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Written by:

Khoirotul Umayah







Submitted as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Attainment of

Bachelor Degree in English Education

Written by:

Khoirotul Umayah





In the name of Allah, the most Gracious, the most Peaceful

Alhamdulillahhirobbil ‘alamin, all praise goes to Allah SWT. I feel really blessed
finally I can finish this thesis as a partial fulfillment of the requirement for bachelor’
degree in English Education. This thesis was completed because of the helps,
supports, and prayers of many people. Therefore, I would like to thanks:

1. Rahayu, S.Pd., M.Pd. as a thesis supervisor, who has provided time, energy,
and thoughts to direct the author in the preparation of this thesis.
2. Dr. Suhadi Cholil as Dean Faculty of Education, Nahdlatul Ulama
University, Yogyakarta
3. Khusnul Harsul Lisan, S.S. M.Hum. as the head of the English Education
Study Program of Nahdlatul Ulama University Yogyakarta and as the
second examiner for this thesis.
4. All lecturers and teaching staffs at the Faculty of Education, Nahdlatul
Ulama University, Yogyakarta.
5. Ahlan, S.Pd. as the Principal of SD IT Samawi and Nurlela, S.Pd., as
English Teacher who has allowed the author to conduct research at SD IT
Samawi Yogyakarta.
6. Mrs. Zumroah as parents of the author who always pray for and provide
material and moral support for the smooth process of research and thesis
7. All of friends who provide support and assistance in writing the thesis.
8. Thanks for my beloved who support me during writing the thesis.
9. All people, whose names cannot be mentioned, thanks for the help and
support during writing the thesis.
10. The last thanks for my self because you did the best you can and never give

The writer realize that the writing of this thesis is still far from perfect. Finally,
the writer hopes that Allah SWT is pleased to repay all the kindness of all those


Khoirotul Umayah

This research is aimed to find out the effect of using storytelling in teaching
vocabulary of the fifth graders at SD IT Samawi Yogyakarta. This research method
was Quasi Experimental Research, while the research design used Nonequivalent
Control Group Design. The sample in this research was students of class 5. Class
5 Ar Rozi (24 students) as the experimental class and class 5 Ibnu Rusyd (26
students) as the control class. The experimental group was students taught using
storytelling whereas the control group was students taught using conventional
technique. The data were obtained by using pre-test and post-test. The pre-test was
given to both groups before the treatment and the post-test was given after the
treatment. The data of the pre-test and post-test of both groups were analyzed by
using descriptive and inferential statistics. After the data were tested and found to
be homogeneous and normal, the hypothesis was tested using t-test. In the
experimental group the average of post-test was 76.6 and the control group was
70.4. the result of hypothesis t-test showed that the significance value was 0,026 <
0,05. It means that there was significant difference in learning achievement between
students who taught by using storytelling and those taugh by using conventional
technique. Therefore, it can be concluded the using storytelling waas effective in
teaching vocabulary of the fifth graders at SD IT Samawi Yogyakarta.

Keywords: Storytelling, Vocabulary Skill


Khoirotul Umayah


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh penggunaan storytelling

dalam mengajar vocabulary pada siswa kelas 5 di SD IT Samawi Yogyakarta.
Metode penelitian ini adalah Quasi Experimental Research, sedangkan desain
penelitiannya menggunakan Nonequivalent Control Group Design. Sampel dalam
penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas 5. Kelas 5 Ar Rozi (24 siswa) sebagai kelas
eksperimen dan kelas 5 Ibnu Rusyd (26 siswa) sebagai kelas kontrol. Kelas
eksperimen adalah siswa yang diajarkan menggunakan teknik storytelling
sedangkan kelas kontrol diajarkan menggunakan teknik konvensional. Data
diperoleh dari pre-test dan post-test. Pre-test diberikan kepada kedua kelompok
sebelum treatment dan post-test diberikan setelah treatment. Data pre-test dan
post-test kedua kelompok akan dianalisis menggunakan deskriptif dan inferensial
statistik. Setelah data yang telah diuji homogen dan normal, uji hipotests
menggunakan t-test. Pada kelompok eksperimen diperoleh nilai rata-rata post-test
sebesar 76.6 dan pada kelompok kontrol diperoleh nilai rata-rata post-test sebesar
70.4 Hasil uji hipotesis menunjukkan bahwa nilai signifikansi 0,026 < 0,05. Yang
artinya ada perbedaan yang signifikan dalam pencapaian belajar antara siswa
yang diajar menggunakan teknik storytelling dan yang diajar menggunakan teknik
konventional. Maka dari itu dapat disimpulkan bahwa penggunaan storytelling
efektif terhadap pengajaran vocabulary pada siswa kelas V di SD IT Samawi

Kata Kunci: Storytelling, Vocabulary Skill


ORIGINAL STATEMENT PAGE ...................................................................... ii

RATIFICATION PAGE...................................................................................... iii
ACKNOWLEDGMENT ......................................................................................iv
ABSTRACT ......................................................................................................... vii
ABSTRACT ........................................................................................................ viii
LIST OF CONTENT ............................................................................................ix
LIST OF PICTURES ............................................................................................xi
LIST OF TABLES .............................................................................................. xii
LIST OF APPENDICES ................................................................................... xiii
A. Background of the Study .............................................................................. 1
B. Identification of the Problems ...................................................................... 3
C. Limitation of the Problems........................................................................... 3
D. Formulation of the Problems ........................................................................ 3
E. Objective of the Study .................................................................................. 3
F. Significance of the Study ............................................................................. 4
CHAPTER II REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE .................................. 5
A. Theoretical Background ............................................................................... 5
1. Definition of Vocabulary .......................................................................... 5
2. Types of Vocabulary ................................................................................ 6
3. The Vocabulary Mastery by storytelling with pictures ............................ 7
4. Teaching Vocabulary................................................................................ 8
5. Assesing vocabulary ............................................................................... 10
6. Definition of Storytelling ....................................................................... 11
7. Storytelling with Picture ......................................................................... 12
8. Technique in Using Storytelling in Vocabulary Class ........................... 13
9. The Benefit of Storytelling in Teaching Vocabulary ............................. 13
B. Previous Study ........................................................................................... 14
C. Hypothesis .................................................................................................. 16
CHAPTER III RESEARCH METHOD ............................................................17
A. Research Design ......................................................................................... 17
B. Place and Time of the Study ...................................................................... 18
C. Population and Sample of the Study .......................................................... 18
D. Variable of the Research ............................................................................ 19
E. Data Collection Techniques ....................................................................... 19
F. Research Instruments ................................................................................. 20
G. Validity and Reliability of Instrument ....................................................... 22
H. Techniques of Data Analysis ..................................................................... 22
A. Data Description......................................................................................... 24
B. Data Description of the Students’ Achievement in Experimental and
Control Class ..................................................................................................... 28
C. Data Analysis ............................................................................................. 33
D. Discussion .................................................................................................. 36
CHAPTER V CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION .......................................39
A. Conclusion .............................................................................................. 39
B. Suggestion .............................................................................................. 39
REFERENCES .....................................................................................................41
APPENDICES ......................................................................................................44


Picture 1. The chart of research design ................................................................. 18

Picture 2. The Learning Process in the Control Class ........................................... 26
Picture 3. The learning process in the experimental class .................................... 27
Picture 4. Histogram of the students’ pre-test score of the experimental class ..... 29
Picture 5. Histogram of the students’ post-test score of the experimental class ... 30
Picture 6. Picture of the students’ pre-test score of the control class .................... 31
Picture 7. Histogram of the students’ post-test score of the control class ............. 32


Table 1. Research design....................................................................................... 17

Table 2. Blueprint instrument ............................................................................... 21
Table 3. The schedule of Experimental and Control Class ................................... 25
Table 4. Frequency Distribution of the Experimental Class Pre-test .................... 28
Table 5. Frequency Distribution of the Experimental Class Post-test .................. 30
Table 6. Frequency Distribution of the Control Class Pre-test ............................. 31
Table 7. Frequency Distribution of the Control Class Post-test............................ 32
Table 8. The Result of Normality Test in Experimental and Control Class ......... 33
Table 9. The Result of Homogeneity Test ............................................................ 34
Table 10. The Result of Pre-test t-test of the Experimental and Control Class .... 35
Table 11. The Result of Post-test t-test of the Experimental and Control Class ... 36


Appendix 1.1 Research Instrument ....................................................................... 45

Appendix 1.2 Validity and Reliability Research Instrument ................................ 49
Appendix 1.3 Data Frequencies ............................................................................ 52
Appendix 1.4 Data Analysis ................................................................................. 56
Appendix 1.5 Students’ Score ............................................................................... 58
Appendix 1.6 Lesson Plan and Learning Material ................................................ 60
Appendix 1.7 Photographs .................................................................................... 72



A. Background of the Study

Language is very important for communication in human life. In other
words, there is no life without communication. English As a foreign
language in Indonesia is seriously learned by many people to have good
prospects of being the international world community. This shows that
English is taught from primary school up to and including higher education.
The purpose of learning a foreign language is to learn to communicate using
the target language orally and in writing (Depdikbud, 1995: 2). Therefore,
after learning the English language, students must be able to communicate
in English both orally and in writing. In addition, students at this level have
basic language skills such as reading, listening, speaking and writing
according to their interests and have a vocabulary of around 500 words
(Depdikbud, 2001: 1). This implies that students must master the
vocabulary. They need to know the meaning of words and be able to
pronounce them well. Vocabulary cannot be separated from other elements
of English in the classroom learning process in primary school because
vocabulary affects students' ability to learn English.
Vocabulary is the first aspect that must be learned by students when
learning a language. This is the most important element to give students a
better understanding of the language. Without sufficient vocabulary, we
cannot communicate and express ideas orally or in writing. Vocabulary
should be learned from the very beginning, i.e. from elementary school, so
that students have the opportunity to learn English. The teacher is one of the
elements that plays an important role in the learning process, because the
teacher is expected to be imaginative and creative in developing their
English lessons to beginners.

Vocabulary learning is important because students will be able to

speak, write and listen well. First, we need to know the vocabulary. People
cannot convey anything in communication if they do not know the
vocabulary. When learning vocabulary, students need to know the meaning
of the word and be able to use it in the context of a sentence.
Vocabulary plays an important role in listening, speaking, reading and
writing. Developing students' vocabulary is one of the most important
responsibilities of an English teacher. Vocabulary should be taught from the
start, i.e. in primary school, to give students the best chance of learning
English. The techniques used by their teachers make English lessons more
exciting when they relate to the real world. Techniques can be used to teach
vocabulary with pictures, songs, games, puzzles, stories, etc.
The most common vocabulary learning model used by some teachers
is word-for-word memorization or translation, aided by a dictionary. We
need to know that students, and even young students, have a fresh mind to
remember. Also, students will be very bored if they learn something that
doesn't interest them. The impression is that the teacher forces the students
to always learn something, but the teacher cannot be the best guide for the
students to find their interest.
Based on the observation of the researcher at SD IT Samawi
Yogyakarta, many students of the fifth grade have difficulty learning
English, especially their vocabulary. The researcher found a phenomenon.
First, the students have a limited vocabulary. It can seen if the teacher asks
in English, most of the students don't understand and can't express their idea
in English. Students also have difficulty remembering the meaning and
pronunciation of words. Therefore, SD IT Samawi Yogyakarta lacks
English learning hours. It is only once a week with a duration of 60 minutes.
Second, the teacher uses monotonous methods in the teaching and learning
process. It can be seen that the teacher only used textbooks as the learning
media and the teachers do not use various methods and techniques, so the
students do not enjoy the learning process.

Based on the above phenomena, the researcher found an effective

solution for teaching vocabulary to fifth grade students of SD IT Samawi
Yogyakarta. Storytelling supported by picture is chosen as vocabulary
teaching technique at the elementary level. It has attracted the interest of
elementary school students in learning vocabulary because most of them
like stories and pictures, so it can bring a lot of joy and opportunity to
memorize words and understand sentences easily.
Based on the above explanation, the researcher conducted a study
entitled “The using of storytelling in teaching vocabulary of the fifth
graders at SD IT Samawi Yogyakarta”

B. Identification of the Problems

1. The students have a limited vocabulary
2. The teacher uses monotonous methods in the teaching and learning
3. The students have difficulty in pronounciation of words.
4. The students cannot express their idea in English.
5. Lacks English learning hours in SD IT Samawi Yogyakarta

C. Limitation of the Problems

In this research, the limitation of the study focuses on the using of
storytelling in teaching vocabulary of the fifth graders at SD IT Samawi

D. Formulation of the Problems

1. Is there any significant differences between vocabulary class taught by
using storytelling and class taught by lecturing method for the fifth
graders at SD IT Samawi Yogyakarta?

E. Objective of the Study

1. To find out any significant differences between vocabulary class taught
by using storytelling and class taught by lecturing method for the fifth
graders at SD IT Samawi Yogyakarta.

F. Significance of the Study

1. For students:
To help the students to increase their vocabulary mastery.
2. For teacher:
This research can help the teacher in teaching vocabulary to their
3. For the researcher:
The researcher hopes the result of this research can enrich the theory of
vocabulary and teaching vocabulary by using storytelling.


A. Theoretical Background
1. Definition of Vocabulary

Many experts agree that vocabulary is the foundation of language that

can enable a person to communicate in a language. Richards and Renandya
(2002: 255) argue that vocabulary is a key element of language and allows
language learners to speak, write, read and listen in a particular language.
Brown (2001: 377) argues that vocabulary is the basis for learning a
language. Since it is a basic element of a language, in order to communicate
in a language, students must first know the vocabulary of the language. In
line with Brown, Hatch and Brown (1995: 1) argue that vocabulary is the
basic construction of language and therefore plays an essential role in
communication. Along with Brown, Hatch and Brown, Ghazal (2007: 84)
argues that vocabulary is the foundation of a language and plays an
important role for language learners.
Furthermore, Lauferin Shakuori and Mehrgan (2012: 47) argue that it
is impossible to understand the meaning of a text without knowing its
vocabulary, both in the native language and in the foreign one. Furthermore,
Richards and Renandya (2002: 255) argue that without extensive exposure
and good vocabulary learning strategies, this leads to less student
vocabulary and daily use of vocabulary, such as speaking to a native speaker
or writing an article in English.
From the above definition, it can be concluded that vocabulary is a
fundamental element in language learning, plays an important role for
language learners and that it is important to learn vocabulary in order to
communicate in a language. Since vocabulary is the foundation of a
language, it forms the basis for student communication. Vocabulary should
be the first element to be taught to language learners before other elements,

even grammar. This does not mean that grammar or other elements of a
language are less important. This is because when students know the
vocabulary, they can at least convey their ideas, while if they only know the
grammar, they cannot express their ideas.

2. Types of Vocabulary

Nation (2000: 38) divides vocabulary into two types; receptive lexicon
and productive lexicon. These types rely on vocabulary knowledge.
Receptive vocabulary is used to understand the shape of the word and its
meaning when listening or reading. Productive vocabulary is used when
someone wants to express their thoughts by speaking or writing, in the
correct form. Nation (2000: 38) suggests a different language for the
receptive and productive vocabulary. Use active and passive vocabulary.
According to Corson, active vocabulary is included in passive vocabulary,
along with three other types of word lists: words that are avoided, low
frequency words, and partially known words. Carson's description of active
and passive vocabulary is not based on knowledge of words, but on the use
of words. Furthermore, Crystal (2008: 512) also divides vocabulary into two
types, they are active and passive vocabulary. Active vocabulary are the
words that people usually use, while passive vocabulary are the words that
people understand but rarely used.

In addition, there are four different classes of vocabulary classified by

Johnson (2008: 93-94). These include listening vocabulary, speaking
vocabulary, reading vocabulary, and writing vocabulary. The explanations
are as follows.

1) Listening vocabulary
The listening vocabulary is the largest class of vocabularies. It forms the
basis for the development of other vocabulary classes. It contains words
that are commonly known to learners when they hear them in the
language they are learning.

2) Speaking vocabulary
Speaking vocabulary is frequently used in conversation. It is
relatively limited than the listening vocabulary because the knowledge or
understanding of some words is incomplete or contextual. Students can
sometimes understand words only in a specific situation or sentence
without the exact understanding of the words.
3) Reading vocabulary
These are the words that students usually understand in a text. It might
be the second most important vocabulary after listening vocabulary. At
the beginning of the school, the students have only a few words in their
reading vocabulary, but it will expand after the first year.
4) Writing vocabulary
These are the words that students use to express their ideas through
written texts. Students' written vocabulary is greatly influenced by the
words they can spell. In addition, students' writing vocabulary, like
listening vocabulary, is smaller than reading vocabulary. Moreover, it
can be said that the written vocabulary is the smallest class among the
four classes.
As there are different types of classifications in the English
vocabulary, the teacher must know and choose which type of vocabulary
to teach in the classroom. The teacher should also make sure that the
words introduced in the class are appropriate for the students. The age,
level or abilities of students can be a consideration of the teacher in
choosing the vocabulary to help students learn English.

3. The Vocabulary Mastery by storytelling with pictures

Haycraft (1997:162) states that there are many ways of presenting

vocabulary, namely by giving context, by describing and defining objects
by using mime, by defining opposites and synonyms words, by
translating, by showing pictures, by conducting words games. It is clear
that by using storytelling with pictures can use increase their vocabulary.

In learning foreign language for the children is easier when they heard
from their teacher, as Scott and Ytreberg (1992:125) explain when the
students start to learn a foreign language, it though their ears and what
the students hears are their main source of language. Furthermore, they
explain that through facial expression, movement, mime, and pictures as
visual back up in learning foreign language can help in listening process.
Based on the explanation above through storytelling that accompany
with pictures the children are empowering in vocabulary mastery. They
will feel comfortable, interesting, and enjoyable, and the most important
they are not bored in learning English.

4. Teaching Vocabulary

Thornburry, quoted by Alqahtani (2015: 24), states that for teachers,

teaching vocabulary to their students is one of the essential elements of
language learning. This is because languages are word-based.
Introducing vocabulary helps students understand and communicate in
the target language. Consistent with this claim, Cross (1992: 5) argues
that the goal of all language education is to provide students with a wide
range of vocabulary. When the teacher makes vocabulary learning a high
priority, it does not mean that the teaching and learning process abandons
grammar. On the contrary, it gives students the opportunity to learn and
use grammar (Cameron, 2001: 72).
According to Wallace in Nilawati (2009), when teaching
vocabulary, the following factors should be considered:
a. Aims
The purpose of vocabulary teaching is to make it easy for the teacher to
formulate the materials that will be taught to students.
b. Quantity
The teacher should determine the number of vocabulary elements to be
learned. Students get confused or discouraged when they receive many

new words. Therefore, the teacher should select new words that are
easily understood by the students.
c. Need
In vocabulary teaching, the teacher should choose the words that
students really need in communication.
d. Frequent exposure and repetition
Frequent exposure and repetition mean that the teacher has to practice
the repetition a lot so that the students have a good command of the
target words. They also give students the opportunity to use words in
writing or speaking.
e. Meaningful presentation
When teaching vocabulary, the teacher should represent the target words
in such a way that the meaning of the target words is perfect, clear and
f. Situation and Presentation
Teachers tell students to use words appropriately. The use of words
depends on the situation in which they are used and the person to whom
they are addressed.
In teaching vocabulary, there are a few techniques that can be used in
the classroom. Allen in Setiawan (2010) mentions some vocabulary
teaching techniques that can be prepared and selected. They are as follows:
a. Demonstration
The technique, which belongs to the demonstration, consists in
performing gestures and actions. The teacher can use real objects and
instructions. The teacher can demonstrate the material using real objects
available in the classroom, such as a door, windows, clock, desk, etc.
When using a teaching technique, the teacher can ask students to do
something like touch the pen, touch the image pointer, and so on.
b. Visual aids
Visual means something visible. The teacher can use visual aids when
teaching vocabulary to allow students to clearly observe and identify

objects. Additionally, visualization can interest students in learning

c. Verbal Explanation
Verbal explanation can be done by definition and translation. The
teacher can use explanations in the students' language, definitions in
simple English, and use vocabulary that the students already know to
clarify the meaning. For example: the word "umbrella" can be
introduced by explaining what it looks like and when it is generally
d. Word List
When using the word list technique, the teacher should pay attention to
the choice of vocabulary. The words taught must be related to the needs
of the students and be appropriate and related to their level.
Based on the above information, when teaching vocabulary, the
teacher should think about the appropriate material and technique for the
learner so that the learning objective can be achieved, namely that the
learner acquires the number of vocabulary words required by the teacher.

5. Assesing vocabulary

According to John Read (2000, hlm. 2), when assessing vocabulary,

we need to consider several points such as reason and dimensions.
Therefore, we can use appropriate types of vocabulary tests to measure
students' vocabulary skills. There are different types of vocabulary tests:
a) Multiple choice question format
b) Sentence Completion or gap fill items
c) Matching formats
d) Translation
These test tasks are easy to write, score, and use test time efficiently.
In particular, multiple-choice items were frequently used in standardized
tests. A professionally created multiple choice vocabulary test is highly

reliable and effectively differentiates learners based on their vocabulary

Tests containing elements such as those outlined above continue to
be written and used by language teachers to assess students' progress in
vocabulary learning and to diagnose areas of weakness in their word
knowledge of the target language - the language they are learning.

6. Definition of Storytelling

According to Bishop and Glynn in Alterio (2003), storytelling is an

ideal teaching and learning tool because it takes seriously the need for
students to make experiences meaningful, using their own culturally
generated meanings to enhance the relationship between students
creating new knowledge and learning from others. Additionally, sharing
and reflecting on stories provides opportunities for students to develop
authentic relationships with their peers.
Barzaq in Skhela (2010) defined storytelling as a knowledge
management technique, a means of disseminating information, targeting
the public and the sense of information. way of telling stories through
images. Furthermore, Taylor (2013) defined narration as the act of a
person verbally narrating to one or more listeners, without the use of
written text, a plausible account of an event or series of events.
Based on those definitions, it can be inferred that Storytelling tells a
literary text that has a sequence of events, including the use of voice and
body language to convey the text from one person to another in colorful
ways to create scenes. In telling the story, the teacher must follow five
sequential components in order for the story to be effective in the learning
process. Morgan and Dennehy in Eck (2006) provided these five
sequential components:

a) The setting
Setting is such a description of time, place, character, and context that
you provide something for the audience to mentally imagine and feel
part of.
b) Build up
Build up is a sequence of events that warns the listener that something
(usually some type of conflict) is about to happen. This creates tension,
interest and attention.
c) Crisis
The crisis is therefore the apogee or culmination of history. It is also the
place to introduce a new element and/or a turning point.
d) Learning
Learning is such a point to explain what the main character has learned.
Herein lies the lesson of history.

7. Storytelling with Picture

Presenting storytelling with picture will be helpful for the students

when we use pictures. It is supported by dale (1963:260) that by provides
of related pictures together we can tell a continuing story. Furthermore,
Hatchett (1956:175) says that children like to look at attractive, easy
picture books in preceding stage and will choose stories for the teacher
to tell them. It means that pictures can be a source of fun for the students
to make them realize that pictures for actual objects.
According to, Tidyman (1969:217) explains that the experiences of
hearing, seeing, touching, turning pages, examining pictures, observing,
the printed symbol of language, and usually commenting on those
elements found interesting are essentials in children’s initiation to
literature. Moreover, he adds that picture can be used to stimulate the
students’ direction of thinking, the mood. In addition, Tidyman
(1969:218) notes that appropriate words and phrases can lay the basis for
the students own effort to continue story.

Based on the above explanation, it can be concluded that picture is

an effective media to stimulate the students in conducting storytelling. It
means that by showing pictures to the students will hopefully involve
them in the story and develop their new perception in learning language,
especially their vocabulary.

8. Technique in Using Storytelling in Vocabulary Class

Brewster, Ellis, and Giard (2004) recommend some techniques in

using storytelling in the classroom:
a) Teachers should begin with a short session which does not require a long
concentration span.
b) Teachers should tell story slowly and clearly in order to students can
have time to recognize sounds, words, relate it to pictures or give some
c) Teachers should comment and point at the illustration to focus students’
d) Teachers should encourage students to involve in telling the story by
asking them to repeat some key items and phase.
e) Teachers should use gesture, mime, facial expression, voice projection
and pausing variably to convey meaning.
f) Teachers should ask students questions while telling the story to gain
interaction between students and that story.
g) By repeating the story, teachers create opportunities for students to
expose their language and have chances to work out the meaning and
have it remembered.

9. The Benefit of Storytelling in Teaching Vocabulary

According to Johnsson (2006) there are some benefit of storytelling

in teaching vocabulary:
a) Storytelling enables the students to form connection between the
meaning and form of the new vocabulary.

b) Listening to stories empowers the teacher to provide new vocabulary

and to revise old ones in a meaningful context.
c) Through stories, students learn the most frequent words that are very
important to their cognitive and linguistic development.
d) Stories, from an affective perspective, increase the students’ motivation
and help them form positive attitudes towards language learning and
desire to take part in the instructional process.
e) Imagination is one of the important skills that can be acquired via using
storytelling in the classroom.

B. Previous Study
A review on the previous study is applied to know whether the result
of the previous and present research is the same or different. There have
been three research on the previous study.
1. The first previous study is titled "Improving student vocabulary mastery
through storytelling strategy and hand puppet media", conducted by
Nasikhah Roikhatun, Bashir M Pairin Udjang, Fajarina Maskhurin, in
October 2019. This study used Classroom Action Research (CAR) with
approach quantity. The population in this study consisted of students
from SDN Keras 1 Diwek Jombang class VI, the number of 20 students.
The conclusions of this study were significant for puppet storytelling
strategy and media to improve students' vocabulary mastery. This is
demonstrated by the students' average pre-test score at 38.3 and the
average post-test score in Cycle 1 at 79.63. In Cycle 2, the students'
average score was 42.965 on the pre-test and 80.63 on the post-test.
2. The second previous study is titled “Improving Student Vocabulary
Skills Through TPR Storytelling” conducted by Rusiana and
Nuraeningsih in 2016. The design of this study was Classroom Action
Research (CAR). The subject of this study was second grade student
number 20 of a private primary school in Kudus, Central Java,
Indonesia. This research examined the impact of TPRS on students'

vocabulary mastery. The TPRS method, in which the story is presented

alongside physical activities, provides students with a less stressful
classroom situation that allows them to be involved in the story by
imitating what the teacher says and then interpreting the story. It can be
concluded that TPRS is effective learning that can be used in vocabulary
teaching for certain reasons. This method allows students to memorize
and understand vocabulary in a conceptual sense. You will experience
fun learning and improve your vocabulary skills.
3. The latest previous study is titled “Improving Students’ Vocabulary
Achievement by Using Storytelling” conducted by Sembiring Novalina
and Ginting A.Y. Fiber in September 2019. The design of this study was
Classroom Action Research (CAR). The subject of this study was the
second grade students of SMP Negeri 22 Medan. The conclusion of this
research was that storytelling can improve students' vocabulary. It was
found that after the application of narration, students' vocabulary
performance improved compared to the pre-test after the test. It can be
seen that the average total score of the students increased from 17.51 to
25 and to 64 at the post-test. The percentage of student scores increased
by 43.34% from pre-test to formative test and 265% from pre-test to
From the previous study above, these studies on the use of
storytelling in teaching vocabulary mastery have shown positive results.
Also, there is a difference between my research and previous research,
namely that my research uses a quantitative method. The type of
research used was quasi experimental design with the pre-test post-test.
While the previous study above used Classroom Action Research

C. Hypothesis
As an alternative answer of the research question, the researcher formulates
the following hypothesis such as:
1. Alternative hypothesis (Ha): There is significant difference of the
students’ vocabulary mastery who taught by using storytelling
2. Null hypothesis (Ho): There is no significant difference of the students’
vocabulary mastery who taught by using storytelling techniques.


A. Research Design
In this research, the researcher conducted quantitative method. The
researcher was applied a quasi-experimental design. In this research used
Cluster Random Sampling. Quasi experimental design is a type of research
design that have control group and experimental group were not chosen
randomly. It means there are two group in this research, one class as
experimental group and one class as the control group. In accordance with
the research design, before being given treatment, both of the experimental
group and the control group given a pretest to find out the score before being
given a treatment.
This design can be described as follows:
Class Pre-test Treatment Post-test
Experiment O1 X O2
Control O3 - O4
Table 1. Research design

E = Experimental Group
C = Control Group
X = Treatment using storytelling
O1 = Pre-test experimental class
O3 = Pre-test control class
O2 = Post-test experimental class
O4 = Post-test control class

Experimetal Class Control Class

Pre-test Pre-test

Treatment using Treatment not using

storytelling storytelling

Post-test Post-test

The using of storytelling in

teaching vocabulary

Picture 1. The chart of research design

B. Place and Time of the Study

This study was carried out at SD IT Samawi, Bantul, Yogyakarta. Which
is located on Tajeman village, Bantul, Tajeman, Palbapang, kec. Bantul,
Yogyakarta 55713. This research was conducted in July Until August 2022.

C. Population and Sample of the Study

1. Population
Population is a generalization area consisting of object or subjects which
have certain qualities and characteristics determined by the researcher to
study and then draw conclusions (Sugiyono, 2015:117). Population of this
research are the 5th grade at SD IT Samawi Yogyakarta. It divides in two
classes are 5th grade Ar Rozy, which consisted of 24 students and 5th grade
Ibnu Rusyd, which consisted of 26 students. The total population was 48

2. Sample
According to (Sugiyono, 2013: 117), the sample is part of the population
and property size. The sample of this research is students from 5th grade Ar
Rozy as experimental class and 5th grade Ibnu Rusyd as control class in SD
IT Samawi Yogyakarta.

D. Variable of the Research

According to (Sugiyono, 2019: 68) the variable is an attribute or nature
or value of a person, object or activity with some variation which is
determined by the researcher to study and then draw conclusions. In this
study, the variables used are the following:
1. Independent variable (X)
The independent variable is a variable that influences the change in the
occurrence of the dependent variable or becomes the cause of the
change. This research, the independent variable is the storytelling.
2. Dependent variable (Y)
Dependent variable is a variable that is influenced or becomes an
outcome due to the independent variable. In this research, the dependent
variable is vocabulary.


Relation between variable of the research

Description: X = Storytelling
Y = Vocabulary

E. Data Collection Techniques

The data collection technique is a systematic standard procedure for
obtaining the necessary data, it is closely related to the problem that will
direct and influence the data collection techniques (Moh. Natsir, 1988: 211).
According to Arikunto (1993: 12), he defines that there are six types of
collection techniques: test, questionnaire, interview, observation, rating

scale and documentation. In this research, the data collection techniques

used are: testing and documentation.
1. Test
Test was used to measure students’ vocabulary which is the test was
carried out before treatment (pre-test) and after treatment (post-test).
2. Documentation
According to Arikunto, the method of documentation is used to find
data related to subjects or variables that have taken the form of a note,
a report, a book, a diary, a magazine, registration, notice of meeting,
agenda, etc.
The research used documentation to gather data related to this research
such as: list of student names, class schedules, syllabus, lesson plans,
student worksheets, etc.

F. Research Instruments
According to Arikunto (2019, hlm. 203) research instrument is tools or
facilities used by researcher in collecting data so that their work is easier
and the result are better, more accurate, complete, and systematic so that
they are easier to process. The type of instrument is a test. The test was about
food and drink. Test has been given on the pre-test and post-test consisting
of 15 multiple choices, which was to find out students’ vocabulary mastery
of the fifth grade at SD IT Samawi Yogyakarta.

Blueprint Instrument

Material : Food and Drink

Class/semester : V/1

Basic Competence Question Indikator Question Number of

Number question
1. Understand the - Provided pictures of 1, 2, 3 3
meaning of phrases and food and drink, students
sentences about food can identify food and
and drink correctly drink correctly
- Students can interpret 4, 5 2
the words in bold about
food and drink correctly
- Students can 12, 13 2
understand story about
food and drink then
answer the questions
- Students can complete 10 1
simple dialogues about
food and drink correctly
- Students can complete 7, 14 3
simple sentence about
food and drink
- Students can identify 8, 9, 11, 15 4
the sentence about food
and drink
- Students can arrange 6 1
random words into a
sentence about food and
drink correctly
Total number 15
Table 2. Blueprint instrument

G. Validity and Reliability of Instrument

a) Validity
A data is said to be valid if it is in accordance with the actual
situation (Arikunto, 2008: 72). Based on this, the researchers conduct
validity test using the opinion of an expert or expert judgment with
PBI lecturer. Expert judgment in question is by consulting test
questions used in the research instrument and will test the validity of
the instrument by Mrs. Rahayu.
b) Reliability
Instrument reliability according to Nana Syaodih Sukmadinata
(2005: 229), which is related to the level of constancy or determination
of the measurement results. A reliable instrument (Sugiyono, 2007: 121)
is an instrument that is used several times to measure the same object
and gives the same data. The process of calculating this reliability is
carried out using the Windows application of the SPSS.25 program.

H. Techniques of Data Analysis

a) Descriptive Statistic
Descriptive statistics use the mean and standard deviation result. Hatch
and Farhady (1982: 39) explained that descriptive analysis is a statistic
used to summarize data. Descriptive statistics for mean and standard
b) Inferetial Statistic
Inferential statistics is defined as the use of descriptive statistics of
samples to draw a conclusion (estimate) from the population.
1. Normality Test
Normality test was used to test both the pre-test and post-test data
whether to have a normal distribution or not. The normality test used
Kolmogorov Smirnov's formula.
The interpretation of the normality test can be summarized as

(a) If the value of Significance was higher than 5% alpha (Sig. > 0.05), it
can be concluded that the data was normal distribution.
(b) If the value of Significance was less than 5% alpha (Sig. < 0.05), it can
be concluded that the data was not normal distribution.
2. Homogeneity Test
The homogeneity test aims to determine whether the sample of the
population has the same variance or does not show significant
differences from each other. The interpretation of the homogeneity test
results is done by observing the value of significance (Sig.).
The interpretation can be concluded as follows:
(a) If the significance is less than 0.05 (Sig. < 0.05), the variants different
significantly (not homogeneous).
(b) If the significance is higher than 0.05 (Sig. > 0.05), the variants are
significantly similar (homogeneous).
3. Hypothesis Test
For the Hypothesis test, the researcher used t-test to find out whether
or not there is a significant difference between the post-test results of
the experimental class and the control class. The t-test in this study was
conducted twice. First, t-test for pre-test data which is to find out the
initial condition of the research subject of two group. Second, calculate
the t-test for the post-test data to find out the effect of the teaching and
learning process that can be seen based on the final condition of the
research subject after being given treatment.
To process the data, the researcher was using SPSS program version
25. For the criteria for accepting and rejecting hypothesis are as follows:
(a) If the result t-hitung > t-tabel, then alternative hypothesis (Ha) was
acccepted and null hypothesis (Ho) was rejected.
(b) If the result t-hitung < t-tabel, then alternative hypothesis (Ha) was
rejected and null hypothesis (Ho) was accepted.


This chapter presented the result of the study consisting of data

description, data analysis, hypothesis testing, and discussion. This study
aims to find out the difference between the fifth grade students at SD IT
Samawi Yogyakarta taught by using storytelling and those who are taught
by using a lecturing method. In addition, this study also aims to find out the
effectiveness of storytelling in vocabulary class. The data in this study
include the initial score data (pre-test) and the final score data (post-test).

A. Data Description
In the data description, the researcher firstly wanted to propose and to
explain more about the description of teaching and learning processes both
in the control and experimental class when this study was held, but the
researcher just explained the main point of teaching, because the detail
activities can be seen and read in the lesson plans had been made. This study
was held in July18, 2022 and taken place in SD IT Samawi Yogyakarta. The
subject of this research was students from 5th grade Ar Rozy as experimental
class and 5th grade Ibnu Rusyd as control class. Teaching vocabulary
material food and drink was conducted in the three meetings both in the
control and experimental class. In SD IT Samawi, the English course was
taught once in a week with 60 minutes duration. Therefore, the researcher
needed one month to conduct this study. The schedule of the pretest,
treatment, and posttest are shown in Table 3 below.

Class Time Description

Experimental Class July 18, 2022 Pre-test
Experimental Class July 25, 2022 Treatment
Experimental Class August 1, 2022 Treatment

Experimental Class August 8, 2022 Treatment

Experimental Class August 15, 2022 Post-test
Control Class July 21, 2022 Pre-test
Control Class July 28, 2022 Treatment
Control Class August 4, 2022 Treatment
Control Class August 11, 2022 treatment
Control Class August 18, 2022 Post-test
Table 3. The schedule of Experimental and Control Class

The first class to be taught was the control class namely class Ibnu
Rusyd where the teacher taught using lecturing method without any media.
The next class was the experimental class that was in class Ar Rozy where
the teacher taught using storytelling. The detailed explanation of teaching
vocabulary would be clarified as follows.
1. Teaching and learning vocabulary in the control class using lecturing
The control class was carried out by using conventional teaching or
lecturing method. The english teacher taught material food and drink
without any method and media. The experimenter was the English teacher,
whereas the researcher just observed what the teacher did in the classroom.
In this class, teaching was done in three meetings that were in july 28 and
august 4 and 11. The first meeting was held in july 21 in the class 5 Ibnu
Rusyd. Time duration of teaching was 60 minutes.

Picture 2. The Learning Process in the Control Class

Firstly, the teacher started teaching by giving greeting to the students

and checked the attendance list. The number of the students at that time was
26. After greeting, pray together and the teacher gave some brainstorming
regarding the materials that would be explained in order that the students
were easy to understand the topic given by the teacher, the materials was
about food and drink. The objective of learning, the students were able to
read and write the name food and drink. The teacher began explaining the
learning objectives. The teacher wrote it in the white board. Then, the
teacher explained the material food and drink orally including vocabulary
of food and drink, types of meal times and simple sentence about food and
drink. The teacher wrote all explanation or vocabulary about food and drink
on the white board. The students listened to the teacher explanation and
copy what the teacher wrote on the white board in their notebook.
2. Teaching and learning vocabulary in the experimental class using
The experimental class was carried out by using storytelling. The
english teacher taught material food and drink used storytelling that
supported by picture. The experimenter was the researcher because the
researcher more understood about the method that will be applied. In this
class, teaching was done in three meetings that were in july 25 and August
8 and 15. The first meeting was held in July 25, 2022 in the class Ar Rozi

where the teacher taught vocabulary using storytelling. Time duration of

teaching was 60 minutes.

Picture 3. The learning process in the experimental class

Similar to the control class, firstly, the teacher started teaching by giving
greeting to the learners and checked the attendance list. The number of the
students at that time was 24. After greeting, pray together and the teacher
gave some brainstorming regarding the materials that would be explained in
order that the students were easy to understand the topic given by the
teacher, the materials was about food and drink. First meeting, the teacher
gave vocabulary of food and drink and asked the students to pronounce
them. The second meeting, the teacher divided the students into 3 groups
consist of 8 students. Then the teacher gives worksheet and pieces of paper
with picture of food and drink. The teacher started to storytelling. After that
the teacher give instruction to the students to doing worksheet according to
the story and put the picture correctly. In the third meeting, the teacher
explained how to make simple senteces about food and drink. The students
listened to the teacher explanation and copy what the teacher wrote on the
white board in their notebook. After that, the teacher asked the students to
make sentences with their friend then came forward in front of the class to
have a dialog.

B. Data Description of the Students’ Achievement in Experimental and

Control Class
1. Experimental Class
a. Pretest
The experimental class is a class taught using storytelling in vocabulary
learning. Subject in the experimental class pre-test are 24 students. Pre-test
score had purpose to measure the students’ ability in vocabulary before
treatment. From the result of the pre-test, the data showed the highest score
was 86.6 and the lowest score was 53.3.
By using SPSS, it is known that the average score (mean) achieved by
students in the experimental class pre-test was 67.4; mode was 60; median
was 66.6; and the standard deviation was 9.6854. The frequency distribution
of pre-test scores of Vocabulary skills with the experimental Class are
shown in Table 4 below.

. Class Interval Mid-Point Frequency %

53,3-58,3 55,8 3 12,5
58,4-63,4 60,9 6 25
63,5-68,5 66 6 25
68,6-73,6 71,1 5 20,8
73,7-78,7 76,2 0 0
78,8-83,8 81,3 2 8,3
83,9-88,9 86,4 2 8,3
Total 24 100

Table 4. Frequency Distribution of the Experimental Class Pre-test


Picture 4. Histogram of the students’ pre-test score of the experimental class

From the table and the diagram above, the students’ most frequent
scores were in interval 58,4-63,4. It can be concluded that the majority of
the students belonged to a medium category in the pre-test.
b. Post-test
A post-test of experimental class aims to find out the score of the
students after given treatment. From the post-test, data showed the highest
score was 93.3 and the lowest score was 60.
By using SPSS, it is known that the average score (mean) achieved by
student in the experimental class post-test was 76.6; mode was 73.3; median
was 76.6; and the standard deviation was 9.4261. The frequency distribution
of post-test scores of Vocabulary skills with the experimental Class are
shown in Table 5 below.

Class Interval Mid-Point Frequency %

60-65 62,5 2 8,3
66- 71 68,5 4 16,7
72-77 74,5 6 25
78-83 80,5 6 25
84-89 86,5 4 16,7
90-95 92,5 2 8,3

Total 24 100
Table 5. Frequency Distribution of the Experimental Class Post-test

Picture 5. Histogram of the students’ post-test score of the experimental class

From the table and the diagram above, the students’ most frequent
scores taught using storytelling were in interval 78-83. It can be concluded
that the majority of the students belonged to an advanced or a very good
category in the post-test.
2. Control Class
a. Pre-test
The control class is the class taught without using storytelling, instead
of using lecturing method. A pretest was conducted to find out the result of
the vocabulary test. Subjects in the control class pre-test are 26 students.
From the results of the pre-test, data showed the highest score achieved by
students was 80 and the lowest score was 46.6.
By using SPSS, it is known that the average score (mean) achieved by
student in the control class pre-test was 63.5; mode was 60; median was
63.3; and the standard deviation was 8.8931. The frequency distribution of
pre-test scores of Vocabulary skills with the control Class are shown in
Table 6 below.

Class Interval Mid-Point Frequency %

46,6-51,6 49,1 2 7,7
51,7-56,7 54,2 3 11,5
56,8-61,8 59,3 8 30,8
61,9-66,9 64,4 7 26,9
70-75 72,5 4 15,4
76-81 78,5 2 7,7
Total 26 100
Table 6. Frequency Distribution of the Control Class Pre-test

Picture 6. Picture of the students’ pre-test score of the control class

From the table and the diagram above, the students’ most frequent
scores were in interval 56,8-61,8. It can be concluded that the majority of
the students belonged to a medium category in the pre-test.
b. Post-test
A post-test of the control class aimed to find out outcomes of learning
of vocabulary without using storytelling. From the results of the post-test,
data showed the highest score achieved by students was 86.6 and the lowest
score was 53.3.
By using SPSS, it is known that the average score (mean) achieved by
student in the control class pre-test was 70.4; mode was 73.3; median was

73.3; and the standard deviation was 9.4552. The frequency distribution of
post-test scores of Vocabulary skills with the control Class are shown in
Table 7 below.

Class Interval Mid-Point Frequency %

53,3-58,3 55,8 2 7,7
58,4-63,4 60,9 4 15,4
63,5-68,5 66 6 23,1
68,6-73,6 71,1 8 30,8
73,7-78,7 76,2 0 0,0
78,8-83,8 81,3 3 11,5
83,9-88,9 86,4 3 11,5
Total 26 100,0
Table 7. Frequency Distribution of the Control Class Post-test

. Picture 7. Histogram of the students’ post-test score of the control class

From the table and the diagram above, the students’ most frequent
scores taught using lecturing method were in interval 68,6-73,6. It can be
concluded that the majority of the students belonged to a good category in
the post-test.

C. Data Analysis
Before testing the hypothesis, the data needed to be tested for normality
and homogeneity. Normality test was used to know whether the data were
in the normal distribution or not, whereas homogeneity was applied to know
whether the data were homogenous or not. In this study, the data used t-test
was pre-test and post-test.
1. Normality Test
Normality test is used to find out whether the data obtained normally
distributed or not. It can be said normal distribution if the value of
probability or significance was higher than significance level 5% or 0.05.
The researcher used Kolmogorov-Smirnov in SPSS Program version 25 in
testing normality to know and investigate whether the sample came from
normal distribution population or not. The result of the normality test is
presented as follows.

Variabel Sig. α Statement

Pre-test Experimental Class 0.111 0.05 Normal
Post-test Experimental Class 0.200 0.05 Normal
Pre-test Control Class 0.107 0.05 Normal
Post-test Control Class 0.105 0.05 Normal
Table 8. The Result of Normality Test in Experimental and Control Class

Based on the table above, it can be concluded that the distribution of the
data of pre-test and post-test both experimental and control Class are
normal. It can be seen from the value of sig. which was higher than 0.05
(Sig. > 0.05).
2. Homogeneity Test
Test of homogeneity was conducted to know whether all groups were
similar or not. The Levene-Test was employed to test the homogeneity. Data
is said to be homogeneous if the significance value was higher than 0.05
(significance level). The result of homogeneity test is presented as follows.

Variabel Sig. α Statement

Post-test Experimental Class 0.931 0.05 Homogeneous
Post-test Control Class 0.05
Table 9. The Result of Homogeneity Test

Based on the table above, it can be concluded that the significance value
of post-test (0.931) was higher than 0.05. It means that the sample variance
was homogeneous.
3. Hypothesis Test
After the data normal distribution and homogeneous, the next processes
were hypothesis testing. The hypothesis testing is aimed to find out any
significant differences between vocabulary class taught by using
storytelling and class taught by lecturing method for the fifth graders at SD
IT Samawi Yogyakarta. Hypothesis testing in this study used the t-test
namely independent sample t-test in analyzing data.
1) t-test of Pre-test Experimental and Control Class
t-test in this step is aimed to find out any significant differences between
pre-test result of the experimental class and control class. The research
hypotheses used independent sample t-test was as follows.
Ho: There is no significant difference in the pre-test results of the
experimental class with control class.
Ha: There is significant difference in the pre-test results of the
experimental class with control class.
In conclusion, if the value of significance is less than 0.05, then
Alternative Hypothesis (Ha) is accepted. It means there is significant
difference in the pre-test results of the experimental class with control class.
While, if the value of significance is higher than 0.05, then Alternative
Hypothesis (Ha) is rejected and Null Hypothesis (Ho) is accepted. It means
there is no significant difference in the pre-test results of the experimental
class with control class. The result of the pre-test T-test can be seen in the
following table below:

Variabel Mean tcount Sig. Statement

Pre-test Experimental Class 67.4 1.488 0.143 No Difference
Pre-test Control Class 63.5 No Difference
Table 10. The Result of Pre-test t-test of the Experimental and Control Class

Based on the table above, the result of the analysis of t-test show that
the value of tcount was 1.488 and the value of significance (Sig) was 0.143.
The value of significance (Sig.) was higher than 0.05. Then, it can be stated
that Alternative Hypothesis (Ha) was rejected and Null Hypothesis (Ho)
was accepted. It means that There is no significant difference in the pre-test
results of the experimental class with control class. So, it can be concluded
that the experimental and control class have the same ability.
2) t-test of Post-test Experimental and Control Class
t-test is aimed to find out any significant differences between post-test
result of the experimental class and control class. The research hypotheses
used independent sample t-test was as follows.
Ho: There is no significant difference in the post-test results of the
experimental class with control class.
Ha: There is significant difference in the post-test results of the
experimental class with control class.
In conclusion, if the value of significance is less than 0.05, then
Alternative Hypothesis (Ha) is accepted. It means there is significant
difference in the post-test results of the experimental class with control
class. While, if the value of significance is higher than 0.05, then Alternative
Hypothesis (Ha) was rejected. and Null Hypothesis (Ho) is accepted. It
means there is no significant difference in the post-test results of the
experimental class with control class. The result of the post-test t-test can
be seen in the following table below:

Variabel Mean tcount Sig. Statement

Post-test Experimental Class 76.6 2.304 0.026 Difference
Post-test Control Class 70.4 Difference
Table 11. The Result of Post-test t-test of the Experimental and Control Class

Based on the table above, the result of the analysis of t-test show that
the value of tcount was 2.304 and the value of significance (Sig) was 0.026.
The value of significance (Sig.) was smaller than 0.05. Then, it can be stated
that Alternative Hypothesis (Ha) was accepted and Null Hypothesis (Ho)
was rejected. It means that there was significant difference in the post-test
results of the experimental class taught by using storytelling with the control
class whose taught by using lecturing method.

D. Discussion
This section presented the discussion of research finding proposed
before mainly focused on the hypothesis testing. This study aimed to know
the effectiveness between methods in teaching vocabulary namely the using
storytelling and conventional way or lecturing method toward the students’
achievement in vocabulary of food and drink to fifth grade students at SD
IT Samawi Yogyakarta used both in the control and experimental class. It
was also definitely to know the students’ scores in vocabulary. In this study,
the researcher just used a test as a tool to collect the data, because the
researcher just wanted to know the students’ vocabulary.

In analyzing the data, the researcher used two techniques namely

descriptive and inferential statistics. Both of them had the different purposes
where descriptive statistics was applied to know the students’ average
scores including mean, median, mode, standard deviation, minimum and
maximum value. While inferential statistics was used to know the
significant differences among two methods and to prove the hypotheses.
After collecting the data, the researcher analyzed it using t-test with SPSS
Program version 25.

Based on the computation of the post-test result, the mean score of

experimental class on their vocabulary ability was 76.6 while that of the
control class was 70.4 It can be interpreted that the mean score of the
experimental group taught using storytelling was higher than the control
group taught using conventional or lecturing method. Those results were
also same with testing results of hypothesis in t-test showing that there was
a significant difference of the experimental group taught using storytelling
and the control group taught using conventional or lecturing method. Those
had been proved by using t-test in SPSS Program version 25 scoring the
significance value 0.026 that was lower than significance level of alpha (α)
5% or 0.05. It means, Ho was rejected and Ha was accepted there was a
significant difference of the students’ vocabulary mastery who taught by
using storytelling techniques.
The result has the same finding with the study from Farizawati (2016)
entitled using storytelling for teaching vocabulary. The result showed that
the mean score of the post-test from the experimental class was significantly
higher than the control class (77 > 65). These results showed that the
students taught using the Storytelling Technique achieved better scores than
those taught by using the Memorizing Words Technique. In addition, the
finding of the study from Sembiring Novalina and Ginting A.Y. Fiber
(2019) entitled Improving Students’ Vocabulary Achievement by Using
Storytelling. The percentage of student scores increased by 43.34% from
pre-test to formative test and 265% from pre-test to post-test. It means that
the storytelling can improve students’ vocabulary mastery.
In conclusion, the used of storytelling technique in the teaching learning
process of vocabulary can make a significant improvement in the student’s
score. The storytelling gave more benefits in learning process vocabulary
than lecturing method. The storytelling that supported by picture gave the
students more stimulus and input. Also, storytelling technique make the
students interested in studying vocabulary because most of them like story
and picture, so it can bring much joy and give opportunities to remember

the words and understand the sentence easily. This was different from
lecturing method where the students learned without media in learning
vocabulary. The teacher just explained materials more in front of class.
Therefore, the students were bored and not motivated in learning

The Research Limitation

In this study, the researcher realized that this study was far from
perfection which there were some limitations and obstacle. There are some
limitations of this study as follows.
1. The teachers found some students who are absent when the treatments
were carried out, so that the teachers gave addition materials in other
days to the students who were absent at that time.
2. The number of different subject in the experimental class and control
class. the researcher did not use randomization. It meant that the
researcher directly selected the experimental and control class.
3. The researcher had no more time to do research. The limited time
given by school is not enough to develop the ability of students.
4. No human or students are same.


A. Conclusion

Based on the results of the research and discussion that has been
presented in the previous chapter, it can be concluded that there was
significant differences in learning outcomes of the students who learned
vocabulary using storytelling with the students who learned without
storytelling. This can be shown by the results of t-test of experimental group
post-test and control group. The value of significance (Sig.) was higher than
significant level (0.026 < 0.05), then Ha was accepted. In addition, it can be
seen also from the average of experimental class post-test was 76.6 which
was higher than the average of control class post-test was 70.4. This shows
that learned by using storytelling that supported by picture was effective to
be used in teaching vocabulary for the fifth grade students of SD IT Samawi

B. Suggestion

Based on the conclusion of the research, the researcher suggests for the
following parties: the teachers, the students, and other researchers.
1. English Teacher
The application of media and interesting method in teaching vocabulary
should be also considered and supported by English teachers to make
students become motivated and enthusiastic in learning rather than using
conventional teaching.
2. The Students of English Education Department
The students of English Education Department had to develop the using
of storytelling as a teaching technique in teaching vocabulary. In order
storytelling can be more effective and efficient technique in vocabulary.

3. The Other Researchers

when other researchers wanted to conduct the similar research, they
should consider the limitation stated before.


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Name :
Class :
Do the exercises bellow and choose the correct answer!

This is

a. Rice
b. Cake
c. Egg
d. Noodle

Andi: what do you have for lunch?

Rudi : I have for lunch
a. Noodles
b. Bread
c. Meatball
d. Cheese


Amel : what is your favorite food?

Karin : my favorite food is

a. Fried rice
b. Fried chicken
c. Egg
d. Cake
4. “semangka” in English is
a. Apple
b. Oranges
c. Banana
d. Watermelon
5. “bayam” in English is
a. Onion
b. Egg
c. Celery
d. Spinach
6. Eat – I – chicken – like to
Arrange into a good sentence
a. I eat like to chicken
b. I like to eat chicken
c. I eat chicken like to
d. I chicken like to eat
7. My mother buys in the supermarket. (keju)
a. Meat
b. Fried chicken
c. Egg
d. Cheese
8. There are kinds of drink, except
a. Bread
b. Ice tea
c. A cup of coffee
d. Orange juice

9. The weather is hot today. I need a bottle of

a. Hot milk
b. Hot tea
c. Orange juice
d. Hot coffee
10. Joni :
Laura : my favorite food is burger. It’s very delicious.
a. What is taste of that food?
b. What do your favorite food?
c. What is your favorite food?
d. Do you favorite?
11. Rina is thirsty. She need
a. Rice
b. Potato
c. Candy
d. Fresh water
Read the text carefully!

My name is mala. I and family are having lunch in a restaurant. It is the best
restaurant in magelang. We order the food to the waiter. I order fried rice
and orange juice. My father orders fried chicken and ice tea. My mother
order noodle and apple juice. The food and drinks are very nice. We like
having lunch there.
12. What does mala order ?
a. Fried chicken and ice tea
b. Fried rice and orange juice
c. Noodle and apple juice
d. Noodle and ice tea
13. What does her father order ?
a. Fried chicken and ice tea
b. Fried rice and orange juice
c. Noodle and ice tea
d. Noodle and apple juice

14. I always have my _ before school

a. Lunch
b. Breakfast
c. Dinner
d. Eat
15. It is good for our skin (kulit) because it contents vitamine E.
a. Pineapple
b. Orange
c. Avocado
d. Apple




Yang bertandatangan dibawah ini :

Nama : Rahayu, S.Pd., M.Pd.
Jabatan : Dosen Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris
Telah membaca instrument penelitian yang berjudul “The Using of Storytelling in
Teaching Vocabulary of the Fifth Graders at SD IT Samawi Yogyakarta” oleh :
Nama : Khoirotul Umayah
NIM 182222104
Prodi : Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris
Setelah memperhatikan butir-butir instrument berdasarkan definisi variable dan
kisi-kisi instrumentnya, maka intrumen penelitian itu dinyatakan *VALID /
Demikian keterangan ini dibuat agar digunakan sebagaimana mestinya.

Yogyakarta, 24 Agustus 2022


Rahayu, S.Pd., M.Pd.



Judul Penelitian : The Using of Storytelling in Teaching Vocabulary of the

Fifth Graders at SD IT Samawi Yogyakarta
Peneliti : Khoirotul Umayah
Prodi : Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris
Nama Validator : Rahayu, S.Pd., M.Pd.

Petunjuk :
Berilah tanda centang (√) pada kolom penilaian yang sesuai dengan penilaian ibu
terhadap setiap butir soal dengan skala penilaian sebagai berikut :
1 : Sangat tidak baik 3 : baik
2 : Tidak baik 4 : Sangat baik

Aspek Indikator Skala penilaian Komentar

1 2 3 4
Kejelasan 1. Kejelasan judul √
lembar soal
2. Kejelasan butir √
3. Kejelasan √
pengisian soal.
Ketepatan isi 4. Ketepatan √
dengan jawaban

Relevansi 5. Pernyataan √
berkaitan dengan
6. Pernyataan √
sesuai dengan
aspek ingin
Kevalidasian 7. Pernyataan √
isi mengungkapkan
informasi yang
Ketepatan 8. Bahasa yang √
bahasa digunakan
9. Penulisan sesuai √
dengan EYD.

Yogyakarta, 24 Agustus 2022


Rahayu, S.Pd., M.Pd.



Frequencies Pre-test Experimental Class


Frequencies Post-test Experimental Class


Frequencies Pre-test Control Class


Frequencies Post-test Control Class



1. Descriptive Analysis

2. Normality Test

3. Homogeneity Test

4. Hypothesis Test
Used t-test


1. Aisyah Nurunnabilah 66.6 73.3
2. Aisyah Umainatulhaq 86.6 93.3
3. Alfu Alfin Niam 60 66.6
4. Aqil Muhammad Musyafak 60 60
5. Arina Putri Naroya 73.3 80
6. Aurora Najwa Sophiana 66.6 73.3
7. Dahayu Ken Nareswari 80 86.6
8. Damar Ragamukti Timur Pambudi 73.3 73.3
9. Dhiya Ulhaq Mufadhol 53.3 60
10. Dimas Eka Fahrudin 53.3 66.6
11. Fahdina Keysa Chalwa 60 80
12. Gusti Nonik Erlinda 53.3 66.6
13. Husnul Rosyidah 66.6 73.3
14. Irsyad Musyaffa Azzam 60 80
15. Jovita Nurulqolbi 60 66.6
16. Kartika Kirani Ayu Jinggan 73.3 73.3
17. Labibah Syarifah 60 80
18. Lisana Shidqin 'Aliya 66.6 73.3
19. Muhammad Fathan Fahriziy 80 86.6
20. Muhammad Shakiy Pramudya Inara 73.3 86.6
21. Natasya Widya Hapsari 66.6 80
22. Sabrina Nava Libna 86.6 93.3
23. Tasya Aura Pertiwi 66.6 86.6
24. Zahra Nadya Aisyaharani 73.3 80



1. Abinaya Adiraja 73.3 73.3
2. Aghitsna Gaida Rafa 66.6 66.6
3. Ahmad Akbar Arrrohman 53.3 60.0
4. Akbar Ahmad Fauzan 46.6 53.3
5. Aksara Adipati Biru 60.0 66.6
6. Arlistia Aura Saffa 66.6 73.3
7. Ataya Kayla Ramadhani 60 60
8. Auliya Jusie Kahes Dhyfa 66.6 73.3
9. Daris Farros Setyono 73.3 73.3
10. Desviola Anadira H. 80 86.6
11. Farihi Syahmi Ahmad 60.0 73.3
12. Faza Raihan Rayyana 53.3 66.6
13. Firza Dhaeyfa Fauzi 53.3 60
14. Garybaldy Arsyad Zufar 60.0 66.6
15. Gybran Fasihkhulisan 66.6 80
16. Haafizh Shaafi Annur 60.0 66.6
17. Kafka Putra Ramadhana 46.6 53.3
18. Kanaya Anindita Khairiri 80.0 86.6
19. Luthfi Mahendra 73.3 86.6
20. Muhammad Baligh Azka F. 60 73.3
21. Muhammad haidar H. A. 66.6 73.3
22. Muhammad Hanun Faeyza 60.0 66.6
23. Nazanina Lathifah N. 73.3 80.0
24. Satria Arif Miftahul H. 66.6 73.3
25. Vanesha Audy Qurratuain 60.0 60
26. Volleta Dhika Saputri 66.6 80



School : SD IT Samawi Yogyakarta

Subject : English
Class/semester : V/1
Skill : Vocabulary
Material : Food and drink

Time : 3 x 60 minutes
A. Core Competence
KI-1 : Menghargai dan menghayati ajaran agama yang dianutnya
KI-2 : Menunjukkan perilaku jujur, disiplin, tanggung jawab, peduli
(toleransi, gotong royong), santun, percaya diri, dalam berinteraksi secara
efektif dengan lingkungan sosial dan alam dalam jangkauan pergaulan dan
KI-3 : Memahami pengetahuan (faktual, konseptual, dan prosedural)
berdasarkan rasa ingin tahunya tentang ilmu pengetahuan, teknologi, seni,
budaya terkait fenomena dan kejadian tampak mata
KI-4 : Mencoba, mengolah, dan menyaji dalam ranah konkret
(menggunakan, mengurai, merangkai, memodifikasi, dan membuat) dan
ranah abstrak (menulis, membaca, menghitung, menggambar, dan
mengarang) sesuai dengan yang dipelajari di sekolah dan sumber lain yang
sama dalam sudut pandang/teori

B. Basic Competence and Indicators

Basic Competence Indicators
3.1 Understand oral stories with the 3.1.1 Understand the classification
help of pictures of types of food and drink.
3.2 Understand the meaning of 4.1.1 Read and write the name of
phrases and sentences about food food and drink from listening the
and drink correctly stories.
4.1 Can respond the simple
instruction verbally in the context
of class

C. Learning Objective
1. Meeting 1
➢ The students know the name of food and drink
➢ The students are able to pronounce the word about food and drink
2. Meeting 2
➢ The students are able to mention the name of food and drink
➢ The students can memorize vocabulary of food and drink
3. Meeting 3
➢ The students can make simple sentence about food and drink

Teaching Activity

Meeting 1

No Aspect (time) Teacher’s do Students’ do

1. Opening (5 -The teacher open the class Response by students :
minutes) (Assalamualaikum Wr.Wb) - Waalaikumsalam Wr.Wb
- Good morning, good
-The teacher greet the morning and I’m fine
students - Bismillahirrohmannirroh
(Good morning student. im
How are you today) - Yes miss, present miss,
-The teacher give - The students listen the
instruction to pray together. teacher.
(Before start our class let - The students prepare
pray together). their textbook.

-The teacher check the

(I will check the presence
today. Who’s absent today?)

-The teacher explain the

materials’ today
(well, today we will study
about the name of food and

2. Main - The teacher give some - The students mention the name
(25 minutes) question like of food and drink.
• Please mention the - The students pay attention to
name of foods the teacher when she is
• Please mention the explaining the material.
name of drinks - The students write vocabulary
• What your favorite in their notebook.
food? - The student follow the teacher
• What your favorite to pronounce the name of food
drink? and drink

- The teacher give

vocabulary about food and
- The teacher write
vocabulary in the white
- The students pronounce
the vocabulary together.

3. Closing - The teacher asks the The students say

(5 minutes) students if there are any - No mis
question. (any question - Alhamdulillahirobbil
students?) ‘alamin
- See you mis
- The teacher end the lesson - Waalaikumsalam wr.wb
(before we end our class,
lets close by say hamdalah

-Closing (thanks for today

students, see you on the next
meeting. Wassalamualaikum

Meeting 2

No Aspect (time) Teacher’s do Students’ do

1. Opening (5 -The teacher open the class Response by students :
minutes) (Assalamualaikum Wr.Wb) - Waalaikumsalam Wr.Wb

- Good morning, good

-The teacher greet the morning and I’m fine
students - Bismillahirrohmannirroh
(Good morning student. im
How are you today) - Yes miss, present miss,
-The teacher give - The students listen the
instruction to pray together. teacher.
(Before start our class let - The students prepare
pray together). their textbook.
-The teacher check the
(I will check the presence
today. Who’s absent today?)

-The teacher explain the

materials’ today
(well, today we will study
about the name of food and

2. Main - The teacher give - The student follow the teacher

(25 minutes) vocabulary about food and to pronounce the name of food
drink through storytelling and drink
- The students make several
- The students pronounce groups
the name of food and drink - The students listen the
- The teacher divides the - The students Put the picture
students into several groups into worksheet correctly.

- The teacher gives

worksheet and pieces of
paper with pictures of food
and drink

- The teacher give

instruction to the students to
doing worksheet according

to the story. Put the picture

into worksheet correctly.

3. Closing - The teacher asks the The students say

(5 minut students if there are any - No mis
es) question. (any question - Alhamdulillahirobbil
students?) ‘alamin
- See you mis
- The teacher end the lesson - Waalaikumsalam wr.wb
(before we end our class,
lets close by say hamdalah

-Closing (thanks for today

students, see you on the next
meeting. Wassalamualaikum


No Aspect (time) Teacher’s do Students’ do

1. Opening (5 -The teacher open the class Response by students :
minutes) (Assalamualaikum Wr.Wb) - Waalaikumsalam Wr.Wb
- Good morning, good
-The teacher greet the morning and I’m fine
students. (Good morning - Bismillahirrohmannirroh
student. How are you today) im
- Yes miss, present miss,
-The teacher give nothing
instruction to pray together. - The students listen the
(Before start our class let teacher.
pray together). - The students prepare
their textbook.
-The teacher check the
(I will check the presence
today. Who’s absent today?)

-The teacher explain the

materials’ today
(well, today we will study
about the name of food and

2. Main - The teacher reviews the - The students pay

(25 minutes) material about food and attention to the teacher
drink in the previous when she is explaining
meeting the material.
- The teacher explain how to
make simple sentence about - The students write the
food and drink sentence in their
- The teacher give example notebook
simple sentence of food and
drink - - The students practice
- The teacher ask student to dialog with their friend
dialog with their friend in in front of class
front of class

3. Closing - The teacher asks the The students say

(5 minutes) students if there are any - No mis
question. (any question - Alhamdulillahirobbil
students?) ‘alamin
- The teacher end the lesson - See you mis
(before we end our class, - Waalaikumsalam wr.wb
lets close by say hamdalah
-Closing (thanks for today
students, see you on the next
meeting. Wassalamualaikum

C. Sources and Media

1. English book
2. Text story
3. Picture

The Very Hungry Caterpillar by Eric Carle

In the light of the moon, a little egg lay on a leaf.
One Sunday morning, the warm sun came up and pop! – out of the egg came a
tiny and very hungry caterpillar.
He started to look for some food.
On Monday he ate through one apple. But he was still hungry.
On Tuesday, he ate through two pears, but he was still hungry.
On Wednesday, he ate through three plums, but he was still hungry.
On Thursday, he ate through four strawberries, but he was still hungry.
On Friday, he ate through five oranges, but he was still hungry.
On Saturday he ate through one piece of chocolate cake, one ice-cream cone, one
pickle, one slice of swiss cheese, one slice of salami, one lollipop, one piece of
cherry pie, one sausage, one cupcake, and one slice of watermelon. That night he
had a stomachache!
The next day was Sunday again. The caterpillar ate through one nice green leaf,
and after that he felt much better.

Now he wasn’t hungry anymore, and he wasn’t a little caterpillar anymore. He

was a big, fat caterpillar.

He built a small house around himself, called a Cocoon, And he stayed inside for
more than two weeks.
Then he nibbled a hole in the cocoon, pushed his way out, and...
he was a beautiful butterfly.


Topic : Food and Drink


Vocabulary of Food :
- Biscuits = Biskuit
- Bread = Roti
- Brithday Cake = Kue UlangTahun
- Brownrice = Beras Merah
- Burger = burger
- Cake = Kue
- Candy = Permen
- Cereal = Sereal
- Cheese = Keju
- Cookies = Kue Kering
- Corn = Jagung
- Doughnuts = Donat
- Egg = Telur
- Fish = Ikan
- Fried chicken = ayam goreng
- Fried fish = ikan goreng
- Fried rice = nasi goreng
- Fruits = buah-buahan
- Jam = selai
- Meatballs = bakso
- Noodles = Mie
- Omelette = telur dadar
- Pizza = pizza
- Potato Chips = Keripik Kentang
- Pudding = Puding
- Rice = Nasi
- Salad = Salad
- Soup = Sup
- Toast = Daging Panggang
- Vegetables = sayuran
- Sausage = sosis
- Honey = madu
Vegetable (sayuran)
- Cabbage = kubis
- Celery = Seledri.
- Edamame = Kacang kedelai jepang.
- Garlic = Bawang putih.
- Ginger = Jahe.
- Green bean = Buncis.
- Leek = Bawang perai.

- Lettuce = Selada.
- Olive = Zaitun.
- Onion = Bawang bombay.
- Peas = Kacang polong.
- Spinach = Bayam
- Red onion = bawang merah
Fruits (buah)
- Papaya = pepaya
- Passion fruit = markisa
- Peach = persik
- Pear = pir
- Pineapple = nanas
- plum = plum
- Strawberry = stroberi
- Watermelon = semangka
- Apple = apel
- Banana = pisang
- Cherry pie = buah ceri
- Oranges : jeruk
Drink (Minuman)
- Coffee = kopi
- Tea = teh
- Milk = susu
- Juice = jus
- Water = air
- Hot chocolate = cokelat panas
- Ice cream = es krim

There are 5 types of meal times, namely:

• Breakfast = Sarapan
(I have breakfast in the morning with bread)
• Brunch = Makan diantara waktu sarapan dan makan siang
(I have brunch late in the morning with meatballs
• Lunch = Makan siang
( I have lunch with fried chicken and ice tea
• Dinner = Makan malam
(We have dinner with noodles)

Speaking: Tanya Jawab Seputar Makanan dan Minuman

What do you like to eat? / what is your favorite food?

I like to eat meatballs. (Saya suka bakso.) / my favorite food is meatballs

What is your favorite drink? (Apa minuman favorit kamu?) / what do you like to
My favorite drink is ice tea. (Minuman favorit saya adalah es teh) / I like to drink
a glass of ice tea

Do you want something to drink? (Ingin sesuatu untuk diminum?)

Yes, I would like to drink coffee (Ya, saya ingin minum kopi)

Can you make me fried rice? (Bisakah kamu buatkan saya nasi goreng?)
Sure (Tentu bisa)


Put the picture according to the story that has been heard correctly!



Picture 1. The students of experimental class were doing the pre-test

Picture 2. The teacher was giving treatment storytelling


Picture 3. The students were doing the worksheet

Picture 4. The students were doing the worksheet

Picture 5. The result of worksheet


Picture 6. The learning process in the experimental class

Picture 6. The students were doing the post-test

Picture 7. The students of control class were doing pre-test


Picture 8. The learning process in control class

Picture 9. The students of control class were doing the post-test

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