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TOPIC: The government should reduce the amount of money spent on local
environmental problems and instead increase funding into urgent and more threatening
issues such as global warming. To what extent do you agree?





1. local environmental issues - ecological concerns 14. allocate funds: phân bổ ngân sách
(n.) - vấn đề MT địa phương 15. mitigate = alleviate - (v.) - giảm
2. put more emphasis on - (idiom) – quan tâm nhiều 16. regulate = control - (v.) - điều chỉnh
vào 17. measure = strategy = approach - (n.) - biện pháp
3. inappropriate = unsuitable - (adj.) - không thích 18. the level of - mức độ của
hợp 19. major cities  metropolitan cities - (n.) - TP lớn
4. hazardous = detrimental = adverse - (adj.) - có hại 20. combat against = fight against - (v.) - chống lại
5. make sth worse - (idiom) - làm … tồi tệ hơn 21. global warming  worldwide climate change
6. cut government funding 22. a degraded environment - (n.) - MT suy thoái
23. detrimental consequences - hậu quả có hại
= lower the national budget - giảm ngân sách quốc
24. human well-being - (n.) – sức khỏe con người
25. metropolitan residents = citizens = inhabitants
7. a favorable idea - - ý kiến có lợi 26. are exposed to - (v.) - tiếp xúc với
8. considerably - đáng kể = significantly 27. carbon dioxide - (n.) – Co2
9. private vehicles = means of transport - (n.) - 28. harmful chemicals - (n.) - hóa chất có hại
phương tiện cá nhân 29. deteriorate = damage = worsen - (v.) - làm suy
10. industrial zones - (n.) - khu công nghiệp giảm
11. release = emit - (v.) - thải ra 30. immune systems - (n.) - hệ miễn dịch
12. greenhouse gases = gas emissions - (n.) - khí thải 31. asthma - (n.) - hen suyễn  respiratory
13. optimize the financial resources - tối ưu hóa diseases: bệnh hô hấp
nguồn tài chính 32. endanger public health - đe dọa SK cộng đồng
33. place a huge burden on - đặt gánh nặng lớn lên
34. the national healthcare systems - (n.) - hệ thống
chăm sóc sức khỏe
1. In today's world, many individuals… less on .. and …. more on …., namely …..
2. From my point of view, … because it could be … to … and …


1. Trong …, nhiều người  có quan điểm rằng  nhà nước nên 1. giảm… và 2. chú trọng hơn vào…., cụ thể là …
2. Theo tôi, ý tưởng này  là không phù hợp  vì nó  có hại cho  1. sức khỏe người dân + 2. khiến … trầm trọng

1. To begin with, ……. is not … as these issues also ….

2. For example,...
3. Therefore, instead of …., I suggest that the government should …..
4. By adopting …, ….can be decreased, which is a … to ….


1. Đầu tiên, cắt giảm ngân sách chính phủ  cho vấn đề … không phải là … vì những vấn đề này  cũng góp phần đáng
kể  vào ….
2. Ví dụ, thành phố có dân số đông và nhiều PT giao thông như …  đang thải ra một lượng khí …, làm tăng ….
3. Vì vậy, thay vì cắt giảm…, tôi đề nghị chính phủ nên phân bổ … để nâng cấp CSHT giao thông  nhằm giảm lượng … từ

4. Bằng cách áp dụng chiến lược này, mức độ ô nhiễm  ở … có thể được…, là một chiến lược có lợi  để chống lại …

1. In addition, I strongly believe that …

2. This is because …
3. As a matter of fact, S + V, …. and potentially leading to ….
4. As a result, S + V, ….


1. Ngoài ra, tôi thực sự tin  chính phủ cần  phân bổ kinh phí để … nhằm cung cấp … cho …
2. Điều này là do  1 môi trường suy thoái  có thể nhanh chóng gây ra  hậu quả bất lợi cho ….
3. Trên thực tế, dân đô thị  phải đối mặt với lượng CO2 + hóa chất độc hại khác  trong không khí, làm suy giảm hệ
miễn dịch của họ + dẫn đến …  như … hoặc thậm chí ...
4. Do đó, cắt giảm ngân sách  cho … sẽ gây nguy hiểm  cho SK cộng đồng, tạo ra  gánh nặng đáng kể cho …

In conclusion, the government should … because … also helps prevent ….


1. Tóm lại, tôi tin chắc  chính phủ không nên giảm chi tiêu  cho vấn đề môi trường vì  giải quyết những vấn đề này
 cũng giúp ngăn ngừa … của hiện tượng …
In today's world, many individuals have different opinions on whether the government should spend less on local
environmental issues and put more emphasis on bigger problems, namely global warming. From my point of view, this
idea is inappropriate because it could be hazardous to residents’ health and make environmental pollution worse.

To begin with, cutting the government's money for local environmental problems is not a favorable idea as these
issues also contribute considerably to global warming. For example, cities with numerous private vehicles and industrial
zones, like Hanoi, are releasing a significant amount of greenhouse gases that add to global pollution. Therefore, instead
of reducing funds, I suggest that the government should optimize the financial resources to upgrade public
transportation to mitigate the number of private means of transport and regulate the exhaust fumes from those
industrial areas. By adopting this measure, the level of pollution in major cities can be decreased, which is a beneficial
strategy to combat against global warming.

In addition, I strongly believe that the government needs to allocate funds for addressing national environmental
issues to offer residents a more advanced living standard. This is because a degraded environment may rapidly have
detrimental consequences for humans well-being. As a matter of fact, metropolitan residents are exposed to rising
levels of carbon dioxide and other harmful chemicals in the air, deteriorating their immune systems and potentially
leading to serious diseases such as asthma or even lung cancer. As a result, cutting the budget for local environmental
issues could endanger public health, creating a significant burden on the national healthcare systems.

In conclusion, I firmly believe that the government should not reduce spending on local environmental issues because
tackling these problems also helps prevent the disadvantageous effects of global warming.
PART 1: Write ONE WORD AND/OR A NUMBER for each answer. (CAMBRIDGE 16 TEST 3)


● Charlie would be placed in Level 5.

● First of all, children at this level are taken to practise in a 1 …………… .
● Instructors wear 2 …………… shirts.
● A 3 …………… is required and training is given.
● The size of the classes is limited.
● There are quiet times during the morning for a 4 …………… or a game.
● Classes are held even if there is 5 …………… .
What to bring
● a change of clothing
● a 6 ……………
● shoes (not sandals)
● Charlie’s 7 ……………
Day 1
● Charlie should arrive at 9.20 am on the first day.
● Before the class, his 8 …………… will be checked.
● He should then go to the 9 …………… to meet his class instructor.
● The course costs 10 $…………… per week.


E the chance to be in a natural environment

According to Megan, what are
Questions 13 and 14:
the TWO main advantages of working in
Which TWO of the following are likely to be
the agriculture and horticulture sectors?
disadvantages for people working outdoors?
A the active lifestyle
B the above-average salaries A the increasing risk of accidents
C the flexible working opportunities B being in a very quiet location
D the opportunities for overseas travel C difficult weather conditions at times
D the cost of housing
E the level of physical fitness required

Questions 15-20: What information does Megan give about each of the following job opportunities?
A not a permanent job
B involves leading a team
C experience not essential
D intensive work but also fun
E chance to earn more through overtime
F chance for rapid promotion
G accommodation available
H local travel involved

Job opportunities
15 Fresh food commercial manager …………….
16 Agronomist …………….
17 Fresh produce buyer …………….
18 Garden centre sales manager …………….
19 Tree technician …………….
20 Farm worker …………….

Questions 21 and 22
Which TWO points does Adam make about his experiment on artificial sweeteners?
A The results were what he had predicted.
B The experiment was simple to set up
C A large sample of people was tested.
D The subjects were unaware of what they were drinking.
E The test was repeated several times for each person.
Questions 23 and 24
Which TWO problems did Rosie have when measuring the fat content of nuts?
A She used the wrong sort of nuts.
B She used an unsuitable chemical.
C She did not grind the nuts finely enough.
D The information on the nut package was incorrect.
E The weighing scales may have been unsuitable.
Questions 25-30
Choose the correct letter, A, B or C.
25 Adam suggests that restaurants could reduce obesity if their menus
A offered fewer options.
B had more low-calorie foods.
C were organised in a particular way.
26 The students agree that food manufacturers deliberately
A make calorie counts hard to understand.
B fail to provide accurate calorie counts.
C use ineffective methods to reduce calories.
27 What does Rosie say about levels of exercise in England?
A The amount recommended is much too low.
B Most people overestimate how much they do.
C Women now exercise more than they used to.
28 Adam refers to the location and width of stairs in a train station to illustrate
A practical changes that can influence people’s behaviour.
B methods of helping people who have mobility problems.
C ways of preventing accidents by controlling crowd movement.
29 What do the students agree about including reference to exercise in their presentation?
A They should probably leave it out.
B They need to do more research on it.
C They should discuss this with their tutor.
30 What are the students going to do next for their presentation?
A prepare some slides for it
B find out how long they have for it
C decide on its content and organisation

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