakospests's Fores il ind her his garden “AL what exiet point lil ygu ue the word “marry”. Dorian? Ac! how di she answer? Perhaps you longor all abou you not tell me? You told Harry’ ‘My dear Harry ie yas nora business meeting [told her Tove oer Thais, world is nothing to me compared toh “Davy deat Dowian = Hillard pat his h have annoyed Dorian, He is not ike other Mien. He woul! never harm anyone Lond Henty looked across the table, Dorian aeve with me. he answered Dorian Gray lughed. When Tam with Sibyl Vane 1 dont believe in anything you have taught me. fongeeall your fascinating, terrible ides ‘And those are... asked! Lord Hey, Helping hinself som ‘Oh, our Megs abgue iG, your ideas about love, your leas about peau AS “Pleaure i the only ching yh having ideas about’ he annwered, 11 bs slow, nusical yoice "When we are happy we are always good, but when We ate good we are nok always happy! 1 Know what pleasure i cried Dorian Gry."Ie 38 to worship That is gexinly,betcer than whe “Harr, ou ae tetribl! F don't know why Tike you so much, Let us go down tothe theatre, ley se iy! gs our ides. They ais os om he gy The ter oon hee nd on Lord Henry’\guny Don't Harry. You. ul Fat very sal, Dortan ray would never again be to fim al hat he fad been inthe pvt. Tite ad come byte them, When he arrived tthe thee gggngta Hlvand har he ha grown years older Chapter 5 Dorian Leaves Sibyl The theatre aaghatygieht. It wos terribly boc and there ‘were young. peaple shouting. to exch 0 Women were laughing Ipudly and dheiew ene | People were cating orangitind drinking fom bottles set sounded horrible ‘What a phice to Gd the perfect gil int” aid Lord Honey ‘Yes! annvered Dorian Gray"Tewas here [found her, When you see her as Juliet you will forget everything, These ugiy people become quite diferent wher she appears: “Lunderstand what you mem, Dorian; suid che painter,“and | believe in this gic. Anyone you love mast be woaderfi ‘Thanks, Basil! answered Dorian Gray. ‘I kgew that you would uavderstand me. In a few minutes you will ie who Tam ny life to, The giel who Ihave given everything that “The gyghshouted and called het name inly wovely to ook at, Lord Heney thought. Basi Hillvand jggyped to his feet excitedly. Dorian Gray st staring at hher lke he was in a dream, ‘Charming? Charming!” cried Lord Henry [A quarter of a her br, Veil Hie hag ts Hei Sich Ga a ig alg eve erica te aa el b. 7 Nn 2 a apa She wad so diffrent tonight! Now she wat not Jolice but very bud access who did no understand Shakespeare’ Even the crowd became agai) and began jo talk loudly The only person who did not seem to notice was the aces hres Lord Hemry got up from his chair and put om his cont. ‘She is hhenstifil, Dorian he sie “bat dhe ean act. Let’ Tem Sip appeered. Ye, Lond Fe ‘Lam going to stay until the end answered the boy in a gold ie a yy mr that Uae oe Harry. | apoldgite co you both! ‘My dear Dex perhaps Miss Vane is i! said Halland, “We will come somne othr wight ‘Come to the chib with Basil and niyself We wil smoke jgarctics and drink to the beauty of Sibyl Vine. She is besuxifel What more do you want ‘Gi sony, Hare tee my heart is break Jone Can't you hi yes as Lond Henry wer, orian Gray sus to 62 SibylVane. The gil witha keRoFetrordinary happiness on onight, Dorkn? she cried. restoring at her Ie wa treble Are you Mz Why did you make me gai that The gil smiled “Dorian, dont you understand? ‘Unies wha?" he kes) ai ‘Why Lvasso kad tonight, Wy T wifatways be bad. Why Iwill never act well gai ‘You are ill ce, When you are ill, you shouldnt act. My “ rant thin my lf. I wasn ithe tha ie was all ea at | was playing at love: Our love for exch other & the only Take me away with yoo, Dorian! I done want co be a He ghugge himelf down on the sof, and rurned avay his face ‘You hive killed my Jone? he said quietly: Then he jumped ap annd went to the door, ‘Mv God! Hew nad 1 was t0 love you What a fool E have been! You are nothing to me now 1 will loroceoneal xt a Tike me anny with you. Dorian F dow’ ny mon te bea ae never see you again Twill newe think of you Twill ever speak 1 you aga. The viel yepe white. ‘You are not serious, Dorian? You are acting” she yluspeged, putting ner hand on his He er back “Don't rouch me!’ he cried, Then he numned ang left te room, Afier walking the stteets af London all night, he arrived home {just after sunrise, As he, through the library, be saw the pporsrait thar Bank Hallwand fad painsed fim Ho sare asin surprise and walked on into his bedroom. He took his coat off and stood Hest t6 his bed. A few monents biter he returned to the ppiewre and looked at ieclosely tn the pagal have changes a litle, Now the mouth Tooke crust. Ke wee certainty strange Ho seh ie WORE afl Speed ie ‘eareley, THE NEE changed the room, but the fac sayed the same. In fact, che sunlight rnude dhe mouth look even Going back w his eae an irs a been # present finn Lord Henry. He looked at his eal fice and sayy no sign of eruely, What did it mean? He dyew hinmel? ioto a dais, a began eo think, Suddenly he rememibered what he had said in Bas! Hallward’s house the day the picture had been finished. Yes, he remembered. perfectly, He had asked that the painting gugyy old 50 thar he hinselF could gepuip young, But such things were imposible IE Wal rT unk dhdee iin, And ye, tae ie the picture in front of him, There was the cruelty in the mouth ashi Had he been crust? No, why think sbout Sibyl Vine? ‘sve ay oti oan i, Bue the picture? What washe toyz that? Ihe the seest of his ite, and cold his story. I had taught hits to love his oan bensty 2% ‘Would i teach him to hate his own sou? Would be ever look ati again He would ave himself! He would nor see Lord Henry again, He ‘would go back to Siby! Vane, marry her and wy to love her again She had suffered more than he had. Poor child! He had been selfs and cruel 10 her. They would be happy toetber, Mis life with he ‘would be beautiful and pure: He got up fiom his chair, snd ggasi che portrait. “Ho horrible!” he sid to himself, and he walked across to the windov asd opened Meher be: eappad ounien ani tae Bes 2 deep breath. He thought onky of Sibyl. The birds that wer singing it the garden seemed 1 be telling the fowers abou Chapter 6 Love Becomes Tragedy Ie was nearly one o’dlock the nextafternoon when he woke up. Hi “gpagagProughe hima cup of tea and some letters. One of them wa Tord! Henry, and haa been beought by hand that morning. H iit ie to one aide He went into the library for breaklist feeling perfectly happ) Then he saw the open window and dhe covered porteait. Was ia truc? Or had it just been a drean? Bute remembered that erue mouth so elealy, Dorian Gray senthis servant avay and locked all the door. Thet udsaw hinveelf face to face. he cover off che painting, was true. The portrait had changed, For hours he did aor know what to do or think, Finally, he wen twver to the tble and wrote a letter to the git! he ha lowed. He asked her to forgive him for the terrible things he ha stid to her ame from the boy’ ipsand he jumped 138 not enue eis 3 horrible d Lont Henry.‘Ie is tall the Jn the room, Aker some El tps Ho Wel You Bish aa et oe x0 ay stp ‘Deol! Sibyl bps ané he jumped this fs. snot te! 118 bre ie! wall not lk agin of what has happend has heb someting wondul That wal. Not hae des, Hany. el oa ed {at anything, jon you Ter athe tate! As Lord Henry closed the door behind him Dorian rhe the portit and tore of the cover No, thee ws, shane inthe pear Ih ei he news af SiylVincs a before he al known off Se Teas ame to his ees he remembered het. He brshe them vay and toked again the pire He etch cme had come chose, Or had he abe che Yes ia deeded tht for hi. The porait wes wing his sh: " eee el ye:that wea Aw hour iter he was a the dears and Lori Henry was siting beside hit, atlssods Chapter 7 “What Is Past Is Past” ‘As he was eating breakfag the ext nom shown into the room Tam so gad have found you, Dorian! he said.“ called hs fight, and they told! me that you were at the theatre, OF course I knew that was imposible. | had a terrible evening, woe one tragedy woud be fllowed by another {eave hhow heart-broken Iam about the lage thing, Did you go and see the girls mother? Whar did she sy about it all? "My dear Basil. 1 dow’t knew said Dorian Gray He looked very bored," wis atthe thestre! “You went to the theatre? said Hallward, speaking very slowly You went to the theatre where Sibyl Vine was lying dead?” "Stop, Basil! | won't hear il cried Dorian jumping eo hi bu mse not speak of gc ings Whar don pists pst! ng. Basil Hallword was "You call yesteny the past? Dorian, this & horriblel.S hnis changed you completely You Took exactly the same-as the ‘wonvlerfal bor in my picture, bar now there is no heart in you. tis al Harty$ influence, see that! “The boy sgauio the window and looked out atthe yanden for 4 Harry has tamght me many’ things, Basil’ he said a kas. "You have only, ns to eve my ovin beauty” 1 aun tel carry forthe, Dorian Sdon't know what you mean, Baal he aid, ramming round. dont know wha you wane. Whae de you wamt™ “Lywant the Dorian Gray H sed to paint said the artis sally bai std the boy, going over 10 hinn and, hhc hand on Hisahgies'vou have come cay Tate, YeuenLay whe {heard that SityL Vane had fled hers Killed hersel My God! 1s there nio dobre about chav cried Hatlvard, “My deur Basil OF course she killed herself? “The older man put his fe> ip his hands."How terrible’ he sul ia Nov sid Dorian Gray ‘there is nothing terrible abour i It fone of the great romantic tragedies of our me. I know you ate sorprived at mc ling to-yo like this. You have not realized how 1 dave changed, L was a boy when you knew me. [ama man now. have new passions new thoughts, new ideas “But Dorian ~ “Lam difierer bat you must nor ike me less, Ofcourse Fam very of Harry. But I knnow that you are berter than he is. You are rar tttonger ~ you are tee afaid of hie — bur you are better. And how happy se tsed to be together! Dont lewe me, Basil and don't Ian sohae Fam! sere lestrngrly aed iene dig ertaaalay 1: The boy had changed his are. Perhaps his cruel argue with n Tr important eo b Si Vane wu i at a oe Ts ward looked at Dorian Gray in surprise, He had never seen him lke this before. The boy's face was white and angry. fiorn Dorian Gay ter ad the 6 M ‘Dorian! ‘Donte eak! “But what ich Of coarse | won'elook atie you don't wane me to! he said eka, walking over to the window, But it gsiyy.rther absurd that U cannot see my own work when 1 am igtto exhibit win Pari in the aga” “To exhibit i? You want to exhibie it" cried Doran Gray. A terme fear wasboullding inside im, Was the world woingt0 ee his secret” Were people going to stare a che mystery of his hie? That ‘was imposible “Yes, Geonge Petts going to exhib all Ocrober Dont worn: ti only for one momh? Doran yy best pictures in ray pased is han sceow his fs: fe elt hot anal ws, He fee dha he was about tice horrible dang. "You told me a month ago that you would never exhibits” he cried. Why have you changed your mind” He seopped sudlealy and a eniel look cane into his eyes. He bad remembered something Lond Henry ‘hus to im, Ask Bas hy he woe your pina He tld me once andi i ory tony? Ns, pethaps Basil too had his cere, He woul ask bin ty. “Val he sid, coming over quite lose, and looking him straight i the fice. "We all ave secrets. Whar was your rexon for nce wanting to esbibie my pire? Dorian if | tld you, you gut ike me less than you do now And you would cerainly lhe look at your pictur 3 IF you dnt wane me ever 9 Tom's [have always you to look at Your fhiemship is more important co me than exhibiting. 4 painting: "No, Bast, you rae sll ms, sid Dorian Gray His fling of fear thd pasedlavay. Now he just wanted co fin out Bail Hallas ys "Dorian? sid the paintor, who did not look happy."Have you ing in ehe pisure, something sage w st re te bo tang thin wi ls, ‘Tae you di, Doran Eom te moter 1 oH, our ieee La bs oe geeteny oer Oo wand me Ts Glee Sure To gow Seed ote you SIG Tw nly apy when Tw Tape hops ob ay fu mong be “ual ‘Nev don ak mal yu nw wh tl iin the | ed vo po render poset eT pa Sy igor you moar tet Don, ad tld too mach opt to tac of el no So 1 Minder wy cab the pow ag Hey aol he fet nes ede Laer Tug th eae | og Tel nd whee i ars oer ce. er now ta he pase art Dora, Grey Re dey. The colar ce bck 0 cheeks and 2 sole’ tteed hi lips. The danger ws over and he was sale fora while, WARE story Basil had told, Would he everbe se influenced by the personality of a fren? Lord Henry had the charm of being sery dangerous. But that was al, “Hei extraoninary to me, Dorian! said Halluard, "that you se thisin the porate: I saw something init? be answered,'something “Well, you don't mind me looking atthe thing pow?” Dorian shook his head."You must not ask me that, Has. eannot Jee you std Roar ofthat picture "You will one day, won't you?” "Newer? Wall, perhap you are right, And now goodbye, Dorian. You have been the one person in my life who bas really influenced may

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