Question Bank BHR

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Answer in one or two sentences. Each question carries 1 mark. Answer all questions.

2. Amnesty International
3. 10th December
5. Magna Carta
6. Mandamus
7. Child labour
8. Civil War
9. Bill of Rights
10. Article 21 A

Answer in a paragraph.

1. Define right to development and shelter.

2. What do you mean by gender justice?
3. What do you mean by Habeas Corpus?
4. Explain Certiorari.
5. Role of UN in the protection of human rights.
6. Examine the role of media in protecting human rights?
7. Explain child labour as a human right violation?
8. Explain the significance of fundamental rights in India?
9. Environmental issues in Kerala - Explain?
10. Explain human rights with the support of Indian Constitution.
11. Write a short note on National Human Rights Commission.
12. Explain the significance of UDHR?

Short essay questions. (Do not exceed 120 words). Each question carries 4 marks

1. Explain the human rights issues of Dalits and Adivasis in India.

2. Explain the National Human Right Commission and how it protect the Children’s rights?
3. What are the major human rights issues in Kerala?
4. Explain the protection and enforcement agencies of human rights in India.
5. How civil war and terrorism affects the human rights?
6. Define ‘right to development and shelter’ with regard to dalits and adivasis.
7. Which are the different forms of ‘domestic violence’?
8. Write a note on the ‘Right to Peace’.
9. Write a note on the fundamental duties in India.

Essay questions. Q uestion for 15 marks.

1. Write a note on the different ways in which police violate the human rights in a
democratic society.
2. Explain the Directive Principles of State Policy in Indian Constitution.
3. Explain the Fundamental Rights under Indian Constitution.
4. Explain the powers and functions of National Human rights Commission.

Answer in short

1. Define Human Rights.

2. In what different ways are human rights referred to?
3. Why is it said that human rights are dynamic?
4. How does human right limit the state powers?
5. State the ultimate goal of human beings?
6. Signify the importance of U.N.Charter of 1945.
7. State the Natural Right according to Thomas Hobbes.
8. Bring out the importance of Rousseau’s theory of Natural Right
9. What care did the drafters of Indian constitution take?
10. What is the Magna Charta also known as?
11. How is the American Declaration of Independence, 1776
12. State the importance of the French Declaration of the Rights of
Man and of the Citizen, 1789.
13. What is the importance of the UN Charter, 1945?
14. Name the two covenants adopted by the U.N. General
15. Name the three generations of human rights.
16. What is meant by civil and political rights.
17. Bring out the meaning of development oriented right.
18. Differentiate between rights of citizens and for all persons.
19. State the specified Fundamental Right.
20. What is meant by Right to Effective Remedies?
21. In which article of ICCPR and UDHR, does Freedom of
conscience and religion find mention?
22. What is meant by the Covenant on Civil and Political Right
23. State the meaning to Right to privacy and how it is unspecified
Fundamental right.
24. Do prisoners have right to be treated with humanity
25. What is the importance of Right to Information?
26. What are reservations also known as?
27. State the different declaration with regard to the Covenant on
Civil and Political Right
28. What are N GO’S?
29. What the NGO' s can do for people?
30. What are the problems faced by NGO' s?
31. Explain the role of PUCL in the protection of Human Rights.
32. What the PUDR is doing for the protection of Human Rights?
33. What was the main purpose behind starting the Chipko movement?
34. Explain the meaning of the term Chipko.
35. State the Human Rights that are protected by the Chipko movement.
36. What was the purpose behind the Sardar Sarovar project?
37. Why the NBA was started by Medha Patkar?
38. How the NBA is protecting the Human Rights? Give Example.
39. Explain the work of the protection of Human Rights by ILHR.
40. How the AI is protecting the Human Rights?
41. Describe in brief the work of HRW.

Answer in detail

1. Define the term human rights. Bring out any six characteristics
of human rights.
2. Who were the propagators of natural rights theory? What did
they state in their theories?
3. State in detail the landmarks in the development of human
4. Explain the theory of three generations of human rights.
5. Discuss in detail the different bases of classifying rights.
6. Why rights embodied in Part III of the Constitution, are called
Fundamental Rights?
7. Define Fundamental Rights. State the six major rights as
guaranteed by the Indian Constitution.
8. How is Freedom of Speech and expression guaranteed by the
Indian Constitution?
9. Analyze and discuss the Fundamental Rights relating to
Freedom of Religion.
10. Describe and illustrate any three unspecified fundamental rights
that are included in the Covenant on Civil and Political Rights.
11. Write short notes on
a. Right against exploitation.
b. Right to Information
c. Emergency provisions in the Indian Constitution and those
in the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights.
12. Do you agree that all Fundamental Rights are protective? Give
reason for your answer.
13. State how the courts have tried to strike a balance between
fundamental rights and Directive Principles.
14. Give three examples of implementation of Directive Principles.
15. State how the Fundamental Rights and unenumerated rights
are protective.
16. State the Constitutional provisions made for the protection of
17. Enumerate the rights made by the Constitution for the
protection of children.
18. State the protective rights made for the Scheduled Castes and
Scheduled Tribes.
19. Describe the powers and functions of National Human Rights
20. Briefly discuss the functions and powers of the State Human Rights Commission in the state.
21. Briefly examine the powers and functions of the National Commission for Scheduled Castes.
22. Write detailed note on the National Commission of Scheduled Tribes.
23. Why do NGO' s serve people better than the government?
24. What are the main functions performed by NGO' s? State the problems faced by them.
25. Why NGO' s are described as the eyes and ears of people.
26. Describe briefly the problems faced by NGO' s.
27. How the PUCL has been protecting the Human Rights of Indians?
28. The Chipko movement that began as agitation for protecting the environment has turned in to
the Human Rights Protection movement. Explain with examples.
29. The Narmada Bachao Andolan is actively working for the protection of the Environment and
Human Rights Illustrate.
30. Explain briefly some prominent NGO' s in India in the protection of Human Rights.
31. Briefly describe the role of some international NGO' s in the protection of Human Rights.Briefly
review the role of the National Commission for Women.

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