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Gardner’s Multiple Intelligences

 Watch these
Howard Gardner's discussion on Multiple Intelligences
Howard Gardner
TED's talk-Howard Gardner Speech

Analysis: Based on the talk of Dr. Gardner, what is the theory of multiple
intelligences? (20 points)


Implication. What are the implications of the theory of MI on education? (20 points)

-When it comes to education Multiple intelligence can be used by the teachers to

have a convenient way of teaching or their guide on the strategies they will
implement to make their teaching effective and fun by linking it with the different
multiple intelligences of the learners. Also, this helps the teachers to create a
classroom that is productive for learners to simulate objects which will help in
enriching their multiple intelligences. Plus, through MI teachers can able to provide
activities that are related to learners' MI, determine learning materials, and tools to
convey their lessons in line with learners' preferences and MI. For example, for
learners to develop their intelligence in music the teacher should make use of
television, radio, or tapes to let the learners listen or watch music or he may take
them to the musical theater so that learners can able to strengthen their musical
intelligence through the application, experience, and observation onsite. For
science, teachers may use laboratories, books, and experiments to conduct
learning. Through MI teachers can able to know the approach they will employ in

Additionally, Multiple Intelligence, Educational claims that teaching-learning, and

assessing students should be individualized as much as possible to cultivate the
intelligence of a child. This can be done through tutorials, and at present, we can
use youtube and other websites for individualized learning. However, in the
classroom teachers use pluralize teaching because learners are multiple hence, -
the presentation of lessons must be done in several ways to cover the diverse
intelligence of learners.

Moreover, through MI teachers will know how to assess the learners not only in
writing but also through applications. As Gardner said,
Create environments where you can watch individuals make use of their
intelligence, through this teachers would know the intelligence their learners have
as well as learners would also be aware of the aspects they are good at.

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