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Nama : Nudia Amalia

NPM : 3062212004

1.What is the main goal of developing an English syllabus in the Merdeka Curriculum?
Answer :The main goal of developing an English syllabus in the Merdeka Curriculum is to
enhance students' proficiency in communicating effectively in English, while also fostering
critical thinking, creativity, and collaboration skills. The syllabus aims to equip students with
the necessary skills to address challenges in their environment and to prepare them for the
digital era.
2. When should teachers start designing a syllabus that aligns with the Merdeka Curriculum?
Answer : Teachers should start designing a syllabus that aligns with the Merdeka Curriculum
before beginning the learning process. The Merdeka Curriculum provides a framework for
teachers to develop lesson plans and syllabi that cater to the needs and interests of students.
The curriculum emphasizes freedom and flexibility in the learning process, allowing teachers
to tailor their teaching methods and materials to the local context and student characteristics.
3. What is the primary objective of the syllabus in teaching speaking skills?
Answer : The primary objective of the syllabus in teaching speaking skills is to improve
students' communicative skills by enabling them to express themselves effectively and learn
how to use a language. The syllabus aims to enhance students' ability to communicate orally,
which is essential for daily life and second language learning.

4. Does the syllabus provide various activities that support the development of speaking skills,
such as group discussions, presentations, or role-playing?
Answer : The syllabus provides various activities that support the development of speaking
skills, such as:
1. Debate and Discussion : These activities involve expressing opinions and ideas on a
particular topic, which can help improve critical thinking skills and develop the ability to
express oneself clearly and persuasively.
2. Public Speaking : This involves speaking in front of a large audience, which can improve
confidence, fluency, and pronunciation. Public speaking activities include giving presentations,
speeches, and lectures.
3. Pronunciation : Pronunciation activities involve practicing the correct pronunciation of
English sounds and words, which can help improve clarity and intelligibility when speaking
4. Role-plays : Role-play activities involve acting out a specific scenario, often involving
different roles or characters. These activities can help improve communication and language
skills in real-life situations.
5. Listening and Responding : This involves actively listening to others and responding
appropriately, which can help improve active listening skills and develop effective
communication skills.
6. Storytelling : Storytelling activities involve telling a story or sharing personal experiences,
which can help improve fluency, organization, and creativity skills[1].
These activities are designed to enhance students' speaking skills by providing opportunities
for them to practice speaking in various contexts, including group discussions, presentations,
and role-playing.
5. How does the syllabus assess students' progress in speaking skills? Are there clear rubrics
or assessment criteria?
Answer : The syllabus assesses students' progress in speaking skills through various techniques
and tools. Some of these include:
1. Holistic Rubric : This involves evaluating students' speaking skills based on a comprehensive
assessment of their performance, considering factors such as fluency, grammar, vocabulary,
and task accomplishment.
2. Analytical Rubric : This involves breaking down the speaking skills into specific
components, such as pronunciation, fluency, grammar, vocabulary, and discourse features, and
evaluating each component separately.
3. Computer-Based Oral Exams : These involve using technology to assess students' speaking
skills through automated scoring systems or digital tools.
4. Presentation Skills Checklist : This involves evaluating students' presentation skills based
on specific criteria, such as fluency, coherence, lexical resource, grammatical range, and
5. Task Accomplishment : This involves assessing students' ability to complete a specific task,
such as giving a presentation or participating in a discussion, and evaluating their performance
based on the task's requirements.
6. Self-Assessment and Peer-Assessment : These involve students evaluating their own
performance and that of their peers, which helps them develop critical thinking and
communication skills.
These assessment techniques and tools provide clear rubrics and criteria for evaluating students'
speaking skills, ensuring that the assessment is reliable, valid, and practical for the intended

6. Does the syllabus take into account students' needs and interests in choosing relevant topics
for speaking practice?
Answer : The syllabus takes into account students' needs and interests in choosing relevant
topics for speaking practice. The syllabus is designed to cater to different proficiency levels
and age groups, ensuring that the content is tailored to meet the specific needs of each student.
This includes incorporating various interactive activities such as group projects, role-plays, and
discussions that engage students and encourage them to actively participate in speaking

7. Who will ensure that the syllabus meets national education standards?
Answer : The syllabus will be ensured to meet national education standards through the
involvement of various stakeholders and the implementation of a rigorous development
process. The following stakeholders will be directly involved in ensuring the syllabus meets
national education standards:
1. Teachers : Practicing teachers will be consulted throughout the development process to
ensure that the syllabus is relevant and effective in the classroom.
2. Subject Experts : Subject experts will be involved in the development process to ensure that
the syllabus accurately reflects the subject matter and is aligned with national education
3. School Sectors : School sectors will be consulted to ensure that the syllabus is practical and
feasible for implementation in schools.
4. Professional Associations : Professional associations will be consulted to ensure that the
syllabus aligns with industry standards and best practices.
5. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander People : Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people
will be consulted to ensure that the syllabus is culturally sensitive and inclusive.
6. Diverse Learning Groups : Diverse learning groups, including students with disabilities,
English as a second language (EAL/D), and gifted education, will be consulted to ensure that
the syllabus is inclusive and accessible.
7. Unions : Unions will be consulted to ensure that the syllabus aligns with labor standards and
supports the needs of teachers and students.
8. Students : Students will be consulted to ensure that the syllabus is relevant and engaging for
9. Parent Groups : Parent groups will be consulted to ensure that the syllabus aligns with
parental expectations and supports the needs of students.
10. Community Groups : Community groups will be consulted to ensure that the syllabus aligns
with community needs and supports the development of responsible citizens.
The Board Curriculum Committee, established by the NSW Education Standards Authority
(NESA), will also monitor the progress of the syllabus development process to ensure the
overall quality of the product and the integrity of the process[1].

8. How do the syllabus and teaching materials contribute to continuous learning and student
Answer : The syllabus and teaching materials contribute to continuous learning and student
motivation in several ways:
1. High-Quality Instructional Materials : The syllabus emphasizes the use of high-quality
instructional materials that are accessible and adaptable to different learning scenarios,
ensuring that students receive consistent and effective instruction regardless of the delivery
2. Digital Materials Integration : The syllabus includes plans to integrate digital materials into
instruction, which enhances student engagement and motivation by providing interactive and
immersive learning experiences.
3. Flexibility and Adaptability : The syllabus allows for flexibility and adaptability in teaching
methods and materials, enabling teachers to adjust their approach based on student needs and
preferences, which can increase student motivation and engagement.
4. Clear Communication and Feedback : The syllabus emphasizes the importance of clear
communication and feedback between teachers and students, which helps students stay
motivated and engaged by providing regular updates on their progress and performance.
5. Student-Centered Approach : The syllabus adopts a student-centered approach, focusing on
the needs and interests of students to create a more engaging and motivating learning
6. Variety of Activities : The syllabus includes a variety of activities, such as role-plays,
debates, and presentations, which can help students develop different skills and keep them
motivated by providing diverse learning experiences.
7. Emphasis on Real-Life Scenarios : The syllabus emphasizes the use of real-life scenarios
and contexts in teaching, which can increase student motivation by making the learning more
relevant and applicable to their everyday lives.
8. Professional Development : The syllabus includes professional development opportunities
for teachers to enhance their skills and knowledge, which can increase teacher motivation and
confidence in teaching, ultimately benefiting students.
9. Parental Involvement : The syllabus encourages parental involvement and communication,
which can increase student motivation by providing support and encouragement from home.
10. Continuous Assessment and Feedback : The syllabus includes continuous assessment and
feedback mechanisms, which help students track their progress and stay motivated by
providing regular updates on their performance.
By incorporating these elements, the syllabus and teaching materials can contribute to
continuous learning and student motivation by providing a comprehensive and engaging
learning environment that caters to the diverse needs and interests of students.

9. How do the teaching materials support the achievement of the learning objectives set out in
the syllabus?
The teaching materials support the achievement of the learning objectives set out in the syllabus
by being carefully selected and aligned with the objectives. This alignment ensures that the
materials provide the necessary information and resources for students to achieve the objectives
effectively. The materials are chosen to:
1. Involve Active Learning : Materials that encourage active learning, such as interactive
content, videos, and hands-on activities, are selected to promote engagement and participation.
2. Reflect Student Interests : Materials that reflect students' interests and current knowledge are
chosen to keep them engaged and motivated.
3. Support Learning Goals : Materials are selected based on their ability to support the learning
goals and objectives, ensuring that students have the necessary resources to achieve the desired
4. Provide Feedback : Materials that provide feedback on learner performance are used to help
students track their progress and adjust their learning accordingly.
5. Be Culturally Relevant : Materials are chosen to be culturally relevant and inclusive,
reflecting the diverse backgrounds and experiences of students.
6. Be Developmentally Appropriate : Materials are selected based on their developmental
appropriateness, ensuring that they are suitable for the age and skill level of the students[3].
7. Be Well-Organized : Materials are organized in a way that makes them easy to access and
use, reducing confusion and increasing efficiency.
8. Be Accessible : Materials are chosen to be accessible, both in terms of physical accessibility
and digital accessibility, to ensure that all students can use them effectively.
By considering these factors, the teaching materials play a crucial role in supporting the
achievement of the learning objectives set out in the syllabus, ensuring that students have the
necessary resources to succeed.

10. Do the teaching materials include various types of speaking activities (e.g., dialogues,
simulations, storytelling)?
The teaching materials include various types of speaking activities, such as:
1. Dialogues : These involve students practicing conversations in pairs or groups, often based
on a script or scenario.
2. Simulations : These involve students acting out scenarios or situations, such as role-playing
different social roles or participating in a mock interview.
3. Storytelling : This involves students sharing personal experiences or stories, which can help
improve their fluency and vocabulary.
4. Picture Description : This activity involves students describing pictures or images, which
can help improve their vocabulary and grammar.
5. Surveys : These involve students designing and conducting surveys to gather information
and practice their speaking skills.
6. Role-plays : These involve students acting out scenarios or situations, such as role-playing
different social roles or participating in a mock interview.
7. Problem Solving : This involves students brainstorming innovative solutions to real-world
problems, enhancing their critical thinking and language skills.
8. Spy Game : This is a group social deduction game where players try to identify the spy
among them by asking questions about a given location.
9. Summer Find the Differences : This is a fun speaking game from childhood where students
compare two pictures to find the differences.
10. Photo Boards : This ESL activity involves a set of photo boards, each featuring 8 photos
showing daily activities. These boards can be used to teach or revise different English tenses.
These activities are designed to engage students in speaking practice and help them develop
their communication skills in various contexts.

11. Do the teaching materials allow students to practice speaking in various formal and
informal contexts?
The teaching materials allow students to practice speaking in various formal and informal
contexts. The materials include activities that cater to different settings and purposes, such as:
1. Formal Contexts :
- Presentations : Students practice giving presentations, which involves speaking in a formal
setting with a clear structure and specific goals.
- Examinations : Students practice speaking in a formal examination setting, which
emphasizes accuracy and lexical range.
- Interviews : Students practice conducting and participating in formal interviews, which
requires specific skills and strategies.
- Formal Meetings : Students practice leading and participating in formal meetings, which
involves structured communication and specific roles.
2. Informal Contexts :
- Conversations : Students practice engaging in informal conversations, which involves
spontaneous and flexible communication.
- Role-plays : Students practice role-playing different social roles and scenarios, which helps
build cultural and pragmatic skills.
- Group Discussions : Students practice participating in group discussions, which involves
collaborative communication and negotiation.
- Storytelling : Students practice sharing personal experiences and stories, which helps build
fluency and vocabulary.
These activities help students develop their speaking skills in various contexts, including both
formal and informal settings.

12. Is there any additional training or support for teachers to implement this speaking syllabus
and teaching materials?
Answer : There are additional training and support for teachers to implement the speaking
syllabus and teaching materials. The syllabus and materials are designed to be flexible and
adaptable to different teaching contexts and styles. To ensure effective implementation, the
following additional training and support are provided:
1. Professional Development : Teachers are provided with regular professional development
opportunities to enhance their skills and knowledge in teaching speaking skills. This includes
workshops, seminars, and conferences that focus on best practices in teaching speaking, as well
as training on new technologies and methods.
2. Coaching and Mentoring : Teachers are paired with experienced mentors who provide
guidance and support in implementing the speaking syllabus and materials. This includes
regular coaching sessions, feedback, and peer observation.
3. Resource Materials : Teachers are provided with a range of resource materials, including
textbooks, workbooks, and online resources, to support their teaching of speaking skills. These
materials are designed to be engaging and interactive, and to cater to different learning styles
and needs.
4. Technology Integration : Teachers are trained on how to effectively integrate technology
into their teaching, including the use of digital tools, multimedia, and online resources. This
helps to enhance the speaking skills of students and make the learning experience more
engaging and interactive.
5. Assessment and Feedback : Teachers are provided with guidance on how to assess and
provide feedback on student speaking skills. This includes the use of rubrics, self-assessment,
and peer assessment, as well as strategies for giving constructive feedback that supports student
growth and improvement.
6. Collaboration and Networking : Teachers are encouraged to collaborate and network with
other teachers and experts in the field to share best practices, resources, and ideas for teaching
speaking skills. This helps to build a sense of community and support among teachers and to
promote ongoing professional development.
7. Continuous Improvement : The speaking syllabus and materials are regularly reviewed and
updated to ensure they remain relevant and effective. Teachers are involved in this process
through surveys, focus groups, and other forms of feedback, which helps to ensure that the
materials continue to meet the needs of students and teachers.
These additional training and support mechanisms help to ensure that teachers have the
necessary skills, knowledge, and resources to effectively implement the speaking syllabus and
materials, ultimately leading to improved student outcomes and a more engaging and effective
learning experience.

13. Who is responsible for developing the speaking syllabus?

Answer : The responsibility for developing the speaking syllabus lies with the teacher. The
teacher is seen as the key player in developing speaking skills in English language classrooms,
and their role is crucial in creating a communicative and interactive learning environment that
fosters student participation and engagement.

14. When will the teaching materials be updated to align with technological advancements or
the latest educational trends?
Answer : The teaching materials will be updated regularly to align with technological
advancements and the latest educational trends. The syllabus and materials are designed to be
flexible and adaptable to different teaching contexts and styles, ensuring that they remain
relevant and effective in the ever-changing landscape of education.

15. When will the syllabus be revised or re-evaluated?

Answer : The syllabus will be revised or re-evaluated periodically to ensure it remains relevant
and effective in meeting the needs of students. The specific timing for revisions depends on
various factors such as changes in educational policies, advancements in technology, and
feedback from students and teachers.

16. When will the speaking teaching materials be introduced into the curriculum?
Answer : The speaking teaching materials developed in the research will be introduced into the
curriculum after the final product stage. This stage involves revising the product based on the
feedback and suggestions from experts and students. The revised product will then be tested
and validated before being officially introduced into the curriculum.

17. Why can a project-based approach be effective in teaching speaking?

Answer : A project-based approach can be effective in teaching speaking because it provides
students with opportunities to engage in meaningful and authentic communication. Here are
some reasons why:
1. Real-World Context : Projects often involve real-world scenarios or problems that require
students to communicate effectively to achieve a goal. This context helps students develop
practical speaking skills that can be applied in various situations.
2. Collaboration and Teamwork : Project-based learning encourages students to work in teams,
which fosters collaboration and communication. This helps students develop essential speaking
skills such as active listening, clear expression of ideas, and effective negotiation.
3. Authentic Tasks : Projects typically involve authentic tasks that require students to use their
speaking skills to complete a task. This helps students develop a sense of purpose and
motivation to improve their speaking skills.
4. Increased Engagement : Projects can be designed to be engaging and interactive, which helps
students stay motivated and focused. This increased engagement can lead to improved speaking
skills as students are more likely to participate and practice their speaking skills.
5. Development of Critical Thinking : Projects require students to think critically and solve
problems, which helps develop their speaking skills by encouraging them to express their
thoughts and ideas clearly and effectively.
6. Improved Fluency : Project-based learning can help students improve their fluency by
providing opportunities for them to practice speaking in a variety of contexts and with different
7. Enhanced Creativity : Projects often involve creative tasks that require students to think
outside the box and express themselves in innovative ways. This helps students develop their
speaking skills by encouraging them to be more creative and expressive.
8. Increased Confidence : Project-based learning can help students build confidence in their
speaking skills by providing opportunities for them to take risks and practice speaking in a
supportive environment.
9. Development of Cultural Awareness : Projects can be designed to involve cultural awareness
and sensitivity, which helps students develop their speaking skills by encouraging them to
communicate effectively across cultural boundaries.
10. Improved Assessment : Projects can be designed to include speaking assessments that
provide students with feedback on their speaking skills. This helps students identify areas for
improvement and develop strategies to enhance their speaking skills.
Overall, a project-based approach can be effective in teaching speaking because it provides
students with opportunities to engage in meaningful and authentic communication, develop
practical speaking skills, and build confidence in their speaking abilities.

18. How will technologies such as language learning applications or video platforms be used
in teaching speaking?
Answer : Technologies such as language learning applications or video platforms will be used
in teaching speaking to enhance students' speaking skills and fluency. These technologies
1. Language Learning Applications :
- Duolingo : A popular language learning app that uses gamification and interactive exercises
to teach speaking skills.
- Babbel : A comprehensive language learning platform that includes speaking exercises and
interactive dialogues.
2. Video Platforms :
- YouTube : A video-sharing platform that offers a wide range of English language learning
videos, including speaking exercises and conversations.
- TED Talks : A platform that features talks from experts on various topics, which can be
used to improve speaking skills and vocabulary.
3. Video Conferencing :
- Zoom : A video conferencing platform that allows students to participate in virtual
discussions and conversations with native speakers or instructors.
- Skype : A video conferencing platform that enables students to engage in real-time
conversations with native speakers or instructors.
4. Podcasting :
- Podcasting : A medium that allows students to listen to and engage with audio content, such
as podcasts, to improve their listening and speaking skills.
5. Speech Recognition Software :
- Speech Recognition Software : Software that recognizes and analyzes students' speech,
providing feedback on pronunciation, fluency, and accuracy.
These technologies will be used to enhance students' speaking skills by providing interactive
and engaging learning experiences.

19. Why is it important to develop a syllabus specifically for teaching speaking skills?
Answer : It is important to develop a syllabus specifically for teaching speaking skills because
speaking is a crucial language skill that is essential for effective communication and social
interaction. Speaking skills are vital for various aspects of life, including education, career, and
personal relationships. A well-designed speaking syllabus can help students develop the
necessary skills to communicate effectively in different contexts, including formal and
informal settings.

20. Why are certain methods used in speaking teaching activities?

Answer : Certain methods are used in speaking teaching activities because they are effective
in promoting student engagement, motivation, and language proficiency. The methods used in
speaking teaching activities are designed to provide students with opportunities to practice
speaking in a variety of contexts, including formal and informal settings, and to develop their
skills in different areas such as fluency, accuracy, and pronunciation.

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