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Sesi I 2021/2022 DPB20053 Business Mathematics

1. You as a financial planner are asked to advise Aboo and his wife in making the right choice. Show Aboo and his wife detail calculation in order to
select a new car plus the rebate for early payment and the house that suitable with Aboo financial. (CLO3, A1)
(1-2) (3-4) (5-6) (7-8) (9-10)
 Poorly use of digital  Fairly use of digital  Satisfactory use of  Good use of digital  Excellently use of digital
application, thus application, thus digital application, application, thus application, thus seeking
seeking of seeking of thus seeking of seeking of of descriptions of
descriptions of descriptions of descriptions of descriptions of different data types or
different data types or different data types different data types or different data types or scales entirely
DATA scales very rarely or scales rarely scales sometimes scales mostly appropriate
COLLECTION appropriate appropriate appropriate appropriate  Able to differentiate or
 Able to differentiate  Able to differentiate  Able to differentiate or  Able to differentiate define between original
or define between or define between define between or define between and derived data with 0 or
original and derived original and derived original and derived original and derived 1 mistake
data with 8 or more data with 6 or 7 data with 4 or 5 data with 2 or 3
mistakes mistakes mistakes mistakes
 Hardly perform data  Fairly perform data  Moderately perform  Completely perform  Expertly perform data
manipulations or manipulations and data manipulations data manipulations manipulations and
organize data into organize data into and organize data into and organize data organize data into
graphic/numeric/text graphic/numeric/text graphic/numeric/text into graphic/numeric/text
forms as per task forms as per task forms as per task graphic/numeric/text forms as per task
requirements requirements requirements forms as per task requirements
DATA  Show inability to  Show ability to  Show ability to requirements  Show ability to construct
MANIPULATION construct any data construct simple data construct data  Show ability to complex data displays
displays from set of displays from set of displays from set of construct complete from set of data
data data data data displays from set  Always able to distinguish
 Very rarely able to  Rarely able to  Sometimes able to of data the range of data
distinguish between distinguish between distinguish between  Usually able to available
the range of data the range of data the range of data distinguish the range
available available available of data available
Sesi I 2021/2022 DPB20053 Business Mathematics

2. You may choose any models for the car and any types of house that suit their needs and within their monthly budget. Present the complete workings
paper. (CLO3, A2)
(1-2) (3-4) (5-6) (7-8) (9-10)
 Make no (0) inference  Make 1 inference  Make 2 inferences  Make 3 inferences  Make more than 3
consistent with any consistent with few consistent with some consistent with most inferences consistent
data displays^ lead to data displays^ lead to data displays^ lead to data displays^ lead to with all data displays^
misunderstanding minimum moderate better understanding lead to much better
INTERPRETATION  Explain the inferences understanding understanding  Explain the meaning understanding /20
without appropriate  Explain the inferences  Explain the inferences of the data and relate  Explain clearly in own
context. within a limited within a suitable it to appropriate language the meaning of
context. context. context. the data and relate it to
accurate context.
 Never identify and  Occasionally identify  Sometimes identify  Frequently identify  Very frequently identify
apply appropriate and apply appropriate and apply and apply appropriate and apply appropriate
format* to solve format* to solve appropriate format* format* to solve format* to solve
PROBLEM problems problems to solve problems problems problems
SOLVING  Attain less than 60%  Attain between 60%  Attain between 70%  Attain between 80%  Attain more than 89% of
of format accuracy in and 69% of format and 79% of format and 89% of format format accuracy in
problem solving accuracy in problem accuracy in problem accuracy in problem problem solving
solving solving solving
 Produce poor quality  Produce fair quality of  Produce satisfactory  Produce good quality  Produce excellent and
of output with less output between 60% quality of output of output between high quality of output
than 60% of accuracy and 69% of accuracy between 70% and 80% and 89% of more than 89% of
of final answers (facts of final answers (facts 79% of accuracy of accuracy of final accuracy of final answers
and figures) and figures) final answers (facts answers (facts and (facts and figures)
 Overall results  Overall results indicate and figures) figures)  Overall results indicate
indicate low level of slightly low level of  Overall results  Overall results high level of digital and
digital and numerical digital and numerical indicate average level indicate slightly high numerical skills
skills skills of digital and level of digital and
numerical skills numerical skills
^ - data displays refer to either graphs, charts, tables, statements etc.
* - format refers to either computation format, graphical format (rescheduling, organizing information, finding optimal strategies etc.)

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