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‫المراجعــة النهائيــة‬

Final Revision
Connect Plus

6 th
Second Term
Test 1
1) Listen and choose:
1- A/An ...................... person has started a food stall.
a- ancient b- strange c- old d- young
2- People can buy hot and fresh food to eat ...................... .
a- inside b- outside c- in offices d- in kitchens
3- They throw the paper food boxes and plastic forks in a ...................... .
a- river b- plastic bag c- garbage bin d- street
4- To keep their village clean, people ...................... garbage.
a- recycle b- leave c- make d- burn

2) Read and complete the text with the words in the box:
(toothpaste – modern – dirty – clean – mint)
We think our modern world is full of exciting new inventions. However, the Ancient
Egyptians were as good as modern people at inventing new things. Ancient Egyptians
wanted to keep (1) ................................ So they invented a type of (2)................................
to make the teeth clean. They mixed salt, flowers (3)................................ and pepper into a
paste. Ancient Egyptians’ toothpaste was as good as (4)................................ toothpaste.

3) Read the following text and answer the questions:

My name is Noha and I’m in grade 6. I work hard and I’m confident – I’m happy
to share my ideas in front of the class. I enjoy working in a team, and I like working
independently, too. I enjoy taking part in group activities. I enjoy studying history and
math. I love science, too, because I want to understand how the world works. I also like
P.E. I’ve played in some important volleyball matches this year. my team doesn’t always
win, but it’s fun anyway!
A) Choose the correct answer:
1- The underline word “win” is the opposite of “......................”
a- take b- lose c- succeed d- pass
2- Noha shares her ideas with her ...................... .
a- dad b- brother c- class d- mom
3- Noha is in the ...................... grade.
a- fourth b- fifth c- sixth d- second
B) Answer the following questions:

1- Why does Noha love science?

........................................................................................................................................... .
2- What sport does Noha play?
........................................................................................................................................... .
4) The Reader:
A) Read and write T (True) or F (False):
1- The newspaper team didn’t have pens for printing. ( )
2- Nadine travels around the world. ( )
3- A reporter came to interview the newspaper team. ( )
4- A friend of Nadine went to the local deaf club. ( )

B) Answer the following questions:

1- What does Hatem write for?
........................................................................................................................................... .
2- How were the videos the team made at first?
........................................................................................................................................... .

5) Choose the correct answer:

1- If you ...................... a new machine what would it be?
a- invent b- invents c- inventing d- invented
2- The food ...................... by the astronauts.
a- is heating b- is heated c- heats d- has heated
3- Mother asked me to ...................... a break.
a- has b- having c- have d- had
4- I put ...................... my clothes to make my room tidy.
a- of b- in c- for d- away
5- I am ...................... my grandfather tomorrow.
a- visit b- visits c- visiting d- visited
6- This e-mail ...................... sent two hours ago.
a- is b- are c- was d- will

6) Order the words to make correct sentences:

1- to – up – They – the beach – are – the route – looking.
........................................................................................................................................... .
2- like – in – living – Egypt – Do – they?
........................................................................................................................................... .
3- ancient – not – Farming – easy – Egypt – was – in.
........................................................................................................................................... .

7) Write a paragraph of seventy (70) words using the following guiding elements:
"School talent show"
Guiding elements: (When was it? – How was it? – What do you think about it? –
Where was it?
Test 2
1) Listen and choose:
1- At the age of 25, Omar was a/an ......................
a- doctor b- banker c- dentist d- engineer
2- He had a/an ...................... and he went to the hospital.
a- job b- accident c- project d- lab
3- Omar hear about two disabled ......................
a- actors b- athletes c- farmers d- businessmen
4- He broke a world ...................... in holding his breath underwater.
a- competition b- record c- fitness d- race
2) Read and complete the dialogue with the words in the box:
(invented – worry – interesting – jacket – food)
Ali : Hi, Youssef. Are you enjoying our school project about inventions?
Youssef : Yes, it’s really (1) ................................
Ali : So, Youssef, if you (2) ............................. a new form of transportation, what would it be?
Youssef : I would invent a flying (3) ................................
Ali : Cool! But isn’t that dangerous?
Youssef : No, don’t (4) ................................ A computer would control the jacket.
Ali : It sounds fun!
Youssef : Of course.
3) Read the following text and answer the questions:
Reem is in primary six. She had a problem, so she was very anxious. She had to do
her homework well for a math competition. She asked her dad for help. Reem’s dad
helped her with her math homework. It was difficult and Reem couldn’t get the right
answers. Her dad explained it very slowly. He helped Reem for half an hour until Reem
understood. Reem’s dad was patient. Reem became very happy and thanked dad.

A) Choose the correct answer:

1- The text is about “Reem’s ......................”.
a- teacher b- trip c- problem d- class
2- The underline word “anxious” means ......................
a- pleased b- excited c- relaxed d- worried
3- Reem had a/an ...................... competition.
a- English b- math c- science d- Arabic

B) Answer the following questions:

1- Why was Reem anxious?
........................................................................................................................................... .
2- How did Reem’s dad help her?
........................................................................................................................................... .

4) The Reader:
A) Read and write T (True) or F (False):
1- The team didn’t really know how to make videos. ( )
2- On social media, people always write a lot of words. ( )
3- The newspaper team put flyers in front of the doors to find kitty. ( )
4- Nadine loved science. ( )

B) Answer the following questions:

1- What did Bassant encourage the children for?
........................................................................................................................................... .
2- Who travels around the world?
........................................................................................................................................... .

5) Choose the correct answer:

1- Ahmad ...................... to Mecca next week.
a- travels b- is traveling c- was traveling d- were traveling
2- Yesterday, Dad dropped me ...................... at the station.
a- on b- at c- off d- in
3- He ...................... around the world, if he had an airplane.
a- travels b- will travel c- travelled d- would travel
4- The telephone was ...................... in 1876.
a- invent b- invented c- inventing d- invents
5- Science ...................... at school.
a- is taught b- taught c- is teaching d- teaches
6- Grandma ordered us ...................... on the wall.
a- write b- writing c- to writing d- not to write

6) Order the words to make correct sentences:

1- silly – don’t- You – to – want – look.
........................................................................................................................................... .
2- cold -the – It – very – Arctic – is – in.
........................................................................................................................................... .
3- he – Did – the school – send – to – the article – newspaper?
........................................................................................................................................... .

7) Write a paragraph of seventy (70) words using the following guiding elements:
"Your trip to the science museum"
Guiding elements: (driverless – planetarium – exhibition - control)
Test 3
1) Listen and choose:
1- Ancient Egyptians wanted to keep ...................... .
a- messy b- dirty c- clean d- ugly
2- Clean ...................... were important to Ancient Egyptians.
a- arm b- teeth c- hair d- noise
3- The Ancient Egyptians mixed salt, flowers, ......................, and pepper into a paste.
a- rice b- yogurt c- mint d- sugar
4- Ancient Egyptian ...................... was as good as modern toothpaste!
a- toothpaste b- ink c- plow d- engine

2) Read and complete the text with the words in the box:
(trapped – effect – safer – toothpaste – become)
We use plastic in our everyday lives: at home, at school, and at work. Plastic can get
into the ocean. It can have a very bad (1) ................................ on sea life: turtles, fish,
and jellyfish, for example. Some animals thin the plastic is food, and so they eat it and
(2) ................................ sick. Some animals get (3) ................................ in the plastic and
are hurt. If there wasn’t so much plastic pollution, the seas and beaches would be
(4) ................................ for the sea animals and for us, too.

3) Read the following text and answer the questions:

There are lots of times when you can work in a team at school and in clubs, or in
activities out of school. Some people say that they like working on their own. That’s
fine – it’s good to be independent and to focus on your work. However, if you work in
a team, you might find that it’s fun to take part. You might learn a lot! When you take
part in a new sport, for example, you can easily make new friends. You might meet
new people that you haven’t met before. Playing together as a team in a game or a
competition is a great experience, and you might make friends for life.

A) Choose the correct answer:

1- The underlined word “take part” means “......................”.
a- join b- turn c- look d- point
2- Playing together in a team gives great ...................... .
a- problem b- experience c- fight d- argument
3- We can work in a team at school or in ...................... .
a- clubs b- seas c- planes d- trains

B) Answer the following questions:

1- Do you like working on your own or in a team?
........................................................................................................................................... .
2- How can you make new friends when you work in a team?
........................................................................................................................................... .
4) The Reader:
A) Read and write T (True) or F (False):
1- The younger students didn’t find the newspaper website. ( )
2- Tarek went to the P.E. teacher every week. ( )
3- Bassant did potters outside school. ( )
4- The team wanted to start a school newspaper. ( )
B) Answer the following questions:
1- What does Tarek do now as an adult?
........................................................................................................................................... .
2- Why did the family thank the newspaper team?
........................................................................................................................................... .

5) Choose the correct answer:

1- Many years ago, the pandas ...................... in danger.
a- put b- putting c- puts d- were put
2- We ...................... shopping next Friday.
a- go b- goes c- are going d- were going
3- If we ...................... to Aswan, we would visit the High Dam.
a- travelled b- travel c- traveling d- would travel
4- How is the space ship ...................... ?
a- cleaning b- cleans c- clean d- cleaned
5- The teacher told the students ...................... their books.
a- open b- to open c- opening d- opened
6- We went to the airport to see my uncle ......................
a- away b- off c- on d- out

6) Order the words to make correct sentences:

1- were – dead – Why – fish – river – the – the – in?
........................................................................................................................................... .
2- a – not – She – find – could – out – problem – solution – the – to.
........................................................................................................................................... .
3- navigate – Ibn Majid – the seas – to – learned – how.
........................................................................................................................................... .

7) Write a paragraph of seventy (70) words using the following guiding elements:
"Your goals"
Guiding elements: (Introduction. – Your favorite subject. – Your future goals. – Your interests.

Test 4
1) Listen and choose:
1- Ibn Majid was a very ...................... man.
a- short b- nervous c- bored d- intelligent
2- Ibn Majid learned ......................, math, geography and astronomy.
a- art b- music c- drawing d- languages
3- Stars at night helped ...................... to find their way in the sea.
a- astronauts b- sailors c- vets d- doctors
4- Ibn Majid became known as a master ......................
a- teacher b- engineer c- navigator d- farmer
2) Read and complete the dialogue: with the words in the box:
(feeling – stop – anxious – determined – help)
Bassant : Hello, Nadine. I’m doing a school project. Can you help me?
Nadine : Hello, Bassant. Yes, of course.
Bassant : When do you sometimes feel (1) ................................ ?
Nadine : I feel anxious when I have exams.
Bassant : What do you do to help you (2) ................................ feeling anxious?
Nadine : I ask for (3) ................................ and I plan my ideas.
Bassant : That’s great! Do you think you’re a ................................ person?
Nadine : Yes. I never stop until I do my work.

3) Read the following text and answer the questions:

Giant pandas live in China. They are very cute animals. They are black and white.
They have got big heads, heavy bodies, big round black eyes and ears. They have
sharp claws for climbing trees. They live in bamboo forests and they only eat bamboo.
Bamboo is a green plant with thick stems and thin leaves. Pandas spend about 12 hours
a day eating. A baby panda is called a cub. A cub weighs about 140 grams. Pandas are
endangered animals. There are about 2000 pandas living in the wild. We should help
animals live long and healthy lives.
A) Choose the correct answer:
1- The general idea of the text is about “......................”.
a- Bamboo b- Leaves c- Pandas d- China
2- The meaning of the underlined word “thick” is “......................”.
a- small b- thin c- angry d- big
3- Pandas have ...................... heads.
a- tall b- tiny c- small d- big

B) Answer the following questions:

1- What will happen if there aren’t any bamboo trees?
........................................................................................................................................... .
2- What is bamboo?
........................................................................................................................................... .
4) The Reader:
A) Read and write T (True) or F (False):
1- The younger students couldn’t hear the voices very well at first. ( )
2- At the first time, the videos of the newspapers team were very clear. ( )
3- Some children decided to write news reports in English. ( )
4- The school volleyball team was in the finals. ( )
B) Answer the following questions:
1- Why did Hatem go to check everybody’s writing with the teacher?
........................................................................................................................................... .
2- What did the newspaper team do to find kitty?
........................................................................................................................................... .

5) Choose the correct answer:

1- The giant pandas ...................... enough bamboo to eat.
a- are giving b- were giving c- weren’t given d- giving
2- Could you fill ...................... the form, please?
a- in b- up c- off d- on
3- We ...................... a boat if we lived on an island.
a- have b- had c- will have d- would have
4- The coach asked us ...................... stop and drink.
a- in b- to c- of d- from
5- You ...................... how to use first aid?
a- shows b- showing c- are showed d- shown
6- Abdo ...................... his friends tomorrow.
a- met b- meeting c- was meeting d- is meeting

6) Order the words to make correct sentences:

1- parents – meal – Ali’s – know – the – don’t – about.
........................................................................................................................................... .
2- had to – the accident – use – Omar – after – a crutch.
........................................................................................................................................... .
3- was – Heba – last – Why – excited – Monday?
........................................................................................................................................... .

7) Write a paragraph of seventy (70) words using the following guiding elements:
"School sports day"
Guiding elements: (What is the school sports day? – Who will come? –
Where will be the sports day? – How do you feel?
Test 5
1) Listen and choose:
1- Our school sports day was last ......................
a- Sunday b- Monday c- Thursday d- Friday
2- Mr. Kamal’s class ...................... the sports area.
a- decorated b- cleaned c- painted d- damaged
3- The older children in school planned all the ......................
a- playgrounds b- races c- paths d- classes
4- Many girls and bout ...................... part in the school sports day.
a- made b- took c- looked d- broke
2) Read and complete the dialogue with the words in the box:
(laughed – team – excited – decorated – sports)
Eyad : Hello, Tamim. How was your day at school?
Tamim : It was great. I’m very (1) ................................
Eyad : Why are you so excited?
Tamim : Our school (2) ................................ day will be next Monday.
Eyad : That’s amazing news! Did you get ready?
Tamim : Yes. Mr. Adel’s class (3) ................................ the sports area.
Eyad : Will you play in any sports team?
Tamim : Yes, I’ll play with the school football (4) ................................
3) Read the following text and answer the questions:
We think our modern world is full of exciting new inventions. However, Ancient Egyptians
were as good as modern people at inventing new things. We still use many Ancient
Egyptians’ inventions today. They’ve existed for thousands of years. That’s the sign of a
good invention! In Ancient Egypt, it was important to write down decisions, record events,
and tell stories. For this, people needed paper and ink. Papyrus was a type of thick paper
made from reeds. It wasn’t as smooth as the paper we use today, but it changed how people
communicated. The Ancient Egyptians also created and early type of ink. They burned wood
or oil, and mixed it with water. Then they used the ink to write on the papyrus.
A) Choose the correct answer:
1- This text is about “The Ancient Egyptians’ ......................”.
a- inventions b- food c- clothes d- doctors
2- Ancient Egyptians used ...................... to make papyrus.
a- wheat b- cotton c- reeds d- linen
3- The underlined word “smooth” means ......................x
a- difficult b- soft c- hard d- rough

B) Answer the following questions:

1- Why do you think the Ancient Egyptians’ inventions were great?
........................................................................................................................................... .
2- How did the Ancient Egyptians make ink?
........................................................................................................................................... .
4) The Reader:
A) Read and write T (True) or F (False):
1- All the stories are on the school website now. ( )
2- Bassant was really interested in art. ( )
3- Some of the team thought about a career in television. ( )
4- A local man found a cat that matched kitty’s features. ( )
B) Answer the following questions:
1- What does Bassant do now as an adult?
........................................................................................................................................... .
2- When did the younger students go to the computer room?
........................................................................................................................................... .

5) Choose the correct answer:

1- I don’t know the answer, I’ll look ...................... on the internet.
a- it on b- up it c- on it d- it up
2- The apples ...................... eaten by me.
a- doesn’t b- isn’t c- aren’t d- don’t
3- Grandpa told me ...................... too much.
a- eat b- eaten c- eating d- not to eat
4- What re you ...................... this evening?
a- doing b- does c- do d- did
5- Plants would die if there ...................... no sunlight.
a- is b- were c- be d- will be
6- The whole room wasn’t ...................... yesterday.
a- painting b- painted c- paint d- paints
6) Order the words to make correct sentences:
1- fit – needs – in – The team – keep – space – to.
........................................................................................................................................... .
2- challenges – What – the – of – the – were – trip?
........................................................................................................................................... .
3- summer – vacation – We – going – this – aren’t – on.
........................................................................................................................................... .

7) Write a paragraph of seventy (70) words using the following guiding elements:
"Working in a team"
Guiding elements: (new ideas – learn to listen – make new friends)

Test 6
1) Listen and choose:
1- We have a ...................... at our school.
a- garage sale b- charity day c- class pet d- sports day
2- ...................... from our school all bring in old items.
a- Students b- Teachers c- Volunteers d- Workmen
3- The money we collet is used to help children who are in ......................
a- parks b- hospitals c- factories d- libraries
4- We buy some new ...................... and take them to the children.
a- clothes b- toys c- shoes d- snacks

2) Read and complete the text with the words in the box:
(meal – museum – busy – story – homework)

I’m Yaseen. I live with my family. I have a big family. This week, my parents are very
(1) ................................, so I’m making dinner this evening. My sisters are going to the
(2) ................................ this afternoon to buy the food we need. Then, at five o’clock, I’m
cooking my parents’ favorite (3) ................................ It’s hawawshi! It will be a surprise. I
hope they like it! I’m helping my brother with his (4) ................................ tomorrow, too.
My dad usually does that, but I really like doing more to help at home.

3) Read the following text and answer the questions:

Once there was a farmer. He lived in a village. He had a strange hen. It laid a golden
egg every day. He sold the golden egg and got high price. He was very greedy and
couldn’t wait to become rich. He wanted to be rich at once. One day he killed the hen
to get all the golden eggs. But he was very disappointed to see that there was only one
egg. He felt sorry, but it was too late.

A) Choose the correct answer:

1- A farmer live in a/an ......................
a- city b- village c- apartment d- yard
2- The underlined word “disappointed” means ......................
a- happy b- unhappy c- nice d- clever
3- A farmer wanted to be ......................
a- healthy b- rich c- calm d- sorry

B) Answer the following questions:

1- Why was the hen strange?
........................................................................................................................................... .
2- How did the farmer feel at the end?
........................................................................................................................................... .

4) The Reader:
A) Read and write T (True) or F (False):
1- Nadine reported on art competitions in school. ( )
2- Mrs. Basma didn’t help the newspaper team. ( )
3- Now, Hatem and Tarek work in the news. ( )
4- Bassant was great at writing. ( )
B) Answer the following questions:
1- Why did the team want to start a school newspaper?
........................................................................................................................................... .
2- Where did Hatem go every week?
........................................................................................................................................... .
5) Choose the correct answer:
1- Was the letter ...................... by Khaled?
a- send b- sends c- sending d- sent
2- They asked the doctor to help ......................
a- them b- they c- their d- theirs
3- My mom woke me ...................... early so we could visit my grandma.
a- out b- away c- up d- off
4- Tourists wouldn’t visit Egypt if it ...................... a lot of monuments.
a- had b- didn’t have c- has d- doesn’t have
5- ...................... you going on vacation this summer?
a- Are b- Do c- Have d- Did
6- The food ...................... in drawers in the spaceship.
a- keeps b- are kept c- is kept d- keeping
6) Order the words to make correct sentences:
1- bags – to – are – a wall – The sleeping – attached.
........................................................................................................................................... .
2- filter – prevent – straws – Can – diseases?
........................................................................................................................................... .
3- play – me – Dad – not – told – to – street – in – the.
........................................................................................................................................... .

7) Write a paragraph of seventy (70) words using the following guiding elements:
"Amazing adventures"
Guiding elements: (canoe – challenge – tent – photos)

Test 7
1) Listen and choose:
1- My favorite place in ...................... was Marrakech.
a- China b- Italy c- Morocco d- Egypt
2- We stayed at a ......................
a- cave b- tent c- hotel d- riad
3- Moroccans speak ......................
a- French b- Arabic c- English d- German
4- The taxi dropped us off at the ......................
a- bus station b- airport c- hospital d- school

2) Read and complete the text with the words in the box:
(achieve – fins – trained – easy – had)

Omar Hegazy is a very interesting man who is a world-record-holding athlete. He

shows that when you work hard, you can (1) ................................ amazing things.
He is very inspiring, but his life has not always been (2) ................................ Omar
(3) ................................ hard, and in 2022, he could swim underwater for a distance of
56.48 meters! He then put on (4) ................................ and swam for longer – 76.7 meters!
He broke world records with both these swims.

3) Read the following text and answer the questions:

One day, Amina, her sister Nadia, her brother Magdy, and her mom were going on
an adventure. Mom was driving them to the oasis to see their dad. He was working on
an engineering project at the oasis for a few weeks. Amina was really looking forward to
seeing him. Mom packed lots of food and water so they could have a picnic on the way.
They set off early because the journey was long and it wasn’t a good road. Before they
set off, mom asked Amina to run back into the house to get two picnic rugs. At lunchtime,
mom stopped the car and they had a delicious picnic and they sat on the rugs.
A) Choose the correct answer:
1- The main idea of the text is about “......................”.
a- An oasis b- A delicious fruits c- An adventure d- Engineering projects
2- The underlined word “rugs” can be replaced by “small ......................”.
a- carpets b- maps c- bottles d- plates
3- ...................... drove the car to the oasis.
a- Nadia b- Amina c- Magdy d- Mom
B) Answer the following questions:
1- Why did they go to the oasis?
........................................................................................................................................... .
2- Who ran back into the house to get the picnic rugs?
........................................................................................................................................... .

4) The Reader:
A) Read and write T (True) or F (False):
1- The team could use a phone to film their stories. ( )
2- Hatem, Bassant, and Nadien are good cousins. ( )
3- Nadine was writing about a new photography exhibition. ( )
4- The newspaper’s team success was terrible for the school. ( )

B) Answer the following questions:

1- What does Hatem do now as an adult?
........................................................................................................................................... .
2- Who helps everybody in school to take an interest in sport?
........................................................................................................................................... .

5) Choose the correct answer:

1- He ...................... up some vocabulary when he visited Germany.
a- filled b- picked c- put d- ran
2- We ...................... a party next Sunday.
a- are having b- had c- has d- having
3- The book was written ...................... Ziad.
a- to b- with c- from d- by
4- Cotton ...................... by a lot of farmers.
a- grow b- grows c- is grown d- are grown
5- We ...................... make a special meal if we went on a trip.
a- ‘ll b- ‘d c- ‘re d- ‘ve
6- Ali asked me to ...................... some research on the internet.
a- do b- does c- did d- done
6) Order the words to make correct sentences:
1- sunrise – They – decided – before – to – early – leave.
........................................................................................................................................... .
2- machine – the children – a time – Are – make – going to?
........................................................................................................................................... .
3- a driver – them – Driverless – don’t – cars – need – control – to
........................................................................................................................................... .
7) Write a e-mail of seventy (70) words about helping a friend who has a problem to your friend Aly:
Your friend’s e-mail address is Your name is Omar and your e-mail
address is
Guiding elements: (talk – listen – try hard – make him happy – solution)
From : ...........................................
To : ...........................................
Subject : ...........................................

Test 8
1) Listen and choose:
1- Aly ...................... studying history and math.
a- hates b- enjoys c- stops d- imagine
2- Aly has played in some important ...................... matches this year.
a- basketball b- tennis c- football d- volleyball
3- Ali is competing in a ...................... competition next week with three friends.
a- science b- math c- English d- French
4- They are designing a new ...................... .
a- rug b- pot c- robot d- game

2) Read and complete the dialogue with the words in the box:
(joined – game – turns – win – great)
Omar : How was the football game last weekend, Seif?
Seif : It was really good thanks, Omar.
Omar : Did you (1) ................................?
Seif : Yes, we won the game but it wasn’t easy.
Omar : That sounds great. You’ve been happier since you (2) ................................
the football team.
Seif : Yes, I have. When we practice, we take (3) ................................ to play in
different positions so I’ve learned a lot. And I’ve made some good friends.
Omar : I’ll come and watch your next (4) ................................
Seif : Thank you, Omar. You’re a good friend.

3) Read the following text and answer the questions:

The wildlife photographers used robot cameras that look like animals. The robot camera
is a great invention. The robot camera sounds like a hippo and could swim underwater. The
robot camera can film a family hippos. The camera doesn’t scare hippos or other animals.
It’s covered in waterproof material. It sounds like hippos because it makes noises like them.
This camera can show scientists how healthy the wildlife is.
A) Choose the correct answer:
1- The text is about “......................”.
a- Jobs b- Robot cameras c- Video games d- Adventures
2- The underlined word “scare” means to ......................
a- push b- frighten c- film d- cover
3- The wildlife photographer use robot cameras to ...................... wildlife.
a- kill b- harm c- damage d- film
B) Answer the following questions:
1- How can robot cameras help scientists?
........................................................................................................................................... .
2- Why doesn’t robot camera scare hippos?
........................................................................................................................................... .

4) The Reader:
A) Read and write T (True) or F (False):
1- The younger children went to the art class to break time. ( )
2- Bassant encouraged the younger children to recycle the school trash. ( )
3- Hatem was a bad leader. ( )
4- The team put written stories on the school website. ( )

B) Answer the following questions:

1- Where did Bassant often go?
........................................................................................................................................... .
2- Who gave Nadine a camera?
........................................................................................................................................... .

5) Choose the correct answer:

1- Mom ...................... me to the club tomorrow.
a- drives b- drove c- is driving d- has driven
2- I figured the answer ...................... by looking online.
a- at b- on c- off d- out
3- The teacher told us ...................... leave the classroom.
a- not b- to not c- not to d- didn’t
4- Where ...................... the first underground railway opened?
a- were b- was c- will d- would
5- What would you do if you ...................... lost?
a- got b- get c- have got d- getting
6- Many subjects ...................... to students at school.
a- taught b- are taught c- is taught d- teach

6) Order the words to make correct sentences:

1- spaceship – no – on – shower – There’s – the.
........................................................................................................................................... .
2- you – If – go – in – you – where – traveled – would – a time machine?
........................................................................................................................................... .
3- again – to – She – not – decided – time – her – waste.
........................................................................................................................................... .

7) Write a paragraph of seventy (70) words using the following guiding elements:
"An amazing adventure"
Guiding elements: (learn more about – put up a tent – challenges – humans)

Test 9
1) Listen and choose:
1- Cycling is a good way to ...................... .
a- run b- sleep c- jump d- travel
2- Cycling is ...................... for the environment.
a- bad b- good c- unsafe d- dangerous
3- People are using a new material for ...................... paths.
a- bike b- car c- train d- plane
4- At night, the path glows ...................... .
a- slowly b- loudly c- quickly d- softly

2) Read and complete the dialogue with the words in the box:
(international – chatting – journalist – What – singing)
Jasmine : Hello, Lara. What is your job?
Lara : Hello, Jasmine. I’m a (1) ................................
Jasmine : Wow! Where do you work?
Lara : I work for an (2) ................................ newspaper in Cairo.
Jasmine : Do you like your job?
Lara : Yes, I like too much.
Jasmine : (3) ................................ do you like about being a journalist.
Lara : I like interviewing people and (4) ................................ with lots of people.

3) Read the following text and answer the questions:

Our school sports day was last Thursday, 13 June. It was awesome! Mr. Kamal’s class
decorated the sports area – it looked great! The older children in school planned all the races.
We think all the parents loved it, too! Many girls and boys took part, and there were many
different things to see. Lots of people watched the exciting football, volleyball, and basketball
games. Well done to all the winning teams! The races, such as the 100-meter running, long
jump, and high jump were popular, too. Luckily, the weather was great for our sports day. the
school director, Mrs. Dorriya, was very happy. At the end of the day, she gave out prizes. She
said, “I’m so proud of all of you – you worked so hard to make this day fantastic!” Then we
ended the day with a fun tug-of-war in the field! Our sports day was amazing!
A) Choose the correct answer:
1- Reem is in grade ......................
a- two b- five c- three d- one
2- The text is about “......................”.
a- School subjects b- Video games c- A sports day d- A famous scientist
3- The opposite of the underlined word “older” is “......................”.
a- taller b- younger c- faster d- slower
B) Answer the following questions:
1- When was the school sports day?
........................................................................................................................................... .
2- What did Mrs. Dorriya do at the end of the day?
........................................................................................................................................... .
4) The Reader:
A) Read and write T (True) or F (False):
1- Many of the younger children became motivated to create something themselves. ( )
2- Mrs. Basma was disappointed about the team’s idea. ( )
3- The newspaper team stopped printing newspaper. ( )
4- A local teacher came to the school to give a talk. ( )

B) Answer the following questions:

1- Who came to interview the team?
........................................................................................................................................... .
2- When did the newspaper team become friends?
........................................................................................................................................... .

5) Choose the correct answer:

1- When the taxi dropped us ...................... at the airport, I felt sad.
a- off b- in c- away d- out
2- My brother ...................... to the store later.
a- is gone b- is going c- goes d- was going
3- Flowers ...................... by the gardener every day.
a- is watered b- are watered c- water d- waters
4- Mother ...................... me to study hard.
a- told b- said c- said to d- inquired
5- By whom was the first car ......................?
a- make b- makes c- made d- making
6- Where ...................... you go if you had a time machine?
a- did b- are c- will d- would

6) Order the words to make correct sentences:

1- isn’t – hot – Spring – summer – as – as.
........................................................................................................................................... .
2- Everest – equipment – Alyssa – the correct – bought – for climbing.
........................................................................................................................................... .
3- project – is – What – the – about – school?
........................................................................................................................................... .

7) Write a paragraph of seventy (70) words using the following guiding elements:
Guiding elements: (name – grade – favorite subjects – interests – future goal)
Test 10
1) Listen and choose:
1- Some people like to ...................... a lot.
a- talk b- sleep c- run d- work
2- It’s ...................... to listen, too.
a- slow b- scary c- important d- boring
3- A ...................... works best when everybody takes turns to speak.
a- school b- team c- game d- play
4- You can learn a lot when you take an interest in the other people’s ...................... .
a- games b- houses c- money d- ideas

2) Read and complete the dialogue with the words in the box:
(do – worried – problem – sad – happy)
Mazen : Hello, Sam. How are you today?
Sam : I’m fine, but I’m very (1) ................................
Mazen : What are you worried about?
Sam : My friend, Rafik is quiet and (2) ................................
Mazen : Why is he sad?
Sam : I don’t know.
Mazen : What will you (3) ................................ ?
Sam : I think I should give him space, and wait for him to
tell me the (4) ................................
3) Read the following text and answer the questions:
My name’s Lucy. When I was 14, I decided to travel around the world and see as many
countries as possible. My mom said “Yes”! I was so excited! We decided to go to Morocco first.
I use a wheelchair, so we had to be very organized, but that wasn’t a problem. We filled in the
forms to tell the train and plane staff about my disability, and everybody was very helpful. I
looked up the best places to visit on the internet before we left.My favorite place in Morocco
was Marrakech. I loved the food there. We stayed at a riad, which has a special house in
Morocco. There was a swimming pool, and my mom woke me up early so I could swim every
day. Moroccans speak French, so I picked up a lot of French phrases while I was there. When
the taxi dropped us off at the airport, I felt a bit sad. Morocco is a wonderful place!
A) Choose the correct answer:
1- A text is about “......................”.
a- A visit to Morocco b- Music c- Healthy food d- A school subject
2- The underlined phrasal verb “filled in” means “......................”.
a- discovered b- stopped c- deleted d- completed
3- A riad is a special ...................... in Morocco.
a- school b- hotel c- house d- garden
B) Answer the following questions:
1- What did Lucy pick up when she was in Morocco?
........................................................................................................................................... .
2- Do you think Lucy love Morocco? Why/Why not?
........................................................................................................................................... .
4) The Reader:
A) Read and write T (True) or F (False):
1- Nadine is a scientist. ( )
2- Sometimes, the newspaper team had problems to solve. ( )
3- The newspaper team helped the community. ( )
4- The team produced an Arabic language newspaper. ( )
B) Answer the following questions:
1- What was Mrs. Basma’s idea?
........................................................................................................................................... .
2- Who was a good leader?
........................................................................................................................................... .
5) Choose the correct answer:
1- Astronauts ...................... to swim three lengths in their space suits.
a- ask b- are asked c- asks d- asked
2- If I ...................... you, I’d study hard.
a- was b- am c- are d- were
3- These things ...................... by mom yesterday.
a- are bought b- is bought c- was bought d- were bough
4- She asked her children to ...................... for dinner.
a- sat b- sits c- sit d- sitting
5- What information did you look ...................... ?
a- for b- up c- in d- out
6- My cousins ...................... us next week.
a- visit b- visited c- are visiting d- were visiting
6) Order the words to make correct sentences:
1- pandas – bamboo – given – The giant – not – enough – were.
........................................................................................................................................... .
2- bad – Is – for – environment – plastic – the?
........................................................................................................................................... .
3- the sea – can – We – on – safely – travel.
........................................................................................................................................... .
7) Write an e-mail of seventy (70) words about a special invention to your friend Ahmad:
Your friend’s e-mail address is Your name is Ziad and your
e-mail address is
Guiding elements: (take photos – look like – sea life – smooth – waterproof)

Listening texts:
Test 1
1) Listen and choose:
In a remote village, a young person has started a food stall in the village market.
People can buy hot and fresh food to eat outside with their friends. When they have
finished their meals, they throw the paper food boxes and plastic forks in a garbage bin.
To keep their village clean, they recycle garbage.

Test 2
1) Listen and choose:
At the age of 25, Omar was a banker. He was doing well at work, and was enjoying
his life. Then he had an accident. He went to the hospital, where the doctors removed
part of his leg. Omar heard about two disabled athletes, and he wanted to be like them.
He started training hard and working on his fitness. Amazingly, he broke a world record
in holding his breath underwater. Now, Omar motivates people all around the world.

Test 3
1) Listen and choose:
Ancient Egyptians wanted to keep clean. Clean teeth were important to them, so they
invented a type of toothpaste. The Ancient Egyptians mixed salt, flowers, mint, and
pepper into a paste. Ancient Egyptian toothpaste was as good as modern toothpaste!

Test 4
1) Listen and choose:
Ibn Majid was a very intelligent seaman. He learned languages and learned about
math, geography, and astronomy. Study in astronomy was important because the stars
at night helped sailors to find their way in the sea. Ibn Majid became known as a master
Test 5
1) Listen and choose:
Our school sports day was last Thursday, 13 June. It was awesome! Mr. Kamal's
class decorated the sports area - it looked great! The older children in school planned
all the races. We think all the parents loved it, too! Many girls and boys took part, and
there were many different things to see. Lots of people watched the exciting football,
volleyball, and basketball games.

Test 6
1) Listen and choose:
Every year we have a garage sale at our school. Volunteers from our school all bring in
old items like clothes, books, toys, or kitchen equipment. These items are sold to anyone
who would like to buy them. The money we collect is used to help children who are in
hospitals. We also buy some new toys and take them to the children with our teachers.

Test 7
1) Listen and choose:
My favorite place in Morocco was Marrakech. I loved the food there. We stayed at
a riad, which is a special house in Morocco. There was a swimming pool, and my mom
woke me up early so I could swim every day. Moroccans speak French, so I picked up a
lot of French phrases while I was there. When the taxi dropped us off at the airport, I
felt a bit sad. Morocco is a wonderful place!

Test 8
1) Listen and choose:
I'm Ali and I'm in Grade 6. I enjoy studying history and math. I love science, too,
because I want to understand how the world works. I also like PE. I've played in some
important volleyball matches this year. My team doesn't usually win, but it's fun anyway!
I go to a science club after school. I'm competing in a science competition next week with
three friends. We're designing a new robot. I hope our design wins the competition.

Test 9
1) Listen and choose:
Cycling is a good way to travel. It keeps you fit, and it's good for the environment. In
some countries, people are using a new material for bike paths which glows in the dark.
It stores solar energy during the day. Then, at night, the path glows softly. Cyclists can
see where they are going in the dark. It's safe, and it's good for the environment!

Test 10
1) Listen and choose:
Some people like to talk a lot. However, it's important to listen, too. A team works best
when everybody takes turns to speak, and takes time to listen to each other. You can
learn a lot when you take an interest in other people's ideas. This might even mean that
you change your opinion.


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