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Engineering Orientation – EE1205

Instructor: Nguyễn Quang Nam

Name Student ID Number

Nguyễn Ngọc Cát Tường 2051025
Phan Hoàng Phương 2351062
Đỗ Thị Như Huỳnh 2311279

Thành phố Hồ Chí Minh – Ngày 21 tháng 6 năm 2024


I. FRDPARRC TABLE.....................................................................................................................3

II. Decision matrix for selecting the block diagram of the

product............................................................................................................................................................................. 5

III. Mind map for one discussion...............................................................................................6

IV. Solving a problem with six thinking hats method...................................7

V. Fishbone diagram to determine possible causes of product

failure................................................................................................................................................................................. 8

VI. Decision matrix to select one component in your product...........9

VII. Case Analysis for Gifts from a Supplier.............................................................10

Page | 2


FR (Function DP (Design A (Analysis) R (References) R (Risk) C

Requirements) Parameters) (Countermeasur

Bluetooth ❖ An Arduino Maximum https:// Losing Measure the

Controller UNO R3 power of the connection delay, replace
DIP motors is 1,2 W how-to-make- materials if it is
diy-arduino- High latency necessary
bluetooth- between car and
❖ A Motor Output power of control-car-at- phone
shield driver the board is home-with-
L293D. 25W arduino-uno-
❖ Four DC driver-hc-05/
plastic gear


Page | 3
Electricity ❖ A battery The capacity of: https:// Out of battery Measure
tray www.allaboutci batteries’
18650x2 One 18650 Low voltage voltage by
❖ Two 18650 battery is 1200 electronic- VOM
batteries mAh components/
❖ A 9V battery datasheet/
The maximum
and tray INR18650-
voltage of:
One 9V battery
is 9V
One 18650
battery is 4,2V

Construction ❖ A sheet of Wheel radius: https://material- Car Re-design and

Polypropyle 32.5mm construction re-planning
ne foam polypropylene- may not materials’
❖ Four wheels. foam/ sustainable positions.


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II. Decision matrix for selecting the block diagram of the product

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III. Mind map for one discussion

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IV. Solving a problem with six thinking hats method

White hat (Facts and information) - Bluetooth communication protocols

and decide on one that ensures stable
and secure connection.
- The Arduino can serve as the brain of
the self-controlled bike, processing
inputs from various sensors and
controlling outputs to actuators.
Red hat Feelings and emotions - Consider the intuitive responses
users might have to different control
- Get excited about the new innovation
Black hat Critical judgment - Consider potential safety risks and
develop mitigation strategies.
- Evaluate the reliability of
components under different
environmental conditions.
Yellow hat Optimism & Benefits - Enhanced User Experience: Hands-
free control and automatic
adjustments for user convenience
- Technological Integration: Potential
to integrate with smart city
infrastructure, such as connected
traffic systems.
Green hat Creativity & Alternatives - Explore alternative methods of user
interaction, such as voice commands
or smartphone apps
- Think about integration with other
smart devices or IoT systems for
enhanced functionality.
- Recreational Use: Provides a fun and
enjoyable way to explore outdoors.
Blue hat Process control - Set up regular team meetings to
review progress and address
- Establish a testing and quality
assurance to complete the vehicle

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V. Fishbone diagram to determine possible causes of product failure

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VI. Decision matrix to select one component in your product

Frame Durability Lightness Economically Popularity Total
PP foam 4 5 5 5 19

Plastic 4 3 4 5 16
Steel 5 3 3 4 15
Aluminum 5 4 3 4 16

Page | 9
Titanium 5 2 2 3 12
Carbon fiber 5 5 0 1 11

VII. Case Analysis for Gifts from a Supplier

I. Context and Ethical Dilemma

Scott Bennett, an engineer at Upscale Company, is responsible for dealing with

vendors who supply parts to the company. Larry Newman, a sales representative from
one of these vendors, is in the same golf league as Scott. During a golf game, Scott
mentions his upcoming vacation in Florida, and Larry offers to check if his uncle’s
condo is available for Scott at a moderate rental cost.

Ethical Issues:

1. Conflict of Interest: Scott’s acceptance of the condo offer could be perceived as a

conflict of interest. Larry, as a vendor representative, has a vested interest in
maintaining a favorable relationship with Scott to benefit his business dealings with
Upscale Company.

2. Perception of Bribery: Even though the offer is framed as a favor, it could be

construed as a form of bribery, where Larry might expect preferential treatment from
Scott in return for the discounted accommodation.

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3. Professional Integrity: Scott needs to consider the impact of his actions on his
professional integrity and the trust placed in him by Upscale Company.

What Should Scott Say?

Scott should politely decline the offer. He can express gratitude for Larry’s generosity
but explain that accepting such favors might create a conflict of interest or the
appearance of impropriety, which he wishes to avoid.

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II. Acceptance of the Condo Offer and New Company Policy

Scott accepts Larry’s offer to rent the condo for $100 a week, justifying it by Larry's
explanation that his uncle prefers renting to reliable people rather than strangers.
However, just before Scott’s vacation, Upscale's vice president issues a new policy
prohibiting acceptance of incentives from vendors.

Ethical Issues:

1. Adherence to Company Policy: The new policy explicitly prohibits accepting

incentives from vendors, which includes the condo offer. Scott is now in violation of
this policy.

2. Retrospective Application of Policy: While the policy came into effect after Scott
accepted the offer, adhering to the spirit of the policy is crucial to maintaining ethical

What Should Scott Do?

Scott should inform Larry that he can no longer proceed with the rental arrangement
due to the new company policy. He should either find alternative accommodations or
pay the market rate for the condo to ensure no preferential treatment is perceived.

Discussion Points for Presentation

1. Define the Ethical Issues:

- Explain conflict of interest and the importance of maintaining professional


- Discuss how accepting gifts or favors can impact business decisions and

2. Analyze the Situation:

- Detail the initial offer and Scott’s potential responses.

- Examine the implications of the new company policy on Scott’s decision.

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3. Possible Actions and Recommendations:

- Initially declining the offer to avoid any conflict of interest.

- Upon accepting, reassessing the situation in light of the new policy.

- Communicating openly and honestly with Larry about the change in circumstances
and adhering to company policy.

4. Long-Term Considerations:

- Emphasize the importance of setting a precedent for ethical behavior.

- Consider how such decisions can affect Scott’s reputation and the company’s

By addressing these points, you can provide a comprehensive analysis of the ethical
dilemmas faced by Scott and the appropriate actions he should take to uphold ethical
standards in his professional role

Table 1: Analysis of Declining the Condo Offer from the Supplier

Solution Legality Ethics

Decline the This action is legal. There are According to the ASME Code
condo offer no laws preventing Scott from of Ethics, engineers should
from the declining the condo offer from avoid accepting favors that
supplier the supplier. could create conflicts of
interest. Declining helps
maintain integrity.

Accept the This action may be legal, but it Accepting the favor can be
condo offer could violate company policy if considered unethical if it leads
from the there are regulations against to a conflict of interest or
supplier accepting incentives from influences Scott's business
suppliers. decisions.

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Table 2: Analysis of Adhering to the New Company Policy

Solution Legality Ethics

Cancel the condo This action is legal and According to the ASME Code
rental agreement complies with company of Ethics, complying with
due to the new policy. company policy and avoiding
company policy favors is the right action,
protecting Scott's integrity and

Continue renting This action violates Non-compliance with the new

the condo despite company policy and could company policy can be
the new policy result in legal considered unethical as it shows
consequences or a lack of respect for company
disciplinary action. regulations and may harm
Scott's reputation.

Summary Table

Legal Illegal

Ethical Decline the condo offer Cancel the condo rental agreement
from the supplier due to the new company policy

Unethical Accept the condo offer Continue renting the condo despite
from the supplier the new policy

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