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(Established under the ‘Nyaya Bandhu’ Scheme by Department of Justice, Government of India)

February 2024 / Magha, Vikram Samvat 2080

The Pro Bono Club of the University of Lucknow successfully organized a legal awareness,
literacy, and legal aid camp in collaboration with District Legal Service Authority (DLSA) on
February 10th, 2024, at the Panchayat Sachivalaya in Chanda Coder, Bakshi Ka Talab,
Lucknow. Attendees were welcomed by the energetic team of Pro Bono Associates, ensuring a
warm and inclusive atmosphere.

The program commenced with an opening address by Nayab Tehsildar Mrs. Ruchi Gupta, who
highlighted the importance of legal awareness and the government's efforts in providing
accessibility to justice. Following her, our esteemed Prof. (Dr.) B. D. Singh, Head and Dean of
the Faculty of Law, emphasized the Pro Bono Club's commitment to serving the community
and bridging the gap between legal knowledge and action. Dr. Alok Kumar Yadav, Faculty In-
Charge of the Pro Bono Club, outlined the camp's agenda and expressed gratitude to the
esteemed speakers.
Esteemed Speakers Offered Valuable Guidance:

• Shailendra Singh Rajawat (Senior Advocate) engaged in direct dialogue with villagers,
understanding their legal concerns and offering tailored solutions.
• Prof. (Dr.) B.D. Singh (Head and Dean, Faculty of Law) advocated for peaceful dispute
resolution through conciliation agreements, promoting amicable settlements.
• Prof. (Dr.) Alok Kumar Yadav (Faculty In-Charge, Pro Bono Club) talked about rights
of the elderly peoples and the government schemes which they can claim.
• Dr. Anurag Kumar Srivastava (Ass. Prof.) provided insights on the permanent Lok
Adalat, empowering villagers to utilize it effectively.
• Dr. Rajeev Rathi (Ass. Prof.) addressed gender bias and women's empowerment,
highlighting their legal rights and fostering awareness.
• Mrs. Ruchi Gupta (Nayab Tehsildar, BKT, LKO) assure the villages to take action
against their trivial but necessaries problems.
• Mr. Manish Tiwari (Student Coordinator, Pro Bono Club) played a pivotal role in
connecting with the villagers. He provided a comprehensive overview of the Pro Bono
Club's various schemes and legal aid services, assuring them of unwavering support and
guidance whenever needed.

Sub-inspector Ram Dev Gupta and his team presence ensured the event's smooth conduct and
provided a sense of security for participants.
Problems that we discussed:

• Domestic Violence: Shri Santosh Ram Ji claimed that he along with his family falsely
accused of Domestic Violence by his wife and her family under Section 498A of IPC and
want Legal Assistance in this regard.
• Attempt to Murder: Shri Sajan Yadav claimed that one of his family members was charged
under Section 307 of IPC (punishment for attempt to murder) over a very small quarrel.
• Government Scheme: The villagers in the community are seeking information about
various government schemes, including the Vridha Pension, and are eager to learn how to
apply for them. One such person is Rashmi Ji, who is keen to understand the application
process in detail.
• Unlawful Acquisition of Land: Additionally, there are concerns about land matters that
some of the villagers are facing. For instance, Shrimati Kamla Devi is struggling with land
demarcation and unlawful acquisition issues, while Shri Shravan Kumar is involved in a
dispute with Shri Arun Singh regarding the ownership of forest land and is seeking legal
• ADR: Furthermore, several villagers are dealing with pending legal cases that seem to have
no end in sight. Shri Manoj Pal is one such individual who is looking for alternatives to
settle his problems.
• Irregularities in Official Records: Shri Sunil Kumar Yadav is concerned about having the
wrong name in official records, which is causing him difficulties while claiming for any
government benefits.
• Others: Apart from these, there are other issues that villagers are grappling with. Shri Lal
Singh Yadav filed the litigation regarding the 2011 B.Ed. TET, which has been pending in
Allahabad High Court for a long time. Shri Mohd. Arshad, on the other hand, is facing
problems with his electricity connection, which has led to much higher electricity bills than
usual, and he is demanding assistance in this regard.
The event's impact:

• Villagers gained valuable knowledge about their legal rights and available resources.
• Direct interaction with legal experts fostered trust and understanding of legal processes.
• Awareness of alternative dispute resolution methods like conciliation agreements was
• Female villagers were empowered by learning about their rights and avenues for seeking
• The Pro Bono Club established itself as a reliable source of legal aid for the community.

Overall, the legal awareness program was a resounding success, leaving a positive impact on
the Chanda Coder village community. By bridging the gap between legal knowledge and
accessibility, the Pro Bono Club is contributing to a more informed and empowered society.

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