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Wirrawandi Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC ABN 45 468 856 747 Annual Report - 30 June 2023 Wirawandi Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC Offers reper, S0dune 2023 “The offcersprosant their ropa, together with the nancial taterent, onthe incorporated associ forte oar ened officers ‘Tha owing persons were ofa of he ncrpraod association during the whol the nel yea nd upto the date ofthis report unos ethers sated ‘Alan Saw Robert tan Eteabetn Evans Boona chee Bona ‘Shandlle Goona Menaea Crowe Coin Coemos nor Cai Gretner Nathan Chrtaphers Shorty Sinclar Objectives ‘The srt tom objective of Wirawandi Aberinal Crpraion fo nceaseparipaton of is members. “Th longterm objective ito ensure nancial ustanabity. Strategy for achieving the objectives ‘Wvramand Aboriginal Corpraton tough is organlstonalstucture coring of Directors an Stal are commie to oni improve now we cots which s hy several ew aes lb precede RGM ng nt ember panpaon data, esa percentage of ace members win our community we hope te engage wth ‘urmembors ad suse oppotunsies fo remeve obstacles fo erease mambo psricpaton 5Y Stati Plan, proving our members view into th Principal actvitos Burr he rancal year te princpaconnuing ach of WAC were lo eslabish an offce based n Karaba for meter servers and suppot in Kava. {Esa asta structure of kilo persons to deve he equserans ofthe Corporation. 2 Coninue Negotatons Land Access Agreement wih Lecare 1 hop for Funaing grants to suppor nail the uncon ofthe Corpraion. Develop Sategi lan ‘The Caporaion measure is peornanee against papain of ts member, efecbve governance an corprale omplnce and the management fl associates agreements wih Indy Cn beta of te ofcers AL Tatian chrtopros Chaperon 16 February 2024 Karat Wirawandh Aboriginal Corporation RNTEC Content, $0.une 2023 Sttement of prot clos and ether erprahensve oame 3 ‘Sbterent of francis peetion 4 Stterentofchangos meaty Error Bookmark not dened ‘Stereo cosh tows A ‘eteete he fnancal taements : Oftcere dolrston 8 ‘dependant audtors pot the members of Wiraend Aboriginal Corporation RNTRC a General information “The nancial atoonts cover WirawarsAborinal Copporaton RNTEC a an nvval enti. The Francil statements are presented in Ausvalan dol, which fs Wrrewanat Aborginal Cororabone RTE nctonal and preseiaton \Weraansl Aboriginal Corporation RNTEC. is notforsrft ieorparaes asecciaion, Incaporaed and domes in ‘Astala. s egieteradoftee ana pina pce of busnaes ae Resistor office Principal place of busines Shop 50 Karatha Vilage ‘hop $0 Karatha Vilage 518 Shape Avenue Sc18 Sharpe Averuo Karate WAG? Katana 674 [A description ofthe nature of the incorpratedassoiaon’ operations and is pingpa acti are incudedin the lear ‘oper, whieh net parte rane stems. ‘The nancial statements wee authored for lave on 16 Fbruary 2026. \Wurawand Aboriginal Corporation RNTEC Statement of prof or loos and other comprehensive income Forthe yea ended 30 June 2023 Note 20232022 * . Revenue 3 sates 183616 Intros revenue 35 Expenses ‘Advertsing and promotion ea ‘adit and sccouring (35085) ‘Gommuniy suppor payment (2s0.000) Gana and lego oat (eaaass) Depreation (238) Enployee bens expense 4 (eons) seings and member expenses (aes76) Offes expenses 4 ‘ea712) (iter expenses (404 Total Experses {7o.s08) ——(ar2'3 ‘Surplus before income tax expense esr! 20968 Income tox expense ‘Surplus 10 eer! 20.988 (ther comprehensive income tho year, pt fax Total comprohonsve Income fo the year atibut Wirrawandl Aboriginal Corporation RNTEC sig671, __ «20,958 ‘The above siatoment of profess and other comprahonsive income shout be radi conkncon wit tho sccompanyng nats Wirrawandi Aboriginal Corporation RNTEC ‘Statomont of iancial postion, ‘Aeat30 Jone 2023 Note Assets Coron assets (Gach and cash equivalents 5 ‘rade an tor eceabies 8 Prepayments : ‘ots dent ssete Propet pat and equipment ° ‘Toei non canon assets Tota aesots Usbittios Curent ibitios “Trade and ote payables 8 Employao bones a UUneame core ‘0 ‘Ys sn 2 Toa curent abies Net assets Eauiy Retained supises 8 Total equty m2 sesso “374 31330 30 4.228617 45223 1.036, 38454 m2 ra1s08 Boras er o7.744 aa.207 Bars 701.866 594,096 saqane ‘The above ttement of franca positon shouldbe ead coneton iP De secenpanyng wate: Wirawand Aboriginal Corporation RNTEC Balance at July 2021 ‘Surplus ater incom tx expense forthe your (ter comprehensive nome or the yea, at of ax Total comprehence income forthe year alae a 20 June 2022 Batane att July 2022 ‘Supls ater income tax exponso forthe year (ther comprehensive mesma forte You, et fk “otal comprehensive income othe year Balance at 30 June 2029, Retained surpluses . 169997 420,958 504,004 nie671 eer 701.506 Tota equity : sea9s7 420,988 504,904 6674 1667 ‘Te above statement of changes n equity shoul be ead conunton wih be accompanying notes Wirawan Aboriginal Corporation RNTEC ‘Statement of eash flows Forte yoor endo 30 June 2023 ‘Gach fows from operating activities Receipts om cosorers grants and ther sources Irerest recone Payments to sepliers and employees Netcash om operating activites 6 Cash flows from investing activites Payment fr propery, plat and equipment : Neteath ved in investing actos Neteae fom francng aces Netincressein cash and cash equints [Cas and cash equates athe bepining of te franca year ‘ach and cath equivalents tthe ond of th financial oar 5 mm anne ° 3 2omsre 1781078, 62201) _.072 848) 44120656 riz “The atow statement of cash os shoud read connation wi the accomganyingretes ‘Wirawandi Aboriginal Corporation RNTEC Notes tothe nancial statements Sadun 2023 Note. Signicant accounting policies ‘The pineal accountng ples adopted inthe preparation ofthe nancial statoments are st cut below. These ples have bean conaltontyappitd alte year presented, ieee chor stated, Now or amended Accounting Standards and Interpretations adopted ‘Tha icrpoaies cesoiaton ha adopod the ew of amendes Accounting Standart ard Interpretatone sued by tho Alsvaon Acouring Standards Board (ASS) that are mano forthe erent eporng penod ‘Any naw ar amen Aeeuntng Standart attains ha ee nt yet manda have rot been ly adopted ‘Te sdopton ofthese Accountng Standards and interpretations at net have any siicent impact on the franca porlomance or postion ofthe ncotpraad associate, “Tho folowing Accounting Standards ad nerpetaon ee mot retevant othe incorporated action: \Sonceptua Framework for Financia Reporting (Concoptua Framewor) “The necrporated assocaton hes aspte he evsed Conceptual menor rom Juy 202, The Conceptual ramawore anlains new dfniton and rasognton ieia as wel ab aw uisanos on measurement tat fects several Accounting ‘Standout thas ot had a materi npect on the noepotaedssrocaton'stancal semen ‘AAS® 1000 Gonorl Purpose Finacial Statomont-Simpled Disloeues for Fort and NetforPrft Ter? Ents ‘ie incorporated sssoraion has adoped AGH 060 Yom 1 luly 202%. "he slander ones 8 now Tt 2 roporing framework wth srrpifesdlclosures thet ae based on the reqemeni of IFRS for SMe resuh theres erosend AIscosuren these franca statment kay management prsonnel arated pares, Basis of prparation These general purpose financial stoners hav been prepared n accordance vith he Austalan Accounting Sanders Sino Diclsursisuod by ne Austrian Accounting Standards Board (AASE)), the Austasan Chartes ard Nelo. pal Commission At 2072 Crporatons(Aborgnal and Tones Stat ane Act 206, he Vester Aus esto the Assocation ncrparaton At 016th Chanabe Colastons hc 14s (Wh and ausccatadreguatons a= appropri fer notion grt ofontes erties Histone! oe! convention ‘The facia statrents have been prepared undo the historia ost conveton Cite! socating estimates ‘The preparation ofthe ancialstatemonts requires the uso of caain cial accounting asinates, also requies| Imanageren to exefie fe jusgoment nthe procaes of apphig the ineaportedasroltartssccourng pote, The {res iohig a ner dean snot coin, ran wh atone arenas tsa ae Revenue recognition The heoipratedastocato ecogrige venue as flows: ‘Rovenve tom contacts wi customers Reverve is ecopnise a an smcunt hal reece the consideration to wich te incorporated attociton Ie expecta to be ‘ntl i exchange for Watering goose or seven fon customer For each conrect wih asstomar, he nooported ‘ssodaton wenties the contac wth a customer enti the performance obrgatone the sna dere the ‘Tenaacoon price wn taxes to sneaunt eames oF vanabieconserton ana te neva o ayaa the {Tonsacton pie the spate perarmance cgatonsonfetbas ofthe reise stand-alone seing pest asch tat {ood or soo to be dovetea and angie fev when os each performance Sbigaton i saised na arn {fot dalte the ranetarfothe customer fhe goods or serves promised Sale reve Evers notlsing end ales ae recognised when recdved or ecavbl, Donations Donate are recognised athe time the plage s made, ‘Wirawana Aboriginal Corporation RNTEC Notor to the fnanelal statements Sone 2023| Noto. significant accounting policies (continued) rants rant revere i ecogized in rater lass when the Incorporated association satis ‘stn the onde sprements tn permanceobigatone sates \ condtions are tached o te ant which must be sasted beer the Incorporatad aseclaon is lige to retain the "ono te grant wale erogned the slatament of taancal poston ass ably ul ose condone ae eat Intros Interest venue f recognised a neest acres using he eectve intrest method. This sa method of clei tho ‘snorted con ofa fnancal asset rd slong he intes acon ov he eevart pared usm th este areata, tie isthe rate that exo cecounts estimated taut cash recaps voughthe expected fe the tenia ase Mo ‘et arying amount of earl ae! her evenve ‘Otter even is ecopized when i rece or when the Hho Yeceve payne etablshod Votuntersavions ‘The inooernod association ha let nto recognise voureer sevoes kaha revenue rth form af cantibutlon ‘fosied Ar such, ay reed consomption or captaetion of wich resouess eceve i ls a ecopnis. ‘come tax Zs the incorporated ascociston ie chartabie ineftuton n toms of subsection 50.5 ofthe Ina Tax Assessment Act 4907, 35 amended is xorg Form paying eo ax ‘Current and non-current classification ‘Astis and abies ae presented te statement of ancl postion based on cent an no-curetclssiestion. ‘An asset is classed os curent when: is eter expectod to be realised o need to be sald oF consumed in the incrpeats associations narra oparaing oy shed pay forthe purpose of adng, is expected oe realizd ihn 12 monte afr the rept pao rhe assets cache ash oqalot unis restided from beng exchanged ‘rusede ctl sy for tas 12 mone ater to reprtng paid Allotorasets are assed ae non -uren ‘Allgbty classed a curent when: ts other expected fb sate nthe incorporated associations normal operating {je tela pany for the purpowo of Yeang: ts uo bo sett wn 12 rie ate reporting prog or here i'ma uncontnal right to dear he sotoment of he fabiy for teat 2 ments afr the repoting peros. ober Habiites sr classed we nomcurent. Deteed tx assets and lebites are aueys clasts as noncurent. Cesh and cash equivalents en ar eash ular nudes cosh on hand, posts eld tcl wth financial instuton, ober shor er, highly Ferd Svestmen th niga atts of hes morne or las het ra ena converte fo ocinpmovnts fh ed ‘sich are subject an isignacant i of changes inva Trade and other receivable (fhe easebes sre recognised a amrteed cot lees ay allowance for expected rat loses, Property plant and equipment Plant and equipments slated at histrcal cost ss accurstod dpreition and imosiment. stoial cot incdos fapentie thel sec strbuable to the acqusion ofthe toms. Ascats Under $8 00 are expenced 2s NCES and ‘no eaptatzed to propery plat ah eaipmant Wirrawandi Abosginal Corporation RNTEC Notes tothe nancial statements 530.Jone 2023 Noto 1. signticant accounting policies (continues) Depreciation i caculstod ona saighttne oss to wit af he net cost of each em of propa, lat and aqupant (scucng ang) overt expected usc ives flan Plant and ecuipment 32 yea Noto vohees years Offee eaurrent SSyear ‘a em of groper, pant and equient is derecognised upon disposal r when theres no fur acon Bnet othe Incorrated association. Gain and losses between the carylng amount andthe digpoeal proseess me taken Topo ot Impalement of nonsnancialassote Nopsnancalagets are rovowed fr inpsment whenever events or change in ckcuslances nica that he caning ‘mount may fol be recoverable. AN mparment oss 6 fecagnisod fo he amount by whe he esas caring aMeUN ‘heeds ronaverabie amount ‘Recoverabe amount isthe higher ofan assets fa value less costs of posal and value. The vale‘ isthe present vale af the estates fire cach flows relating othe ase! using sptaxdacout ate spect fo Io ose oF {ssh generating un fo whch the aset Belongs. Asses tal do ot have ndapendent ash oe ae grupos tagohe ‘orm a cash-geneating nt Trade and eter payabios ‘These amu represent ibis for goods and serves provided othe incorporated asscciton proto the en of the fnancal year and wnien are vnpaié. Due to het shore naute thay are Measuted al anorieed cost ard me Not (Ascouned The aris are unsure ands uy pad win 0 days of eeagnion Contract abies Contac abies represent the incorporated astoriaton’ obigation to ansfer goods or sevoes to a custome and are ‘recognised whens customer pays canederaton, or when the ncrperatd associon racognsne a ecsvable ole ts Ueanatonal ight cairn (ahicheve i are tare the ncerporaed earache arsed the goods or Employee Benes ‘Shorttam employee benefits LUsbites for wages and sis, including on monetary Benefits, annua leave and long eave eave expected fo be Settes wnely win 12 month ofthe epating date are measured a ho aroun expected tobe pad whet he lables rote thor iongtem empoya0benatts “no tty for anal ae sued a the preset value expected fre payments o be Made i Yespect of serves provided by eelayees Jp 0 poring dato using the pected unt ced methos Conieraon sian fo expected tre wage and salary eel, txporencs ef omployoe dpaties and pelos of serie Expect fre paymats at Secaied ung mal Yl st {baroprig ct on natn govern bonds witht ott and caren Wt ach as Caso pore, the etre contbuon superannuation expense Cntibuens to denos carton superannuation plans ae expenses in te period in which trey are incur Fair value measurement ‘hon an astro abit, fnacll ornonrancl, is measured ata vate for ocogion or decosue purpose ‘ale is based onthe pie that woud be ecsved to al an saul cr pald fo ante a hay hn ener Waneaclon eewoon market partcpars alte measutemor deo; assumes thal he ansacton wilt saca eer nth prin market or nthe sbeonce of prncpal aa, the ost advanlageous markt. \Wieawandi Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC Notes tothe nancial statements Sodune 2023 ‘Note 1. sigaileant accounting policies (continued) Fer value measured using the assumptions that mae parkpsnts wuld use when pking heassotor aby. assuming {ney at nthe economic beat irene For nov traneal sels, He fa valve Nacsuramert based ont highest and best use, VaustonTecmigve tat ar appropiate n he ceurtenees and for whch suicent data are avaiable fo Imesaue far value, ae sod, mseising he uve relevant observe mpus end mteniing he Use OF unbeerable Ings ‘Goods and Services Tox (O81) and othor sini taxes Revenue, expenses and sssel ae recognised net ofthe amount of astocled GST, unlss the GST incured fs not Tecoverble am he tax autorty i hs cane esogniced aa prt te cost he aoquaten the ast o spat of the expense Receivables and payeles are stated incusve ofthe amount of GST reetabe ar payable. The net amount of GST Fecoverable omar payable tothe fax suhorty nce in ler Yocowables a eer parables inte elatemont of franc postion ‘cash fows ere presented on a rss basis, The GST componens of cash flows ang fom investing or faancng actives ‘si ae recoverable payable tothe ax anor, ae presented ae operating cath Nova ‘Commitments and contngencis ae closed net of he amount of GST recoverable om peat othe ox authriy Note 2. Cle! accounting gements estimates and assumptions “The preparation of he financial statements requires management to make judgements, estmsts and assumptions that “ect th report amounts inthe nari ements Management coanualy evauas fs udpererts and estes ‘ation to sates, taoiies,cotinget ints, revenue an expensea, Management bases fs adporen estimates and “Stsumgtene on hetrsal exper and on ofer various tact, neudng expectations of eure avers, management iowa tobe reasonaie uncer tne creumetances. The Yesting aeouning juagments and etretes wi sadam Ol te lated actual eaute, The judgements. estimates and sumptions tha have a sigifeat ok of easing a mate "susan fo he caryng amounts seis and ibis (fort the especie ries) itn the next franca! Year are Corona (COvID-1) pandemic Tinmant ha han anriend mn cnaieing the epaci hat he Covonadnus(COVID-19) panda has ed. ot may hve ‘nie ncrpratd asaocaton based on known formation This eonadertion etands tote atu of he prow od “loco ela, customers. siply cha, safing nnd gegraphe regions n whch the ncerpouted association operates. ‘ine than as sdresaea In epectioneee thre Goes rot coe peat tobe eter ary fear pact upon the franca slaemans or any sghfeant uncetaiis wth respec to even of conditon whch ray eect he ncaported ‘Stoosiatonunavoursy eet he raping doe or subeequonty ae areut othe Cofenavius COVIO-10) pensar Estimation of ust esa asso {The ooporsed easccaton delemines the estimated uri es and related dopecaton and amorisaton charges fois ‘per, plant and equant and fie I mtangble sects. Theses! es could change ages ax @fsut of ‘echnl motions e some cher vert. The depreston ans amerteaton charge il erase where ne Use hes ‘és han prevausyeeenatad Iva, ortachncalycbelteorrontatge asses tat have bean abatacned or Sld vil ovr fo wten down lngaienl of no fnancal asa ain han good and ane indefinite angie assets “The ncoporsed stsocaton seseeses parent of non-inaneal assets ter than goosul and other inte He ‘Manabe ssets each apartng date by avian condor spec te earportedsegabon arate epatular ‘Seta ay lead fo Inpanet an mosimen ager ext the recovers amount fe stats deterned. Ths Fotos fa eles cst of apocs r vawosn-ise cleo, whic corporate © nunbe ef ay esumates ahd ssoumptens. Enploye dont proviso [Assessed nn he lab for employee beneis expected to be sated move than 12 moh fram he repartng th re recoghined and measured atte preset valve of th esrated flue ash flows lobe mada f respect of a tployocs the eparing da. determining the precet ve ofthe fab, estates of ston ales and py ete through peometen ava wfaton nave been taken io account Wirawandi Aboriginal Corporation RNTEC Notes toto nancial statements 3062023 Note 3, Rovenve Revenue fram contacts with customers Programs and royal eam Suny and oer sree neome tterrevanve Donations rans thor come Revenue Disaggregation of evonue ‘The disaggregation of evenue fom contacts wih customer ita fotos oomaphica regions uta ‘Surphis before come taxinchdes the folowing pact expenses: Employee benefits expanse "apes in! eave entrants Dietrfooe ‘Superanton ITmaintonsnoe and sofware (Orfos equpment cl Rrawace unde $k Phone and internet ‘Nother expenses Note 6. Currnt assets -cash and cash equvaents Cash aban siszz2 12400 640.700, __g0e.164 ‘958,002 —Tst0 064 03772 2622 37.0 J +is17996 1993616 maa . $ 017695 1.209016, mo . . 707 610820 ‘38200 “29,000, ‘e407 54388 Tarot Bose ase seu 25.85 Soa Rito aoa 5288 7488 Neo "00 e270 13508 229 test mz . $ sxzoeso 711,24 Wirawana Aboriginal Corporation RNTEC Notes to the nancial statersets Save 2023| Note 6. Current assets trade and other ecelvables ne) . . Trade debe toa 2or43 Noto 7, Currant assats other fancil assats ms aan $ s Prepayments srs srs "Note. Non-currnt asses property. plant and equipment . . Uses Aerated dapreiaton ein “an S00 2a? econiiations Recanilatons of te rien dm vale the begining an en fhe curent inne year re set ut below vonies Toa ° 3 ‘Balance ett Juy 2022 290729877 aan a2 8.820 ‘eprecaton expense 436 ___ en ‘Balance 30 June 2025 31390, __31,190 i other payables mn $ $ ‘rade caters sora 247701 GStpayaie gos “16884 Superannuation payable tose 18757 Pave wmtnoksng Payable 51305, Roar expences m8 sore. e03__ saz Pinnaclo Incorporated Assocation Simplied Disclosures Notes tothe financial statements 30 une 2022| Note 10, Current ables - contract ables ms wn . Note 11, Current abilities -employee benefits mow . ° ‘Annual eave provision 190% ata, Note 12, correction af error Por year coreton o 3027 tnancal yer. income wat included or Royalypayents which stout have been ince fa2Vit Trste neome, ‘This ono as boen crete by recoding the Royal Income to he YM Trust can. Line emf he ror perio a fll: Balance Sheet zon Increase (Decrease) 2022 Restated Curent tits Yat TustLoan 0 60,700 60,708 Progam and Royalyincane 673.599 (60,700) 2830 mw . ° Retained suluser tthe beginning of the nancial ve sesaoe — teaanr Stipe after ncome tx oxponaoforthe year Meer! 420.ssa Retained surplus athe end ofthe acl yar 7o1ses __seasou \Wirawand Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC Notos oth nancial statements Sostune 2022 Noto 14. Key management porsonnal disclosures Compensation ‘Tha aggregate compensaton made to ofcers and ober members of key management pero! ofthe incorporated {szoraion set out blow ‘Agrogstecompansaton Nate 15. Cash Now infomation 200 Reconelton of cash flows rom operating aetites with profit 5 ‘Surplus (day om onary ates weer Asjustment fo: Depreciation ana impsiment oer (Changes in assets and bites: (iereae) decrease nade and term bios 197420 (increas) doreate ee sete (sara) Irerense/(Sereace) payables aaast) Inereaes (scree) aves payables ‘ea? Ireease/(secreee) mn powsone woe Increase (scree) teamed Income 35458 Irerease[ectease) nan 282.887 146.53 a s 420958 208 140540) 225.696 Sen aoe 60,700, Note 16. Contingent bites ‘The incorporate asscclaton had no contingent abies ast 30 June 2023 and 30 June 2022 Note 17, Commitments ‘The incorporated essosaton must provide reports fr payment approve fr expan a 30 June 2025 and 30 June 2022 Pinnace Incorporated Assocation Simplified Disclosures ‘Nats te th financial statements ‘Note 1, Related party transactions ey management personel idoaures lating to Key management personnel are se oi in not 16. Transactions wah related parties ‘There wera no ansactons wih elated pares dug he cuenta provous fan yet, ‘heron anna enn mae pyle patina he cron ond rina Loans tao related partes “hare ware no oar oo fem rested pari atthe curent and previous epating date Note 19, Events aftr the reporting period No thar mater orckcunstance has arisen since 20 June 2029 hat has sgnfcantyafecte, ct may alan atthe Incorporate associaon's operations the Ysuts of tate operaior, ortho cotorated asialons stale of afar future nancial yeas \Wirawandi Aborigine! Corporation RNTEC Into ofa epron: 1+ the tached nancial statement and nla compl withthe Ausvalan Accounting lands - Simplified Disclosures, {he Austin Chettes end Notorprfs Commission Ac, Crpratons (Abarigal apd Torres Sa sande ek 2009, the Westam Avs tglaton te Ascoli Icoxportion Ac 2015, te Charale Coleco Act 1940 {Wa and sesocted eglton + thesttaches inane statement and nots glee rue and a view ofthe norporaadasscisions racial positon 55a 30 une 2025 ae oft pevlrmance fr he transl yer endo on that date and “+ here a reasonable grounds to beleve hat the corporat association wb ble payits debts a ae when they become due and payie, Onbehal ofthe oes ee ation Cistonhers Calman ‘6 February 2004 Korat \Wirrawandl Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC Indopendontaudltors report tothe momnbers of Pinnacle Incorporated Association Simplfiod Disclosures [Th page hes ietetnaly ben et blank for he insertion of age one ofthe indepencet suds pont \Wirrawand Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC Independent auditor's repr tothe members of Pinnacle Incorporated Associaton Simplifed Diclosu [This page hss intentional boon lef bank oth insetin of pape ho fhe independent audio’ spor

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