Staying Fresh

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[21:16] *** now talking in #tonysteward's-show

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[21:16] *** channel created at Tue Oct 21 21:08:12 2008
[21:16] <+joelhwilliams> first time here
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[21:16] *** Ustream-Bot sets channel #tonysteward's-show mode +ntCTG
[21:17] <+mbstockdale> uhhhhh
[21:17] <+dmclives> i did rest on saturday. I went dark 1/2 of the day on the
laptop and no cell use really happened.
[21:17] <+SimplyAubs> weeeellll...
[21:17] <+mbstockdale> i haven't had a day off yet...
[21:17] <+TxTurbo_web> Didn't get one this week.. =/
[21:17] <+SimplyAubs> yeah
[21:17] <+mbstockdale> am taking 4 days off this week tho
[21:17] <+dsingletary911> first timer, I work for a fire dept so I would have to
keep cell on, otherwise pretty dark
[21:17] <+romanstwelveone> I am trying to plan a technology fast
[21:17] *** [1]TxTurbo changed nick to TxTurbo
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[21:17] <+romanstwelveone> havent found a day yet... ironic
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[21:18] <+mbstockdale> haha
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[21:21] <+TxTurbo> Sure thing
[21:21] *** ustreamer-94935 ( joined
[21:22] <+TxTurbo>
[21:23] <+dmclives> bible study
[21:23] <+TxTurbo> (I'm a bit slow tonight =p)
[21:23] <+mbstockdale> sing, pray,study
[21:23] <+romanstwelveone> haha I try to give myself in tangible ways
[21:23] <ustreamer-94935> doing sound for worship
[21:23] <+SimplyAubs> study, play guitar/sing
[21:23] <+RadicalBender> The relationship I have with my wife and child.
[21:23] *** ustreamer-73006 (ustreamer-@dev- joined
[21:23] <+dsingletary911> with family at thier church
[21:24] <+TxTurbo> Praying every morning for God's direction with my father.
[21:24] <+dmclives> doing things liike this
[21:24] <+joelhwilliams> I'm finding praise songs to be an important part to me -
I never realized how much I sing (not quality, but quantity)
[21:25] <+romanstwelveone> good choices
[21:25] <+dmclives> totally agree
[21:25] <+romanstwelveone> try being the worship leader
[21:26] <+romanstwelveone> yep
[21:26] <+SimplyAubs> yeah
[21:26] <+mbstockdale> so true
[21:26] <+dsingletary911> yep, been there
[21:26] <ustreamer-94935> i agree
[21:26] <+RadicalBender> yeah
[21:27] *** ustreamer-46231 (
[21:28] <@tonysteward> Psalm 95:4; Col. 4:16; John 4:24
[21:29] <+mbstockdale> always different
[21:29] <+SimplyAubs> all throughout the day..
[21:29] <+romanstwelveone> same
[21:30] <+SimplyAubs> trying to become more focused in that
[21:30] <+romanstwelveone> although I could be better about intentional prayer
[21:30] <+mbstockdale> sometimes quietly, sometimes around lots of people
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[21:30] <+dmclives> i'll start with reading a chapter in the bible and then just
talk to God about what's going on and what he wants, what he wants
[21:31] <ustreamer-94935> driving to class in the mornings, just have a
conversation with God and get to know Him better
[21:31] <+mbstockdale> agree audible is better, but need privacy to do that
[21:31] <+dmclives> me too. especially praying specific scriptures
[21:33] <+dmclives> It also grows your faith in his word and promises
[21:34] <+TxTurbo>
[21:36] <@tonysteward> Matthew 16:13-20 - we don't have to push it, we can just
love and serve and God will put us whre he wants
[21:36] <@tonysteward> us
[21:37] <+TxTurbo> 2 Chronicles 14:11 (
reminds me when I'm up against something that seems insurmountable, that God will
be there and promises to get me though it.
[21:37] <ustreamer-46231> i agree
[21:38] <+dmclives> john 15:5-8 I have really been impressed by this scripture to
realign my thought process about who my REAL source is. Apart from Him I can do
nothig but with Him everything I need is already taken care of.
[21:38] <+mbstockdale> can't find the exact passage but "He who fears the Lord has
a secure fortress, and for his children it will be a refuge.".
[21:38] <+TxTurbo> If we're in the center of God's will, then those who come
against us come agaist Him..
[21:39] <+RadicalBender> Starting at James 2:14, - having faith is great, but it doesn't
excuse you from the work.
[21:39] <+mbstockdale> I am reminded that I have a safe place in God and my kids
will have a safe place also. Much needed for them right now
[21:39] <+RadicalBender> You can believe that God will provide all you want, but
if you don't take the step to follow, it means nothing.
[21:39] <+SimplyAubs> 2 Thessalonians 3:13
[21:40] <+SimplyAubs> "Do not grow weary in doing good."
[21:40] <ustreamer-46231> any thing from james
[21:40] <+romanstwelveone> its complex but I am often encouraged by 1 corithians
14 which basicly tells us if we act as believers are supposed to act then
unbelievers will be convicted and will fall down on his face and worship God
[21:40] <ustreamer-46231> yes
[21:40] <+TxTurbo> Yes
[21:41] <+romanstwelveone> yes
[21:41] <+dmclives> yeah
[21:41] <+romanstwelveone> fo sho
[21:42] <+TxTurbo>
[21:42] <+mbstockdale> read, reflect and pray
[21:43] <+SimplyAubs> word searches
[21:43] <+mbstockdale> read a chapter, then focus on one verse
[21:43] <+SimplyAubs> word studies
[21:43] <+dsingletary911> Read, Think, Pray, Live - found this system in The
[21:43] *** ustreamer-89887 ( joined
[21:43] <+mbstockdale> not a writer :- )
[21:43] <+romanstwelveone> I often look for scripture that speaks to the moment I
am in
[21:43] <+dsingletary911> also using the Life Application Study Bible
[21:44] <+SimplyAubs> right...go to the Greek and Hebrew...find deeper meaning
[21:44] <+TxTurbo> Read, Recieve, Share. If I write something down, I'll never
look at it again. =/
[21:44] *** ustreamer-89887 quit (Client exited)
[21:44] <+SimplyAubs> lol
[21:44] <+dsingletary911> wow
[21:44] <+romanstwelveone> LOL
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[21:44] <ustreamer-46231> me too
[21:45] *** dmclives quit (Ping timeout)
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[21:45] *** sets channel #tonysteward's-show mode +v dmclives
[21:45] <ustreamer-46231> do you journal on paper or on the computer
[21:46] <+TxTurbo> O.O And he calls himself a nerd... =p
[21:46] <+romanstwelveone> and its easier to get rid of the evidence
[21:46] <ustreamer-46231> i use evernote
[21:47] <+romanstwelveone> nice tip
[21:47] <+romanstwelveone> what the title?
[21:47] <+TxTurbo>
[21:47] <ustreamer-46231>
[21:48] <+romanstwelveone> geeze no wonder your name is turbo
[21:48] <+joelhwilliams>
[21:48] <+TxTurbo> ;)
[21:48] <+TxTurbo> lol!
[21:49] <+TxTurbo>
[21:50] <+TxTurbo> QFT "But do this with gentleness and respect" aka, don't get
[21:50] <+TxTurbo> Rick
[21:51] <+mbstockdale> Karen
[21:51] <@tonysteward> John
[21:51] <+sully_michael> Charlie
[21:51] <+SimplyAubs> Andrea
[21:51] <+romanstwelveone> Joe
[21:51] <+RadicalBender> Erin & Jay
[21:51] <+dsingletary911> Matt
[21:51] <+dmclives> johnny
[21:51] <+joelhwilliams> tom
[21:51] <+dmclives> renee
[21:51] <ustreamer-46231> conor
[21:51] <ustreamer-94935> sue and ed
[21:51] <+romanstwelveone> Cassidy
[21:52] <+romanstwelveone> dont be the bullhorn guy
[21:53] <+TxTurbo>
[21:53] <ustreamer-46231> great book
[21:53] <+TxTurbo>
[21:54] <+RadicalBender> I love that verse.
[21:54] <+TxTurbo>
[21:55] <+romanstwelveone> I had a chance to go to Thailand this past year
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[21:55] <+TxTurbo> It's helped me see my employees and people, not workers.. as
someone of value, important. Worth investing time, money and effort on.
[21:55] <+TxTurbo> are*
[21:55] <+romanstwelveone> two weeks but the best work we did was to make
ourselves available on the streets with no real plans for the day
[21:56] <+romanstwelveone> we met so many people swho just needed to know who God
[21:56] <+rdnk6383> some we make things to hard
[21:56] <+joelhwilliams> I always pursued service opportunities where I felt
"prepared" (did construction projects because I grew up doing construction) but my
best experience was in Pascagoula after Katrina when I was totally unprepared to
help one family, but the dr. & nurse on our "construction" team who came with no
[21:56] <+rdnk6383> the gospel is simple
[21:56] <+romanstwelveone> yeah but more how God could use me in ways I could not
have ever imagined
[21:57] <+joelhwilliams> expectation of being experienced/equiped to help with the
construction were the ones needed to consult her on degenerative illness
[21:58] <+romanstwelveone> I love that flick
[21:59] <+joelhwilliams> jackson
[21:59] <+RadicalBender> Jackson
[21:59] <+joelhwilliams>
[22:00] <+mbstockdale> had a great discussion on this chapter from 'it' with staff
[22:00] <+sully_michael> Mark Batterson’s Wild Goose Chase has helped me with
this lately
[22:01] <+romanstwelveone> congrats!
[22:01] <+mbstockdale> risk makes you focus
[22:02] <+romanstwelveone> thats good mb
[22:02] <+SimplyAubs> it gets us out of our comfort zong...big time
[22:02] <+SimplyAubs> *zone
[22:02] <+joelhwilliams> risk teaches us how to keep "failure" in true perspective
[22:02] <+SimplyAubs> yeah....
[22:02] <+dmclives> sure. does I just started a consuling firm and am having to
trust totally in God. I can't do this w/out Him. So I gotta stay before him...
[22:02] <+TxTurbo> Recently I was forced to take on the role of salesman. I can't
stand most salesman... but God's been teaching me some incredible things through
the process.
[22:03] <+SimplyAubs> I just changed churchs
[22:03] <+mbstockdale> if you aren't risking, you aren't coming close to what God
can do thru you
[22:03] <+romanstwelveone> you can loose a lot
[22:03] <+SimplyAubs> it's been a hard road...but rewarding
[22:04] <+mbstockdale> its hard to change churches - my heart goes out to you
[22:04] <+SimplyAubs> thanks
[22:06] <+joelhwilliams> expand perspective through bible study - sad to say but
that needs attention.
[22:08] <+mbstockdale> thanks for the reminder to re-energize
[22:08] <+TxTurbo> Praise you Lord for the challenges my family and I are going
[22:08] <+dmclives> thank you for today and for your love towards us
[22:08] <+romanstwelveone> pray for direction in ministry
[22:09] <+dmclives> thanks for never giving up on us
[22:09] <+rdnk6383> pray for focus
[22:09] <+SimplyAubs> thanks that Your mercies are new every morning
[22:09] <+mbstockdale> thank you for this comunity of believers
[22:09] <+dmclives> never turning your back'
[22:09] <+RadicalBender> Thank you for brnging my family through hard times.
[22:09] <+romanstwelveone> thank you for mb for bringing me here
[22:09] <+dmclives> thank you for our kids and the gift they are to us
[22:10] <+dsingletary911> thank you for keeping my family healthy and getting us
through Hurricane Ike safely
[22:10] <+mbstockdale> every blessing you pour out i'll turn back to praise
[22:10] <+SimplyAubs> thanks for the job I have...even though I don't know why I'm
[22:10] <+mbstockdale> thank you for my son returning home and seeking you
[22:10] <@tonysteward> thank you for your peace
[22:11] <ustreamer-94935> thank you for always being there, no matter what
[22:11] <+dmclives> Father you are the vine and we are the branches. help us to
stay in you and let your words find a home in us so that we bear much fruit to
your glory
[22:11] <+TxTurbo> Help me determine the area I need to focus on most this week..
[22:11] <+SimplyAubs> help me to let go of control and take risks in You
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[22:12] <+mbstockdale> same as TxTurbo
[22:12] <@tonysteward> help me to challenge myself to witness and share my faith
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[22:13] <+dmclives> Give me thr strength and courage to take risks and share my
[22:13] <@tonysteward> father, I pray that you would open John's heart, that you
would help him to see the freedom and hope that is in you.
[22:14] <+TxTurbo> Lord, you know that Rick is seeking you.. get me over my fear..
show me how to present Your grace to him this week.
[22:14] <+mbstockdale> Season my words w/gentleness and respect
[22:14] <+dmclives> help us to lift you up before johnny and renee so that you can
draw them to you
[22:15] <ustreamer-94935> father pleae give me the opportunity to share your truth
this weekend to sue and ed. you are the only way
[22:16] <@tonysteward> Amen
[22:16] <+dmclives> amen
[22:16] <+SimplyAubs> amen
[22:16] <+romanstwelveone> Amen
[22:16] <+mbstockdale> amen
[22:16] <+TxTurbo> amen
[22:16] <ustreamer-94935> amen
[22:16] <+rdnk6383> amen
[22:17] <+joelhwilliams> amen
[22:17] <+dsingletary911> amen
[22:17] <+mbstockdale> thanks tony!
[22:17] <+dmclives> amen again
[22:17] <+SimplyAubs> thanks!
[22:17] <+romanstwelveone> thanks Tony
[22:17] <+dsingletary911> and goodnight to all
[22:17] <+dmclives> this so rocks!
[22:17] <+romanstwelveone> I was skeptical but this was (to borrow a word from the
80's) RAD!
[22:17] <+joelhwilliams> thanks guys - need to shut the office down & head home.
[22:18] <+mbstockdale> bye joel
[22:18] <+TxTurbo> Thank you Tony! =D
[22:18] <+romanstwelveone> no it was awesome seriously
[22:18] *** joelhwilliams quit (Client exited)
[22:18] <+dmclives> night all
[22:18] *** dsingletary911 quit (Client exited)
[22:18] <+mbstockdale> toodles
[22:18] <+dmclives> I like ustream better
[22:18] <+romanstwelveone> peace
[22:18] *** ustreamer-94935 quit (Client exited)
[22:18] <+rdnk6383> same time next week
[22:19] <+rdnk6383> i guess all is welcome
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[22:19] <@tonysteward>
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