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Good morning candidates

Welcome to regional training center

By the way I’m James Patrick Torres I will be your competency assessor for EIM NC II

And now, let me acknowledge the presence our TESDA REPRESENTATIVE FROM REGIONAL OFFICE Mrs.
Garcia and to our AC MANAGER

So okay, don’t worry about their presence they are not going to assess you, they are here to observe if
we follow the standard and procdures of the assessment but they have the power to stop the
assessment if there are any irregularities occur during the assessment.

Before we proceed let me check your attendance,

As I call your name please bring your ADMISSION SLIP and ID and sign this attendance sheet (compare
the admission slip and ID)

May I call on

Mr. A

Mr. B


I have here your specific instruction and I want you to read this instruction for 1 minute.

Okay were done to the specific instruction

And now,

How are you today? Are ready to take your assessment?-okay very now

So now,

you can perform all the UNIT OF COMPETENCY enumerated in EIM NC II.

And also the CONSENT FORM that you agreed to be taken a footage during the assessment as our of
evidence in case of any irregularities during the assessment. Okay?

Any questions or clarifications?

So okay now

So okay now WHAT IS YOUR PURPOSE taking the national assessment?

So ofcourse to pass and to get the NATIONAL CERTIFICATE which is a very important to you so that you
were able to recognized anywhere in the Philippines or even in abroad with this qualification.

And also to evaluate your performance if you are now ready to show your skills in industries

So are now ready to show your skills and knowledge?- yes

So now let’s proceed to your COMPETENCY ASSESSMENT for EIM NC II


In this assessment we will be focusing on Core Competency

And it should be the basic and common integrated to core competency

And the core competency divided into 3 units of competency:

Explain what to do per UC (SPECIFI INTRUCTION)

1. Perform roughing-in, wiring and cabling works for single phase distribution, power, lighting and
auxiliary system.
2. Install electrical protective device for distribution, power, lighting protection and grounding
3. Install wiring devices of floor and wall mounted outlets, lighting fixtures/switches and auxiliary

And during our assessment we have the methods of assessment

First we will have the WRITTEN EXAM- consist of 25 items and 30 minutes to answer the exam

Then the DEMONSTRATION- I will be giving you 5 hours to perform (PPE)

The third is INTERVIEW- I will only giving 1 question

Any questions or clarifications?- so now if


So now if you want to use our CR its available on the left side of this building and if you have
medications or any religious activity I will be giving you a time for that. Okay?

Once the assessment started you are not allowed to leave the area. You only allowed to go out during
lunch from 12:00-1:00
Okay now

In this assessment you only have to results the COMPETENT and NOT YET COMPETENT

If you are competent you are eligible to get the national certificate and its valid for 5 years and then
after 5 years you can renew your certificate just bring a supporting details or files.

And in NOT YET COMPETENT so don’t feel bad to yourself because this will not define you of you will
become okay? Also you have a chance to reassess for 3x and if you failed again for 3x you will be taking
a refresher course.

However if you are not satisfied with your result you have the rights to appeal and make a letter stated a
valid reason to the provincial office through our AC manager

Okay? Questions or clarifications?

If none okay lets proceed to our assessment

First we will have the written exam this consist of 25 item and I will be giving you 30 minutes to answer.

Okay times up please submit your paper

Now lets proceed to our demonstration.

Mr. A please proceed to workstation 1

Mr. B proceed to workstation 2

Okay I have here the specific instruction to do during assessment. So you were ask to apply and perform
all the core competency by using this schematic diagram. You only have 5 hours to perform okay?

I’ll be giving you 10 minutes to prepare your PPE. So now you may now start.

10 minutes left please check and finalize your work.

Okay times up please proceed our to our holding area for our INTERVIEW.

Okay now as I call you name please come forward.

May I call on

Mr. A hows your performance? –good

Okay nice to hear that so now heres the question.

What are the components of Fire alarm system?-answer

okay very good that’s correct. Regarding to your performance you were able to perform all the task. You
follow the right measurements but you almost consumed your time but in overall you were able to
perform the standard requirement in this qualification and you also you got 24/25 in the exam so for
that congratulations for being competent in EIM NC II. You will receive an email from provincial office 3-
5 working days okay? Please sign this rating sheet okay again congratulations while waiting to our AC
manager for releasing your cars please go back to holding area.

Okay now may I call on Mr. B

Are now ready Mr. B?-yes

Okay now heres your question

What are the components of Fire alarm system?-answer

Okay good. First of all I would like to congratulate you to finish your assessment you were able to
perform the cabling layout, the measurements and the cleanliness of your work however you were not
able to activate the bell alarm because you interchange the connection of positive and negative in
sounding so for that im sorry to inform that you are NOT YET COMPETENT but don’t worry about it Im
encouraging to take the reassessment again okay? So if you are not satisfied with your remarks so you
have the right to appeal just make a letter to provincial office through our ac manager okay? So please
sign this rating sheet. Please go back to the holding area

Okay congratulations candidates for those pass and just wait to our AC manager to release your cars and
to those who did not pass im encouraging you to take the reassessment ASAP okay?

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