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Implementing Change in Education


Implementing Change in Education: 2

Implementing Change in Education

The purpose of educational change implementation is to assist many schools accomplish

goals in an effective manner by replacing some practices or programs with more advanced ones.

However, there must not be an assumption that a given change is worthwhile and so we proceed

with implementation. Every change happens to individuals and we must know what change is,

and the process to implement it. No matter whose decision it is on the direction of change, hence

all stakeholders such as administrators, policy makers, and teachers must be confronted with the

acceptance, rejection or modification. Educational change may be bound and may have many

determinants of change such as technology, and its implementation consist of putting into

practice or rejecting programs or new ideas. I tend to view change in practices as being multi-

dimensional. Implementation may be difficult since it may involve potential changes and

alteration of educational theories.

In the article “Top 5 Tech Advancements Changing the Face of Education” written by

Alex Summers, he focuses on how technology may have been integrated into education.

Education has felt the heavy influence due to implementation of technology integration to the

system of learning. He continues to state that technology in education can never be escaped since

there is reliance on our laptops and cell phones in everything and technology is fast becoming the

only method to reach students. Moreover, the promotion and use of several LMS has brought

other advancements in technology that has changed education in a major way.

Implementing Change in Education: 3

There are many characteristics of the change brought by education. One of them is the

need; all this technological innovations such as smart phones, online classrooms have emerged

from a careful examination of addressing a particular need that may have been prioritized. Not

everybody has the plan that fits into the general setting of traditional universities; hence online

classrooms would have a significant impact. After this need may have been identified then it may

be implemented through decision making. The second characteristic is clarity; the potential need

must improve some areas of the curriculum. This cannot be delivered on a platter and the

accomplishment may be dependant on the complexity of the change. As social media is

emerging to be more common on students’ daily lives, teachers must incorporate the platforms in

their classroom to ensure engagement of the students. The third is complexity; which is the

difficulty of the change, in this case the individuals or groups must be engaged in

implementation, but the main idea is to examine skills required, difficulty, extent of alterations

and teaching strategies. Tablets may offer students the possibility to look through for information

quickly, but tablets also allow students to more easily work together on projects and grow to be

more occupied in the process of learning. Tablets have become excellent tools that every

classroom should integrate. Complexity might bring a lot of problems since it results to greater

change than may have been attempted. The final characteristic is quality and practicality; there

must be re-evaluation of these technological innovations adopted to ensure effective

implementation of these changes. Schools have battled with the use of phones in school for

many years; however, these smart phones, such as the tablet, have provided access to many
Implementing Change in Education: 4

platforms of social media that allow students to interact freely, they also make available

information that is useful easily accessible which betters the overall experience of learning.


“Top 5 Tech Advancements Changing the Face of Education”. Retrieved from

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