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Facts about Article 370 for School Children

1. What is Article 370?

 Definition: Article 370 was a special provision in the Indian Constitution that gave
special autonomy to the region of Jammu and Kashmir.
 Special Status: It allowed Jammu and Kashmir to have its own constitution and make its
own laws, except in defense, foreign affairs, finance, and communications.

2. Historical Background

 Date of Adoption: Article 370 was adopted on October 17, 1949.

 Reason for Creation: It was created because Jammu and Kashmir had joined India under
special circumstances after the partition in 1947.

3. Key Features

 Autonomy: Jammu and Kashmir could make its own rules and laws for everything
except defense, communication, and foreign affairs.
 Separate Constitution: The state had its own constitution and flag.
 Presidential Order: The President of India needed the state government’s approval to
apply any law, except in the areas mentioned above.

4. Changes Over Time

 Amendments: Over the years, several Presidential Orders extended more and more of
the Indian Constitution to Jammu and Kashmir.
 Citizenship: Only permanent residents of Jammu and Kashmir could buy property and
get government jobs in the state.

5. Abrogation (Removal) of Article 370

 Date: On August 5, 2019, the Indian government decided to abrogate (remove) Article
 Reason: The government wanted to integrate Jammu and Kashmir fully with the rest of
 Impact: After the removal, Jammu and Kashmir lost its special status and became like
any other Indian state.

6. Present Status

 Union Territories: The state was reorganized into two Union Territories: Jammu &
Kashmir and Ladakh.
 Uniform Laws: All Indian laws are now applicable to these regions, and they no longer
have their own constitution.
7. Significance for Students

 Historical Understanding: Knowing about Article 370 helps understand the history and
politics of India.
 Current Affairs: It's a significant event in recent Indian history and affects how the
region is governed today.

8. Fun Fact

 Temporary Provision: Article 370 was originally meant to be a temporary provision but
lasted for 70 years before being abrogated.

These points give a clear and straightforward understanding of Article 370 for school children,
highlighting its importance and the changes it underwent.

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