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Bharat Operating System

Bharat Operating System Solution
A. Built In Applications
1. Anti-virus Not required
2. Open office is equivalent to MS Office
Writer (word processor)
Calc (Execel)
Impress (Power Point)
Draw (Paint Brush)
Base (Access)
Math (Formula editor)
3. GNU Image Mainuplation program is equivalent to
4. XPDF is equivalent to Adobe reader
Bharat Operating System Solution
B. Built in Accessories & Tools
1. All chat messenger Client Software
2. BOSS available in many Indian languages
3. WinZip
4. 3D Desktop
5. DVD writer software
C. Internet Tools( Ekiga,Pipgin,Iceweasel web browser)
D. Other Disc Mentanance
1. User Friendly Graphical Installer
2. Smart Common Input Method
3. Multimedia support
4. Auto mounting of all Hard disk partitions
To Use Internet
• First go to application there you will find an option internet.

• At internet you will find a option Iceweasel Web Browser which is

use for browsing same as Firefox/IE.

• If you move to Evolution Mail it is use for mail client (Outlook).

• For remote desktop you can go to the option remote desktop

To Use Aplication
• First go to application there you will find a option graphic.

• At graphic you will find document viewer which is used as Adobe


• Next if you move to F-spot photo manager it is use for photo

manager .

• Next if you move to GNU Image Manipulation Program it is use as

photo editor(Adobe Photoshop).

• Next if you move to GNU Paint it is use as Paint brush.

• Next if you move to PDF Editor it is use for editing PDF

To Use System Hard device
• First go to System there you will find a option Preferences.

• At Preferences you will find 3D Acceleration which is used as

Graphic Card Related Option.

• Next if you move towards Appearance it includes Desktop

properties like wallpaper, toolbar etc.

• Next if you move to Compizconfig setting Manager it is used as

Compizfision (Config.Of Rotating desktop).

• Next if you move towards SCIM Input Method Setup it is used for
handling different Character Sets.
To Use CD/DVD Creator
•First go to Places.

•At Places you will find a option Home Folder it is same as My

Documents in Windows.

•After that if you move towards Computer it includes List of

Different Storage Devices Connected to the System.

•Next if you move to CD/DVD Creator it is used as CD/DVD Burner

To Use Office
• First go to application there you will find a option Office.

•At Office you will find Contacts which is Same as Address Book.

•Next if you move to Evolution it is used for Mail Client (Out Look).

•Next if you move to 3.0 Base used as Ms Access (Data Base).

•Next if you move towards 3.0 Cafe it is same as Ms Excel

(Spread Sheet).

•After that there is 3.0 Draw it is used for CorelDraw.

•Next there is 3.0 Impress Which is same as Ms Power Point


•And at last there is 3.0 Writer Which is same as Ward Editor
(Ms Ward).
Configuration of BOSS Components
Network Configuration
• Prerequesites
If DHCP – your IP will be automatically configured
If Static IP,
- Find out your IP address from your Network Administrator. It will be
in the form of[x].
- And, your Gateway Address.
Simple steps for network configuration:
Go to System -> Administration -> Networking.
Select the type of connection ie., Ethernet or Wifi or modem.
Set the IP address, Gateway etc.. (or) DHCP.
Configuration of BOSS Components
Printer Configuration
• Steps for Printer Configuration
Go to System -> Administration -> Printing and Double Click on New
Select the Network Printer , select the type of the printer and enter
the IP address, click “Forward”.
Select the Printer Model, click “Apply” .

To make it as Default Printer

Right click on the printer configured and select “Make Default”
Configuration of BOSS Components
Mail Client

Mail Client is a program that is used to send and receive emails.

One of the famous e-mail client is Icedove.
To start Icedove choose Applications -> Internet -> Icedove Mail
Select the type of account click “Next”.
On the next screen, enter the Email account details.
Specify the incoming and outgoing server information
Enter the name by which you would like to refer the account
A screen showing the account information appears. Click “Finish”
to save these settings and exit the account wizard.
Bluetooth provides a way to connect and exchange information
between devices such as mobile phones, laptops, PCs
Transfer data from your PC to other external device(a device that
supports bluetooth).
Activate bluetooth in both the PC and the external device.
Right­click on the file you want to send through bluetooth and
select “Sent to...”.
A window appears. In “Sent to” select the device to which you
want to transfer the file.
Transfer data from external device(a device that supports bluetooth)
to your PC.
External device will detect your PC as 'boss­0' (scan it)
Send file from your device using bluetooth.
In your PC , Accept request from your device.
Data will be in your $HOME folder.
The OpenOffice package contains a set of applications for performing a
number of tasks like word processing, spread sheet, etc.
BharateeyaOO is a project to enable Indian languages support in
The BharateeyaOO suite is the customized version of Open Office, with all
the menus, status bars etc., localized for Indian languages.
Languages supported - Gujarati, Hindi, Kannada, Malayalam, Marathi,
Oriya, Punjabi, Tamil, Telugu and Urdu.
Smart Common Input Method(SCIM) provides an user friendly
interface using which the input method can be changed.
How to use SCIM?
Open text editor(gedit) or any application.
Type control+space bar to invoke notification icon on task bar.
It will show toggle bar in all languages
Select language in which you want to type
Now you can start typing in the selected language
Plug the scanner to your PC
Choose Applications -> Graphics -> Xsane Image Scanning Program
The scanner will be detected and the images can be scanned now.
If your scanner drivers are not already present in BOSS
GNU/Linux then you can download them from the link
http://www.sane­­mfgs.html and install the drivers.
The steps for installation are mentioned in the software itself.
Burning CDs & DVDs
GnomeBaker(Gnome) and K3b(KDE) are the CD/DVD burning
applications that come with BOSS 3.0
Creating a data CD/DVD
Creating an audio CD
Copying a data CD/DVD
Copying an audio CD
Blanking CD-RW
Burning an ISO image
In addition K3b also supports multisession, Creation of Video CD/DVD
Protecting Data from Unauthorized
GNU Privacy Guard (GnuPG) allows you to encrypt, decrypt, sign, and
verify communications and data, as well as create and manage the
keys needed for these tasks.
Seahorse provides a front end to many of the features of Gnu Privacy
Guard (GPG) and integrates with multiple components of the GNOME
To create keys choose Applications -> Accessories -> Password and
Encryption Keys
Creating Keys
Choose Key ­> Create Key Pair
Select PGP Key and click “Continue”
Enter your full name, your e­mail address and any additional
Protecting Data from Unauthorized
Text Editor
Seahorse installs a plugin for gEdit that allows you to encrypt,
decrypt, sign, and verify plain text.
To enable the GnuGP plugin for gEdit, choose Preferences from the
Edit menu.
Go to the Plugins tab, select the Text Encryption plugin, and click
Then you can select the text you want to encrypt, decrypt, or sign
and choose the encryption option from Edit menu.
Once done, you can copy and paste your encrypted or signed text to
other applications.
To decrypt open the file and choose Edit -> Decrypt/Verify
Protecting Data from Unauthorized
File Manager
Menu Items for encryption can be found both under the Nautilus
Edit menu and in the context menu when you right-click on a file or
To use them, select the files or folders you want to encrypt and
select Edit -> Encrypt.
GnuPG will create a new file with a .pgp extension for any files you
Your original, unencrypted file will remain unencrypted.
To decrypt a file with a .pgp extension, right-click on it and select
Open with Decrypt File.
Chat Applications
• Joining a channel
By default BOSS Server will be connected to BOSS­nrcfoss channel. If the
channel is not specified by default a dialog will pop­up asking you enter
the channel to join.

If you know the name of the channel, type the channel name e.g. #BOSS­
nrcfoss (IRC channels usually begin with a hash symbol), and click
If you don't know the channel name, click “Retrieve Channel list...”, this
will open a window and list all the possible channels on this network.
Chat Applications
Once you've selected a channel, XChat should join it for you and you
can start chatting by typing the queries in the text box at the
bottom of the window.
Onscreen Keyboard & Orca
Onscreen Keyboard
Onscreen Keyboard is an application that displays a floating
keyboard on the computer screen.
Onscreen Keyboard is the other way which allows you to type in
your native language and create your documentations, mails etc.
Start the Onscreen Keyboard through Applications ­> Accessories ­>
OnScreen Keyboard
Select the language from, “Languages” menu.
open any of your favorite editor, and start typing
Accessibility Tools
Orca(The screen Reader) is an assistive technology for people with
visual impairments.
Special Purpose Tools
BOSS Bulk Document Converter
This converter allows you to convert a group of documents of one
format to other format like doc to pdf, doc to html etc.,
BOSS Presentation Tool
BOSS Presentation tool is a simple presentation program that
displays slideshows of image files, PDF or PPT or PPS or ODP
3D Desktop
Compiz-fusion is the 3D Desktop that comes with BOSS 3.0(tejas).
3D­Desktop is an application for switching virtual desktops in a
seamless 3­dimensional manner on Linux.
Customizing Application Names
Users new to BOSS might have previously used some other
operating systems.
Some of the applications in BOSS are similar to that in the previously
used OS but the name of the application differs.
Users may find some difficulty in remembering two names for the
same application.
BOSS gives the users a feature to change the application name so
that users can give their own name to the application.

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