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English classes

Shopping Law and rules Life experiences and
Lesson: 2
A2 Reading, listening, Speaking & writing
TOPIC: much, many/ Some, any, a lot of , a few, a little
To identify countable & uncountable nouns..

Nombre del Docente: Emelina Villarreal Quispe.

How much water do you drink?

How many pieces of bread do you have for breakfast?

much How much water do you I drink a lot of

drink everyday? water.
I drink some water.
many How many apples do you I eat two apples
eat a day? a day.


Work in pairs and do this quiz
1. There
How many planets are there in the Solar System?
are 8 planets in the solar system.
2. How many letters are there in the English alphabet?
The english alphabet has 26 letters.
3. How many players are there in a football team?
In a soccer team there are 11 players.

4. How many states are there in The United States?

The United States has 50 states, and 1 federal district.

5. How many countries are there in the European Union?

The European Unión has 27 countries.
6. How many colours are there in The Italian Flag?
The italian flag has 3 colors (green, white and red)
7. How many months are there in a year?
In 1 year there are 12 months.
8. How many days
In a week, there are 7 days.
are there in a week?
9. How many seasons are there in a year?
10. How many players are there in a basketball team?
11. How many vowels in the alphabet?
12. How many strings are there in a guitar?
13. How many rings are there in the Olympic flag?
14. How many presidents are there in Peru?
15. How many meters are there in a kilometer?
I have some yogurt in the refrigerator

I made some demands and documents.

I didnt have any meetings.

My boss has a lot of friends at work.

I have a lot of documents to review.

Complete the sentences with any or some.
• 1 Is there ……………. butter?

• 2 We’ve got ………….. milk.


• 3 Are there ………………..tomatoes?


• 4 Would you like ………………chocolate? some

• 5 Has Mary got ……………eggs? any

• 6 There aren’t ………….. people here.

There is a lot of milk in the fridge
There is some cheese in the fridge
There aren’t any pears in the fridge
Complete the conversation with some, any or lots of.

• Mum: Let’s put the party food on the table, Katie. What have
we got in the kitchen?
• Katie: OK, Mum, we’ve got 1………………………. biscuits and
lots of
2…………… cake.
• Mum: Have we got 3……………… oranges?
• Katie: No, we haven’t. And we haven’t got 4……………. any apples.
• Mum: lots of
What? No, look, Katie, there are 5………………. apples
here! There are 12!
• Katie: Oh yes, good! Have we got 6…………………any juice?
• Mum: No, we haven’t. We’ve got some lemonade.
• Katie: What about chocolate for the party games? Is there 7
• …………………… chocolate in the kitchen?
• Mum: some
Oh no, there isn’t. I’ve got 8…………………in the bag
There isn’t much cake left
Look at Leo’s shopping and read the sentences. Write Yes or No.

0 He hasn’t got any biscuits. No. He’s got some biscuits.

1 He’s got some potatoes.
2 He’s got some eggs.
3 He’s got lots of bananas.
4 He’s got some oranges.
5 He’s got a tomato.
Choose the correct words in italics
• (1) How much / How many food do we need for the
• B: I'm not sure. (2) How much / How many people are
• A: (3) A lot of / A little adults and (4) a little / a few
• B: OK, so we need (5) a lot of / a few food. And
• A: We have (6) no / a little drinks at the moment.
• B: OK. Let's get (7) a few / a little orange juice for the
children and (8) a few / a little other things for the

Com 111
1 We've got a few/a little apples.
Let's make a pie:
2 There is too many/much sugar in my coffee.
3 Are you hungry? There's a little/a few pasta left.
4 How much/many cheese is there?
5 We need some/a few butter for the cake.
6 How many/much eggs do you need to make an
7 There are some/much apples in the fridge.
8 There is many/a lot of cereal in the cupboard.
9 I've got a little/a few flour.
I can make a pizza.
1 A: Can I have a few/a little onions, please?
B: OK. Anything else?
2 A: How much/How many cheese do we need?
B: Very few/little.
3 A: Here's your coffee.
B: There's too many/too much milk in it.
4 A: We've got a few/a little cherries.
B: Great! We can make a cherry pie.
5 A: How much/How many peppers are there?
B: There are too many/lots of.
• Don't buy any
1 A: How many / much bananas do you want from the
B: Oh, just a few / a little.
2 A: Mark eats too many / much sweets.
B: 1 know. It's very bad for his teeth.
3 A: We've got a few / a little lemons.
B: Great! Let's make some / a few lemonade.
4 A: How much / many milk do you want in your tea?
B: Just a few / a little please.
5 A: We need lots of / much eggs for breakfast.
B: But, we only have a little / a few .
6 A: We have a lot of / many bread in the cupboard
B: Well, let's make a little / some sandwiches.
Complete the questions with How much or How many. Then circle the correct answer.

• 1………….sweets would you like?

A lot / None. I love them!
• 2……………..bananas do you eat in a week?
Only a few. / Only a little. One or two, maybe.
3…………….pasta would you like?
Just a few, / Just a little, please. l'm not very hungry.
4……………….ice cream would you like?
A lot, / A little, please. It's my favourite!
5…………………………bread have we got?
Only a few. / Only a little. We need to buy some
.6.. ……………oranges are you going to buy?
A lot. / None. I haven't got any money in my bag.
Mia wants to enter the cake competition. Listen and complete the conversation with words
from the box. (page C25)
A few (x2) a little a lot much many

Mia: I want to make a cake for the cake competition.

Dad: What do you need?
Mia: Let's see............ eggs.
Dad: How (1)many . do you need?
Mia: Just (2)…………….! Three, I think. I also need (3)………milk
for my recipe.
Dad: How……………. (4)do you need?
Mia: I don't need (5)………………of milk. Just half a cup. And it's
a lemon cake, so I think I'll need(6)………………..lemons.
Dad: Really? How (7)…………………..?
Mia: Let me see - oh, actually I only need one.
Look at the pictures and Write


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