LVL Span Guide

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4 ENGINEERED WOOD PRODUCTS a SG GartertiottHarvey The natural solution for you. Woodproducts Australia aN solutions range Contents General Terminology Beaters Floor! Lintets Rafters, Ceiling ost Hanging Beams Underpurtns Strtting Beams Verandah Beams Garage Roof itching Beams Common Installation Details Notches, cuts and holes in beams, beare 2 8 16 7 8 20 2 2 2 Engineered to perform hySPAN Structural LVL is engineered for reliable performance and is available in tw complementary ranges. hySPAN and hySPANs are easy to work ith using traditional building tools and are clearly branded for easy identification and your guarantee of quality. ‘+ hySPAN is the product you've know two decades n and trusted for over ‘*hySPANs offers an alternative to F17 hardwood beams in traditional sizes ¢ H2-S TERMINATOR® - co: effective termite protection with 25 year guarantee* for peace of mind * Available FSC ‘Chain of Custody’ certified upon request * Fully supported by CHH Woodproducts technical expertise Design Criteria and Loading ‘The spans given in these tables have been developed by experienced timber design engineers in accordance with AS1684,1:1999 and include the most up to date loading combinations from AS1170.0-1:2002 and AS1170,2:2011, Floor loading applied includes an allowance for: ‘+ Floor mass not exceeding 40 kg/m? + Live load of up to 1.5 KPa/1.8 KN, for use in domestic houses. For other situations, such as decks, balconies, tiled areas and apartment floors, our free design!T® software should be used for specification where alternate loading conditions may be applied. Wind Loading, ‘+ NB design wind classification used Unless noted otherwise For design wind classification Né or greater and cyclonic wind regions design should be used for member sizing Member Specification In selecting an appropriate beam size, specifiers should also consider the applicability of design deflection limits for the beams intended use, Installation The hySPAN range specified within this brochure can be installed in accordance with traditionally recognised framing practice as described in AS1684 and other installation details contained and referenced within this brochure, More online. Download technical For on-site, technical and product support, including assistance in sizing freecall #1800 808 131 For specific support and tie-down calculation, refer AS1684 or consult designIT where reactions are provided for all members for specification with typical connection details in AS1684 and other proprietary fastening systems. Sub Floor Applications Under normal conditions where adequate ventilation and clearance are provided, FhySPAN may be safely used for sub-foor applications without the likeinood of decay Durability hhySPAN is not suitable for weather ‘exposed applications unless suitably preservative treated. For guidance on treatment requirements please consult Carter Holt Harvey's brochure, ‘Use ‘of hySPAN and hyJOIST for weather exposed applications’ along with useful Industry reference manuals such as AS1684.2-2010 Appendix B and the FWPATimber service life design guide. designiT Software For optimised design using the full range of hySPAN sizes, our designIT software can be downloaded from: worn. design@ erature and free designIT software at > ENGINEERED WOOD PRODUCTS Terminology Span Spacing Forthe purpase of using these tables, a) The beam isnot natched or partially Tables, such as those for afters, span may be interpreted as the clear cut through at internal support floor joists and ceiling joists require sistance between supports measured points ang, the spacing of members to be known along the beam. Single Span Beams are) Ifthe spans arenot equal, the largest selected inorder to obtain the ‘beams supported at two points only span isnot greaterthat twice the Yequired size fora given span. Spacing Continuous Span Beams are beams Smallest acjacent span. should be interpreted as the centre supported at three or more points along : to centre distance between adjacent thereat loweveifether othe above contlons Fae members ‘Continuous span values given in the tables forthe purpose of obtaining tables should only be used where: the appropriate size. vey my janis sri CONTINUOUS SPAN BEAM Load Widths Roof load width (RLW) and Floor load width (FLW) can be determined from AS1684, or from the images below. DETERMINATION OF FLOOR LOAD WIDTH seaner | moor Loxo woTW re ‘ 5 < DETERMINATION OF ROOF LOAD OTH oF os o vee seat sone ™ T cowvenTionat ROOF counten, sTUTTED ROE caTHeoRAL RooF russeD R00 wt weet om awe be zm These diagrams may also be used to vont Uetemine ot oad mth or Forts convennieuat root vena Springing ans COUPLED, UNSTRUTTED RIDGE CATHEDRAL ROOF in lower storey load bearing walls. For erste technical are product suppor inching assistance in sting freecall 321800 808)131 aN solutions range Bearers Supporting Floor Loads only Table 1 wySPaN FOR LOAD WITH FAW Go Soo. G2 4s ae ko? | tS om) ‘MAXIMUM SINGLE SPAN) ‘MAXIMUM CONTINUOUS SPAN Gm) vox | ig ie 1 43 ai a0 | a2 49 8 6 45 a2 pore 1916 Swett | 20a rious 2186s tt |stats amoxss*| 25 22201868 S| 2258 ox | 26 2220021945328 aimoxast| 292523 |S 220 sox 29026 023k | 632292 asox7s | a: 270025230 kw woxe | 33 2926 2h 2239938 yoxs | 38 34 31292523 | DS rmoxest| 4s 4 13888 | SAS a moxes | 44 4603.7, Bvn gooxss | 514743238 | 695A SA iam an goox7s | 53 49454399 Tw | 6957 55am) aan 360xs) | 59 53 507m | 696? Sun ‘Shaded rows refer to hySPANs. All ather sections are hySPAN, ‘Size builtup by vertical nail tamination ~ refer Detail 3 (page 25) ‘See design! for spans and bearings. Minimum besring= 50 mm at end supports and 100 mm at internal supports for continuous span members unless noted otherwise as SPANSosna K BEARER SUPPORTING F1008 LOAD ONLY ‘Optimised sizing from the full hySPAN range can be obtained using the free designIT software. design@D Thmctnsswaecom/esignit ENGINEERED WOOD PRODUCTS Bearers Supporting Single or Upper Storey Load Bearing Walls Table 2 FLOOR LOAD WIDTH TLW tysPaN 32 aa 30 12 2a 30 secnon ROOFLOAD WRU) (om) [38 42 66 [18 42 66 [18 42 66 [48 42 66 [18 42 66 [18 42 66 [MAXIMUM SINGLE SPAN (n) (MAXIMUM CONTINUOUS SPAN (m) ‘SHEET ROOF AND CEILING goxes |i 13 i2|13 12 ia |12 2a 10|19 a7 48 |i7 36 15 lie 45 14 aoxss 15 13 12/13 12 a1 |12 14 11 | 20 18 16/18 16 15 |i7 15 15 ppoxas 16 14 13/15 13 12/13 12 12/22 19 18/20 18 47 [18 17 16 znaox3s | 20 18 16/18 16 15/16 15 14/27 24 22/24 22 20 |22 20 19 ag0x6s | 20 18 17/18 17 18/17 16 15/27 24 22/25 22 21 [23 21 20 zpmox3s | 23° 21 19/21 19 18] 19 18 17/31 28 25/28 26 24 [26 28 23 150x63 | 24 21 «19 21-19-18 | 19 18 «17 | 32-28 26/28 26 24 126 23 22, 10x75 | 25 22 20/22 20 19/21 19 18/33 30 27/30 27 26 28 26 26 aroxes | 27 24 22/24 22 20/22 20 19/36 32 29/32 29 27 |27 26 25 00x63 | 31 28 26/28 26 24/26 24 23/40 37 34/37 35 32 133 30 29 2imoxds | 41 38 35/38 35 33/35 33 34/51 47 4h 47 4a 42 [he 42 40 2ox6s 3:7 33 31/34 31 29/31 29 27) 46 42 40/43 40 38 (38 36 Sham 30x63 44 40 38 40 38 36 38 36 34) 55 50 47 5.0 47 —W5iey MTom M5em Kom 30x75 | 46 42 39 42 39 38 40 38 36) 57 52 49 5.2 49 47 | Adon Som TILED ROOF AND CEILING goxes [13 17 10|12 10 og |1i io o9 |i7 1¢ 13 [16 16 12 [15 13 12 pioxss |13 12 10/12 11 10/12 10 o9 |is 15 13 |17 16 13 jas 148 13 pooxas 15 12 14/13 12 11/13 14 10/19 16 15 [18 16 14 [17 15 14 ppnox3s | 18 15 13/16 14 13/15 14 12/24 20 18 (22 19 17 [21 18 16 agox6s | 18 15 14/17 15 13/16 14 13/25 21 18 [23 20 47 [2a 19 16 pimoxss | 21 17 16/19 17 15/18 16 15|28 23 24 |26 22 19 |24 21 18 a5ox6s | 21 18 16/19 17 15/18 18 15/28 26 20 (26 23 19 (26 22 19 asox7s | 22 19 17/24 18 16/19 17 16/30 25 23 |28 24 22 (26 23 20 ayoxés | 24 20 18/22 19 17/24 18 17/32 27 23/30 26 22 |27 23 20 200x6s | 28 246 21/26 22 20/26 24 20/37 32 27 |35 30 25 30 28 2A 2f2moxes 38 32 29/35 31 28 33 29 27 47 42 38 be 40 36 42 39 Zone 20x63 | 3.4 28 2532 27 2H | 29 26 24 | M3 3.7 529) 4 Su Bw 3.6 32H 29H 30x63 | 40 35 3238 34 30m 3.6 32 28 5.0 Abou AOhus 47 A300 - | AS AObvn ‘Shaded rows refer to hySPANs. All other sections are hySPAN, ‘Size built by vertical nal lamination ~ refer Detail H (page 25) ‘See design for spans and bearings. Minimum bearing = 50 mm at end supports and 100 mm at internat “supports for continuous span members unless noted otherwise a5 ‘SPANseus, BEARER SUPPORTING SINGLE OR UPPER STOREY TOAD BEARING WALLS, at For erste technical are product suppor inching assistance in sting freecall 321800 808)131 aN solutions range Floor Joists Supporting Floor Loads only Table 3 ran 700K OST SPACING fo secon ‘50 eo ‘60 wo save on) | sev of) | aN on —_[_SPANED OM yous) a7 oa 16 03 20 oa 3 03 sons tak 05 7 oa 22 os 20 oa noes 23 6 22 05 2 06 25 os Bows | 27 os 26 o7 33 os 30 07 nos 30 03 28 os a7 os 33 os wos | 32 o3 30 os 38 os 8 os tos 34 03 3a os aa 03 37 oa poss 52 1 “8 13 a 1 Se 3 ‘Shaded rows reer to hySPANs. All other sections are hySPAN, Minimum bearing ~ 30 mm at end supports and 45 mm at internal support fr continuous span members Floor Rigidity In the selection of floor joist size fora siven span, specifies should use the above maximum joist spans for guidance andin addition take into account the intended occupancy or use of the floor. Floors supporting partition walls, those constructed using more rigid flooring orincluding ceiling battens will hhave improved dynamic performance. These factors may also be taken into consideration in selection of loarjoist size. sorsiswirojane Requiee UATERAL RESTRAINT [ATSUPPORTS = REFER Asiesu2coan23 design@® hyJOIST Options Range CCHH Woodproducts Australia also has @ range of composite plywood LVL Hoists Ideally suited for use in applications such a floor joists and rafters. With ten sizes ranging in depth from 200 to 400 mm, hylOIST provide the perfect long span solution for mid floor joist design, and allows for concealed services within the depth ofthe floor. To explore the benefits ‘of hyJO1ST and to obtain sizing use the free designIT software, or call our free call, market support service on 1800 808 131. hysranFLooRjoisis ‘Overhanging Balconies Overhangs detailed above have been designed to support balcony live loads. Overhanging floor joists used for balconies should eltherbe totally weather protected or preservative treated to H3 level and painted or stained. Refer durability requirements as noted on Page 2 of this brochure. OVERHANG END TRIMMER ‘Optimised sizing from the full hySPAN range can be obtained using the free designlT software. YS ENGINEERED WOOD PRODUCTS Floor Joists Supporting Parallel Load Bearing Walls Over Openings Table 4 Floor joists supporting parallel load bearing walls over large spans can deflect excessively even ifthe ‘rule of thumb practice of doubling joists is followed. The following tables give maximum spans for dauble joists for various roof loads. Roof load width may be determined by reference to the diagrams on page 3. SHEET ROOF AND CEILING nan oor oa WOT RU) fom TAKUM SESPAN GD simu CONTRUOUS SPAN aposs 7 16 14 3 23 2a B ia apex 8 7 1 1 25 23 2a 1» ansoxas | 27 2 22 20 36 32 23 a awoxes 28 26 2 22 38 35 32 30 aiisoas | 3a 2 2s 2 a a7 3 3 aiimxss | 32 2 2 23 “3 3 35 3300 aivonss 37 3 30 2 ‘a ‘a to 30 aiwexss 33 23 2 30 sa “7 4a a dimen 1 3 3 3 32 ‘3 +3 ‘200 ain 56 st a as @ a 60m 500 aps00%0s 36 32 “3 46 10 oa fine ou TaD ROOT Ao CHUNG Pan oor OAD WTR fom) vin SHCA GD Tsu CONTUOUS SPA apo as B 1 ia 20 17 rr a aeons 16 14 12 a 22 1» 7 1 zisoass | 2 1 1s 1B 2 ba 2 20 yisoxas 3 20 a 16 3 26 2 22 aruoxss 25 2a » 1 3 23 26 2 aiisones | 24 23 20 35 30 a7 23 airenss | 27 2 2a 20 a 32 dm 29 aiivonss 34 2 2 22 a Mow doe 280 aisexss 34 23 26 2a a 38 bm 3300 zin00nes 38 30 27 2s te +0 Dow diwoxes 2 a7 33 ua sa tbo dawns 50 “a so “ Some 5060 Sun ays00%8s | 30 mn 40 «2 Sis ———5060 Gan ‘Shaded rows refer to hySPANs. All other sections are hySPAN, * Size built-up by vertial nail lamination ~ refer Detail (page 25), ‘See design for spans and bearings. ‘Minimum bearing = 30 mm at end supports and 45 mm at internal support fr continuous span members unless noted otherwise as SPANSns, For erste technical are product suppor inching assistance in sting freecall 321800 808)131 aN solutions range Lintels In Single or Upper Storey Load Bearing External Walls Table 5 SHEET ROOFAND CELINE tySPaN stcnion ROOF LOAD WIDTH RUF (a) DxB 18 3.0 42 54 66 om) MAXIMUM SINGLE SPAN (m) 30x45 3 a5 13 ua ie nos 2a 20 17 ts 13 roxas 26 22 19 ra 15 140035 27 2a 2a te 17 uoxss 29 as 2a aa 1 150035 be 2s 23 20 ne 50x05, 30 27 da 23 20 170035 MM 27 as de 24 10x65 33 2» a7 25 2a 330035 ba 30 28 26 25m 90x45 36 3a a9 2s 26 200135 25 3 23 27 25.0 200x465 ar 33 30 28 ar 00x63 “0 Be 33 a 29 240235 4 36 33 3a 2.50 roxas “3 ae 3s 33 a none 46 a 37 35 2 290135 as aa 36 32 280 90x65 50 aa 40 38 ie 30x45 50 as an 38 30 300%63 sa ae a5 42 “0 360x83 a 55 5a 4a 4a THD ROOF AND CHUNG tysPaN SstcTion ROOF LOAD WIOTH-RUF (a) OxB 18 3.0 AD 5a 66 (om) MAXIMUM SINGLE SPAN (m) 30x45 ta 73 12 1 ie nos i is 1 2B 2 ta0xes i 16 14 1a 3 140335 20 1 1s Le i toes 23 1 1 1s 1 15035 22 1 te 1 1 50x05 2a 2o 7 16 1s 170035 2s do te 17 te 70x65 26 23 20 ts i 30035 27 2a 2a 1 ne 90x85 30 26 23 aa ray 200135 as my 22 20 8s 200x465 30 26 2 22 20 00x03 MM 23 de 2a 23 240235 aa 29 26 2500 2369 roxas 36 3a 28 26 pee nore 38 3a ba 2 a7 290435 38 3h 3a 230 2700 a90n65 a 26 da 33 3.0.5 30x45 “a 37 3a 3a 2.0. 300%62 45 39 37 35 33 seoxes Ss 46 42 33 ites ‘Shaded rows reer to hySPANs All other sections are hySPAN, Minimum bearing 35 mm at end supports unless noted otherwise as SPANoosno, ‘Optimised sizing from the full hySPAN range can be obtained using the free designIT software. design@D Thmctnsswaecom/esignit ENGINEERED WOOD PRODUCTS Lintels In Lower Storey Load Bearing External Walls Table 6 SHEET ROOF AN CELINE 7L00R LOAD WIDTH FLW hySPAN wi vo stcnon 18 2s 30 oxB ROOF LOAD WIDTH RUN oD Gon 18, 2 66 18 Ad 66 AQ 66 THARIUN SWGLESPAN oD Bons | 36 ua 3 15 1a B 7 3 7 Mons 19 17 16 ae 16 a5 a7 16 a5 ssoxes 2 te 1 1 wv 16 1 te 18 roxes | 22 2o 1 2 19 as 20 ne 17 syoxas | 25 23 a 24 aa a aa aaa rooxes | 26 ey 22 25 23 aa 23a 22m 20a no0xes | 29 26 25 ar as 2a 26 2a 23 ainooxss*| 32 30 28 3a 28 27 23 27 26 auoxas | 3 29 2769 | 3.0m ade 260g | aa aes noxes | 34 BM 29 32 30 2s 3a 25m 27h ajasoxsse 37 as 22 a5 22 ba aa a 3a awoxss | 36m 34m 32m | Sun 3.200 Btmo | 33on Sg 3.008 g00xds | dem 2d 3.2m | Sap Dodoo | Dry 3208. 300x840 a7 35 38 Bio 3 han | Day 3h) 38 apsaones | 63 to 3B aa 33 37 to 38 ew 360x845 42m 40m | 43a tun 3.309 | 4209 3.8093. TWEED ROOF AND CELING loom LOAD WIOTH FUT =) tysPaN SECTION 18 24 3.0 Dxe ROOF LOAD WIDTH RU (a) om 18 42 66 1.8 42 66 18 42 66 NARIMUM SWGLESPAN Boxe | ia 2 i te 12 a Bs 2 i swoxes | 47 15 13 16 4a B 16 ta Fs tsoxes | te i 1 17 ts he te i 2 syoxes | 20 7 te 19 7 3 » te Mus wyoxes | 23 20 ttm | 22 13 tam | atm 190 170 noones | 24 da tte) 23 do tam | 2am tan as rooxes | 27 2 at 2s 22 20 2a 2 20 ainooxsse | 3.0 de 23 29 25 23 ar 2a 22 mons | 29 EE E27 7 dor | 34 ar au | 30 a dane | 290 2mm Bae aiasoxas*| 35 31 28 34 30 28 32 30 a7 ayoxss | 3m 3.00 27on | 3300 2900 2Foa | Slow 2m oe 30065 | 34m 300 = 2By | 33003009 =n | 3.2m 2B gone 37 paw aw | 2b 32 3.0m | So 3m aps00xsst| 40 36 33m | 38 35 330 | 38 35m 3.2m peones 42 Dias 35m | Adan 300 don | yon ‘Shaded rows refer to hySPANS All other sections are hySPAN, Minimum bearing 35 mm unless otherwise denoted as SPANixs. * Size builtup by vertical nal lamination ~ refer Detail? (page 25). INTEL M ALOWER STOREY Lono seaaeroeeNa wail J] —E For erste technical are product suppor inching assistance in sting freecall 321800 808)131 aN solutions range Lintels Supporting Truncated Girder Truss Table 7 a0 SETBACK SET ROOF AND LNG TED ROOF AND CaLING tysPaN oe TRUSS SPAN nd TRUSS SPAN nd DxB 60 9.0 12.0 6.0 9.0 12.0 om) MAXIMUM SPAN (m) MAXIMUM SPAN (m) Boxes a7 1 Fe 1 09 oe 140335 17 14 12 14 03 0am 50x65 a 1 15 14 1 to 170x35 22 1 Le 1s 12 tay rrox0s as a 19 1 1 12 90x45 ae 2a 23 2a 17 15 00x45 29 26 2ubow 22 1 16 200%63 Ma 2s 26 25 a 1 airooxass| 35 32 30 28 2s 2s 2uoxas a aaa 2900 2760 7a aa 40x63 3 33 ba 29 2s dow aiaoxsst 6 38 35 33 30 2am 90x45 2» 36 3a 3200 2900 208 00x45 40 7 los 3.du0 200 aos 300263 oa 40 38 35 3200 30:0 aps00xss+| 69 45 a2 33 36 330 sone 5a 47 aa as 278 2.500 Shaded roms ert hySPANs. Al ther sections are SPAN. Finimurn bearing 35 mm unless nated thernise as SPAN ern + Sle bu-up byvertanallomination~efer etal page 23, ume, 4 support 0 50 rmuncareD IRD TRS cus ee ae unre-} wr [ sree ‘SETBACK OR STATION INTEL SPAR ‘Optimised sizing from the full hySPAN range can be obtained using the free designIT software. design@D Thmctnsswaecom/esignit ENGINEERED WOOD PRODUCTS Lintels Supporting Strutting Beams Strutting Beam Supporting Underpurlins and Hanging Beams Table 8 SHEET ROOF AND CEILING TED ROOF AND CEILING tysean | Maximum SECTION | HANGING BEAM STRUTTING BEAM SPAN (w) bxs | sunoeRPunu 3 a2 BBO | 8G PBC om) SPAN (n) "MAXIMUM SINGLE SPAN (m) 24 2492322 Monts 42 222019 a7 | 14 te 38 24 282726 ae | 20 1918 150x63 42 26 25 dh ax | 1s a7 2a 28276 25 | 20 19 49a 170x405 42 26 252s a2 | 1s 17 6 as 2 1 o 2 2 2s -22~«SS2 170x685 ‘ 2 3 ° 7 42 29 28a 25 | 21 20 38 24 3231) 190x405 a2 30 2972s | ttt 2 2 1 1 2 2 2 2. 22 aooxes 4 3 3. E 30 3 5 4 3 a2 ba 28 ass | eat 24 35 OAS) 200263 42 3332 tg go | sk auones 24 3B OS7CHOSC«CH SSC S| CSB 42 3635 e332 | we areas 2 a1 40 auoxe 39S 8 42 39358 a7 35 sa | 53a awn) a6 45 COS AS| TGCS 42 sa 42 ate | 2a 49 48 AT S| GBT 8 300s 42 4746 ka ska |g 88 2 53. 52OSA OS) SD 2/300%45* 42 si 50a ke | tt koa 2. 2 a 2 1 aeone 4 56 OAC 5. 45k 4 42 sa 52 sa 50a | 4s en Shaded rows refer to hySPANs Allother sections are hySPAN. > Size built-up by vertical nail lamination UNDEURLNS why For erste technical are product suppor inching assistance in sting freecall 321800 808)131 aN solutions range Rafters Design Wind Classification N1/N2 Table 9 sneaks conTavous aan nyse TSIM AFTER SENG Gd Semon | oor mass eo 00 oo 00 Cr a m | 4 | of | 33 | os | so | os | ae | or 20x35 40, 32 09 29 o8 43 os 38 OF | as | te | bop ae | oe | ne or wm | a2 | os | 37 os) se | ok | S| 130435 40, 3 1.0 3.0 09 46 09 41 os mofo | | ees m | sa [es] as) as) esa eof | 4s | te | ae op) ak | Sa |e 30x45 40, 37 at 33, 1.0 5.0 09 44 09 me | oa | tos te | [sa [ esa ee [aap et) ar mp | ae | ae | aon | es | oe | Ss |e 140%35 40, 38 aa 33, 1.0 5.0 09 4s 09 mo | oa | a | ae aes] ye | oat | ot | ae de) ee |e] a |e 50x45 40 42 12 38 aa 57 a 5.0 10 eo me | je | oa) ae kk | ke | ase 17035 40 4a 12 3 12 58 a 53 10 eo foe | | bm foo, | | se om | ok | | te w70x45 40 4g 1a Aa 13, 6a 12 37 aa of oe | | mp | a | | ss) mo) aa 190135 40 50 1s as 13 67 13 60 12 mo | to | te | 3s | s| oe || » | « | ou | @ | oi we | oa 70045 40 56 16 5.0, 1s 74 cry 66 13 | ae | ts | ge | ~) [ae | goa » | 7 | ou | a | ue 240x35 40 63 18 5.6 17 7S 1s mo | se | to | ae te | ew | ote | te | or ws | 0) 8 | te | ota | ae 240xas 40, 67 20 60 1g mofo | ae | ae | ae | ts |e ‘Shaded rows reer to hySPANs, All other sections ate hySPAN, ‘See design for spans and bearings. © overhang (O/H) applies forbiedsmouth not exceeding 0/3 ~ see Detail H12 (page 26). ‘Optimised sizing from the full hySPAN range can be obtained using the free designIT software. design@D Thmctnsswaecom/esignit a) It kek a ce aa > Rafters Design Wind Classification N3 Table 9 continued rysoan TSIM FER SENG Semon | oor mass eo 00 oo 00 rr a m | te | of | 3s) os | 3 | oe | ae | or 20x35 40, 32 09 29 o8 43 os 38 OF | as | te | oop ae | oe |g or wm | a2 | os | 37 os) Se | ok |S |r 130435 40, 3 1.0 3.0 09 46 09 41 os mofo | | ees ie) ss ee asap | as | te | ae op) ak | aa |e 30x45 40, 37 at 33, 1.0 5.0 09 44 09 mo | oa | te | os |e || m [sa [es | as) ape asap wp | ae | ae | aon | ea | oe | Sa |e 140%35 40, 38 aa 33, 1.0 5.0 09 4s 09 mo | oa | a | ae ges] ye | ost | ot | ae de) ee) te] at |e 50x45 40 42 12 38 aa 57 a 5.0 10 eo | ose | ot) as) fo) to) eo | te 17035 40 4s 12 3 12 59 a 53 10 eo fos | | m for | | se oe | oak | | te w70K45 40 4g 1a A2 13, 6a 12 37 aa mo | oa | | ep | a | | ss) a | x] a | ee | os 190135 40 50 1s as 13 67 13 6 12 mo | a | oe | os |e | | » | « | ou | oe | ou me) 70045 40 56 16 5.0, 1s 74 cry 66 13 | ae | te | ae tee | ~) aa | ar] «sa 745 m3 | ou | @ | te nm | a3 240235 40 63 18 5.6 7 ma 1s so | a0 | ae | te | ee | ae | te | ~) 98) ae) ana ws | 0) 78 | te | ota | a 240xas 40, 67 20 60 1g mo foes | ae) ae | ae | ts |e Shaded rows refer to hySPANs. Al other sections are hySPAN, ‘See design for spans and bearings. overhang (O/H) applies for birdsmouth not exceeding 3 ~ see Detal¥12 (page 26) For erste technical are product suppor inching assistance in sting freecall 321800 808)131 aN solutions range Hip or Valley Rafters Supporting Rafters only (not supporting underpurlins) Table 10 stern seer Ro9F onty senor ‘meRooroMty TusD oor Gon) "MAXIMUM SINGLE SPAN (m) ‘20835 aa 2a 3a 23 s20x0s 33 30 26 as sMon3s as a a7 26 150835 M6 22 a a7 170235 a 2 ba 20 sons 42 a 33 a 90x45 se re 36 33 200005 4 a a7 Ds aoxas sa 43 43 aa sons a 37 ts a 0335 3a xa 30 2 20x05 ‘a 2 a 20 0x65 42 a is na 0x35 sa 3a 33 2 150435 4a 40 3 23 sons a a a7 as 0835 “7 4a a 36 roxas 51 4 so 3” 90x05 56 sa 4a a 200035 3 4 “3 a 2o0xas se 32 se 4 oxas @ a 53 54 as0x05 es «7 et se 00x63 82 16 6 oa ‘Shaded rows refer to hySPAN All other sections are hySPAN. SINGLE SPAN HIP RAFTER CONTINUOUS SPAN HIP RAFTER CELUNG JOISTS ARE NOT elu oIsts ARE NOT ss SHOWN FOR CLARITY nore 4 USETHELARGEST SPAR dL, ORL) 70 ENTER THETABLE 2 THE LARGEST SPAN SHOULD NOY BE GREATER THAN TWICE THE ADJACENT SPAN, OTHERWISE USE THE SINGLE SPAN TABLE ‘Optimised sizing from the full hySPAN range can be obtained using the free designIT software. design@D Thmctnsswaecom/esignit ENGINEERED WOOD PRODUCTS amy Ceiling Joists Supporting Ceiling Lining only Table 11 TySPAN ‘ENG JOIST SPACING fm) stcrion a 450 00 300 450 00 300 om) ‘MAXIMUM SINGLE SPAN ‘MAXIM CONTINUOUS SPAN =) 90x35 35 35 35 30 30 30 90x45 29 23 23 2 2 34 120435 33 a a7 46 46 46 20845 4a 4a 29 52 5a 52 30x35 ry 2 33 5A sa sa 30x45 43 46 a2 57 s7 56 40x35 “9 “7 ry ry se 55 uoxas sa 43 45 64 62 57 150835" 5 43 45 6 61 57 50x45 53 5a ar es 6a 59 ‘Shaded rows refer to hySPANs All other sections ate hySPAN, Install permanent batten at mid span at top of al olsts and braced back toa pont of rity to prevent rollover under constuction and maintenance loads, '»elling joists not xed to rafters require locking at supports to prevent rollover. ‘ovERBATTEN MIM 70mm 35 mm F5 PINE een For erste technical are product suppor inching assistance in sting freecall 321800 808)131 aN solutions range Hanging Beams Supporting Ceiling Joists Table 12 ran GELNC TORO WETH GD om TAMU SLES jonas 30°~ Strutting Beams Supporting Underpurlins and Ceiling Joists*/Hanging Beams* Table 15 hysPan ‘SHEET ROOF AND CEILING SECTION ROOF AREA (m") xB 60 9.0 120 15.0, 18.0 oo [MAXIMUM SPAN (rn) 170x63 30 27 25 23 2a 2/170x45* 35 Ba 23 26 25 2/190x35* a7 33 3a 28 25 20x63" 37 33 3.0 28 26 2/200x45* 40 38 38 33 BA 240x63" 43 40 38 36 34 2/240 x45* 4g 45 43 4a 39 2/290x45 56 53 50 48 46 Foaxes™ 3 aS ne ry) ee ‘seaRET ee oF ee eF 0 40063 6s 62 53 57 55 450x638" 74 68 65 63 64 hySPAN TILED ROOF AND CEILING SECTION ROOF AREA (mn!) Dxe 60 9.0 320 15.0 38.0 (om) [MAXIMUM SPAN Gn) 170x63 23 20 7 16 14 2/370x45* 27 23 2a 19 a 2/190x35* 29 25 22 20 18 20x63" 28 25 22 20 18 2/200x45* 34 29 26 2a 22 240x630) 37 32 28 26 24 2/240 x45* 41 38 34 3a 28 2/290x45 43 4s 42 38 37 300%63" 4s 4a 38 35 33 360%63" 53 48 4s 42 4.005 40x63" 58 53 43 47 bh 450%63° 6a 53 58 52 5.011 ‘Shaded rows reerto hySPANs All other sections are hySPAN, [Minimum bearing 35 mm at end supports, unless noted otherwise SPANbcxws, ‘+ Size built-up by vertical nail lamination ~ refer Detal Hi (page 23). 4 Sizes suitable for average hanging beam span/ceilingload width - 3.0. 1» Provide end restraint at supports ~ refer Detail HB/H9 (page 25). ROOT AREA ‘SUPPORTED ROOFAREA srayrTINe urn LUnDERPURUN srRuTTING BEAM For erste technical are product suppor inching assistance in sting freecall 321800 808)131 aN solutions range Roof Beams Ridge, Intermediate, Eave and Bressumer Beams Table 16 SHEET ROOFAND CELINE tySPaN stcnion ROOF LOAD WIDTH RUF (a) DxB Ezy 27 3.0 3.6 42 48 5A 6.0 (om) ‘MAXIMUM SINGLE SPAN (m)_ woxes ar 3 3S 23 22 3a 20 3 sexes | 30 2» 2s 26 2s 23 22 2 90x 34 33 32 30 2e 27 2s 2a n00xs 36 aa a3 Mo 29 a8 26 2s o0xes | 39 ae a7 a 32 a 23 ae noxas | 43 a2 40 37 35 3 32 aa wore | 47 as 44 “3 a a 2s a asoxes 52 sa as 4s a 4 33 3a yooxes | 53 sa a3 46 a aa 2 ae yooxes | 53 36 sa sa aa he 4a 42 woox7s 6 59 sa sa 5a as 46 aa seoxes | 70 er 6s oa se 35 52 50 wooxas | 68 oe ea ss sa a “a a sores | 77 7 72 er ea e sa se sooa7s | 8a 7 16 na 6 ou 6a 59 asoxes | a6 83 20 16 22 es és ‘maviuM CONTINUOUS SPARTA) woxes | 36 3a 3 a 2 28 26 2a roxas | aa 33 37 as 33 ba 30 ae 190x058 | 46 aa 2 40 38 36 23 32 aoonss | Ae 46 4a a 2 a a 22 nooxes | 53, sa “3 46 43 a 39 ae mores 58 56 53 a 4s 43 40 3a nore | 62 e1 59 55 52 “3 a7 4s asoxss 65 «a 60 55 5a as pooxss 6 @ eo 3A 5a 4s 46 sooxes | 79 75 23 ee es 6a se ss noox7s 8 20 a 72 es és a eo yaoxes | 93 29 ts 29 23 6s ‘Shaded rows refer to hySPAN-. All other sections are hySPAN, ‘See desiglT for spans and beatings. ‘Minimum bearing = 45 mm at end supports and 90 mm at internal supports for continuous span members riw= bth use RAFTER INTERMEDIATE BEAM noce Beam 4 INTERMEDIATE BEAM ‘Optimised sizing from the full hySPAN range can be obtained using the free designIT software. design@D Thmctnsswaecom/esignit ae) It kek a ce aa > Roof Beams Ridge, Intermediate, Eave and Bressumer Beams Table 16 continued TILED ROOF AND CEILING hySPAN SECTION ‘ROOF LOAD WIDTH RLW? (=) bxB 24 27 30 36 a2 43 5a 60 om [MAXIMUM SINGLE SPAN (m) 150%45 2 20 19 18 wy 16 16 15 70x45 26 23 22 2a 20 Fe 18 a7 190x465 27 26 25 23 22 24 20 20 200%45 28 27 26 2 23 22 24 20 200%63 34 30 29 a7 26 2a 23 23 20045 3a 33. 32 3.0 28 27 26 25 240%63 37 38 35 32 3A 29 28 27 290x45 4a 40 38 36 34 32 3a 29 300%45 42 40 39 36 34 33 30 28 300%63 46 45 43 40 38 37 35 3 300%75 49 47 46 43 4a 38. 37, 36 360x653 56 53 52 8 46 44 42 4.0 400% 63 62 59. 57 5a 5a “9 470 AS 400%75 65 63 60 57, 5a 5a 49 A.Bes MAXIMUM CONTINUOUS SPAN Cn) 150x45 28 27 26 2a 23 22 2a 19 a70x85 32 aa 29 28 26 25, 23 22 190x485 36 35 3a 32. 30 27 26 24 200%45 37 36 35 33 34 28 27 2509 200%63 42 40 39 36 vy 33 a4 30 28045 46 4a 42 39 36 Bhs 3.208 3.005 280x65 50 48 46 43 4a 38. 38 3.50) 290%45 52 50 47 4.0m 4.030 3.8m 3.600) 300%63 62 60 5 5a 5.t00 4910 A600 A308 300%75 66 63. 61 57, 5a 5.200 5.000 A708 360%63 74 7 6a 6300) 5.509 55a 5.20 ‘Shaded rons refer to hySPANs. All other sections are hySPAN. See desiglT for spans and beatings. Minimum bearing = 50 mm at end supports and 100 mm at internal supports for continuous span members unless noted otherwise a SPANoama, TT ‘Russe Roar eAVEBEAM 4 rows LW 4 EAVE AND BRESSUMER BEAM For erste technical are product suppor inching assistance in sting freecall 321800 808)131 aN solutions range Verandah Beams Table 17 ran 2007 DRO WOTTRIN So monies gg ag aaa |p aaa fom Tani SHCLESPAN TD Sa CONTRUGUS SPAN ‘ 230333833 % is | st ona ia 3@ Pep kaa » 32a 3 fo 3733 Se 32 0 hae oes 8 10x05 70 ee ‘9 at io 28 ee 38 ea % 23 doe go ea 15056 73 ‘oe 53 asa ‘o ghar 38a 0 2s ade 33 baa? sons 1 es Ske ‘o 3238 $8 Se % as dad 33 bea 0x6 10 sas a $e a3 io S328 ka oe oes ox % iy ta tess ra ee er wo Se 32 oS a ase 200405 ° 504s 42] es ‘o 3733 OS % toe te | ste 00465 io Se a ) i e370 Sh Se Sa Ay Shee Hons 1% Sy Saye e x fa? a 3a o ta 78 20 3 2S) nox 10 39 saa % = a | oe ep ak % oes VERANDA BEAM. ‘Optimised sizing from the full hySPAN range can be obtained using the free designIT software. design@D Thmctnsswaecom/esignit a It kek a ce aa > Garage Roof Pitching Beams For Trussed or Pitched Roofs Table 18 SHEET ROOFAND CEILING hySPaN a ROOF LOAD WIDTH RW" (nd DxB 2 27 30 36 a2 48 5a 60 66 om MAXIMUM SINGLE SPAN (7) 10xes | 3a 32 3a 23. 28 27 26 25 25 nooxes | 35 33 32 30 29. a7 26 26 25 yooxes | 39 37 36 34 32 30 29 28 27 moxes 43, an 38. a7 35 33 32 30 29 roxes | 47 45 a3 a 38 36 3a 33 32 aoxes | 50 43 a As 42 49 38 36 35 sooxds | 5.1 43 4s 45 43 4a 38 a7 35 30x63 | 54 53 5a 49. ar 45. 44 aa 40 3ooxes | 62 60 59 36 5a 52 50 49 48 foxes | 62 59 56 5a 46 43 40 38 36 400x667 65 63 60 58 56 54 53 5a 450x683 | 73 74 70 66 6a 61 53 57 55 MAXIMUM CONTINUOUS SPAN Cn} awoxes | 45 aa aa 38. 37 35 34 3a 3a roxas | 47 45 43 4a 38 36 35 33 32 pox | 5. 43 48 45 43 aa 38 37 36 roxas | 5.4 52 5a 43 a7 as a2 40 38 mores | 58 56 ba 52 50 rs 46 45 43 ysoxes | 6.2 64 58. 56 53 54 49. a7 4H 3ooxss | 63 6a 60 56 53 54 49 “7 at 3o0xes | 68 66 6a 6 53 57 55 53 5a peoxes | 77 15 13 70 67 65 63 6a 598 tooxes | 76 73 7 66 61 58 Sa sae 458 4ooxes | 84 8 73 15 13 70 67 65 eat asoxes | 9.3 as 86 3 73 16 Tat 736 60 ‘Shaded roms refer to hySPAN- Al other sections ar hySPAN. See designlT for spans and beatings. 4 Indicated minimum end bearing 65 mm and an interna bearing of 140 mm, renin BEAM For erste technical are product suppor inching assistance in sting freecall 321800 808)131 aN solutions range Garage Roof Pitching Beams For Trussed or Pitched Roofs Table 18 continued TILED ROOF AND CEILING hysPan en ROOFLOAD WIDTH RLW (m) DxB 26 27 30 36 a2 48 5a 0 66 om MAXIMUM SINGLE SPAN (n) 190%05 27 26 25 2b 22 2a 20 19 18 20x05 27 26 26 2a 23 22 24 20 19 20063 3a 29 28 27 25 24 23 22 22 moxts 3.4 32, Bt 29 28 27 26 25, 24 20x63 37 36 3 32 3.0 29 28 27 26 asoxas | 4a 39. 38. 36 2 32 aa 30 29 3ooxas | at 40 38 36 3 32 3a 30 29 300x6s | 46 4a 43 40 38 36 35 3a 32 360x63 52. 5a 50 a7 6 44 42 40 3908 40063 57 55, 5a 5a as ar 46 4500 4348 50x63 | 62 60 59. 56 5a 52 5.00 4300 480 [MAXIMUM CONTINUOUS SPAN (rm) ayoxs | 36 3a 33 3 30 28 26 23 2ae 20045 a7 36 3a 32 30 28 27 25H 2a 200x6s | at 40 38 36 3a 32 a4 30 28 20x85 45 4a 42 39 36 3.48 3.28 3.08 298 mox6s | 48 47 45. 43 rr 19. a7 2H 3a 29045 52. 50 48 at aa 3.88 art 3H 300%65 57 55. 5 5a 49 aa ‘ot 438 aan 36x63 | 65 63 62 5.98 5.64 sa 5.24 5.08 ‘Shaded rows reer to hySPANs, All other sections are hySPAN, See desigalT for spans and bearings. 4 Indicated minimum end bearing 5 mm and an Internal bearing of 140 mm. Minimum bearing 45 mm at end supports unless noted otherwise SPANsuans and 90 mm at internal supports for continuous span members. Prrchine seam TRUSSED ROOF ‘Optimised sizing from the full hySPAN range can be obtained using the free designIT software. design@D Thmctnsswaecom/esignit

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