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 Noun †Pbvi Dcvq 

 NOUN 
‡Wviv KvUv `vM †`‡L evN †Pbv hvq-
01. Verb of the word “justification (†hŠw³KZv)’ is-
A. Justice B. Justify
C. Justifiable D. Justifiably
Ans: (B)
 Dc‡ii D`vniY †_‡K eySv †M‡jv, k‡ãi ‡k‡l –tion _vK‡j
noun nq|

02. Verb of the word “Simplification” is-

A. Simply B. Simplicity
C. Simplistic D. Simplify Exercise-
Ans: (D)
 k‡ãi ‡k‡l –tion _vK‡j noun nq|
bx‡Pi evK¨¸‡jv‡Z fyj _vK‡j correct K‡iv :
01. In its sealab program the US Navy has studied the
03. The word ‘Survival’ is a noun. What is its possible of having people live beneath the ocean.
verb form?
A. Survey B. Service 02. Lumber (KivZ w`‡q KvUv Z³v) from redwoods is in
C. Survive D. Swerve great demand because of its straight grain,
Ans: (C) attractive colour, and durable.
 –al _vK‡j noun nq|
03. The conditions most favorable to the form of dew
04. What is the noun of the adjective “Polite”. (wkwki we›`y) are relatively high humidity (wnD-wg-wW-wU
A. Politic B. Polity - Av`ªZv) and a calm, clear atmosphere (A¨vUgmwdqvi -
C. Politeness D. Polished evqygÛj)|
Ans: (C)
 GKwU word-Gi ‡k‡l –ness _vK‡j noun nq| 04. In the history of American developing, the wagon
(IqvMb - cY¨ cwien‡bi Rb¨ Pvi PvKvi Mvwo) remained the
05. Find out the noun from the following. dominant method of commercial land
A. National B. Nationally transportation until the railroad age.
C. Nationalise D. Nationality 05. John Crowe Kansom’s poetry reflects with
Ans: (D) sophisticated wit (mwdmwU‡KB‡UW DBU - imgq my²eyw×)
 k‡ãi ‡k‡l –ty _vK‡j noun nq| ‡hgb: Sincerity, and irony (AvB-iwb-cwinvm) of the popular thematic of
integrity southern decadence (wWKv‡WÝ - Ae¶q)|

06. “Frequency” is a ________. 06. Thomas Jefferson was a violinist (fvBIwjwb÷ - ev`¨hš¿
a. noun b. adverb c. adjective d. verb ev`K), a president of the United States, an architect,
mgvavb t Frequency (noun)-frequent (adj)- and a scholarly (¯‹jviwj - cwÛZ e¨w³i g‡Zv)|
Frequently (adv) a DËi n‡e| 07. In a hollow tree with no open to the outside,
 –cy _vK‡j noun nq| decaying wood (cPbkxj KvV) gradually falls to
07. “Survival” is a ______ . bottom of the trunk (UªvsK - e„¶ KvÛ, Mv‡Qi ¸uwo)|
a. noun b. adverb c. adjective d. verb
mgvavb t survive (verb)-survival (noun) a DËi n‡e| 08. The raven’s (†iB‡fb - `uvp KvK) black color, mournful
(†gŠi&b&dzj& - Ki“Y) croak(†µŠK - KK©k WvK), and bold
08. The ‘Verb’ form of the noun ‘danger’ is have made it an object of superstition (mycvi&w÷b& -
_____ Kzms¯‹vi) and legend (wj‡RÛ - †jvKKvwnbx)|
a. dangerous b. dangered 09. The important of children’s play is reflected in their
c. dangerful d. endanger behavior.
mgvavbt d DËi n‡e KviY danger (noun) – endanger 10. Immigrated from a wide variety of countries have
(wec`MÖ¯’ Kiv) (verb). given the United States cultural diversity.
11. A new colonization was established in Hawaii
Answer Keys
1. Possibility 2. durability 3. 4. development

5. themes 6. scholar 7. opening 8. boldness Exercise on the usage of noun-
9. importance 10. 11. colony
immigrants 1. The executor of a will not only has final ______,
Classification of Noun but may also be financially liable for any
A. responsible B. responsibility
C. the responsibility D.
Noun responsibleness.

2. Wendell Willkie gained prominence for

______to President Roosevelt’s social reforms.
A. his opposed B. his opposition
C. he was opposite D. opposing him
Concrete (Ggb Abstract (Ggb noun hv 3.
noun hv Avgiv ¯úk© The pitch (wcP& - ZxeªZv) of a wind instrument
Avgiv ¯úk© Ki‡Z cvwi bv) depends largely on ______of the vibrating
Ki‡Z cvwi) D`v: Fan, D`v: Sincerity, column.
Marker, White Integrity, Love etc. A. lengthy B. length C. the length D.
Board etc. long

Proper Noun-‡Kvb wbw`©ó bvg, eg. Rahim. 4. ______budget depends on the state of its economy
and the stability of its currency.
Common Noun-mKj wRwb‡mi mvaviY bvg, eg. A. The country’s B. The countries
Coaching Centre. C. Countries D. The country.

Collective Noun-‡Kvb wRwb‡mi mgwóMZ bvg, 5. Reading ––––––––– the act of interpreting
eg. Committee, Army. printed and written words.
A. are B. be C. being D. is
Material Noun-e¯—y ev DcKi‡Yi bvg, eg.
Lecture materials. 6. In the face of financial _________, Lucretia Hale
earnestly(Av‡b©÷&wj - e¨MÖfv‡e) turned to writing.
 Sentence-G Noun-Gi e¨envi
A. necessary B. the necessity
 _______ of the room will be sold. C. necessity D. the necessary
a. The possession b. The position
c. The possessions d. position 7. The manner in which fuel enters a diesel engine
mgvavb t a DËi n‡e KviY possession gv‡b n‡jv gvwjKvbv¯^Ë¡| is the primary factor that affects its______.
GKwU m¤úwËi (room) gvwjKvbv¯^Ë¡ GKUvB, ZvB plural A. efficiency B. efficient
C. efficiently D. the efficiency
(C) n‡e bv|
8. Artificial rubies (i“we - jvj i‡½i iZ¥we‡kl) and
 Unless protected areas are established, the
sapphires (mvdvq¨vi& - bxj iZ¥) have the
Royal Bengal Tigers will face____ of extinction
(wejywß). same______and composition (KgcwRmb - MVb) as
) real stones.
A. possible B. the possibility C. to be possible A. hard B. hardous
D. possibly E. most possibly C. hardness D. the hardness
Ans: B
9. Natural rubber comes from______ of a tree.
 The ______of pollution in the cities should not A. juice B. juicy C. the juicy D. the juice
be overlooked by the authorities. 10. Kaynite A.isaffects
useful as an
B. insulating
effecting ______because
C. affect D. effects (djvdj / cwiYwZ) it is heat resistant and does not fuse easily with
Ans: D other materials.
A. substance B. substantial
C. substantiality D. substantially
Rule: Participle, Gerund, infinitive wKsev
Preposition-Gici noun e‡m|
Answer Keys
* Rolling stone gathers no moss (‡kIjv).
Participle N 1 B 2 B 3 C 4 A 5 D
* Walking in the morning is a good habit. 6 C 7 A 8 C 9 D 10 A
gerund N

* He was craving (e¨vKzjfv‡e Kvgbv Kiv) for affection

Countable and Uncountable Noun-

Countable noun is the name of objects, people that can There is little water in the pot.
be counted. †hgb: Book, Pen, Student BZ¨vw`| Countable He is the best teacher, even though he has the least
noun Mbbv Kiv hvq e‡j G‡`i plural nq| Ab¨w`‡K, †h me e¯‘ experience.
msL¨v Øviv Mbbv Kiv hvq bv ZvB uncountable noun. †hgb: Rule - 3-
water, sugar, rice BZ¨vw`| Noun m¤úwK©Z problem solve
Kivi †¶‡Î wb‡P box-G cÖ`Ë note-wU ‡Zvgv‡K Aek¨B g‡b ivL‡Z More water is needed. (uncountable)
n‡e A_©vr gyL¯’ Ki‡Z n‡e| More people are needed. (countable)
More, most, the rest of, some, some of G‡`i ci
Countable Noun Uncountable Noun countable / uncountable DfqB em‡Z cv‡i|
Plural Ki‡Z Gi mv‡_ s ev S ev es em‡Z cv‡i bv| †hgb: Waters,
es e‡m| †hgb: Books, Sugars, Rices etc. Rule - 4-
Students Incorrect: We need another computers
Specific indicator Specific indicator G‡`i mv‡_ e‡m bv| Correct: We need another computer.
(1,2,3) em‡Z cv‡i| †hgb: ‡hgb: One Water another-Gi ci singular countable noun e‡m|
One Pen
Article em‡Z cv‡i bv| †hgb: The Correct the underlined words:
a, an, the em‡Z cv‡i| information 01. Little scientists doubt the existence of an ozone
†hgb: A boy. Abstract noun (weg~Z© : hv aiv-‡Qvqv hvq
hole over the Polar ruinous.
bv) always uncountable noun nq|
†hgb: honesty, ignorance, 02. There are much stories about how smart a fox can
intelligence. be when it is being chased by hound (nvDbW& - wkKvix
Important Rules Based On Noun- 03. There are adult literacy classes for the workers,
Rule - 1- much of whom never graduated from high school.
 _____ can be grown on arid land 04. The rhinoceros has little natural enemies.
a. only little crop b. only a little 05. I like my tea with the milk.
crops 06. If you open the door, airs will circulate better.
c. only few crops d. only a few
07. The happiness means different things to different
mgvavb t d DËi n‡e| KviY, crops countable noun nIqvq Gi people.
Av‡M few em‡e| Avi few-Gi mv‡_ only em‡j gv‡S 08. We don’t have many information.
Aek¨B GKwU a jv‡M| 09. There are much television programs for children on
 Although southern California is densely 10. He always has much problems with his teeth.
populated _____ live in the northern part of the

a. a little people b. only a few people Answers

c. some of the people d. many people 01. few 02. many 03. many 04. few 05.
mgvavb t GLv‡b DËi b n‡e, KviY only a few e¨w³evPK plural noun- milk
Gi mv‡_ e‡m| some of the people I many n‡e bv GB Kvi‡Y †h, 06. air 07. happiness 08. much 09. many 10.
ev‡K¨i ïi“‡Z although i‡q‡Q, ZvB c‡ii As‡k Zvi wecixZ idea many
Rule - 2- Rule - 5-

 Choose the correct sentence.  Complete the following sentence : Nasreen, an

a. Less people get American visas now a days interior decorator, designs ______ .
[D Unit 2000-2001]
b. Less people get American visas now a day
a. furniture b. the furniture
c. Few people get American visas now a days
c. furnitures d. some furniture
d. Fewer people get American visas now a days
mgvavb t a DËi n‡e| KviY, furniture n‡jv uncountable noun.
mgvavb t d DËi n‡e KviY fewer kãwU countable plural noun Gi
mv‡_ e‡m|
 I need _____ soap to wash my dress with.
Many, many of, a few, few, the few, several, several of a. any b. a piece of c. a d. much
G‡`i ci countable noun e‡m| mgvavb t b DËi n‡e| KviY, Avgvi 1 Uv mvevb `iKvi †evSv‡Z I
* We don’t have many copies left need a piece of soap n‡e|
* A few students got G.P.A 5.
* Several of the paintings were destroyed in the fire  ___ is currently available to researchers and
physicians who studies the indigenous life of
Much, much of, little, less, least-Gi ci uncountable Bangladesh.
noun e‡m| a. a little information b. few information

c. little information d. a few information
mgvavb t c DËi n‡e| KviY, little uncountable noun Gi mv‡_  Choose the correct sentence.
e‡m| a. We take decisions based on some informations
b. We take decision based on some information
 The correct plural of the word “Advice”. c. We take a decision based on some information
a. advice b. many advices c. no plural d. d. We take a decision based on some informations
much mgvavb t c DËi n‡e| KviY, information n‡jv uncountable
mgvavb t c DËi n‡e| KviY, advice Gi †Kvb plural form †bB| noun ZvB Gi mv‡_ ‘s’ hy³ n‡e bv| Avi b DËi n‡e bv KviY
decision n‡jv countable noun ZvB Gi mv‡_ s hy³ n‡e
 We don’t have_____spare time these days. [B Unit A_ev Zvi c~‡e© a em‡e| A_©vr a decision / decision `y‡UvB
2001-2002] n‡Z cv‡i|
a. many b. much c. some d.
 Do you have –––––––––––– to do this afternoon?
mgvavb t b DËi n‡e| KviY, time uncountable noun, ZvB If not, I would like to take you to a movie
much n‡e| A. many work B. much work C. many
 The police have collected _____ about the crime. D. much works E. lot of works
a. many information b. many
Ans: (B)
informations wb‡P wKQy noun-Gi GKwU chart †`Iqv n‡jv ‡h¸‡jv
c. a lot of information d. a lot of
Meaning-Gi Dci wfwË K‡i KL‡bvI countable noun
wn‡m‡eI e¨eüZ n‡Z cv‡i Avevi KL‡bvI uncountable noun
mgvavb t c DËi n‡e| KviY, information n‡jv uncountable
wn‡m‡eI e¨eüZ n‡Z cv‡i| †hgb-
noun ZvB information-Gi mv‡_ ‘s’ hy³ n‡e bv|
 The police have collected _______ about the Count Specific non count general
crime. noun meaning noun meaning
a. many information b. many informations an
c. a lot of information d. a lot information occas
mgvavb t c DËi n‡e| KviY, a lot of + countable / ion all
uncountable noun. Information GKwU Uncountable or agreement agreeme
a nts
noun. agreements
 Which one is correct ?
a. I need a few furnitures. ment
b. I do not need many furnitures. a
a business all business
c. I do not need some furnitures. comp business
businesses transaction
d. I need some furniture. any
mgvavb t d DËi n‡e| KviY, furniture n‡jv uncountable a cloth a piece of construction
noun| ZvB Gi mv‡_ ‡Kvb s hy³ Kiv hv‡e bv| cloths cloth material
a decision
 The ______ of the office will be sold occas decision all decisions
a. furniture b. furniture’s ion
c. pieces of furniture’s d. pieces of and the absence
a light
furniture a lamp light of
mgvavb t a DËi n‡e | darkness
wb‡P e‡· cÖ`Ë k㸇jv uncountable noun. ZvB G‡`i mv‡_ a
a paper docu construction
article wKsev ‘s’ hy³ Kiv hv‡e bv| papers ment
A list of non-count nouns: or sheet
advice money damage a space
a blank space the universe
music homework news spaces
furniture poetry soap a
any language information machinery histor
(Japanese, English) ical
a time
Time Distance hair period time all time
Rule-06- mom
 Two-thirds of the work______finished. a war a specific
war all wars
a. have been b. have c. will have d. wars war
was a work an artistic
work all work
mgvavb t d DËi n‡e| KviY, work GLv‡b uncountable noun, works creation
work Abyhvqx verb singular n‡e| Rule-07-

Countable and uncountable nouns aviYv †`q| Gevi P‡jv †`‡L wbB structure-Gi wfwˇZ sentence-
with similar meanings Gi classification:

 “There is _____ on the roads today”. Structure-Gi wfwˇZ Sentence †K wZb fv‡M fvM Kiv hvq|
a. too many traffic b. very much traffic 1. Simple Sentence
c. too much traffic d. few traffics 2. Complex Sentence
mgvavb t uncountable noun-Gi mv‡_ too much e‡m, GLv‡b 3. Compound Sentence
traffic uncountable noun ZvB c DËi n‡e| G‡`i m¤ú‡K© fvj aviYv †c‡Z n‡j ‡Zvgv‡K cÖ_‡g Phrase Ges
Clause m¤ú‡K© Rvb‡Z n‡e|
Incorrect: We are late because we got stuck in a traffic.
Correct: We are late because we got stuck in a traffic Phrase n‡jv a group of words without subject and verb
jam / traffic jams. (subject I verb e¨wZZ GKwU k㸔Q)| hv ‡Zvgv‡K GKwU idea
(aviYv) w`‡e but clear idea w`‡e bv| †hgb: j¶¨ K‡iv on Friday
wb‡P wKQz noun word ‡`qv n‡jv, hv‡`i A_© GK wKš—y GKwU
countable noun, Av‡iKwU uncountable noun wn‡m‡e e¨eüZ morning GKwU phrase, Gi A_© Ki‡j `uvovq Ôïµevi mKv‡jÕ| GB
nq| phrase-wUi mv‡_ Subject Ges verb bv _vK‡j ïµevi mKv‡j †K
Countable noun Uncountable noun wK K‡iwQ‡jv Avgiv Zv ej‡Z cviwQ bv| So phrase is mere
a climate weather (ïaygvÎ) a group of words.
Ab¨w`‡K, clause is a phrase that contains subject and
a job work
jobs verb (clause n‡”Q Subject I verb hy³ GKwU Phrase) Subject
a machine machinery I verb †hvM K‡i Avgiv GKwU Phrase-†K Clause-G iƒc w`‡Z
cvwi| †hgb-Dc‡ii Phrase wU-B a‡iv, Gi mv‡_ Subject I verb
a traffic jam traffic
traffic jams †hvM K‡i †h clause nq Zv wbgœiƒct
Jahid landed (†cuŠ‡QwQ‡jv) in Italy on Friday
Singular and plural expression of uncountable (Rvwn` ïµevi mKv‡j BUvwj †cuŠ‡QwQ‡jv|)
Clause- ‡K `yB fv‡M fvM Kiv hvq-
GKwU uncountable noun-†K wbgœwjwLZ Dcv‡q singular A_ev 1. Independent clause/Principal clause
plural wn‡m‡e express Kiv hvq- 2. Dependent clause/Subordinate
Noun Singular Plural clause
Advice a piece of advice two pieces of advice †h clause Ab¨ clause Gi mvnvh¨ Qvov wb‡RB m¤ú~Y©fv‡e A_©
Equipment a piece of equipment two pieces of equipment cÖKvk K‡i, ZvB Independent clause. Avi †h clause Ab¨
Jewelry a piece of jewelry two pieces of jewelry clause-Gi mvnvh¨ Qvov wb‡R wb‡R m¤ú~Y© A_© cÖKvk Ki‡Z cv‡i
Information a piece of information two pieces of information
bv ZvB Dependent clause. Av‡ivI fvjfv‡e †evSvi Rb¨
Mail a piece of mail two pieces of mail
Music a piece of music two pieces of music
wb‡Pi example-wU j¶¨ K‡ivt
Bread a slice of bread two slices of bread
Corn an ear of corn two ears of corn ** Faruk often goes to Italy because he loves the food.
Soap a bar of soap two bars of soap
Lighting a bolt of lightning two bolts of lightning Dc‡ii D`vni‡Y “Faruk often goes to Italy” AskUzKz
Thunder a cap of thunder two caps of thunder Independent clause. †Kbbv, G AskUzKz wb‡RB m¤ú~Y© fv‡e
Wind a gust of wind two gusts of wind GKwU A_© cÖKvk Ki‡Q| Ab¨ w`‡K, “because he loves the
Furniture each piece of furniture two pieces of furniture
food” AskUzKz Dependent clause hvi A_© n‡”Q- ÒKviY ‡m
food cQ›` K‡i|Ó wKš‘ cQ›` Kivi Kvi‡Y †m wK K‡i GiKg
Sentence Structure †Kvb wKQz bv _vKvq G Ask UzKz (because he loves the
food) Principal clause-Gi mvnvh¨ Qvov m¤ú~Y©fv‡e †Kvb A_©
The Sentence
cÖKvk Ki‡Q bv| Avi ZvB GwU GKwU Dependent clause.
wb‡Pi example-wU j¶¨ K‡iv-
Jerry was very abrupt (iƒp fv‡e e¨envi) with me last Admission test-Gi Rb¨ Subordinate ev Dependent clause-
night. wU ‡ewk ¸i“Z¡c~Y©| Avi Avgv‡`i Av‡jvPbvI ZvB Subordinate
j¶¨ K‡iv, Dc‡ii AskUzKz c‡i Avgv‡`i Jerry m¤ú‡K© GKwU clause-†K wN‡i|
cwic~Y© aviYv m„wó n‡”Q e‡j GwU GKwU sentence-Gi h_v_© D`vniY|

A group of words which make a complete sense about Note Dependent ev Subordinate clause mn‡R †Pbvi
someone or something, is called a sentence. A_©vr Dcvq
sentence n‡jv GKwU k㸔Q hv †Kvb e¨w³ ev e¯—y m¤ú‡K© Avgv‡`i

Subordinate clause-wU If, As if/ As though, So
1. Simple Sentence: Contains only one independent
that, Since, Hence, Though, Although, When, clause.
While, How, When, What, Why, Where,  The government provided money to people
Whom, Who, BZ¨vw` Clause Marker (wPý) w`‡q hy³ (Independent clause)
2. Complex Sentence:
A_©vr- Clause marker + subordinate clause Contains one independent clause and one or more
dependent clause.
Subordinate clause-†K Avevi wZb fv‡M fvM Kiv hvq-  The government provided money to people
1. Noun Clause independent clause
2. Adjective Clause who need financial help.
3. Adverb Clause dependent clause
Noun Clause- 3. Compound Sentence: Contains more than one
 ______that life began billions of years ago in independent clause.
the water.  He went there and I went there also.
A. It is believed B. In the belief C. The
belief D. Believing E. Of the belief
Exercise On Sentence Structure-
1. The Police –––––– a witness (mv¶x) to make a
†h Clause sentence-G Subject Ges Object-Gi KvR K‡i Zv‡K positive ID.
Noun Clause e‡j| (a) needing (b) to need (c)
†Pbvi Dcvq (d) who need (e) who needing
Verb-†K What Øviv cÖkœ K‡i Noun Clause cvIqv hvqt
2. The tallest boy in our class –––––.
‡hgb:- (a) with long brown hair brown eyes.
We know that he will pass. (b) has long brown hair and brown eyes.
verb noun clause
(c) having long brown hair brown eyes.
(verb ‘know’ ‡K Kx Øviv cÖkœ Ki‡j ‘that he will pass’ (d) who has long brown hair browns
AskwU cvIqv hvq) (f) whose hair is long brown and eyes are also.

Adjective Clause- 3. He–––––––– that someone was watching him.

(a) had the strong impression (aviYv, AbyfywZ)
This is the pen which is nice. (b) has the strong impression.
(‘which is nice’ clause-wU ‘the pen’ noun wUi wVK c‡i (c) the strong impression had.
e‡m‡Q|) (d) who had the strong impression.
‡h Clause noun ev Pronoun Gi c‡i e‡m H noun ev (e) the strong impression who had.
Pronoun †K modify ev Qualify K‡i Zv‡K Adjective
Clause e‡j| 4. She glares (KUgU Kwiqv ZvKv‡bv) at me –––– near her
†Pbvi Dcvq Noun-Gi wVK c‡i em‡e| (A) I go (B) I going (C) If I
(D) If I go (E) Both (A) and (C)
†hgbt 5. Let’s go to the movie –––––––– get through (‡kl
F-2i) Tell me the reason why you said so Kiv) studying.
(why GLv‡b Conjunction wn‡m‡e KvR Ki‡Q) (A) while (B) You (C) Your
ii) The boy, who is a student, is very talented. (D) While your (E) When you
(who GLv‡b Subject wn‡m‡e KvR Ki‡Q)
6. Find out the incorrect position:
Adverb Clause- The book (a) that I (b) lent (c) you (d) having a
good (e) bibliography (MÖš’ ZvwjKv)
Trees grow where there is enough rain.
7. That birds (a) migrate (b) long (c) distance (d)
†h Clause Øviv Time, place, manner Ges reason wb‡`©k K‡i are (e) well documented.
Zv‡K Adverb Clause e‡j|
8. Choose the correct sentence.
†Pbvi Dcvq Verb-‡K When, How, Where Øviv cÖkœ K‡i (A). He didn’t know how he should behave.
Adverb Clause cvIqv hvq| (B) He didn’t know how should he behave.
Gevi Av‡mv †R‡b ‡bB Classifications of sentence on the (C) He didn’t know how behave he.
basis of structure. (D) He didn’t know how behave he should.

(E) He didn’t know how behaving he should. Rule - 04-
 A) Do you know when the results will be
9. George Burns was a comedian whom many published ?
American B) Do you know when will the results be
_____first on television in the 1950s. published?
(A) watching (B) did watch (C) watch C) Do you know when will publish the results?
(D) watched (E) had watched D) Do you know when the results will published?
10. Although Anne Tyler received a Pulitzer Prize Subordinate clause-wU memgq Sentence-Gi
for her novel, ____________ has never received ¯^vfvweK order (A_©vr Subject + verb + Object order) follow
the popular acclamation (D”P cÖksmv).
Ki‡e| Subordinate clause-wU KL‡bv-B question order-G
(A) what she (B) She (C) that she (D) and she (E) A_©vr Av‡M verb c‡i Subject n‡Z cv‡i bv| ‡hgb-
that her
Answer Keys Incorrect: I don’t know where does he live.
Correct: I don’t know where he lives.
1. C 2. B 3. A 4. D 5. E
6. D 7. D 8. A 9. D 10. B Important Suggestion-
01. A desert receives less than twenty five
Important rules on sentence ________of rainfall every year.
structure A. centimeter B. a centimeter
Rule - 01- C. centimeters D. of centimeters E. a
GKwU Sentence Grammatically mwVK n‡Z n‡j Aek¨B GKwU centimeters
Subject I GKwU Main verb _vK‡Z n‡e| GLb †Zvgv‡K hw` Ggb
02. ________the outcome of this dispute, our two
GKwU Problem sentence †`Iqv nq, hv‡Z Subject Av‡Q wKš‘
nations will remain staunch (÷b&P& - `„p / k³)
verb †bB, ‡m‡¶‡Î ‡Zvgv‡K answer portion †_‡K verb wU Luy‡R
†ei Ki‡Z n‡e| †hgb- wb‡Pi D`vniYwU j¶ K‡iv:
A. Irregardless of B. Regardless of how
Rule - 02- C. with regard to D. Regardless of E.
I am sorry but I can’t stay any longer.
j¶¨ K‡iv Dc‡ii D`vniYwU‡Z ‘I am sorry’ n‡”Q GKwU clause 03. The development of the atom bomb depended
Ges I can’t stay any longer n‡”Q Av‡iKwU clause. GB `ywU upon the ___of the particle (KYv) accelerator
clause hy³ Kivi Rb¨ Avgiv Dchy³ clause marker ‘but’ e¨envi (A¨vK‡mj¨v‡iUi -‡eMea©K e¯‘)
K‡iwQ| A. invention B. inventing
`ywU clause †K hy³ Kivi Rb¨ Avgiv clause marker use Kwi| C. invent D. invented E. the
A_©vr clause marker Qvov Avgiv KL‡bvB `ywU Clause-†K hy³ invention
Ki‡Z cvwi bv|
04. Maps have lines, words _______ and colors, that
Rule – 03- show the distribution and arrangement of the
 Which one is correct? Earth’s geographical features.
a. Although I am not hungry, I want to eat A. Symbolic B. Symbol
something C. Symbols D. Symbolize E.
b. Although I am not hungry still I want to eat Symbolization
c. Although I am not hungry but I want to eat 05. The American burnet, a native Perennial
something (eûel©Rxwe), grows from six inches in –––– to as
d. Although I am not hungry I wanted to eat much as five feet.
something A. high B. height
mgvavb t a DËi n‡e| KviY, Although †Kvb ev‡K¨ _vK‡j c‡ii C. too high D. highting E. Both (A)
AskwU Zvi wecixZ A_© †`q| and (B)

hw` †Kvb Sentence-G GKwU clause marker (who, what, 06. Toshi speaks _____ at home.
how etc.) _v‡K Z‡e ‡Zvgv‡K g‡b ivL‡Z n‡e H Sentence-wU‡Z A. The Japanese B. Japanese C. Japan D.
`ywU Subject I `ywU verb jvM‡e| GKwU Subject I verb n‡jv Japan’s
Principal clause-Gi Rb¨ Ges Aci Subject I verb n‡jv
07. _____at 212 degrees F, and freezes at 32 degrees
Subordinate clause-Gi Rb¨| ‡h KqwU clause marker _vK‡e
Zvi †P‡q GKUv †ewk subject I verb jvM‡e| ‡hgb-
A. Waters boils B. The water boils.
** He had just drifted off to sleep when the phone rang C. Water boils D. Waters boil E. The
waters boil

08. _____attempts (cÖ‡Póvejx) to clarify mankind’s
relationship with a superhuman (ˆ`e) power. 20. One (a) kinds of tool that (b) was popular during
A. The religion B. Religions the Stone Age (c) was a flake, (d) used for (e)
C. A Religion D. The religions E. Religion cutting and scraping (PvQv, †Qvjv)

09. She need to find –––––––. 21. Find out the correct sentence from the following.
A. a work B. works C. the A. Do you have an information about it?
works B. Do you have informations about it?
D. work E. The work C. Do you have an informations about it?
D. Do you have information about it?
10. It is generally believed that an M.B.A degree is a E. Do you have a information about it.
good preparation for a career in –––––––.
A. a business B. business 22. A. California has a good weather.
C. businesses D. one business E. the B. California has a very good weather.
businesses C. California has a good climate.
D. California has good weather. E. Both (C) and
11. Unemployment compensation is money to (D)
support an unemployed person while he or she
is looking for –––. 23 A. We are late because we got stuck in a traffic.
A. Job B. a job C. Jobs B. We are late because we got stuck into a traffic.
D. the jobs E. Both (B) and (C) C. We are late because we got stuck in a traffic
12. Counselors are available to give you_____before D. We are late because we got stuck in traffic jams.
you register for classes. E. Both (C) and (D)
A. An advice B. a advice C.
advice 24. A. Each furniture in this display is on sale for half
D. advices E. advise price
13. Did you get _____to take the placement test? B. Each piece of furniture in this display is on sale
A. a permission B. permission for
C. an Permission D. permit E. half price.
permissions C. Each pieces of furniture in this display is on sale
14. –––––– released about the hostage. half price.
A. A news was B. A news were D. Each furnitures in this display is on sale for half
C. News were D. News was E. Newses Price.
were E. Each piece of furnitures in this display is on sale
15. Fire resistant materials are used to retard (evav half price.
†`qv) _____ of modern aircraft in case of
accidents. 25. A. The plant trees is a custom that many people
A. a damage to the passenger cabin engage in
B. that damages to the passenger cabin to celebrate Arbor Day.
C. damage to the passenger cabin B. Plant trees is a custom that many people engage
D. passenger cabin’s damages in to
E. damages of passengers cabin celebrate Arbour day.
C. Planting trees is a custom that many people
engage in
Choose the incorrect word of the followings: the celebrate Arbour Day.
16. (a) In 1950 it was (b) naively (bvB&f&wj - mv`vwmavfv‡e) D. To planting trees is a custom that many people
predicted that (c) eight or ten computer would be engage
sufficient (d) to handle all of (e) the scientific and in the celebrate Arbour.
business needs in the United States. E. That planting trees is a custom that many people
engage in to celebrate Arbour Day.
17. (a) A space (b) is (c) the last frontier (mxgvbv) for
(d) man to conquer (e). No Error 26. Choose the correct spelling of the following.
A. Separation B. Abhorence
18. (a) A progress (b) has been made (c) toward (d) C. Accelaration D. Acuracy E. Addres
finding (e) a cure for AIDS.
27. What is the meaning of abov board?
19. (a) A few tiles (b) on sky lab (c) were the only A. board which is on above B. beyond
(d) equipments that failed (e) to perform well in description.
outer space.

C. beyond knowledge D. beyond doubt Choose the correct sentence: (38-41)
E. beyond expect 38. (A) It is a nice poetry. (B) It is a nice poem
(C) Its nice poem (D) All
28. What is the meaning of ‘Achilles heel’? 39. (A) There is no room for you.
A. Strong heel B. week point (B) There is no place for you.
C. Strong point D. very strong point (C) There is no space for you. (D) Al of the above.

E. Both (c) and (d) 40. (A) He has sold all furnitures.
(B) He has sold most of the furnitures.
29. Choose the correct answer of the followings; (C) He has sold all furniture.
_________ is not a new idea. (D) All of the above.
A. The planning of cities B. Cities to plan
them 41. (A) The sceneries of this place are charming.
C. Plan cities D. To planning cities E. Planning of (B) The scenery of this place is charming.
cities (C) Sceneries of this place is charming.
(D) Noun of the above.
30. Choose the incorrect word of the following.
(a) That (b) an earthquake (c) of magnitude eight 42. The couple _____ quarrelling now.
on the A. was B. is C. are D. were
Richter scale (d) occurs once every (e) five or ten
years. 43. The ____ are industrious and are rich in Asia.
A. Japaneses B. Japani C. Japanese
31. It brings together one of the finest ______ by D. none
our contemporary artists.
A. collections of work B. collections of works 44. _____ are not found everywhere of the world.
C. collected of works D. collection of works A. Shakespeares B. Shakespeare
E. None of the above. C. Shakespearian D. Shakespeare’s

32. The brain centers of _____ and hearing enable a 45. Maths _____ my fovourite subject at the school.
person to understand written and spoken A. was B. were C. both a, b D. none
A. vision B. Visual C. the 46. He has provided me with ____.
vision A. few information B. many information
D. a visual E. none C. much information D. an information

33. At the very edge, the author discussed the 47. He had so many ____.
effects of _____ on the environment. A. photo B. photos C. photoes D.
A. polluted B. pollution C. none
D. pollute E. pollutedly 48. The staff of the office _____ not expert.
A. is B. are C. both a, b D.
34. The noun form of ‘Curious’ is_____ none
A. Curious B. Curiously
C. Curiosity D. None of the above E. 49. The word “police” is a
A+C A. Common noun B. Proper noun
C. Collective noun D. Uncountable noun
35. He briefly outlined the situation to us. It is a/an-
A. Verb B. Noun C. Pronoun D. Adverb E. 50. _____ is not a new idea.
Adjective A. The planning of cities.
B. Cities to plan them
36. Hybrids have one more_____ per plan than the C. Plan cities
other varieties. D. To planning cities.
A. corns B. ear of corn C. corn ears D. corn’s
ears 51. _____ migrate long distances is well documented.
A. That it is birds. B. That birds
37. According to estimates by some botanists, there C. Birds that D. It is that birds
are _____ of plants.
A. seven thousand type. B. seven thousand 52. A tree is known ____ its fruit.
types. A. to B. by C. with
C. types of seven thousand. D. types seven D. for
53. Milton’s ____ remained unsurpassed.

A. work B. works C. both a and b School System in the year 2000 depends on
D. none whether__________.
A. will the immigration (Awfevmb) will continue.
54. Please give me at least ____ bread because I’m B. continues the immigration rate.
very hungry. C. the immigration rate what will continue.
A. a B. an C. a portion D. a piece of D. will continue the immigration rate.
E. the immigration rate will continue.
55. The boy has done _____. 64. What ____look like when they are children can
A. many works B. much work be radically (m¤ú~Y©iƒ‡c) different from the way
C. enough works D. few works they look as adults.
A. people B. do people
56. Class ____ among people is not good. C. people did D. did E. peoples
A. dividing B. division C. divisional D. few
division 65. The portion (Ask) of a mountain trees will no
longer grow is called the treeline.
57. _____ without the Ramadan is harmful to
A. there B. that C. are
D. where E. in where
A. starving B. starve C. starvation D.
66. _______anything quite like sleeping under the
58. The clergy ____ torturing people in the middle
A. Is B. Is there C. There is
D. when there is E. when is there
A. were B. was C. are
D. is
67. Although synthetic (wmb&‡_wUK& - K…wÎg)
59. Congress, acting on the recommendations of gemstones(gwY/iZœ) are similar in quality to
special subcommittees, decides how much natural stones, people ______ natural gems.
money________in education. A. do seem prefer B. to seem
A. the government which is spending. prefer
B. the government will spend. C. are seeming preferring D. seem to
C. will the government spend. prefer
D. the spending of the government.
E. the government which will spend 68. Blind fish _______their entire life in caves (¸nv)
have neither eyes nor ear.
60. When population is not checked by artificial A. that spends B. that spend
means (K…wÎg Dcv‡q), ____________ increases C. that spending D. to spend E. that is
putting more strain (Pvc) on limited natural spending
A. then B. than C. so D. It E. 69. I was about to leave when _______.
it is A. his arriving B. his arrival
C. he arrives D. he arrived E. he arriving
61. Public transportation vehicles are what ____as a
chief cause of the deterioration (WxwUwiI‡iBkb - 70. The type of clothing people wear tells others a
lot about_______.
Ae¯’v AwaKZi Lvivc / AebwZ nIqv) of ozone|
A. what they are B. what they were
A. have identified many ecologists. C. whom they are D. who are they E. who
B. have many ecologists identified. they are
C. many ecologists have identified
D. have many identified ecologists. 71. ––––––––– together in one place, they form a
E. many identified ecologists have. community (KwgDwbwU - mgvR)
A. When people who live. B. People living
62. Every year Canada’s __________ approximately
C. Whenever people living D. When people
(A¨vcÖK&wm‡gBUwj - cÖvq) one and a half million tons of
fish and seafood products. E. Whenever people live
A. seafood industry that Produces
B. producing seafood industry.
C. seafood industry produces.
D. that produces to seafood industry. 72. –––––– relations with friends and acquaintances
E. seafood industry that produces. (cwiwPZ e¨w³iv), play a major role in the social
development of adolescents.
63. The number of hispanic (wnm&‡cwbK - ‡¯úwbk we‡klZ: A. what are called peer groups relations are
j¨vwUb Av‡gwiKvi †jvKRb|) children enrolled (Gb‡ivj& - B. Peer group relations are
C. Relations which are peer group
ZvwjKve× Kiv / wj‡L ivLv) in the New York Public

D. By group which is peer, we mean 16. (C) ‘Computer’ Gi Av‡M eight or ten _vKvq GiI
E. Peer group relations, the Plural. A_©vr Computers n‡e|

73. Gauhar Jamil, ___________ of the pioneers 17. (A) A space/ Spaces A_© n‡”Q blank. ïay space n‡e|
(AMÖ`~Z) of modern dance, didn’t begin dancing hvi A_© gnvk~b¨|
until he was 21.
A. who, as one B. he was C. who was one 18. (A) Progress n‡”Q non count noun. Gi Av‡M article a,
D. was one E. whose one an em‡Z cv‡i bv|

74. During (a) vigorous (cÖej) exercise, muscles (b) 19. (D) Equipments noncount noun nIqvq it can not be
require (c) a (d) much greater amount of plural.
oxygen than (e) when they at rest.
20. (A) cÖ_‡g One _vKvq kind n‡e|
75. In science, the results of an experiment (cix¶v)
(a) are not usually (b) accepted until (c) they 21. (D) information n‡”Q non count noun-Gi mv‡_ article
have been duplicated (cyYivq cix¶v Kiv) in other wKsev s em‡Z cv‡i bv|
(d) laboratories. (e) No error
22. (E) Weather non nount nIqvq Gi article a, an em‡Z
Answer Key & Explanation- cv‡i bv| wKš‘ climate count noun nIqvq Gi mv‡_
article a, an em‡Z cv‡i Ges Gi Plural I n‡Z cv‡i|
01. (C) Units of measurement (†hgbt inch, Pound, dollar,
degree) MYbv Kiv hvq e‡j Giv Plural n‡Z cv‡i|
23. (E) traffic-Gi mv‡_ article a, an em‡Z cv‡i bv| †Kbbv,
GwU GKwU non count noun, wKš‘ traffic jam count
02. (D) Irregardless e‡j †Kvb kã †bB|
noun nIqvq Gi mv‡_ article (a, an) em‡Z cv‡i Ges
Gi Plural-I n‡Z cv‡i|
03. (A) the Gi ci noun jvM‡e| invention n‡e|
24. (B) furniture GKwU non count noun e‡j it can’t take
04. (C) ‘Symbolic’ ‘have’ verb-Gi object wn‡m‡e KvR Kivq
article (a, an) and s/es. Z‡e G‡K Singular/ Plural
adjective ‘Symbolic’-Gi noun form ‘symbols’
Ki‡Z n‡j singular ev Plural idiomatic
expression (†hgbt A Piece of ----, two Pieces of
05. (B) Preposition in Gici noun ‘height’ n‡e| ----, each Piece of --------) e¨envi Ki‡Z nq|
‘Each’ singular idiom nIqvq Piece-Gi mv‡_ S
06. (B) Name of language (Arabic, Spanish etc) Gi †hvM n‡e bv|
Av‡M article e‡m bv|
25. (C) The Plant trees ev Ò†ivwcZ PvivÓ †Kvb custom ev
HwZn¨ bq eis Pviv †ivcb Kivi KvRwU GKwU HwZ‡n¨
07. (C) Water non count nIqvq GwU Plural bq ev Gi mv‡_
cwibZ n‡q‡Q| ZvB planting trees n‡e|
article (a, an) em‡Z cv‡i bv| wKš‘ article the em‡Z
cv‡i| 26. (A)
27. (D) Above board A_© n‡”Q Ôm‡›`nvZxZÕ ZvB (D)-B mwVK
08. (E) ‘Religion’ non count nIqvq Gi mv‡_ article e‡m
28. (B) Achilles heel Phrase wUi A_© Ô`ye©jZvÕ| myZivs mwVK
bv| attempts verb-wU singular n‡e|
DËi n‡e (B)
09. (D) Work GLv‡b non count Noun wn‡m‡e KvR Ki‡Q| 29. (A) ‘ing’ form of a noun Gi mv‡_ mvaviYZ article
(The) use Kiv hvq bv| wKš‘ hLb ing hy³ noun is
10. (B) GLv‡b business ej‡Z all business ‡K †evSv‡bv followed by a qualifying Phrase ZLb Gi mv‡_
n‡q‡Q| ‘The’ em‡Z cv‡i| D`vniYwU‡Z ‘of cities’ n‡”Q
qualifying Phrase.
11. (E) Job count noun nIqvq Gi mv‡_ article ev Gi 30. (A) That subject wUi †Kvb verb bv _vKvq that n‡e bv|
Plural n‡Z cv‡i| GQvovI on of the-Gi ci †h noun Av‡m Zv plural nq|
31. (A) ‘work’ uncountable noun e‡j Gi mv‡_ ‘s’ em‡Z
12. (C) advice non count noun cvi‡e bv|
32. (A) The.... of + mivmwi noun e‡m| †Kvb article hy³
13. (B) Permission ,, noun emv‡bv hvq bv|
33. (B) Preposition + noun
14. (D) News ,, 34. (C)
35. (B) k‡ãi †k‡l ‘tion’ _vK‡j noun nq|
15. (C) Damage ,, 36. (B) ‘corn’ uncountable noun| G‡K singular wn‡m‡e
express Ki‡Z ‘ear of corn’ ej‡Z nq|
37. (B) Singular indicator + Type/kind.

Plural indicator + types / kinds. †bq? c‡i Av‡Q how many money _______in
38. (B) ‘poetry’ uncountable noun e‡j Gi mv‡_ article education.
emv‡bv hvq bv| wKš—y ‘poem’ countable, so...... A_©vr, wK cwigvY UvKv wk¶vLv‡Z (wKQz GKUv Ab¨ ¯’v‡b
39. (A) ÔRvqMv †bBÕ A_© eySv‡Z ‘no room’-B e¨eüZ nq| n‡e); wk¶vLv‡Z wK nq? gv‡b wk¶vLv‡Z e¨q Kiv n‡e ev
40. (C) ‘Furniture’ uncountable noun e‡j Gi mv‡_ ‘s’ eivÏ †`qv n‡e BZ¨vw` ïb¨ ¯’v‡b n‡Z cv‡i|
em‡Z cv‡i bv| Answer choice ‡_‡K cvIqv hvq- government e¨q
41. (B) ‘Scenery’ uncountable noun. So, ‘s’ can not be Ki‡e| evK¨wU wKš—y cÖkœ‡evaK bq, ZvB (C) DËi n‡e bv|
added with it. (B)-Gi AskUzKz ïb¨¯’v‡b emv‡j ï× evK¨ n‡e| A_©vr
42. (B) ‘Couple’ singular. ‘Now’ _vK‡j present tense government wK cwigvY UvKv wk¶vLv‡Z e¨q Ki‡e Zv
nq| congress wm×vš— †`q| myZivs answer nj (B)|
43. (C) ‡`‡ki bv‡gi mv‡_ ‘s’ e‡m bv|
44. (A) c‡i ‘are’ plural verb _vKvq Shakespears n‡e| 60. (D) verb ‘increase’ Gi GKwU subject jvM‡e|
45. (A) Subject-Gi bv‡gi †k‡l ‘s’ _vK‡jI Giv singular
wn‡m‡e KvR K‡i| 61. (C) miKvix cwienb hvb¸‡jv wK ev Giv wK Ki‡Q Zv are-Gi
46. (C) ‘information’ uncountable noun nIqvq Gi mv‡_ c‡ii As‡k ejv nj| GLv‡b what-Gi ci (C)-Gi
many, few, article em‡Z cv‡i bv| evK¨vskUzKz emv‡j A_©c~Y© nq| †hgb- what many
47. (B) Photo is countable noun. So, many + plural ecologists have identified A_©vr, hv A‡bK cwi‡ek
Countable Noun. weÁvbx mbv³ K‡i‡Qb| (A), (B), (D) I (E)-Gi
evK¨vsk¸‡jv G‡jv‡g‡jv I A_©c~Y© bq e‡j Giv mwVK bq|
48. (B) Staff + plural verb
62. (C) Sentence wU‡Z †Kvb Subject I verb †bB| ZvB
49. (C) ‘Police’ is a collection of body. So, this is a Sentence-wU mwVK Kivi Rb¨ GKwU subject I verb
collective noun. cÖ‡qvRb|
50. (A) A-B best. myZivs (C)-B mwVK DËi|
51. (B) GLv‡b gap-Gi ci Av‡Q - migrate long
distances gv‡b `~ieZ©x ¯’v‡b migrate K‡i ev evm 63. (E) GLv‡b number-Gi c‡ii As‡k number m¤ú‡K© ejv
Ki‡Z hvq; Kviv evm K‡i? answer ‡_‡K †`Lv hvq Av‡Q hv Avgiv cÖkœ K‡i K‡i A_© D×vi Ki‡Z cvwi| †hgb-
birds migrate K‡i| GLv‡b hw` (C)-Gi birds wK‡mi msL¨v ev number ? Hispanic children-Gi; wK
that ewm‡q evK¨wU cov nq, Zvn‡j cvIqv hvq - ai‡Yi children (who was) enrolled in the New
Birds that ---- is well documented gv‡b York Public School System A_©vr- hviv New York
Public School System-G fwZ© n‡qwQ‡jv| GLv‡b who
cvwLiv hviv migrate n‡jv Zviv well
was Dn¨ Av‡Q| Standard evK¨ Gfv‡e Dn¨ †i‡LB wjLv
documented. K_vUv †eLvàv ai‡Yi| KviY, cvwLiv nq| KLb enroll n‡qwQ‡jv? in the year 2000 gv‡b
well documented bq; eis Zv‡`i migrate Kivi 2000 mv‡j| Gfv‡e †f‡½ †f‡½ †Póv Ki‡j ev‡K¨i A_©
e¨vcviwU nj well documented (I‡qj& WKz‡gb&‡UW& D×vi Kiv mnR nq Ges ev‡K¨i g~j Ask †Kvb&wU ZvI Rvbv
- Z_¨vw` Øviv hv cÖgvwYZ)| ZvQvov Birds is hvq|
well...... G ev‡K¨ is _vKv‡Z eySv hvq is-Gi evK¨wU c‡o eySv hvq GLv‡b ev‡K¨i g~j Ask nj- The
subject birds bq| Kv‡RB (C) ev`| (B)-Gi that number depends; Zvn‡j number wK‡mi Dci
birds em‡j A_© I grammar Dfqfv‡e ï× evK¨ depend ev wbf©i K‡i Zv answer choice-G †`qv
nq| gv‡b cvwLiv †h migrate K‡i GB e¨vcviwU nj Av‡Q| (E)-‡Z †`qv evK¨vskUzKz mwVK; Ab¨¸wj‡Z word-
¸wj‡Z G‡jv‡g‡jv fv‡e Av‡Q gv‡b will / continue Av‡M
‘that’ A_©vr that is well documented| myZivs P‡j Avm‡Q ev AwZwi³ kã †`qv Av‡Q hv Øviv A_©‡evaK
answer nj (B)| evK¨ nq bv| (E)-Gi AskUzKz nj- Whether the
52. (B) Passive voice-G GKwU ‘by’ jv‡M| immigration rate will continue A_©vr
53. (C) ‘work’ uncountable noun. Z‡e work w`‡q †Kvb immigration-Gi nvi Ae¨vnZ ev Pvjy _vK‡e wKbv Zvi
wkwíi mvwnZ¨ Kg©‡K †evSv‡j Gi mv‡_ ‘s’ ‡hvM n‡Z cv‡i| Dci depend K‡i| myZivs answer nj (E)|
54. (D) ‘Bread’ is uncountable noun.
64. (A) sentence Gi ïi“‡Z †h clause nq †m clause-wU
55. (B) ‘Work’ is uncountable noun. So, we can’t add noun clause nq| GB clause-wU‡Z already GKwU
‘s’ with it.
clause marker ‘what’ I verb ‘look’ _vKvq ïay
56. (B) GKwU noun jvM‡e|
GKwU Subject jvM‡e|
57. (C) ev‡K¨i subject memgq noun nq|
58. (A) ‘Clergy’ (hvRK m¤cÖ`vq) is a plural noun. Avi
65. (D) evK¨wUi cy‡ivUv GKevi c‡o wb‡j eySv hv‡e GwUi g~j
†h‡nZz line-wU w`‡q past-‡K indicate Ki‡Q ZvB A-B
mwVK answer. Ask nj- The portion is called the treeline
59. (B) GLv‡b, congress-Gi ci `ywU Kgvi gv‡Si Ask w`‡q A_©vr portion ev Ask‡K treeline ejv nq| Zvn‡j
congress m¤ú‡K© AwZwi³ wKQz ejv n‡q‡Q| g~j evK¨ nj- wK‡mi portion? of a mountain gv‡b ce©‡Zi|
congress decides..... Zvn‡j congress wK wm×vš— †mLv‡b wK nq Zv k~b¨¯’v‡bi c‡i Av‡Q- trees will
no longer grow A_©vr, trees ev MvQ Avi Rb¥v‡e

bv| GK‡Î cy‡iv evK¨wU nj- †Kvb ce©‡Zi †h Ask ev
portion ‡hLv‡b MvQ Avi Rb¥v‡e bv Zv‡K treeline
ejv nq| Zvn‡j k~b¨¯’v‡b n‡e (D)-Gi where,
‡hgb- The portion of a mountain where
trees ---- Zvi gv‡b ¯’v‡bi Rb¨ where e¨eüZ nj|
 answer nj (D)|

66. (B) Sentence wUi †k‡l questions mark (?) _vKvq

Sentence wUI question order- G n‡e| ev‡K¨i evKx
Ask co‡j eySv hvq GLv‡b mgq msµvš— wKQz ejv †bB e‡j
when hy³ evK¨vsk Ab¨¯’v‡b em‡e bv|

67. (D) Subject People Gi verb jvM‡e|  mwVK DËi (D)

68. (B) cÖ‡kœi cy‡iv evK¨wU gb w`‡q co‡j eySv hvq ev‡K¨i
g~j Ask nj- Blind fish have neither eyes
nor ear; GLv‡b fish-Gi c‡ii Ask Øviv fish
m¤ú‡K© AwZwi³ Z_¨ †`qv n‡q‡Q| gv‡b blind fish
Zv‡`i cy‡iv Rxeb ¸nvq KvwU‡q †`q; GwU me mg‡qi
Rb¨ mZ¨ Z_¨ e‡j (C), (D) I (E) n‡e bv| ev‡K¨
have _vKv‡Z eySv hvq fish GLv‡b plural, Kv‡RB
answer n‡e (B)|

69. (D) ïaygvÎ (C) I (D)-†Z Subject + verb i‡q‡Q|

70. (E) ‘what’ is used to ask about things and ‘who’ is

used to ask people. Avi wØZxqZ subordinate
clause wU KL‡bv question order- G nqbv|  mwVK
DËi (E)

71. (E) k~Y¨¯’v‡b (E) emv‡j Sentence wU A_©c~Y© nq †hLv‡b

Subject, verb `y‡Uv-B Av‡Q|

72. (E) GwU A‡b‡KB fyj Ki‡e play a major role (GKwU cÖavb
f~wgKv cvjb Ki‡e) †_‡K †evSv hv‡”Q †h, ‘Play’ main
verb wUi GKwU Subject jvM‡e| G‡¶‡Î GKgvÎ (E)-B
Lvc Lvq| Kgv w`‡q D³ relation m¤ú‡K© wKQz ejv n‡q‡Q|
 mwVK DËi (E)

73. (C) `yB Kgvi gvSLv‡bi Ask w`‡q Gauhar Jamil m¤ú‡K©
wKQz AwZwi³ Z_¨ †`qv n‡q‡Q| Answer choice ‡_‡K
†`Lv hvq, Kgvi ga¨eZ©x As‡ki A_© n‡e- wZwb wQ‡jb
modern dance-Gi AMÖ`~‡Zi g‡a¨ GKRb| Zvn‡j
ïb¨¯’v‡b who was one A_ev ïay one emv‡j evK¨
A_©c~Y© I mwVK n‡e| A_©vr, †Kvb e¨w³ m¤ú‡K© AwZwi³
Z_¨ w`‡Z PvB‡j Gfv‡e Kgvi ci who was Ges e¯—y n‡j
which was emv‡bv hvq|

74. (E) GwUI †ek mnR! ‘They’ subject Gi ci GKwU verb


75. (E) Sentence-wU‡Z †Kvb fyj †bB|


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