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QUESTION PAPER (I-Internal Theory Exam)

Name of the Examination: IV-Pharm.D, I-Internal Theory Exam Batch: Regulations: R08
Subject with Code: Biopharmaceutics & Pharmacokinetics ()
Date: Duration: 90 Min.

Answer any THREE questions. Each question carries equal marks. 3X10=30M

Q.No Questions Max. Bloom’s Corse

. Marks Taxonomy Outcome
1 a. Micronisation of hydrophobic drugs results in a decrease 5+5 V 1
in effective surface area. True or False. Justify.
b. Disintegration test is not considered a guarantee of drug's
bioavailability from its solid dosage form. True or False.
2 Compare and contrast: Passive and active transport 10 II 2
3 a. Polar drug such as penicillin normally do not cross BBB 5+5 I 2
but do so in meningitis. Why?
b. Why cannot the volume of distribution of a drug have a
true physiological meaning?
4 Analyze the kinetics of protein-drug binding. 10 IV 2
5 Discuss the factors influencing passive re-absorption of 10 VI 2
drugs from tubules.

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