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Year 8 - Order of Operations

Question 1

Work out

21 ÷7−2

Question 2

10 ÷ 5+6

Question 3


( 9+ 102 )−( 2+7 2 )

Question 4

Here is a sequence of patterns made with squares.

The rule for working out the number of squares in each pattern is

How many squares are in pattern 7?


Mark scheme
Question 1

When there are more than one operation in a calculation, they need to be evaluated in the
following order:

B - brackets
I - indices (powers)
DM - division and multiplication
AS addition and subtraction

You need to calculate 21 ÷7 first which is equal to 3

21 ÷7−2∧¿ 3−2

Question 2

When there are more than one operation in a calculation, they need to be evaluated in the
following order:

B - brackets
I - indices (powers)
DM - division and multiplication
AS addition and subtraction

You need to calculate 10 ÷ 5 and 6 2 first.

10 ÷ 5+6 ∧¿ 2+36

Question 3

When there are more than one operation in a calculation, they need to be evaluated in the
following order:

B - brackets
I - indices (powers)
DM - division and multiplication
AS addition and subtraction

You need to calculate the brackets first.

¿ ( 9+102 )−( 2+ 72 )
¿=( 9+100 ) −( 2+7 )

¿= (109 )−( 2+7 2)

¿=( 109 )− ( 2+ 49 )
¿=( 109 )−( 51 )

Question 4

Year 8 Order of Operations - Learning Outcomes

Q1) Evaluate calculations with two operations.

Q2) Evaluate calculations with three operations.

Q3) Evaluate calculations with brackets.

Q4) Understand the order in which operators in an expression are evaluated

according to BIDMAS.

Next Learning Steps

To further enhance your understanding, I would like to encourage you to review the questions you answered incorrectly. Redoing these
questions in your copybook can be a valuable learning exercise. It will help solidify your understanding of the concepts and ensure that you
grasp the material thoroughly.

Student Reflection
What tips would you give yourself to enhance your skills for a future assignment of these learning outcomes?


Year 8 - Order of Operations Feed Forward Tasks

Question 1


20 ÷ 10+7

Question 2

Work out
2 2
4 +3

Question 3


7 × ( 3 × 3+6 )

Question 4

James and Zach are trying to find the value of 3+ 4 ×5 .

James says it is 35.

Zach thinks it is 23.

Who is correct?

Mark scheme
Question 1

When there are more than one operation in a calculation, they need to be evaluated in the
following order:

B - brackets
I - indices (powers)
DM - division and multiplication
AS addition and subtraction

You need to calculate 20 ÷ 10 first which is equal to 2

20 ÷ 10+7∧¿ 2+ 7

Question 2

When there are more than one operation in a calculation, they need to be evaluated in the
following order:

B - brackets
I - indices (powers)
DM - division and multiplication
AS addition and subtraction

You need to calculate 4 2 and 32 first.

2 2
4 + 3 ∧¿ 16+ 9

Question 3

When there are more than one operation in a calculation, they need to be evaluated in the
following order:

B - brackets
I - indices (powers)
DM - division and multiplication
AS addition and subtraction

You need to calculate the brackets first.

¿ 7 × ( 3 × 3+6 )
¿=7 × ( 9+ 6 )
¿=7 × ( 15 )

Question 4

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