Rayhan Abu Contract PPL 24

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Dohoda o studijně administrativním poplatku pro ak. rok

Contract between the Dean of FEM CZU Prague
Dohoda podepsána děkanem PEF CZU v Praze
doc. Ing. Tomáš Šubrt, Ph.D.
Name jméno a příjmení : Rayhan Abu
Date of birth datum narození : 26. 2. 2002
Passport number číslo pasu : A02554649
Nationality státní příslušnost : People's Republic of Bangladesh
Address adresa : People's Republic of Bangladesh

who is going to be a fulltime student of Preparatory Professional and Language Course for study in the Economics
and Management bachelor’s degree programme at the Faculty of Economics and Management, CZU Prague. This
contract is concluded on the basis of the dean’s Decree of 1 November 2013 on the organization of courses taught in
the English language in accordance with the Act number 111/1998 Sb. and the CZU Prague statute.

bude přijat jako student do denního přípravného odborného a jazykového kurzu pro studium v akreditovaném oboru
bakalářského programu Economics and Management na Provozně ekonomické fakultě ČZU v Praze. Tato dohoda je
uzavřena na základě Pokynu děkana ze dne 1. 11. 2013 k organizaci kurzů v anglickém jazyce a v souladu se zákonem o
vysokých školách č. 111/1998 Sb. A statutem ČZU.

The administration fee for the academic year 2024/2025 is

80 000 CZK
Poplatek za studium v akademickém roce 2024/2025 je
Payment will be paid by the student before
Poplatek bude uhrazen studentem do 30th April 2024

Only in the case the Czech Visa is not granted the study fee will be reimbursed to the applicant.
Poplatek za studium bude žadateli o studium vrácen pouze v případě neudělení víza.

Link: https://students.convera.com/czuvppef#!/
Your Specific Symbol is SS770771
Bank Ceska Sporitelna A.S., 160 59 Praha 6, Czech Republic
Account Holder Name: Ceska zemedelska univerzita
Account Nr.: 500022222/0800
Variable Symbol: 1155075
I agree with having my personal data being processed and stored for the purpose of my study, in accordance with relevant legislation.
Souhlasím se zpracováním osobních údajů za účelem evidence.
I understand that there is a cancellation fee of 2 500 CZK as per the Dean’s decision N. 01/23 that is published on the Official Notice
Board on the website of the Faculty of Economics and Management. Additionally, I am aware that there may be differences in the
refunded amount due to fluctuations in the exchange rate when transferring money in CZK.
The student agrees that the university publishes this contract to the public register of contracts where all contracts above 50 000 CZK
need to be registered according to Czech law.

............................................. ..............................................
place and date doc. Ing. Tomáš Šubrt, Ph.D.
Dean of the faculty

............................................. ..............................................
place and date Student’s signature

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