Chapter 7

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➢ a short verse or song marked by catchy repetition

➢ a form of sound branding


➢ associate your brand with a source of information

➢ provides a memorable way for your customers to learn more about what you have to offer

Why are these effective?

➢ easy to remember
➢ hearing and listening impressions toward the tunes are found to be lasting in one's memory


➢ memorable motto or phrase

➢ a repetitive expression of an idea or purpose with the goal of persuading people or a more
defined target group


➢ Supposed to highlight your brand image and be memorable

Some tips on writing slogans:

➢ Start from the logo in order to promote brand identity

➢ keep it simple (or funny)
➢ stay honest


➢ Greek derivation of "logos" which means reason

➢ a statement, a sentence or an argument used to convince or persuade a targeted audience by
employing reason or logic


➢ to identify the person, product, business or services

➢ "identification of a logo is what really matters most"

Emotional Triggers of Color

➢ introduced by Jeff Villas (a famous theorist and practitioner on business)

"Picking a shape for your logo is more than an aesthetic choice. You have to think about your audience,
and what emotions and feelings you want to elicit when they see your logo." —Sukhraj, 2017
Basis in making logo

➢ symmetrical/geometric
➢ organic
➢ abstract
➢ circles
➢ spirals
➢ rectangles
➢ triangles
➢ vertical lines
➢ horizontal lines
➢ key takeaways

Designing logo:

➢ understand why you need a logo

➢ plan before you design a logo
➢ design your logo
➢ navigate the design process


➢ any piece of printed paper designed to be attached to a wall or vertical surface

➢ posted to advertise or publicize something

Georgia Institute of Technology uses poster based on the WOVEN Approach:

➢ Written communication
➢ Oral communication
➢ Visual communication
➢ Electronic communication
➢ Non-verbal communication

Qualities of a good poster:

➢ clarity of words
➢ relevance of poster in terms of its purpose and design
➢ pleasantness in the choice if words and design
➢ readability of the message

Designing a poster

➢ should be read and understood in a few seconds

➢ limit the number of words
➢ determine the overall message intended to present
➢ Make the posters visually appealing and interesting


➢ a live, in-person, or virtual discussion about a specific topic among a selected group of experts
who share differing perspectives in front of an audience


➢ to spark conversation between a group of experts for the audience to learn from their
➢ to share wisdom and provide insights

1. Instructor- in charge of preparing the schedule for panel discussion

2. Moderator- makes the flow of the discussion function as smoothly as possible, - addresses the
audience, announces the topic, and introduces the panel members, - the success of the discussion
depends on the moderator

3. Panelists- there are 3-5 panelists in the discussion, -must have mastery on the theme or problem of
the discussion

4. Audience- the viewers or listeners. May also raise questions to the panel discussion

Some tips on how to moderate panel discussion:

➢ use panelist with diverse perspective (so it'll be a meaningful exchange of ideas and not boring)
➢ start asking interesting questions
➢ stay on point and on time
➢ intervene firmly and respectfully (when the panelist is taking up too much than intended. This
will help to keep everyone on track)


➢ opening remarks
➢ introduce each participant
➢ start the discussion and stops when allotted time is already up
➢ let the panelists have their time for closing remarks
➢ end with thanking everyone who attended and participated


➢ meaning "reminder", used for communicating policies, procedures, or related official business
within an organization


➢ a place for just the facts

➢ should have an objective tone without personal bias

Uses of Memos

➢ to inform others about new or changed policy, procedures, etc.

➢ to announce meetings, events
➢ to present proposals, briefings, etc.
➢ to transmit documents

Formats of Memos

1. Name of Company (without address)

2. Heading

2.1. Sent to a superior: FOR: (Who gets it) (CAPITALIZED COMPLETE NAME)

2.2. Sent to a colleague of the same level: TO: (CAPITALIZED FULL NAME)

2.3. Designation of the superior recipient of the memo: UNIVERSITY PRESIDENT

2.4. Designation of a colleague-receiver: FELLOW FACULTY MEMBER (ALL CAPITALIZED)

2.5. Sender's designation position: FROM: Secretary (written in regular style)

2.6. Topic/ Subject (what's it about): SUBJECT/ON (ALL CAPITALIZED)

3. Introduction orients the reader by giving the purpose of writing

4. Body presents the information and supporting details through the use of short and concise sentences
and bullets to list information
5. Closing paragraph wands courteously and states expected outcome


➢ an oral or written process of unfolding factual information in a direct and uninterrupted

manner in.which student-reporters act like an authority of the topics assigned to them.

Characteristics of Effective Reports

➢ reports are understood by the reader/listeners

➢ empathetic, accurate, complete, concise and clear
➢ present information ethically

Written Reports

1. Abstract and Briefing- a short, written overview. A briefing is a short oral overview. Both are usually
part of a larger report

2. Annual report- a detailed, year long overview of a program and evaluation finding.

3. Fact sheet- simple, one page documents listing facts about the data in a simple to read format.

4. Empirical Publication-a publication that includes the data collected from actual research, experiments
or observation.

5. Newsletter- informative publication that is written and distributed on a regular basis and contains
updated information about the program or cause.

Oral or Visual Reports

1. Presentations- it is most common type of public presentation.

2. Exhibit- display boards or an arrangement of material and publication about your program usually set
out in table or booth.

3. News Release- summary that is sent to newspaper, radio and televisions and stations, highlighting
only the most important details of your evaluation and study.

4. Posters- a visually interesting board or placard that is used to promote a single idea, event, a point or
to generate interest


➢ is based on the principles of allowing the majority to make decisions effectively and efficiently
while ensuring fairness towards the minority and giving each member or delegate the right to
voice an opinion.


➢ the number of members that must be present for business to be conducted is called a


➢ a proposal which the assembly takes a stand or action on some issue.

How to present a motion:

➢ Obtain the floor

➢ Make the motion
➢ Wait for a second
➢ Chair states motion
➢ Expand on the motion
➢ Putting the question
➢ Vote on a motion

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