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Submitted in partial fulfilment of the Requirements for

the award of degree of

Bachelor of Technology in Computer Science

Software Requirements Specification (SRS)

Community Recycling Program

SUBMITTED TO :- Mr. Manjinder Singh


Name of the Student: Rama Kumari

Registration Number: 12317024


The successful completion of this Software Requirements Specification (SRS) for the Community
Recycling Program would not have been possible without the invaluable support and contributions of
several individuals and resources.

I would like to express my sincere gratitude to Mr. Manjinder Singh , Thank you for your guidance,
feedback, and encouragement throughout the development of this SRS. Your insights and expertise
were instrumental in shaping this document.

The information and data provided by the resources were essential in understanding the technical
aspects and best practices for developing a community recycling program application.

Finally, I would like to acknowledge my own dedication and commitment to this project. The
research, analysis, and writing involved in creating this SRS have been a valuable learning

Thank You


Registration No. :- 12317024

Date :- 25/03/2024
Table of Contents

1. Introduction

2. Purpose

3. Scope

4. Definitions, Acronyms, and Abbreviations

5. Functional Requirements

5.1 User Management

5.2 Recycling Pickup

5.3 Recycling Tracking

5.4 Educational Resources


6. Non-functional Requirements

6.1 Security

6.2 Scalability

6.3 Performance

6.4 Accessibility

6.5 Compatibility

7. Constraints

8. Glossary

9. References
1. Introduction
The Community Recycling Program Software aims to facilitate the management of recycling

activities within a community. It provides a platform for users to participate in recycling efforts, track

their contributions, and coordinate with local authorities or organizations involved in recycling


2. Purpose

The purpose of this software is to streamline and enhance community recycling efforts by providing a

centralized platform for residents, waste management authorities, and recycling organizations to

collaborate effectively. It aims to increase recycling rates, reduce waste sent to landfills, and promote

environmental sustainability.

3. Scope

The software will include features for :-

• User registration and profile management.

• Reporting/recording recycling activities.

• Tracking individual and community-wide recycling statistics.

• Providing educational resources on recycling practices.

• Facilitating communication between users and recycling organizations.

• Integration with existing waste management systems where applicable.

4.Definitions, Acronyms, and Abbreviations:

• DFD: Data Flow Diagram

• GUI: Graphical User Interface

• API: Application Programming Interface

• SRS: Software Requirements Specification

5. Functional Requirements

5.1 User Management

User Registration: Users can register with the system by providing necessary details.

User Authentication: Secure login mechanism for registered users.

Profile Management: Users can edit their profiles, update preferences, and view their

recycling history.

5.2 Recycling Activities

Recording Recycling Activities: Users can record details of their recycling activities,

including types and quantities of materials recycled.

Submission Validation: Ensure submitted recycling activities meet specified criteria (e.g.,

acceptable materials, valid quantities).

Location Tracking: Optionally, allow users to provide their location or link to recycling


5.3 Statistics and Reporting

Individual Statistics: Display users' recycling statistics, including total materials recycled and

environmental impact.

Community-wide Statistics: Aggregate data to provide insights into community-wide

recycling trends and achievements.

Custom Reporting: Generate reports based on specified parameters (e.g., time period, material


5.4 Educational Resources

Information Hub: Provide educational materials on recycling best practices, environmental

impact, and waste reduction.

Tips and Guides: Offer practical tips and guides to encourage sustainable living and recycling


5.5 Communication

Messaging System: Enable users to communicate with each other and with recycling


Announcements: Allow administrators to broadcast announcements or updates relevant to the

community recycling program.

5.6 Integration

Integration with Waste Management Systems: Where applicable, integrate with existing waste

management systems to streamline data exchange and coordination.

6. Non-functional Requirements

6.1 Security

Ensure data security and user privacy through robust encryption and access controls.

6.2 Scalability

The system should be scalable to accommodate increasing numbers of users and data volume.

6.3 Performance

Maintain optimal performance even during peak usage periods.

6.4 Accessibility
Design the interface to be accessible to users with disabilities, adhering to accessibility


6.5 Compatibility

Ensure compatibility with modern web browsers and mobile devices.

7. Constraints

Budget Constraints: Develop within allocated budgetary constraints.

Time Constraints: Adhere to project timelines for development, testing, and deployment.

Regulatory Compliance: Ensure compliance with relevant regulations and standards governing waste

management and data privacy.

8. Glossary

Recycling: The process of converting waste materials into reusable materials to prevent waste


Waste Management Authority: Local government or organization responsible for managing waste

collection and disposal.

Recycling Organization: Non-profit or private organization involved in recycling activities and


Environmental Impact: The effect of human activity on the environment, including factors such as

resource depletion and pollution.

9. References

• Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)

• United Nations Sustainable Development Goals

• Waste Management and Recycling Regulations

This Software Requirements Specification (SRS) outlines the functional and non-functional

requirements for the development of the Community Recycling Program Software. It serves as a

foundation for the design, development, and implementation phases of the project, ensuring

alignment with stakeholder expectations and project objectives.


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